The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 167: Guarding a city for one person, the calm before the storm, Yu Wenjing’s thoughts, the d

Saw such a scene.

Yu Wenjing was shocked.

Such a domineering arrow, at first glance, it is not possible for their Dayu soldiers to do it, at least it must be an immortal master.


Yu Wenjing subconsciously believed that these arrows were fired by Lin Changsheng.

However, when she turned around, she found that the person who came was not Lin Changsheng, but King Qi Yu Xiaochang.

"It's you?"

Yu Wenjing's eyes suddenly felt a little disappointed.

However, Lin Changsheng, who transformed into Yu Xiaochang at this moment, had no time to explain.

The Tianyao Flame Bow in his hand was once again drawn into a full moon.

Boo hoo hoo——

The extremely domineering nine arrows once again shot through the air and headed towards the general of the Beimu Immortal Clan.

"Protect the general!"

This time it was the turn of the Beimu Immortal Clan to protect their master.

However, the arrows are so domineering, how can a mortal body be able to withstand them?

Anyone who stood in the way was pierced by arrows and killed with one arrow.


In the blink of an eye, General Beimu was instantly pierced by an arrow and died on the spot.

"Kill this boy and avenge Master Lu!"

In the distance, several disciples of the horse-faced man shouted angrily.

The other disciples also broke through the air and rushed towards the forest.

In their opinion, their master, Master Lu Xian, was in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation and must have died because of a conspiracy plotted by Lin Changsheng.

Otherwise, with Lin Changsheng's age in his twenties, how could he possibly kill Master Lu Xian with one move?

"Nine Layers of Flame Spear!"

"Crazy Thunder Seven-Star Sword!"

"Open Mountain Divine Yang Palm!"

The surrounding disciples who learned from Master Lu Xian all used their lifelong skills on Lin Changsheng.

He wanted to kill Lin Changsheng on the spot and avenge his master.

Lin Changsheng saw various immortal arts coming, but he did not take a step back.

He protected Yu Wenjing behind him, then took out the Immortal Killing Sword and slashed it out with one strike.

The Immortal-Slaying Heavenly Blade instantly transformed into a hundred-foot-long sword light, whizzing down and slashing down, its tyrannical aura seemed to split the world apart.


"Golden elixir level cultivation? This, how is this possible?"

"Get out of the way!"

The expressions of the Beimu Immortal Clan monks suddenly changed after they felt the invincible sword aura above Lin Changsheng's sword.

This is at least the power that can only be unleashed by a strong person with a golden elixir.

They are only in the foundation building stage, how can they compete with the golden elixir?


The sword light slashed down, causing the earth to tremble.

After the dust cleared, a huge ravine a hundred feet long and ten feet wide appeared on the ground.

The dozen or so monks who just wanted to kill Lin Changsheng undoubtedly survived.

Hundreds of Beimu soldiers followed and died together.

When the soldiers of Dayu saw this scene, their confidence suddenly increased, and they became even more brave in their charge.

In an instant, the Beimu Immortal Clan was defeated and retreated in succession.



Half an hour later, the Beimu Immortal Clan blew the retreat horn.

If they do not retreat, it is estimated that all these more than 100,000 soldiers will be surrounded and killed by Dayu soldiers.

"King Qi, you saved Dayu, you——"

"follow me!"

Yu Wenjing wanted to say something, but was directly interrupted by Lin Changsheng.

Afterwards, Lin Changsheng put the body of the horse-faced monk and the storage bag into his bag, and quickly took Yu Wenjing into the city, found a deserted corner, and used the magic of rebirth to change his original appearance.

"Long, long life? Is it really you?"

When Yu Wenjing saw Lin Changsheng, her eyes were filled with shock.

She thought she would never see Lin Changsheng again in this life.


Before Lin Changsheng could speak, Yu Wenjing threw herself directly into Lin Changsheng's arms.

This feeling of being lost and found made her feel as unreal as a dream.

She went to the battlefield with the determination to die, thinking that Dayu would be destroyed in her hands.

Unexpectedly, at the most critical moment, Lin Changsheng saved her again.

This was not the first time that Lin Changsheng had saved her. She didn't know whether it was fate or God who allowed Lin Changsheng to appear in her life.

At this moment, Yu Wenjing had mixed feelings in her heart, and no words could express her mood at this moment.

Holding Lin Changsheng in his arms, he sobbed softly.

This actually made Lin Changsheng a little embarrassed, and he didn't know where to put his hands at the moment.

"Changsheng, it's great to have you back. I can see you before I die, and I will die with no regrets!"

After Yu Wenjing calmed down a little, she spoke softly.

In her opinion, Lin Changsheng was able to save her this time.

But when the Beimu Immortal Clan attacks again for the second time, Lin Changsheng may not be able to defend Dayu Imperial City.

She didn't want Lin Changsheng to die for her.

He is extremely talented and will definitely be able to go further and fly to a wider sky in the future.

And her fate is to die fighting for Dayu.

"With me here, Dayu will not die, and nothing will happen to you!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

He originally wanted to continue transforming into Yu Xiaochang and develop silently.

The final blockbuster.

But at this moment, if he doesn't stand up and protect Dayu and Yu Wenjing, then everything he is familiar with will be lost.

They will all be destroyed by the Beimu monks.

When people are alive, they always have some obsessions in their hearts.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng's obsession was to protect Dayu and Yu Wenjing.

This girl had helped her many times. If Lin Changsheng did not repay this kindness, a demon would definitely grow in his heart in the future.

The path to spiritual practice will also be hindered in the future.

However, Yu Wenjing did not want Lin Changsheng to take such a big risk.

"Chang Sheng, don't be stupid. Dayu is facing the most powerful soldiers and immortal masters of the Beimu Immortal Clan, and there are many powerful ones at the Golden Core stage among them."

"Although you are also very powerful, you can't beat four hands with two fists. How can you protect Dayu with your own strength?"

"Just think of it as the last thing I'm asking you to do. Just go away and leave me alone!"

Yu Wenjing said with a pleading tone.

He didn't want Lin Changsheng to be buried here with her.


From afar, Jin Wuque came quickly, but unexpectedly, the always dignified and majestic empress Yu Wenjing fell into Lin Changsheng's arms.

He immediately turned his head away.

Yu Wenjing wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and asked, "General Jin, what's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, the Beimu Immortal Clan has retreated thirty miles. Do you want to continue the pursuit?"

Jin Wuque opened his mouth to report.

"Don't continue the pursuit. Let all soldiers withdraw, rebuild the city wall, and prepare for the second wave of attacks from the Beimu Immortal Clan!"

Yu Wenjing frowned and said.

She didn't think that the Beimu Immortal Clan would retreat like this.

They will definitely reorganize their soldiers and attack again.


Jin Wuque responded, and then immediately started to convey the order.

Lin Changsheng turned into Yu Xiaochang again and turned to leave. He also had very important things to do.

That is, outside the imperial city, with the spiritual veins of heaven and earth as the array, a divine fire-burning sky-transforming spirit formation is arranged.

This formation is extremely powerful, and it can also refine the cultivation of those who were burned and killed into spiritual energy that can be supplied to Lin Changsheng.

On weekdays, this array is absolutely not arranged.

There won't be a large number of monks rushing into your formation for no reason.

But this moment is definitely the best opportunity.

The more people are burned and killed, the faster Lin Changsheng's cultivation level will improve.


Yu Wenjing also wanted to persuade Lin Changsheng to leave.

But Lin Changsheng disappeared around the corner.

After Lin Changsheng left, he searched for suitable formation bases in every corner of the imperial city and began to arrange the formations.

This divine fire-burning sky-transforming spirit formation has a total of 66 formation bases, 3 formation eyes, and 1 formation disk.

The bases of the formation are arranged in every corner around the imperial city, with three gates in the east, west and south.

The most important array, Lin Changsheng arranged it underground in the imperial city.

This is the underground spiritual vein that Lin Changsheng finally obtained in Taixu Temple.

Naturally, it cannot be placed outside the imperial city.

In addition, Lin Changsheng also placed a hundred thousand sky-swallowing insects in the city. As long as any monks left the formation, they would be greeted by dense attacks from the sky-swallowing insects.

After finishing all this, Lin Changsheng found a quiet room, locked the door, and then began to refine the corpse puppet.

If ten high-level golden corpses could be refined as soon as possible, they might be able to fuse with corpse puppets that could compete with the infant stage to help.

It will also be a big killer at that time.

It is thousands of miles away from Dayu Imperial City.

Two black shadows stepped on a skull in the sky and flew through the air.

One of the older men held a gossip-like birth chart in his hand and looked at the direction above.

"This beast should be not far ahead. When I find this son, I will definitely cramp and strip him of his soul to avenge your father and brother!"

Elder Wu said.

Xuan Gu on the side immediately echoed, "Then let's go to Elder Wu Wu. This boy has gained a lot of blessings. Don't be careless when dealing with him! After the incident is completed, I will definitely hand over the Ten Thousand Ghosts Drawing Technique that my father obtained to the elder for practice. , so that Elder Wu can be promoted to Nascent Soul as soon as possible in the future!"

"It's just an early stage golden elixir. Why should you care? I can crush it to death with my hand!"

Wu Tianhua didn't care at all.

He felt that the reason why Xuanting died was partly because he entered the formation.

The formation arranged by the immortal is not something that ordinary people can break.

Maybe he was severely injured inside, which gave Lin Changsheng an opportunity.

Seeing that Elder Wu was so confident, Xuan Gu immediately stopped talking.

A land of thousands of miles is only a day or two's journey away.

Then let this beast live for a few more days.

The great mountains of the Northern Territory.

This is the dividing line between the Immortal Cultivation World in the Southern Region and the Immortal Clan in the North.

At this moment, an old man was holding a transparent crystal in his hand, staring at the picture with anger in his eyes.

At this moment, in the crystal, a young man was performing a series of spells to condense the corpse in front of him.

It seems that the corpse king sect's secret technique is being used to refine the corpse puppet.

"You alone want to defend Dayu? It's simply wishful thinking!"

The old man said angrily.

This person is none other than Divine Master Tianyin who lost his grandson half a month ago.

He originally thought that Lin Changsheng would keep running away, but he didn't expect that he would choose to settle in Dayu Imperial City in the end.

And it is ridiculous that he wants to defend the entire Dayu by himself.

It's like a mayfly shaking a tree, not overestimating one's own capabilities.

"When I arrive, I will make sure you beg for death!"

Divine Master Tianyin's eyes flashed with cold light.

Fengyu City.

It is eighty miles away from Dayu Imperial City.

The defeated Beimu army stationed here again.

At this moment, in a main hall, a woman wearing gold silk brocade had a frown on her face.

Listen to the reports from the major generals below.

"What? A hundred thousand troops, plus Immortal Master Lu Xiao, were all defeated at the hands of a young man?"

After hearing this, Beimu Saintess Bayi was in disbelief.

If there are five powerful Immortal Sects stationed in Dayu Imperial City, then forget it.

Unexpectedly, a young monk could block their army of 100,000 people, plus a team of cultivators, from outside the city gate?

How can this guy be so powerful?

"Holy girl, it's absolutely true! Although the monk from the Southern Region only had the early stage of Golden Core cultivation, Immortal Master Lu was killed by him with one arrow. His strength was terrifying!"

A general below was lying on the ground and reporting truthfully.

"Then I want to meet him for a while! Let me know, the army will be organized overnight, and you will follow me to attack the city again tomorrow!"

The corners of Bayi's mouth raised slightly.

If this young man is willing to be used by them, he can spare his life.

If not, then kill them.

Now that Beimu Sheng has fallen, his throne will be occupied by capable people.

As the Holy Maiden of Beimu, she also wanted to sit on the throne of one person and above hundreds of millions of people.

Dayu Imperial City.

Yu Wenjing anxiously wandered in front of Lin Changsheng's door.

She knew that Lin Changsheng was practicing and should not be disturbed.

But she really wanted Lin Changsheng to leave as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the next time the Beimu Immortal Clan besieges the city, it will be difficult for Lin Changsheng to leave if he wants to.


Just when Yu Wenjing was waiting anxiously.

The door opened and Lin Changsheng walked out.

Because he also discovered that Yu Wenjing was waiting here for a long time and refused to leave.

"Wen Jing, if you want to persuade me to leave, there's no need to say anything! I'll be very happy if you accompany me for a walk!"

Lin Changsheng said with a smile.

He knew that Yu Wenjing was here to persuade him to leave.


Yu Wenjing wanted to say something, but when it came to her mouth, she couldn't say it in the end.

She also knew that it was very difficult to change the things that Lin Changsheng had determined.

It's better to take advantage of the beautiful moonlight and go out for a walk.

Then Yu Wenjing didn't say much and just followed behind Lin Changsheng.

The two of them walked in the Dayu Palace, one behind the other.

In the Dayu Palace, the lights were brightly lit.

There is only one pavilion in the courtyard, surrounded by some bamboo trees, which makes the light slightly dim.

Looking up, you can see the bright moon in the sky.


The breeze blew through the bamboo forest, making a rustling sound.

Yu Wenjing's anxious heart suddenly calmed down a little.


When they arrived at the pavilion, Yu Wenjing called out in a soft voice.

There were many things she wanted to say to Lin Changsheng.

But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them out for a long time.

She knew that she and Lin Changsheng were no longer in the same world.

She was just a mortal, but Lin Changsheng was a monk, an immortal master who could travel between heaven and earth.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Changsheng turned around and asked.

"No, I just feel a little cold!"

Yu Wenjing held Xiu's shoulders with both hands and rubbed them.

Lin Changsheng took off his coat and put it on him, although the coat was not very gorgeous.

Less than one-tenth of Yu Wenjing’s.

But it made Yu Wenjing feel very warm.

How great would it be if time could stay at this moment?

"Do you know why I pretend to be Yu Xiaochang?"

Lin Changsheng saw that the atmosphere was a little awkward and said.


Yu Wenjing was a little confused.

In order to seize the throne, this person even sent people to kill her. Yu Wenjing naturally had no good impression of this person.

"He died in my hands, you won't blame me, right? If I guess correctly, he was also the one who caused you to fall into the river."

"Because I saved you, he sent people to assassinate me many times! If he doesn't kill him, he will definitely be a trouble in the future!"

Lin Changsheng said truthfully.

"This person's heart is not right. Even if he dies, it's normal. I thank you before it's too late. If he doesn't die and returns from practicing Taoism in the future, he may bring disaster to Dayu!"

Yu Wenjing responded.

Then the two fell into silence again, both just looking at the bright moon in the sky.

Yu Wenjing slowly approached Lin Changsheng.

Finally, he put his head on Lin Changsheng's shoulder.

Lin Changsheng looked unfazed on the surface, but he was extremely embarrassed in his heart.

I want to say something, but I don't know how to say it.

Afraid of ruining the atmosphere at the moment.

"If I die in this battle, Changsheng, I hope you can forget me!"

After a long silence, Yu Wenjing finally couldn't hold it back and spoke.

"As long as I'm here, Dayu will be fine, and nothing will happen to you!"

Lin Changsheng said firmly.

It was late at night, and two lonely figures were getting closer and closer under the moonlight.



The sun is rising.

Under the leadership of Saint Bai Ren, the Beimu Immortal Clan once again regrouped.

Arriving outside Dayu Imperial City.

Although the number of the army was tens of thousands less than yesterday, the Bayi people brought more than 200 monks.

Among them, there is 1 monk in the late stage of Jindan, 3 in the middle stage, and 6 in the early stage.

There are more than 200 other foundation-building monks.

With such a powerful team of Immortal Masters, it would be easy to capture a dynasty, let alone a city.

The Bayi people stared at Dayu Imperial City and felt something was wrong, but they couldn't tell what was wrong.


A messenger went to deliver the message.

However, the person sent out this time was not an ordinary person, but an early stage Golden Core cultivator.

The purpose is to put pressure on Dayu.

So that they can surrender obediently.

"Listen to the monks in the city. Saint Beimu is so kind to you. As long as you surrender, you will be saved from death. If you don't surrender, you will only die!"

The monk from the Beimu Immortal Clan shouted so that everyone in the imperial city could hear it clearly.

Lin Changsheng, who was standing on the dome of the palace, was no exception.

He thought some ruthless character would come today.

Unexpectedly, the only one who came was the Saint of Beimu.

He dared to kill even the Holy Son, so what could a mere Saint do?

call out--

The only response to this Beimu Jindan monk was a flaming arrow that shot through the air quickly.


Seeing the arrows piercing the sky, the Beimu Jindan monk shouted angrily.

I want to shatter it with one palm.

However, when he wanted to mobilize the magic power in his body, he suddenly felt an extremely powerful pressure of divine consciousness coming towards him.

"Yuan, Yuanying strong person?"

His eyes widened and he uttered four words tremblingly.


The next moment, before she could mobilize the magic power in her body, the arrow passed directly through the hall, killing her with one arrow.

"What a domineering archery skill!"

"Well done! This Beimu Immortal Clan is so arrogant!"

"This is the end of arrogance. Do you think we don't have an immortal master to help us?"

The soldiers of Dayu saw monk Beimu being killed with a sword.

Immediately he cheered.

Yesterday's victory in the battle greatly increased their confidence, and they seemed to have seen the dawn of darkness.

However, this arrow directly hit the Beimu Immortal Clan in the face.

"How brave! I don't know how to appreciate it! Today the imperial city will be bloodbathed! No one will be left alive!"

The monk with a horn beard in the late stage of Jindan who was next to the Bayi man in the distance yelled angrily.

This simply doesn't put them in the eyes of the Beimu Immortal Clan.

Under the angry shouts, he took the brunt and rushed towards the imperial city with two hundred monks.

He wanted to rush directly into the imperial city and kill Lin Changsheng.

Boo hoo hoo——

After hundreds of monks entered the attack range of the imperial city's crossbowmen, countless arrows shot out of the air.

Bang bang bang——

However, how could ordinary crossbow arrows injure these powerful monks?

They were all shattered by the law.

"Suffer death, boy!"

The Jindan monk saw Lin Changsheng on the roof of the palace from a distance, and he shouted angrily and slashed out with his sword.

The power of the sword was extremely domineering, as if it wanted to tear this world apart.

However, even in the face of such a powerful sword energy, Lin Changsheng remained unmoved, and even had a sneer on his lips.

The next moment, he saw that the sword was about to kill Lin Changsheng.

The scene in front of him changed, and the tyrannical sword energy directly killed him on a piece of scorched stone.

The stone fragments from the bombing were flying, and the dust was flying.

At this moment, there is no sight of the imperial city in the surrounding area. It's like being in an apocalyptic purgatory.

Surrounded by flaming volcanoes.

"Elder Gao, what's going on?"

The disciples who followed Gao Yi and rushed towards him found that after rushing into the imperial city, they seemed to have entered another dimension, and suddenly felt something bad.

The scorching heat emanating from the surrounding flame mountains made them extremely uncomfortable.

Even if they could use their magic power to resist, their whole bodies were already red and they wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

If they cannot leave here, they will all be burned to death in flames before long.

"Is it a formation? This guy actually set up a big formation outside the city gate!"

Gao Yi found it hard to believe that the formation was the most difficult to learn among all the immortal techniques.

There are seventy-two directions, thirty-six life gates, twelve formation eyes, three major life charts, etc.

As long as something goes wrong, the formation will not function properly.


Just when Gaoyi was hesitating, the quiet volcano in the distance unexpectedly erupted.

The scorching heat was emitted, causing the entire space to become distorted.


Some disciples whose strength was only on the first or second level of Foundation Establishment had their faces distorted by the scorching heat, and they let out heart-rending screams.

Only disciples with higher cultivation levels can barely resist the burning of the flames.

"Escape up there!"

Gao Yi screamed and wanted to escape from above.

However, he suddenly discovered that there was an invisible wall in the sky, blocking the entire space.

Make it impossible for them to escape.

The fire below became more and more fierce, and the disciples with low strength could no longer withstand the power of the flames, and were directly buried in the sea of ​​​​fire, and died.

Lin Changsheng was sitting cross-legged in the palace hall, feeling strong spiritual energy gathering at him from the three formation eyes.

"This spiritual energy doesn't even need to be refined?"

After Lin Changsheng absorbed the spiritual energy coming from the formation eyes, he was suddenly shocked.

Because after these spiritual energy enters his body, it can be directly absorbed through the operation of mana.

It was equivalent to that part of the opponent's cultivation was directly transferred to Lin Changsheng.

Although it is only a partial cultivation, it is much faster than refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

And this is only the spiritual energy refined by the fallen monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage. What if those golden elixirs also fell into the formation.

I believe that the spiritual power provided to Lin Changsheng is definitely more than this.

As time went by, the formation became a miserable scene, and screams continued to rise and fall.

From the initial disciples on the first and second levels of foundation building, it spread to the disciples on the seventh and eighth levels of foundation building.

In just ten minutes.

All the monks below Jindan were dead.

However, outside the formation, everything was calm.

"What's going on? Where are Elder Gao and the others?"

The Bayi people saw Gaoyi rushing away with the monks, and finally disappeared inexplicably, which made her confused for a while.

"Holy Girl, I think it's the young monk who did it. Maybe he set up the formation here! However, with Elder Gao's cultivation, this formation is not a problem. In less than a stick of incense, the formation will be destroyed. break!"

Beside Bayi, a golden sword guard spoke.

These golden sword guards are all important positions that can only be filled by the Beimu Immortal Clan's Golden Core cultivation level or above.

It is to protect the safety of important members of the royal family.


Within the formation, countless monks were burned by the flames and died, while streams of spiritual energy continued to pour into Lin Changsheng's body.

"Huh? Even the early stage of the Golden Core has fallen?"

Suddenly, Lin Changsheng felt 6 extremely powerful spiritual energy pouring into his body, causing the Dantian in his body to show signs of loosening.

"Is this going to break through to the middle stage of Golden Core?"

Lin Changsheng was surprised.

I didn't expect this formation to be so domineering.

Not only can it kill the enemy, but it can also refine the opponent's cultivation and be absorbed by oneself.

There are clearly signs of breaking through to the middle stage of Golden Elixir.

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