The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 158: Immortal-Slaying Heavenly Blade, Magical Power: Sky Thunder Flame Archery, Great Yu Cri

Fifty miles away.

Concubine Yu Ling, dressed in white, was also looking for traces of Lin Changsheng.

In her heart, she hoped to find Lin Changsheng, but she didn't want to find him.

I hope they found it because Concubine Yu Ling didn't even have time to thank Lin Changsheng for her kindness in breaking the formation and bringing them out when they were in the land of soul seizing.

Life-saving grace cannot be repaid with just a word of thanks.

This time, Concubine Yu Ling found two Shen Yuan Fruits in the Taixu Palace. She took one herself and planned to give the other one to Lin Changsheng.

This Divine Origin Fruit is of great help to the cultivation of monks in the Golden Core Stage.

Not only does it have a miraculous effect on breakthroughs, but it also warms and nourishes the mind.

He didn't want to find him because Divine Master Tianyin had issued a wanted order for him. Once Lin Changsheng showed up, he would definitely be dead.

Although Lin Changsheng is powerful now, he is even more of a monster and a genius.

But with his golden elixir cultivation, he is definitely no match for the powerful Nascent Soul.

"Huh? Divine Master Tianyin is gone?"

Concubine Yu Ling was a little surprised when she saw Tian Yin flying away from the sky.

She thought that Master Tianyin would never give up until he found Lin Changsheng, but she didn't expect that he would leave so soon?

But this definitely does not mean that he will give up the pursuit of Lin Changsheng.

After all, Lin Changsheng killed the Holy Son of Beimu, and this person was a status symbol to Beimu.

Undoubtedly, it was not a slap in the face of the Beimu Immortal Clan.

But fortunately, after Divine Master Tianyin left, Lin Changsheng should be safe for the time being.

"Brother Lin, you must pay attention to your own safety!"

Concubine Yu Ling walked away with a bit of worry, hoping that one day she could hand-deliver the Divine Yuan Fruit in her hand to Lin Changsheng.

Time flies, three days have passed.

Seeing that there was no trace of Lin Changsheng, many monks left one by one and expanded the search area.

More than ten thousand miles away from Taixu Temple, in a rolling mountain forest.

[Tianyi’s Immortal-killing Art Completed]

[Arrow Shadow’s Lost Tracks Completely]

[Nine Stars Soaring into the Clouds to Perfection]

After three days of continuous efforts, the practice of the three books was finally completed.

[It has been detected that Tianyi’s Immortal Slaying Technique is completed and the Invisible Heavenly Blade is completed. Are they integrated? 】

[It has been detected that the arrow shadow trace is perfect, the purple lightning cloud-piercing archery is perfect, and the meteor and fire rain are perfect, are they integrated? 】

[The fusion of Nine Stars Teng Yunbu has been detected, and perfection is just around the corner. Is it fused? 】

The next moment, three red prompts popped up on the panel.

Lin Changsheng checked the first two options. As for the latter one, he didn't check it because he still had a copy of the Wind Piercing Cloud Technique that he had not yet perfected.

When the two magic books are perfectly integrated, the effect will definitely be more obvious.

[The Immortal Cultivation Technique Tianyi Slaying Immortal Jue (Perfect), Invisible Heavenly Blade (Perfection), fusion in progress...the fusion was successful...obtained the Immortal-Slaying Heavenly Blade! 】

[Cultivation of the Immortal Archery Technique, Arrow Shadow Confusion (Perfection), Purple Lightning Cloud Piercer Technique (Perfection), Meteor Fire Rain (Perfection, Fusion in Progress... Fusion Successful... Obtained Magical Power: Sky Thunder Flame Archery Technique!)]

"Immortal-killing Heavenly Blade? Heavenly Thunder Flame Archery?"

I saw the two merging manuals of cultivating immortals.

The corners of Lin Changsheng's mouth raised slightly.

This name is definitely not simple, and its power is definitely very domineering.

[The Immortal-Slaying Heavenly Blade has been detected. Do you want to spend 2,500 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[The Heavenly Thunder Flame Archery technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 2,500 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

The next moment the prompt pops up again on the panel.


Lin Changsheng said yes without hesitation.

[The Greatest Way to Simplicity: The Immortal-Slaying Heavenly Blade is being simplified... The simplification is successful... The Immortal-Slaying Heavenly Blade == Swinging the sword against the sky! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The Heavenly Thunder Flame Arrow Technique is being simplified... The simplification is successful... The Heavenly Thunder Flame Archery Technique == Burning Arrows! 】

"Swinging a knife to the sky? Burning arrows?"

This was very simple and violent, and Lin Changsheng said he liked it very much.

He directly picked up a long sword, a low-grade magic weapon, and waved it above his head.

Although there is a stone wall above, it is still facing the sky. I don’t know if that’s okay?

The experience value of the Immortal-Slaying Heavenly Blade is +1!

The experience value of the Immortal-Slaying Heavenly Blade is +1!

Unexpectedly, even in a stone cave, swinging a knife over your head would increase your proficiency.

This made Lin Changsheng somewhat unexpected.

Then he found some wood, lit it with magic power, took out the arrows and started burning them.

Sky Thunder Flame Rocket Technique Experience Value +1!

Sky Thunder Flame Rocket Technique Experience Value +1!

Watching the experience value of the secret method of cultivating immortality that was merged from the two books continue to rise.

Lin Changsheng suddenly felt that the future was promising.

"First, perfect the Immortal-Slaying Heavenly Blade and Heavenly Thunder Flame Archery skills, and then refine the Black Tortoise Armor."

Lin Changsheng has no intention of going out now.

You have to wait at least ten days and a half.

Otherwise, it will definitely be troublesome if you meet an old guy named Tianyin when you go out.

Lin Changsheng planned to hide first and improve everything he could.

Then I will go out and look for other opportunities.

After all, Lin Changsheng still knows the principle of biting off more than one can chew.

This Xuanwu armor is also an ancient treasure, with three layers of formation restrictions inside.

The first level of refining prohibition, the power of this armored ancient treasure can withstand a full blow from the middle of the golden elixir stage.

The second level of refining prohibition can withstand a full blow from the golden elixir peak.

Refining the third level of restriction can withstand a blow at the early stage of the Nascent Soul stage.

If all three levels of restrictions are refined, Lin Changsheng will have one more way to save his life even if he faces a powerful Nascent Soul.

time flies.

More than half a month passed in a flash.

Many of the monks who were looking for Lin Changsheng in exchange for benefits have given up.

Lin Changsheng seemed to have disappeared out of thin air and never appeared again.

On the contrary, his rumors spread throughout the Southern Immortal Cultivation World and various places.

It amazed countless monks.

Dayu, the imperial palace.

A graceful woman wearing a crown, gold clothes, and a graceful figure was sitting on an imperial chair made of gold.

This woman was none other than Yu Wenjing, who had been separated from Lin Changsheng for some time.

Wearing a yellow robe, she looked powerful, majestic and dignified.

There were many generals and officials prostrate below, none of them dared to raise their heads and look at each other.

"Your Majesty, the Beimu monks are rampant and have captured many cities in the neighboring countries of Zhao and Jin. We in Dayu have also lost one county and twelve cities. If this continues, I'm afraid... we will also follow the example of Zhao and Jin. The country’s footsteps!”

Below, a general said decadently.

They are just ordinary people, how can they fight against the monks who practice the immortal way?

Those immortal masters can take the lives of hundreds or thousands of soldiers with just a raise of their hands and a stamp of their feet.

The major immortal sects in the southern region also suffered losses at the hands of the Beimu Immortal Clan and retreated.

It is now difficult for them to protect themselves.

"Your Majesty, there is a huge disparity in our strength. In order to protect the people of Dayu, I think surrender is the best option!"

A civil servant wearing an Usha on his head suggested.

These words made Yu Wenjing, who was sitting on the throne, frown slightly.

"Fart, I think you are deceiving the public with your evil words. I, Dayu, have been standing for hundreds of years and have gone through countless wars. Which time did I not turn the world around and protect Dayu?"

"Furthermore, my generals will never surrender unless they die in battle. Your Majesty, if anyone dares to make such remarks, I propose to implicate the nine tribes!"

Jin Wuque yelled loudly.


That's the behavior of a coward!

When Dayu was in crisis many times, didn't he always turn things around?

Even if they fight to the death, they will not give up.

"Your Majesty, we are all speaking from the bottom of our hearts! If the Kingdom of Zhao and the Kingdom of Jin refused to surrender, they would end up massacring the city. No one in the imperial city would be left alive. I hope Your Majesty will think twice!"

"I hope your Majesty will think twice!"

The civil servant who had just spoken begged again.

Other civil servants also begged.

They are not afraid of death, but there are millions of civilians in the city.

One wrong decision will cost the lives of millions of people.

This is what they don't want to see.

If the opponent is not a practicing immortal master, they are still willing to fight for it, even if they save the last drop of blood.

But the opponent is too powerful, and fighting against it is undoubtedly not an egg against a stone.

"Everyone, please step back!"

Yu Wenjing felt a little headache and exhausted both physically and mentally.



After the civil and military officials retreated, Yu Wenjing was left alone in the huge palace.

Seems a little lonely.

At this moment, Yu Wenjing only had one person on her mind.

"Changsheng, I'm afraid we may never meet again in the future..."

Yu Wenjing looked at the sky and made a decision in her heart.

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