The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 150 The flawless golden elixir is completed, acquaintances gather together, Murong Tian’s ob

After Lin Changsheng swallowed the fourth drop of jasper spiritual essence, he found that the shadow of the golden elixir in his dantian did not increase from the size of an egg to larger.


In that golden elixir is golden color.

Three lines appeared on it, one fiery red, like a flame, one golden stripe, and one cyan stripe!

"I hope that swallowing this golden elixir will condense my golden elixir!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the shadow of the golden egg floating in his dantian and thought to himself.

He reached out and touched the storage bag, and instantly, the Golden Plastic Pill appeared in his hand.

Lin Changsheng took a deep look at the Golden Plastic Pill in his hand, raised his head and threw it into his mouth!


The moment the Golden Plastic Pill entered the mouth, it turned into a cold medicinal power that swept through Lin Changsheng's limbs and bones. This medicinal power seemed to carry an electric current to stimulate Lin Changsheng's potential!

this moment.

Lin Changsheng felt golden lights flashing in his mind. These golden lights scattered into dots of light, nourishing his body, strengthening his spiritual thoughts and soul, and the eight extraordinary meridians!

Make his spiritual thoughts tougher and stronger, his meridians tougher, and his bones stronger!

Lin Changsheng quickly ran the Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul Suppressing Technique, sorting out this golden light and the majestic magic power in his body, constantly circulating it around the sky, and finally returned to the shadow of the Golden Pill in Dantian.

As Lin Changsheng used the Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul Suppressing Technique, the mana in his body and the medicinal power of the Golden Plastic Pill entered the Golden Pill in his Dantian little by little.

The golden elixir trembled in the dantian space, and terrifying mana emitted from the surrounding area.

At the same time, the shadow of the golden elixir in Lin Changsheng's dantian gradually solidified into an elixir!

In the dantian, a circle of rotation will emit a terrifying wave of mana!

at the same time.

Because Lin Changsheng used the Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul Suppressing Technique to condense his magic power, all the magic power in his eight meridians and even his Dantian penetrated into the golden pill that was gradually taking shape. The size of the golden pill did not change, but the golden color on it was Gradually deepen.

It looks even more dazzling!

Lin Changsheng continued to use the Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul Suppressing Technique to condense the majestic magic power in his dantian and enrich his Golden Pill.


Lin Changsheng discovered that the golden elixir in his body had become free of impurities due to the absorption of the golden elixir. Its appearance was exquisite and translucent, with golden light shining everywhere.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Taixu Hall, Jindan District, beside Linghuan Pond.

There are nearly a thousand monks sitting cross-legged, including more than 100 Jindan monks and more than 800 foundation-building monks.

Many monks surrounded the spiritual marrow pool and practiced silently.

It is worth mentioning that.

Many talented people at the peak of foundation building have condensed golden elixirs here!

Among them are Saint Beimu, Shi Hao from the Golden Talisman Immortal Sect, Bu Tianzhi from the new generation of Yin Yang Palace, Wan Wushuang, the genius from the Demon Sect, Nie Xiangyuan from the Corpse King Sect, and others!

"Finally the golden elixir is condensed!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the golden elixir as big as an egg in his dantian, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes. At the same time, an extremely powerful and majestic aura spread from his body.

"I didn't expect that I would be able to open up a hundred miles of sea of ​​consciousness in the golden elixir stage. truly a divine refining technique!"

Lin Changsheng felt the powerful spiritual consciousness and the hundred-mile sea of ​​consciousness opened up in his mind, and his eyes showed shock.

At the peak of the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness covered an area of ​​1,100 miles!


His consciousness has increased tenfold and can cover an area of ​​thousands of miles!

Moreover, it opened up a hundred miles of sea of ​​consciousness!

According to what he knew from the sect's classics, it was generally possible to open up the sea of ​​​​consciousness at the Nascent Soul stage.

However, I don’t know how much other people in the Yuanying stage have opened up the sea of ​​consciousness. After all, he was in the Liuyun Immortal Sect and did not go up to the two floors of the Sutra Pavilion to build the foundation stage and the Golden Core stage. As for matters in the Yuanying stage, he was have no idea.

"Is this the flawless golden elixir?"

Lin Changsheng feels that his current body is extremely light and agile, and he can run the Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul Suppressing Art very quickly. His magic power is running at least a hundred times faster than before!

"Hey, why don't I call Murong Tian out and ask?"

Lin Changsheng's heart moved, and he thought of someone.

It was Murong Tian who was refined into 100,000 Soul Refining Flags by him. This man was the sect's young genius, and he was a figure of the same era as Su Changkong, the leader of Liuyun Immortal Sect.

He must know.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand, and the 100,000 Soul Refining Flag appeared in his hand. He entered it with a magic weapon. Suddenly, a thin soul shadow floated in front of him.

"Junior Murong Tian, ​​I have met my senior!"

The moment Murong Tian appeared, he clasped his fists respectfully at Lin Changsheng.

"Murong Tian, ​​let me ask you, do you know how wide the sea of ​​consciousness can be after a monk advances to the Nascent Soul stage?" Lin Changsheng looked at Murong Tian and asked.

"Returning to the seniors, I have read in the sect's classics that after a monk advances to the Nascent Soul stage, he will open up a sea of ​​consciousness. The size of the sea of ​​consciousness is determined based on the monk's spiritual consciousness. Under normal circumstances, the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness is within Hundreds of miles range.”

Murong Tian bowed and clasped his fists and said.

Suddenly, his expression froze, his eyes widened with horror, and he said. "Senior, could it be that you..."

Murong Tian knew in his heart that opening up the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness usually only opened after the cultivation level has advanced to the Nascent Soul stage. Senior Lin Changsheng asked this, is it impossible that he has already advanced to the Nascent Soul stage?

He remembered that the senior was still at the 7th level of the Foundation Establishment Stage not long ago. How could he advance to the Nascent Soul Stage so quickly?

"It's not that exaggerated. I just broke through the golden elixir, but opened up a hundred miles of sea of ​​consciousness, so I just want to ask you!"

Lin Changsheng said calmly.

"Senior, do you mean to say that you broke through the golden elixir and opened up a hundred miles of sea of ​​consciousness?"

After hearing Lin Changsheng's words, Murong Tianmuran's eyes widened with disbelief.

"Well, I don't know either, so I asked you to ask!"

Lin Changsheng nodded and said.

"Congratulations, senior, for breaking through the golden elixir in cultivation and taking your cultivation to a higher level!"

"The spiritual consciousness in the early stage of the golden elixir is comparable to that of the Nascent Soul stage. The talent of the seniors is probably incomparable to Jiang Yukun, the strongest golden elixir more than 300 years ago!"

Murong Tian's soul clasped his fist respectfully at Lin Changsheng.

At this moment, his heart was in turmoil.

"Huh? So many acquaintances from the Foundation Establishment Area are here?"

Lin Changsheng's powerful spiritual consciousness suddenly swept away, covering thousands of miles around the Jindan District. He found that many of his acquaintances appeared above his spiritual veins and beside the spiritual marrow pool!

Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian, Fu Qingyu, Tu Yunfei, and Mu Yunfeng are all here!

What surprised him even more was that the girl in purple who was spanked by him in a secular hookup in the Southern Immortal Realm was actually here and had already condensed the golden elixir!

"Cao De, this guy actually condensed golden elixir? Is he so fast?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes flickered, and he discovered that the short-bearded man Cao De, who he met before and liked other people's wives, was actually sitting cross-legged and practicing beside the Spiritual Essence Pool.

"Ziyue is also at the ninth level of foundation building? Not bad! It is indeed a double spiritual root!"

Lin Changsheng also saw Gao Ziyue.

He discovered that Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian, and Fu Qingyu were all at the peak of the Foundation Establishment stage. Beside them, there were several Golden Cores, as well as Li Jiantang and Ji Ruyan, strong men of the Golden Core Stage from the Liuyun Immortal Sect!

"Murong Tian, ​​you have helped me a lot by following me. Ji Ruyan is here, and I promise you to meet her later."

Lin Changsheng looked at Murong Tian in front of him and said calmly.

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