The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 151 Liuyun Immortal Sect Lin Changsheng! The pressure of the Nascent Soul Stage! Leave!

Murong Tian followed him and helped a lot.

Of course, if Lin Changsheng is not strong enough, he will definitely not let Murong Tian leave. Now, he has reached the Golden Core stage, his spiritual power is comparable to the early stage of Nascent Soul, and his physical strength is comparable to the middle stage of the Golden Core.

Ji Ruyan naturally poses no threat to herself.

"Thank you, senior!"

"Please accept my three bows, junior!"

Hearing Lin Changsheng's words, Murong Tian was immediately overjoyed and bowed to Lin Changsheng three times.

"Well, get up!"

Lin Changsheng nodded, put away Murong Tian, ​​and put away the Hundred Thousand Soul Flags, looked at the high-grade earth spirit veins underground, and thought to himself. "This earth's spiritual energy is so rich, why don't I take it away? Then, it would be great to provide it for my own cultivation!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself.

He knew in his heart that this high-grade spiritual vein was in Taixu Palace. Once he left Taixu Palace, he would not be able to enjoy this high-grade spiritual vein. Lian Guo Duan was the best choice.

Lin Changsheng thought of this, and immediately stretched out his hand to seal the secret, and continued to hit it!

Suddenly, in the cave, a rumble sounded from the ground!

The crystal-clear jade-like earth spirit vein was slowly grabbed by a big hand condensed by Lin Changsheng's powerful magic power. In an instant, the entire underground space was filled with spiritual energy!

next moment.

Lin Changsheng continued to play spells, and saw that the earth's spiritual veins shrank in an instant, becoming ten feet long, and was put into the storage bag by Lin Changsheng.

As the spiritual veins of this place were withdrawn by Lin Changsheng, the spiritual energy in the space inside the mountain suddenly dropped!

at this time.

What Lin Changsheng didn't realize was that because he mobilized all the mana in his body to condense the golden elixir, his face had returned to the original appearance of Lin Changsheng, and was no longer that of Wei Wuji!

"What's going on? Why is the spiritual energy in the spiritual marrow pool suddenly reduced?"

"Why is the earth shaking? What happened?"

"No! Someone broke the ancient mysterious formation here and moved the spiritual veins here underground! How is this possible?"


Just when Lin Changsheng put away the high-grade earth spiritual veins, many monks stood up suddenly on the spiritual marrow pool above, their expressions changed drastically, and they were talking about it!

There were even grumpy monks who started yelling curses.

They discovered that the originally rich spiritual marrow in the spiritual marrow pool dried up in an instant, and the spiritual marrow instantly flowed underground and disappeared without a trace!

There is no longer strong spiritual energy around the Spiritual Essence Pool!

at the same time.

A young figure rose into the sky from the ground!

Accompanied by rocks splashing!

"The spiritual marrow pool is gone. This person must have taken away the spiritual veins in the ancient mysterious formation underground!"

"Stop him! This person is so shameless and takes away the spiritual veins in the formation. It's so hateful!"

"Eh? This person. Isn't this person Lin Changsheng, the monk who was searched everywhere in the Southern Territory a few years ago? I remember that he took away the Eight Paths of Heaven and Earth Qi!"

"Lin Changsheng is definitely a master of disguise!"


As Lin Changsheng rose into the sky, many monks present looked at Lin Changsheng with shock and disbelief in their eyes.

this moment.

Lin Changsheng became the focus of more than a thousand monks!

Attention of thousands of people!

"It's Brother Lin!!"

Among the crowd, Gao Ziyue looked at the handsome figure in the sky, with happiness and deep worry in her beautiful eyes.

"It's actually him!"

"He also came to this Jindan District!"

Not far from Gao Ziyue, Concubine Yuling, dressed in white, showed deep shock in her beautiful eyes.

She knew it.

The Lin Changsheng in front of me is Long Pingan, Lin Changsheng, and the alchemist Zhang Han!

"Is it this kid? He's actually reached the golden elixir stage! He's quite fast!"

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man with a short beard looked at the sky, tightened his belt, and had a look of surprise on his face.

This person is none other than Cao De.

"Uh, that's sloppy, my face is exposed!"

Lin Changsheng's figure was floating in the sky, looking at the more than a thousand confused monks near the Spiritual Essence Pool. He suddenly realized that because he had advanced to the golden elixir, all his mana had been mobilized to condense the golden elixir, causing his face to return to Lin Changsheng's. He seemed to be too lazy to pay attention to the crowd, and flew towards those sky-devouring insects.

The current plan is to take the Sky-Eating Insect and go far away!


Lin Changsheng used the magic power of teleportation, which was very close at hand, and in a flash, he appeared next to a hundred thousand sky-swallowing insects. The golden elixir stage practitioner used teleportation magical power, which was even more smooth and smooth!

"Leave it to me!"

"Where to go!"

"Fellow Daoist Lin! You took away the underground spiritual veins and just walked away?"


Seeing Lin Changsheng flying out of the ground, more than a dozen monks at the peak of the Golden Core flew over and surrounded Lin Changsheng!

"Wait, are you sure you want me to stay?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the many golden elixir peaks surrounding him, and his consciousness at the Nascent Soul stage suddenly swept out, crushing the more than ten golden elixir peaks around him!

"Sky-swallowing insect! This"

"Senior Nascent Soul's consciousness! This"

"It turns out it's Senior Yuanying! It's the junior who's being abrupt!"


Feeling the sudden pressure of Lin Changsheng's Nascent Soul stage consciousness, more than a dozen golden elixir peakers all looked horrified, their faces changed dramatically, and they all stepped back a hundred feet!

Lin Changsheng's powerful spiritual consciousness in the Nascent Soul stage was almost indiscriminately crushing him!

At this moment, many of the foundation-building monks present were all turbulent with mana in their bodies, their faces were pale, and they were lying on the ground!

The golden elixir stage monk was swaying and his face was extremely ugly!

However, Gao Ziyue, Yu Lingfei, Fu Qingyu, Zhuo Yijian, Cao De, Li Jiantang, Ji Ruyan and others present were not affected at all.


Lin Changsheng snorted coldly and waved his hand. Suddenly, a hundred thousand sky-devouring insects appeared at his feet, like dark clouds.

Lin Changsheng drove the sky-devouring insect together and soared into the sky in an instant!

"What a powerful pressure! I just feel like a huge mountain is pressing down on me, and my mind goes blank! It's so terrifying!"

"Lin Changsheng has actually advanced to the Nascent Soul stage? How can he be so fast?"

"Liuyun Immortal Sect Lin Changsheng, alchemy master Zhang Han, casual cultivator Wei Wuji, casual cultivator Long Ping'an, who is this person?"

"This person is so mysterious! The energy of the eight heavens and the earth, the jade spiritual marrow, the treasure chest in the foundation building area of ​​Taixu Palace, and the spiritual veins of this place were all taken away by him. Could it be said that this person is originally at the Nascent Soul stage?"

"This guess is very possible! Otherwise, Lin Changsheng was still in the Qi Refining stage a few years ago, how could he advance to the Nascent Soul stage in just a few years?"

"Yes, it took more than a hundred years for Su Changkong, the fastest-promoting Immortal Sect of Flowing Clouds, to become Nascent Soul!"


Seeing Lin Changsheng leaving, many monks present were shocked and started talking.

"Brother Lin is actually at the Nascent Soul stage! Isn't his advancement speed too fast?"

Gao Ziyue stood next to Ji Ruyan, with deep shock in her beautiful eyes.

"This is indeed Lin Changsheng. It's strange that his cultivation only shows the early stage of the Golden Core, but the pressure of the divine consciousness is indeed at the Nascent Soul stage!"

Ji Ruyan and Li Jiantang looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

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