The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 166 Concubine Yu Ling’s crisis, harvesting four golden corpses, troops approaching the city,

However, Lin Changsheng doesn't have time to refine the corpse puppet now, and he doesn't even have time to learn the divine punishment corpse move and soul control techniques in Lu Yunchang's storage bag.

After packing up his things, he quickly drew his sword and galloped towards Dayu.

Even in hinterland cities like Lingtian City, people from the Corpse King Sect appear, so one can imagine the danger.

Not only do they have to face the invasion of demons, but they also have to face the attacks of Beimu monks and the army.

Lin Changsheng was very worried about Yu Wenjing's safety at this moment.

If they encounter these monks, they may not even be able to fight back.


However, before Lin Changsheng had left far, there was a violent roar in the sky ahead.

It seemed that a fierce battle was taking place in the distance.

If there is a battle, there must be corpses.

Just right for refining the corpse for yourself.

Lin Changsheng quickly approached.

When they got closer, they discovered that it was Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Cao De and others fighting fiercely with the Beimu monks here.

In addition to the disciples in the Qi-training and foundation-building stages, there are three middle-stage Jindan monks and one late-stage Jindan cultivator on both sides.

However, among Zhuo Yijian and others, only senior brother Hua Yu is in the late stage of Jin Dan, and the other three are in the early stage of Jin Dan.

They did not gain the upper hand in the battle at all, and even lost ground.

"Senior Brother Hua, let's evacuate!"

Zhuo Yijian saw that this was no match for Brother Beimu, so he planned to run away.

If you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood. If you die here, it will be more than the gain is worth the loss.

"The first disciple of Tianjian Sect back then, did he only have this little strength?"

Among the Beimu monks, a strong man holding a double hammer magic weapon sneered.

The muscles all over this man's body were knotted, and his arms were huge, like mortal thighs, full of terrifying explosive power.

It can be seen that in addition to practicing the immortal arts, this person also practices in the physical body.

In his opinion, it is simply a waste for these soldiers and generals to still occupy such a good land for cultivating immortals.

The Immortal Cultivation World in the Southern Region should belong to their Beimu Immortal Clan.

Hua Yu is indeed the top genius among the previous generation of Tianjian Sect.

Being able to reach the late stage of Jindan at such an early age is not worthy of its reputation.

It's just that the late-stage Beimu Jindan monks he met at this moment were also extraordinary in strength.

Moreover, he was assisted by three middle-stage Jindan monks, which made it difficult for him to fight.

"Stop being so arrogant, Wan Jian returns to the clan!"

Hua Yu screamed, and all the late-stage magic power of the golden elixir around his body was injected into the sword blade in his hand.

In an instant, the sword light bloomed, turning into thousands of sword lights and rushing towards the monk Beimu in front.


After releasing a powerful sword, Hua Yu shouted softly and immediately led everyone to flee.

Even if he can deal with these Beimu monks, Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei and others cannot.

If the fight continues, there will be casualties.

"Where to escape!"

In the distance, a Beimu monk holding a double-sided ax saw Yu Lingfei and others trying to escape, and immediately struck them with an axe.

He had been eyeing Concubine Yu Ling for a long time.

This girl has a body, a body, and a face. She is a beauty in the world.

It's rare for me to meet you, why don't you have fun and enjoy yourself?

"Senior Sister Yu, be careful!"

In the distance, Fu Qingyu saw the ax light coming from behind and exclaimed.

When Concubine Yu Ling found out, it was already too late.

He can only inject mana immediately and play a talisman. This talisman rises in the wind and turns into a golden shield.


The powerful giant ax struck the shield, and a roar resounded across the sky.

Concubine Yu Ling originally thought that the talisman given to her by her master could withstand this attack.

However, the golden shield still collapsed instantly under the bombardment of the giant axe.

He used his remaining energy to kill her, killing her directly from mid-air to the ground.


After landing, Concubine Yu Ling spat out a mouthful of blood, which showed that she had been severely injured.

Before she could recover, the monk holding a double-sided ax had already arrived in front of her.

"Little girl, I think you look good and I feel comfortable taking care of you, so I will spare your life!"

Monk Beimu looked greedily at Concubine Yu Ling's beautiful body with salivation.

"Junior Sister Yu!"

Zhuo Yijian exclaimed in the distance. He was about to step forward to rescue, but was held back by Hua Yu. They finally got away. If they rushed forward at this time, they would undoubtedly not die!


How could Concubine Yu Ling agree to such an unreasonable request?

As a cultivator, dying in battle is your fate and your final destiny.

How could you do such a dirty thing just to survive?

"Then die!"

Seeing that Concubine Yu Ling did not agree, the injured man with two axes did not hesitate and immediately struck down with both axes.

I want to destroy flowers with ruthless hands.

Concubine Yu Ling seemed to be ready to die at this moment, but she felt a little regretful in her heart, "Lin Changsheng, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to give you the Divine Origin Fruit!"

Boo hoo hoo——

However, just as Concubine Yu Ling was waiting for death.

In the distance, there were several fast-moving flaming arrows in the sky, piercing the sky and hitting the man with two axes.


Before the man holding the double ax could turn around, a flaming arrow pierced his head directly.

Kill it with one blow.

I saw a man in his early twenties stepping on the magic weapon in the distance, and the long bow in his hand was still filled with the aura of flames.

This person is Lin Changsheng who just arrived here.

It's just that he transformed into Yu Xiaochang, making Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian and others unrecognizable.

"You kid, you're looking for death!"

Seeing that his own people were killed, the leader of Beimu, who was holding a pair of hammers, blocked Hua Yu's sword light and immediately swung his hammers to kill Lin Changsheng.


The next moment, Lin Changsheng used So Far to the End of the World and disappeared directly from the spot.

By the time Brother Beimu, who was holding two hammers, noticed him, Lin Changsheng had already come to his side.

Boo hoo hoo——

Nine arrows shot through the sky from nine different directions again.

The monk holding the two hammers did not dare to be careless and immediately waved the two hammers to resist.

This is what Lin Changsheng has been waiting for.

Just when the opponent waved his hammers to resist, his Nascent Soul-level consciousness suddenly burst out.

The powerful pressure of spiritual consciousness made the man's body tremble, and his speed suddenly slowed down by half a minute.

The flaming arrows pierced directly through his chest.

"Nascent Soul consciousness...this...this is impossible..."

Even the man holding the two hammers didn't even understand what level of cultivation Lin Changsheng had?

On the surface, it looks like the fifth level of foundation building, and the cultivation level that comes out of using archery is at the elementary level of the golden elixir.

But at this moment, the consciousness is at the terrifying Nascent Soul level.

However, the big hole in front of his heart did not allow him to think too much.

While his mana was losing crazily, his consciousness was slowly blurring, and he fell directly from the sky.

Seeing the death of their general, the Beimu Immortal Clan immediately lost the intention to continue fighting and turned into birds and beasts to flee.

Others can escape, but the other two people, Lin Changsheng, who is in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation, are not going to let them go.

These are two excellent zombie embryos.

Under the pressure of the Nascent Soul-level consciousness, the speed of these two middle-stage Jindan cultivators dropped sharply.

They were killed one by one by Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng glanced at Concubine Yu Ling and found that she was not seriously injured. He immediately put away the four corpses and left directly.

This familiar look made Concubine Yu Ling feel a little surprised.

"Fellow Daoist Long? No, he is Lin, Lin Changsheng..."

Concubine Yu Ling murmured to herself.

However, when she wanted to hand over the Divine Yuan Fruit to Lin Changsheng, the other party had already disappeared at the end of the sky.

Three days later.

Dayu Imperial City.

The woman with a phoenix crown on her head, a graceful figure and a golden dress looked at the river in the distance, her eyes full of sorrow.

Yu Wenjing thought that they could still struggle for at least half a month.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the Beimu clan had already arrived at the city.

Except for the imperial city, all the cities have fallen, and millions of soldiers have died.

Countless civilian sacrifices were made.

This made Yu Wenjing doubt whether her decision was correct.

"Your Majesty, have you surrendered?"

"Your Majesty, have you surrendered?"

The words of civil servants and officials appeared in her mind again and again, keeping her awake at night.

In just a few days, Yu Wenjing lost a lot of weight.


In the distance, General Jin Wuque, the protector of the country, came quickly.

Yu Wenjing closed her eyes helplessly. She knew that this must not be good news.

"Your Majesty, General Beimu gives us two hours to open the city gate and surrender, otherwise they will rush into the city and massacre, massacre the city!"

Jin Wuque said angrily.

If the opponent hadn't used monks, how could they have been defeated so quickly.

"General Jin, what are your plans?"

Yu Wenjing asked, if no one agreed to fight, then she would fight alone.

There had been no emperor in Dayu who had surrendered in hundreds of years, so naturally she would not break this precedent.

Even if you die in battle, you will not surrender.

"Your Majesty, there is a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and us, and we do not have an immortal master to help us. Therefore, we will lose this battle!"

Jin Wuque said truthfully, "But as a general of Dayu, I am willing to lead Dayu's last soldiers to fight, even if they fight to the last soldier! Dying in battle is the supreme honor of Dayu's generals!"

Hearing Jin Wuque's words, Yu Wenjing's heart instantly ignited with raging anger.

Death in battle was also her final destination as Empress of Yu.

"Tell the generals of Dayu that in this battle, I will accompany you to face the enemy! Guard the last city of Dayu and fight to the last soldier. Everyone will be in the city!"

Yu Wenjing said as if she was dead.


Jin Wuque gave a soft drink and immediately turned around and left.

He didn't want Yu Wenjing to fight, but if Yu Wenjing was there, the soldiers would be more effective.

Even if it ends in a disastrous defeat, it will still be a painful blow to the soldiers of Beimu. .

After Jin Wuque left, he immediately began to mobilize the imperial city guards, including black-armored cavalry, silver-armored crossbowmen, gold-armored guards, etc.

They were all decorated at the entrance to the imperial city.

Although he knew that there was no shortage of monks in the Beimu Immortal Clan.

However, Dayu's generals were still full of murderous aura, and their momentum was not sluggish at all.

Perhaps this is why Dayu has been able to survive for hundreds of years.

Thirty miles outside the imperial city.

The place where the generals of the Beimu Immortal Clan are stationed.

"What? Empress Dayu is unwilling to surrender? She simply doesn't know how to live or die!"

"Interesting, you actually want to fight against the immortal master with a mortal body?"

"Since she is unwilling to surrender, then we will bloodbath the imperial city and kill them all without leaving a single piece of armor behind!"

General Beimu talked about it without paying any attention to the Dayu soldiers.

Because they not only have powerful soldiers and horses, but also a large number of monks to help them.

How could a mere imperial city stop their progress?

As long as he takes the Imperial City of Dayu, his soldiers and horses from the Northern Mu Immortal Clan can march straight into the hinterland of the Southern Territory.

By then, more than half of the Southern Territory will be in the hands of their Beimu Immortal Clan.

"Interesting, this girl is strong and very attractive to me. I must not kill her!"

While many Beimu generals were speaking, the horse-faced monk on the side sneered.

There is no point in being obedient and submissive, but he likes this kind of strong woman, which is fun to play with.

"Now that Master Lu has spoken, we will definitely bring this girl to Master Lu to enjoy after we capture the Imperial City of Dayu! However, for this battle, I have to trouble Master Lu to send his disciples to accompany us in the battle!"

General Beimu said.

If Master Lu's disciples take action, they will be unstoppable. They will march all the way and capture the last imperial city of Dayu in a short time.

"No need, I will fight this battle myself!"

Lu Xiao touched his chin, his eyes full of greed.

He also wants to taste what it feels like to be a mortal empress!

"That couldn't be better!"

When many generals heard that Master Lu planned to take action personally, the battle became easier.

Then the generals began to mobilize their troops and horses, planning to launch the final battle against Dayu Imperial City.

As long as this battle defeats the Dayu Imperial City army.

It can be declared that a great dynasty that lasted for hundreds of years has officially come to an end.

Two hours passed by in an instant.

Yu Wenjing was now in golden armor and wearing an imperial helmet, standing at the top of the imperial city, quietly watching the strange movements of the Beimu Immortal Clan in the distance.

When the surrounding Dayu soldiers saw His Majesty going out to fight in person, they immediately became more eager to fight.

Even if he sheds the last drop of blood for Dayu, he will not hesitate.



In the distance, the battle horn of the Beimu Immortal Clan finally sounded, and a crowd of dark figures approached the imperial city.

At a glance, there are hundreds of thousands of them.

However, all the soldiers and horses stopped a hundred feet away from the city gate.

One of the messengers came to the gate of the city wall with a red flag.

"If you open the city gate and surrender, you will avoid death. If you insist on resisting, you will only die. We will all wash the imperial city with blood and leave no trace behind!"

"If you open the city gate and surrender, you will avoid death. If you insist on resisting, you will only die. We will all wash the imperial city with blood and leave no trace behind!"

The messenger soldiers of the Beimu clan shouted loudly over and over again under the city.

"Bring the arrows!"

Yu Wenjing frowned and shouted softly.

Jin Wuque immediately handed him the bow.

Yu Wenjing drew her bow to the full moon.

call out--

The next moment, the arrow shot out of the air, with a sharp whistling sound, and hit the messenger directly in the heart.

Kill it with one arrow.

"How brave! Kill me!"

When General Beimu saw that his messenger was shot dead, he waved his sword and tens of thousands of troops immediately rushed towards the imperial city.

Among them were some monks who walked through the air, slashing out sword rays, instantly destroying the thick city walls.


Jin Wuque shouted loudly when he saw that the opponent was within the range of the crossbow.

Boo hoo hoo——

Countless arrows shot up into the sky, densely packed and overwhelming.

In an instant, General Beimu's area was as dark as the sky.

The monk used Immortal Art to defeat the arrows.

But other soldiers were not so lucky.

A series of arrows fell to the ground, wailing.

There were more than a thousand casualties in an instant.

"Black-armored warrior, follow me and charge!"

Seeing that the city gate was defeated by the monks, Yu Wenjing shouted loudly and commanded the elite warriors of the imperial city to take the initiative to attack.

And he also charged into battle with Tong.

Seeing how brave Yu Wenjing was, the rest of the golden-armored guards rushed out one after another regardless of their own safety.

In an instant, Dayu soldiers showed extraordinary combat power.

The two sides actually fought equally.

"Kill, kill, kill—"

There were shouts of killing on the battlefield, the two armies collided, and blood splattered everywhere.

Among the Beimu Immortal Clan, the horse-faced Immortal Master Lu found Yu Wenjing’s location in the crowd.

Looking at her graceful figure and the dancing sword blade, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"Strong enough, I like it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he ducked and walked straight towards Yu Wenjing.

Dayu officers and men saw this and guarded Yu Wenjing one after another, wanting to arrive.

However, if a mortal body wants to fight against a monk, it is undoubtedly not an egg against a stone.

They all turned into clouds of blood mist and died on the spot.

Seeing the horse-faced immortal master coming to kill, Yu Wenjing knew that she was no match. If she fell into the opponent's hands, it would be difficult for her to die.

So he picked up the sword in his hand and pointed it at his white jade neck.

"Changsheng, see you in the next life!"

After saying this, Yu Wenqian planned to kill herself.


However, just when Yu Wenjing was about to commit suicide.

Nine streams of flames shot out from behind, instantly hitting the horse-faced monk who was charging towards him.

Each arrow hit its vitals, head, heart, and abdomen, killing it directly on the spot.

The following are chapters, one chapter per day, updated at 12 noon every day, thank you brothers

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