The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 153 Immortal Crystal! Refining Taixu Palace! The wrath of Tianyin! Bounty!

"it is true?"

Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness swept out, but he did not sense the presence of Situ Yunxiao's spiritual thoughts, only the diamond-shaped crystals on the ground in front of him!

Lin Changsheng thought for a while.

Divine consciousness wrapped around the rhombus crystal and gradually penetrated it.

As Lin Changsheng's consciousness penetrated deeper, his consciousness 'saw' an illusory space, with dense golden characters floating in the air. At the top, there were five characters.

"Taixu Immortal King Technique?!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes showed shock when he saw the five big characters in the sky.

Right now.

This diamond-shaped crystal flew up in an instant, followed Lin Changsheng's consciousness, flew into the center of his eyebrows, and blended in instantly.

"This is."

Lin Changsheng was shocked and opened his eyes wide.

At the same time, a majestic flow of information poured into his mind, instantly merging with his consciousness, and it turned out to be Taixu Immortal King Jue.

[It has been detected that the Mahayana-level immortality cultivation technique - Introduction to Taixu Immortal King Technique, can be simplified by consuming 100,000 immortal crystals. Is it simplified? ! 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.

"100,000 Immortal Crystals?"

Lin Changsheng frowned when he saw the prompt on the panel. He only had low-grade spiritual stones now, not even mid-grade ones, not to mention high-grade ones, or even fairy crystals above the top-grade ones.

This advanced immortal cultivation technique cannot be simplified, and Lin Changsheng felt like a cat's claws scratching his heart.

"Hey, is it okay if I have a high-grade earth spiritual vein?"

Lin Changsheng suddenly felt something in his heart. I wonder if a high-grade earth spiritual vein can be worth 100,000 pieces of fairy crystal?

Lin Changsheng thought about this.

He immediately waved his hand to take out the high-grade spiritual vein and clicked OK. After all, Taixu Immortal King Jue came from Taixu Immortal King's technique, so it must be simplified.

[High-grade earth spiritual veins are not the same as fairy crystals. There are not enough fairy crystals. Please prepare the fairy crystals later and simplify it again! 】

The moment Lin Changsheng clicked OK, a red prompt popped up on his panel.


Lin Changsheng frowned slightly when he saw the prompts on the panel. It seemed that the level of the technique was too high. The only option for now was to practice it slowly by himself, or wait until he went to the Immortal Realm and obtained the Immortal Crystal. simulate.

"Let's look at the others first."

Lin Changsheng made up his mind to check other information in the inheritance of Taixu Immortal King.

As Lin Changsheng checked the inheritance of Taixu Immortal King, his eyes gradually lit up.

In the inheritance, there are several magical arts, such as landslides, ground cracks, sowing beans into soldiers, and calling for wind and rain.

However, these are all magic techniques of the same level as Taixu Immortal King Jue. To simplify them, they all require fairy crystals. Lin Changsheng can only sigh in despair.

"It seems that I have to practice hard and strive to break out of the Immortal Relics Land and go to the Immortal Realm as soon as possible."

Lin Changsheng looked at the sky and murmured to himself.

recorded in the inheritance.

In the Immortal Realm, what is cultivated in a monk's body is no longer magic power, but immortal power!

What circulates in the Immortal Realm is no longer spiritual stones, but Immortal Crystals!

What you are practicing is no longer magical power, but stronger magic!

The power of immortal magic is simply not comparable to magical powers!

I have obtained the inheritance from Immortal King Taixu. If I want to practice these immortal arts to a perfect state as soon as possible, I must obtain the Immortal Crystal, and in the Land of Immortal Relics, there is no Immortal Crystal at all.


In the inheritance of Taixu Immortal King, there is a way to leave the Immortal Relics Land, and that is to refine Taixu Palace. Using some of the power of Taixu Palace, you can open the protective formation of the Immortal Relics Land!

"The protective formation of the Immortal Heritage Land?"

Seeing the protective formation mentioned in Taixu Immortal King's inheritance, Lin Changsheng's heart moved. If he could use the protective formation to protect the Immortal Heritage Land, wouldn't he be able to find a way out of the Immortal Heritage Land?


Lin Changsheng has a headache. He is currently in the protective formation, but he has not entered the formation. It seems that he can only land on the Refining Taixu Palace.

"Tongtian Lingbao-Taixu Palace actually has 36 levels of restrictions!"

Lin Changsheng discovered that the introduction to Taixu Palace in the inheritance had a look of thought in his eyes. According to the introduction, refining the 6th floor of Taixu Palace can display the power of the God Transformation Stage.

After 12 levels of refining, the power of the Void Refining Stage can be demonstrated.

After 18 levels of refining, the power of the combined stage can be displayed.

Refined to 24 levels, it can display the power of the Mahayana stage.

After refining for 30 layers, it can show the power of the tribulation period.

After refining for 36 levels, it can display the power of the True Immortal Stage.

"According to the introduction, as long as you refine the 6th floor of the Taixu Palace, you can rely on the power of the Taixu Palace to blast away the protective formation of the Immortal Relics Land, leave the Immortal Relics Land, and go to the void!"

"However, if you want to refine the sixth level, it will not happen in a short time. I can put it away first, keep it in my mind, and slowly change it in the future."

Lin Changsheng opened his eyes and made secret calculations in his heart.

After Lin Changsheng thought about this, he sat down cross-legged and began to practice to stabilize his early stage cultivation of the golden elixir.

Because he knew in his heart that the best time to collect Taixu Hall was when Taixu Hall was closed.

After all the monks in it are teleported away, they can use the magic formula in Taixu Immortal King Art to put away Taixu Palace and store it in the sea of ​​consciousness, waiting for the gradual changes in the future.

time flies.

Half a month later.

The ground shook, and Lin Changsheng felt faint ripples flashing around his body. He knew that this was a sign that he was about to be teleported out of Taixu Palace.


Lin Changsheng took his time and activated the Taixu Immortal King Technique in the entry state.

In his body, a mysterious magic power circulated. In an instant, the ripples around him rippled and dissipated, and Lin Changsheng was not teleported out.

At the same time, Lin Changsheng continued to play spells, and these spells flew into the void above his head and disappeared.

at this time.

Outside Taixu Hall, on the vast grassland, emptiness rippled.

Thousands of monks appeared from the void like dumplings. All of these monks were at the foundation-building stage or above.

The foundation building monks are the most numerous, accounting for 90%, and the rest also have many golden elixirs and Nascent Souls.

The moment it appears, there are surprises, annoyance, gnashing of teeth, and the moment it appears, it just rushes away!

"I am Beimu Tianyin!"

"If anyone can provide information about Lin Changsheng and help capture Lin Changsheng, I will give you 5 snow spirit pills for forming pills! A top-level magic weapon! A top-level golden elixir technique! A baby-breaking pill that can increase the chance of conceiving a baby by 10% One!"

"I swear by my inner demon here that as long as I help me capture Lin Changsheng, I will definitely honor it!"

At this moment, an old figure floated in the sky, and his voice was like thunder, resounding throughout the world!

At this time, Tianyin seemed to have aged ten years because his grandson Su Mu was killed.

His grandson was favored by Lord Biyi. Lord Biyi promised him that as long as he protects his grandson Su Mu, he will help him advance to the late Nascent Soul stage, or even the Divine Transformation stage, and become a great monk in the Land of Immortal Relics!

And, take him away from the Immortal Relics Land and go to the mysterious and vast Immortal Realm!

What Tian Yin cares about is not the death of his grandson Su Mu. He has countless descendants. What he cares about is how to calm Lord Biyi's anger without his grandchildren.

Isn't it true that my dream of becoming a god and going to the fairyland is shattered?

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