Tianyin absolutely believes in Master Biyi's ability!

Because Lord Bixi comes from the Immortal Realm!

The reason why he was able to advance to the middle stage of Nascent Soul was because of Master Biyi's guidance and help!

He knows it too.

Master Biyi wants to seize his grandson and stay in the evening. However, he has many descendants and he doesn't care about this one. What he cares about is that his opportunity is gone.


Lin Changsheng must be caught to calm Lord Bixi's anger. Perhaps it would be good to capture Lin Changsheng and give him his body.

As far as he knew, Lin Changsheng had many opportunities along the way. Moreover, he heard that he had refined eight heaven and earth energies, so his qualifications were definitely extraordinary!

"What? Help capture Lin Changsheng, and you will be rewarded with Snow Spirit Pill, Infant Breaking Pill, top magic weapons! Top techniques!? This reward is too generous!"

"This is Tian Yin, the Nascent Soul stage elder of the Beimu Immortal Clan, and the grandfather of Beimu Shengzi. It seems that he spent a lot of money to kill Lin Changsheng!"

"Elder Beimu, Tian Yin, swears by the demon in his heart that this matter cannot be false. If we get the news about Lin Changsheng, not to mention the Yingjing Pill, but those five Blood Spirit Pills, that will be enough!"

"Wake up! He can kill Saint Beimu, and his cultivation is extraordinary. Let's forget it!"

"This is not necessarily true. We only need to provide him with information. We do not necessarily have to do it ourselves. Such a generous reward! We must give it a try!"

"What Brother Li said makes sense. I have reached the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage. If I can obtain 5 Snow Spirit Pills, I will definitely hope to advance to the Golden Pill Stage!"

"I am currently at the peak of the Golden Elixir. If I can have a Infant Formation Pill that increases the chance of forming an infant by 10%, my chance of condensing a Nascent Soul will reach 60%. I can still give it a try!"

"Lin Changsheng, right? Hehehe, you are my hope for a baby!"


Hearing Tian Yin's words, the many Golden Core Stage and Foundation Establishment Stage monks present all started talking with their eyes shining brightly.

You know, people have already sworn on their inner demons that this kind of reward can definitely be honored. As for whether they can keep the reward after receiving it, that is another matter.

At present, all that needs to be done is to find Lin Changsheng's hiding place.

at this time.

Outside Taixu Hall.

Tens of thousands of monks scattered around to look for him, because they all knew that those who were teleported from Taixu Hall would appear within a thousand miles.

As long as you find Lin Changsheng's whereabouts, you can notify Tianyin and receive generous rewards!

"Brother Lin, you must hide it well!"

Gao Ziyue stood more than 10 miles outside Taixu Hall, looking at the dense crowd of monks looking for Lin Changsheng, with deep worry in her beautiful eyes.

"Ziyue, don't worry. Lin Changsheng is good at the art of disguise. He is not easy to find. Just go back with him as a teacher. Besides, he is extremely talented and is the genius of our Liuyun Immortal Sect. Our Liuyun How could the Immortal Sect allow him to be bullied by the Beimu people?"

At this time, Ji Ruyan stepped forward to comfort Gao Ziyue and said.

"Yes, let's find our sect leader and Yuanying elder quickly!"

Next to Ji Ruyan, Li Jiantang nodded in agreement.

This time.

Su Changkong, the leader of Liuyun Immortal Sect, and Elder Yu have all arrived at Taixu Hall. They should be not far away at this moment.

Next to Li Jiantang stood two golden elixir monks, Liu Jinyan and Liao Bugui. Behind several golden elixirs stood Zhuge Buping, Ling Caiyin, and Zhao Fuhu, three geniuses of Liuyun Immortal Sect.

"I didn't expect that the master was Lin Changsheng pretending to be?...I just asked, why isn't his hair golden..."

Zhao Fuhu stood behind Li Jiantang, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and said secretly. "Lin Changsheng can pretend to be the master's body and appearance. It seems... the master has died in his hands."

Zhao Fuhu was outside the Spiritual Essence Pool in Taixu Hall when he heard the monks around him discussing that the monk who seemed to be his master Wei Wuji was actually Lin Changsheng pretending to be one.

This was also confirmed by him from the Sky-Swallowing Insect.

Because both Lin Changsheng and the person pretending to be master Wei Wuji can control the 100,000 sky-devouring insects outside the spiritual marrow pool.

Zhao Fuhu had no intention of avenging his master at this moment. He knew that with his current strength, he could not avenge himself at all. All he could do was practice hard.

Right now.

Two figures flickered and appeared in front of Li Jiantang and others.

These are two Nascent Soul stage monks, one is a middle-aged man, elegant, and has a profound aura.

He was about sixty years old, with a thin appearance and a majestic aura.

"I've met the sect master!"

"I've met the sect leader! I've met Elder Yu!"


Seeing these two Nascent Soul monks, Li Jiantang, Ji Ruyan, Liu Jinyan and other Jindans all looked respectful and clasped their fists in greeting.

"Well, no need to be polite!"

The middle-aged man with an elegant aura waved to Li Jiantang and others. "The four of you lead your disciples and go out to look for Lin Changsheng. Once there is news, use the messenger to notify me! Lin Changsheng is the Jindan elder of our Liuyun Immortal Sect. We must escort him back to the sect safely to practice!"

"Yes, Sect Master!"


Li Jiantang and Ji Ruyan nodded.

"Well, go ahead!"

Su Changkong waved to Ji Ruyan, Li Jiantang and others, and left with Yu BuTong.

A place in the void.

A handsome young man dressed in black, who was in the early stage of Jindan cultivation, stretched out his hands to pinch the secrets at an extremely fast speed!

Continuous streams of spells flew into a palace that was dozens of feet in size and shimmering with glazed color in front of them!

That palace exudes an ancient aura and charm.

As the black-clothed young man entered the spell, the palace shook once and shrank in size.

Gradually, the palace shrank to the size of a palm!


Lin Changsheng finally entered a magic formula and flew into the palace. The palace shrank in size again, flew into Lin Changsheng's eyebrows, and instantly disappeared into it.

"Finally, it was refined into a restriction!"

Lin Changsheng closed his eyes and felt the Taixu Palace in the sea of ​​consciousness, then slowly opened his eyes with a look of satisfaction.

A month passed, and he finally refined the first level of restriction in Taixu Palace!


Lin Changsheng also knew that this was a Tongtian Lingbao after all. The first level was the easiest, and it would take him a month to refine it. The difficulty of refining each subsequent level was several times that of the previous one!

However, the corresponding power is also extremely powerful.

"That day Yin is probably looking for me everywhere, right?"

Lin Changsheng put away the Taixu Palace, with a look of thought in his eyes. His figure moved and left the place in an instant. The next moment, he appeared on a towering mountain peak.

"This is where?"

Lin Changsheng looked around, and in an instant, powerful spiritual consciousness swept across all directions!

When his consciousness was at its peak in the foundation building stage, its coverage range reached 1,100 miles!

After advancing to the golden elixir, his consciousness increased tenfold!

It has reached the point of 11,000 miles, which is comparable to the early Yuanying monks!

"Huh? How come it's such a coincidence? Met an acquaintance again?"

Suddenly, Lin Changsheng's consciousness discovered that a hundred miles away, there was a slim purple-clothed woman with early stage cultivation of the Golden Core. She was being chased by three Golden Core cultivators. The situation looked very bad.

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