Liuyun Immortal Sect.

In Jinluan Liuli's main hall, a figure kept walking back and forth.

He seemed preoccupied.

"It's been half a month and there's still no news?"

The sect leader Su Changkong looked a little anxious.

I remember that when he received a ray of heaven and earth energy, he was promoted to Nascent Soul without any hindrance.

This kid Lin Changsheng has obtained eight rays of heaven and earth energy. He has probably refined them all, and his future achievements will definitely be above his.

If such a genius dies young or falls into the hands of another sect, it will definitely be a big loss to Liuyun Immortal Sect.


The next moment, a figure came with a sword and landed outside the hall.

The person who came was none other than Li Jiantang, the elder of the Liuyun Immortal Sect.

"Is there any news about Lin Changsheng?"

Su Changkong asked immediately.

Li Jiantang shook his head helplessly.

"Sect Master, Lin Changsheng is probably hiding. There is no news from all the major sects. I think we should focus on dealing with the Beimu Immortal Clan and the Demonic Dao!"

Li Jiantang suggested that if they continue to waste manpower on Lin Changsheng, they might not be able to resist the Beimu Immortal Clan.

Now the Beimu Immortal Clan has plundered one-third of the landforms of the Southern Immortal Cultivation World. If this development continues, I am afraid that their Liuyun Immortal Sect will have to move away from here and rebuild their sect like the Jinfu Sect.

"Lin Changsheng is a proud man who is rare to see in hundreds of years. If we can protect him and grow up, what does the Beimu Immortal Clan have to fear?"

"Elder Li, I want you to do one more thing and inform all the major sects. If anyone discovers Lin Changsheng's traces, inform Liuyun Sect and be rewarded with 100,000 spiritual stones, three top-quality magic weapons, and three Yuanling Pills. pieces!"

"And as long as Lin Changsheng is willing to return to Liuyun Sect, he will be the next leader of Liuyun Sect!"

Su Changkong was completely desperate, and it was obvious that he had spent a lot of money to find Lin Changsheng.

"This, isn't it appropriate..."

Li Jiantang was a little surprised. Although Lin Changsheng was important, he was not so important, right?

Are you even willing to give up your position as sect leader?

Moreover, the Yuanling Pill is a very rare and precious item. Even the other Yuanying masters who are stationed in Liuyun Sect only have one Yuanling Pill every ten years.

This elixir is extremely difficult to refine, has excellent efficacy, and has no side effects.

One elixir is enough to raise any cultivation level in the golden elixir stage by one level.

Even for those who are in the Nascent Soul stage, there is a huge improvement.

The only drawback is that you can only absorb one within five years.

"What's wrong? Get it done quickly!"

Su Changkong ordered that this matter was extremely urgent and could not be delayed any longer.

Lin Changsheng is his hope to reverse the current situation.


Li Jiantang no longer hesitated and immediately turned into a rainbow and left.

"Lin Changsheng! You are really good at hiding!"

After Li Jiantang left, Su Changkong's eyes flashed with surprise and shock.

In the endless west, the archipelago stands.

There is no vegetation on most islands.

They were all destroyed by the storm, and the only ones who could live were in the mountains.

At this moment, we are in a huge mountain space about a thousand feet wide.

The black flag stood tall, and on top of it was a huge skull, which looked sinister and terrifying.

This is the Tiangui Sect’s residence, Tiangui Island.

At this moment, many people are standing in the huge space.

On top of the 99 steps, sat this man in black armor.

"Sect Master, the Beimu Immortal Clan has already established a firm foothold in the world of immortal cultivation in the Southern Region. Why don't we take advantage of the chaos and get a share of the pie?"

Below, a middle-aged man wearing a black ghost mask suggested.

He saw that the Beimu Immortal Clan had already gained a lot, but they still had to wait in this harsh place.

I felt somewhat unhappy.

The world of immortal cultivation in the Southern Region is like a big fat piece of meat, and there are many people who want to eat it. If they start late, they will get nothing.

"Now is not the best time. Although the Beimu Immortal Clan is currently in a good situation and occupies a lot of territory in the Southern Territory, the strong ones above Nascent Soul have not yet collided. This is their foundation!"

"As long as they Nascent Soul masters take action and injure each other, we can take down the Southern Immortal Cultivation World and the Beimu Immortal Clan in one fell swoop!"

Jiu Wushang naturally had his own arrangements.

If you take the lead, you will only be attacked from both sides if you act recklessly.

Put yourself in a dilemma.

"But Sect Master, if you don't take action, I'm afraid the entire southern territory will be swallowed up by the Beimu Immortal Clan—!"

"No need to say more!"

The peak golden elixir elder wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Jiu Wushang.


The elder wearing a black ghost mask could only sigh helplessly.

When Xuan Gu on the side saw this, his thoughts suddenly changed.

After the conference, Xuan Gu found this late-stage Golden Core elder.

"Elder Wu, please stay!"

A deserted corner.

Xuan Gu found the opportunity and stepped forward.

"Xuan Gu, what's the matter with you?"

Wu Tianhua also knew Xuanting, the father of Xuan Gu, and the two had some friendship.

However, Xuanting acted recklessly to avenge the death of his son, and was eventually buried in the place where the soul was stolen.

Wu Tianhua also knew about this.

"I very much agree with Elder Wu's proposal at the conference. The sect leader is too timid. If we wait until the powerful Nascent Soul masters in the Southern Territory are defeated, we may not even be able to drink the soup, so I also agree with taking action at this time. optimal!"

Xuan Gu said calmly, slapping his beard.

Wu Tianhua suddenly felt much better.

"But the sect leader doesn't agree, what can we do?"

Wu Tianhua was also very helpless.

"The sect master disagrees on the surface, but we can do it secretly! As long as we don't collide with the power of Nascent Soul, the sect master will not punish us. As long as we invade each city secretly, once we do it, we can quickly capture it. When Elder Wu makes the first contribution, the sect master will definitely reward him heavily."

Xuan Gu suggested. Seeing that Wu Tianhua was wavering, Xuan Gu stepped up his strength, "If my father were here, he would definitely agree with Elder Wu's proposal. It's a pity that his old man -"

"Yes! Elder Xuan died in an unknown manner. If I meet that thief in the future, I will definitely kick my father to take revenge!"

Wu Tianhua also sighed.

Hearing this, Xuan Gu saw that the opportunity was ripe, "As long as Elder Wu is willing to avenge my father's murder, I am willing to hand over the Ten Thousand Ghost Drawing Technique that my father obtained in Motian Cave Mansion, and also invite Wu Chang to go to the Southern Territory When I am cultivating the immortal world, I will avenge my father!"

"Ten Thousand Ghosts Draw Dafa?"

Hearing this, Wu Tianhua couldn't help but feel excited.

This method can instantly refine thousands of ghosts, which is very useful.

It only takes three days to refine the terrifying Thousand Soul Banner.

There is no need to refine them one by one, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

As long as you learn this method, it is not difficult to create one hundred thousand soul banners or one million soul banners, let alone ten thousand soul banners.

"Okay, Xuan Gu, you are worthy of being Brother Xuan's son. Since you request so, I have decided to rush to the Southern Immortal Cultivation World to personally kill your father-killing enemy, and refine this man's soul so that he will never be reincarnated!"

Wu Tianhua agreed immediately.

To him, a mere bug in the early stage of the Golden Elixir could be crushed to death by just raising his hand.

"Thank you, Elder Wu!"

Xuan Gu clasped his fists in gratitude.

Then the two of them cleaned up and left before the next round of Demonic Storm came.

It is thousands of miles away from the original location of Taixu Temple.

In a rolling mountain forest.

In half a month, Lin Changsheng finally perfected the skills of the Immortal-Slaying Sky Blade and Sky Thunder Flame Archery.

He also refined all the three levels of prohibitions on the Xuantian Armor.

As long as he puts his magic power into Xuantian's armor, the armor will instantly protect his body and resist attacks for him.

No monks below the mid-Nascent Soul stage can even think of hurting him.

"It's time to get out and get some fresh air!"

Lin Changsheng has been hiding here for half a month, believing that Tian Yin is no longer here.

Moreover, Lin Changsheng had basically completed all the techniques that he could practice in seclusion.

The only thing missing is the technique of Wind Piercer, which has not yet been perfected.

"Try the power of the Immortal-Slaying Heavenly Blade first!"

After Lin Changsheng left the cave, he took out the Immortal Killing Sword and wanted to see the power of the Immortal Killing Heavenly Blade.

I saw the magic power in his hand moving, and a burst of bright white light emitted from the immortal sword.


Lin Changsheng screamed, slashed down the long sword in his hand, and the light of the sword shot hundreds of feet straight towards the mountains ahead.

The sword's light was as if it was about to tear apart the world, and it was full of domineering power.


The powerful sword light instantly collided with the Baizhang Mountain, erupting with a deafening roar.

Under the explosion, countless rocks flew and dust flew.

After everything fell, they saw that the hundred-foot-high mountain in front of them had been leveled to the ground by the Immortal-Zhantian Blade.

There was even a huge ravine on the ground that was a hundred feet long and ten feet wide.

"What a domineering magical power!"

Lin Changsheng was very satisfied with this blow.

It's not a boast to move mountains and cut rivers with this sword.

After the sword fell, Lin Changsheng took out the Tianyao Flame Bow from the storage bag.

This bow is an ancient treasure, and the seal on it was also refined by Lin Changsheng during this period, so that it can fully exert its power.

"Try the power of thunder and flame archery!"

Lin Changsheng drew his bow to the full moon, and the flaming arrows condensed on the bowstring, ready to be released.

However, in the next moment, two rays of divine consciousness swept over him.

This made Lin Changsheng frown immediately.

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