The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 170 The elder of the Ghost Sect in Xiatian came to deliver the treasure

As soon as Lin Changsheng took action, it was the extremely domineering Immortal-Slaying Heavenly Blade.

The surging golden elixir mid-stage mana was injected into it, causing its sword light to bloom, and instantly turned into a hundred-foot-long sword light and slashed towards Xuan Gu and Wu Tianhua.

"Another breakthrough? This, how is this possible?"

Xuan Gu looked at the Baizhang sword coming to kill him, his pupils filled with fear.

He originally thought that he was a great genius of Tiangui Sect.

However, in front of Lin Changsheng, all he could do was look at his back.

The gap between the two of them turned out to be worlds apart.

"How brave! You little beast who doesn't know whether to live or die, don't be so arrogant!"

Wu Tianhua scolded angrily and suddenly struck out with his palm.

The tyrannical golden elixir late-stage cultivation exploded, and countless evil ghosts came out, making sharp roars and heading towards Lin Changsheng's sword light.

This move is called the Heavenly Demon Mahamudra of the Heavenly Ghost Sect.

To practice this method, you need to kill tens of thousands of souls with your palms before you can achieve it.


The two attacks collided instantly and erupted with a loud noise.

All the trees within a ten-mile radius were shattered by the powerful wave of magic power.

Wu Tianhua originally thought that with his powerful magic power, he could kill Lin Changsheng with one palm.

However, the reality was completely different from what he thought.

Lin Changsheng's domineering Baizhang sword light actually shattered his Heavenly Demon's big hand seal and continued to fall towards the two of them.

"Get out of the way!"

When Wu Tianhua saw this, he was shocked.

Immediately jump to the side, otherwise if he is killed by Lin Changsheng's sword, he will be seriously injured even if he does not die.

But Xuan Gu was half a beat too slow to react, and by the time he wanted to escape, it was already too late.

Fortunately, the sword light did not fall on his head.

But three feet away from him.

Otherwise, this knife is enough to tear him into pieces.

But even so, the aftermath of the powerful sword light shattered all the bones around Xuan Gu, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and he collapsed to the ground.

"How could this beast have such a terrifying cultivation level?"

Xuan Gu still can't figure it out, they are both geniuses.

I haven't even entered the Golden Core stage yet, but the other party is already able to compete with the powerful ones in the late Golden Core stage?

At this moment, Xuan Gu only had overwhelming hatred in his eyes.

He hated that he couldn't kill Lin Changsheng with his own hands and avenge his father.

"Elder Wu, use your killing move quickly. Before I die, I want to see this beast die with my own eyes! Otherwise, the magic of all ghosts will follow me and sleep forever, and no one can even think of it!!"

Xuan Gu shouted with the last bit of his strength.

His biggest wish at the moment was that Elder Wu could kill Lin Changsheng and fulfill his wish to avenge his father.

If he cannot take revenge, he will die in peace.

Elder Wu, who was not far away, felt moved after hearing Xuan Gu's words.

This secret technique was obtained from an Immortal Lord's Cave. If he could practice it, he would be able to break through the Yuan Ying's Hao Jue in the future and make further progress.

"Boy, suffer death!"

As Elder Wu waved his hand, a Ten Thousand Souls Flag appeared in his hand.

This is a major killing move of the Tiangui Sect. All ghosts will appear, let alone the golden elixir stage monks.

Even if a strong person in the Nascent Soul Stage encounters him, he will be stunned by this scene.

In Wu Tianhua's opinion, Lin Changsheng would definitely be torn to pieces by Wangui.

"Then let's see, is your Ten Thousand Soul Banner more powerful, or is my Hundred Thousand Soul Banner more powerful?"

After saying that, Lin Changsheng also took out Xuanting's Hundred Thousand Soul Flags from the storage bag.

"This, is this Elder Xuan's Ten Thousand Soul Banner?"

When Wu Tianhua saw this, he was shocked.

Did he know that Xuanting had the Ten Thousand Ghosts Drawing Technique, and the power of the Ten Thousand Soul Banners that he refined must be much stronger than him.

But then I thought about it, Lin Changsheng was not from the Tiangui Sect, and even if he knew the secret method of activation, he could only scratch the surface.

It’s definitely not possible to unleash all the power of the Ten Thousand Soul Banner.

"Yes, the souls of Xuanting, Xuanjing and others are among them. Aren't you here just to avenge them? After I kill you, I will arrange for you to meet!"

Lin Changsheng is not an unkind person.

When Wu Tianhua is killed, his soul will naturally be included in the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

This is a strong man in the late stage of the Golden Core. His body can be made into a corpse puppet, and his soul can be refined into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner to enhance the power of the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

"Wishful thinking! Die!"

Wu Tianhua scolded angrily, this kid simply didn't take him seriously.

Under the angry scolding, Wu Tianhua waved his arm, and thousands of souls rushed out crazily with a shrill roar.

If ordinary people saw such a scene, they would think they were in purgatory.

But Lin Changsheng was not surprised by this scene.

And he also possesses the consciousness of the middle Nascent Soul level.

It was impossible to scare him.


Lin Changsheng saw thousands of souls roaring and charging toward him. With a wave of his arm, a hundred thousand soul flags suddenly erupted.

Jie Jie Jie——


Thousands of fierce souls rushed out with full of anger, as if they wanted to tear everything in the world into pieces.

Even if the two parties collide are souls.

But the scene was very shocking. The souls collided with each other, and even the souls with stronger cultivation levels directly devoured the souls with lower cultivation levels.

In this collision, Lin Changsheng's power of one hundred thousand soul flags clearly crushed Wu Tianhua again.

Because not only are there a large number of souls in Lin Changsheng's One Hundred Thousand Soul Flags, but there are also Xuanting in the late Jindan period as soul generals.

As for the Ten Thousand Soul Banner in Wu Tianhua's hand, the soul general with the highest cultivation level was only at the early stage of the Golden Core.

How can you compete with the Ten Thousand Souls Banner in Lin Changsheng's hand?

Just half a minute.

Half of the souls that rushed out from Wu Tianhua's Ten Thousand Soul Flag were swallowed up by Lin Changsheng's soul.

Wu Tianhua saw that if things continued like this, he would definitely lose.

Fortunately, he had arranged the soul-eating formation in advance, otherwise he might have capsized in this gutter.

Seeing that he couldn't defeat Lin Changsheng, Wu Tianhua used all the ghost techniques and directly activated the soul-eating formation.


The surrounding mountains began to shake violently, and black light curtains rose up.

It actually covered the mountains and forests here, shrouding them.

As Wu Tianhua activated the formation, it turned into a huge whirlpool with him as the center.

The souls that were closer to him were instantly sucked into his body.

As souls continue to enter Wu Tianhua's body, his cultivation level continues to rise.

"Array? This old guy seems to have some backup plans!"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and put one hundred thousand souls into the Ten Thousand Souls Flag again. If Wu Tianhua swallowed them all, it would actually help him improve his cultivation level.


Lin Changsheng didn't want to wait for Wu Tianhua to swallow all the souls he released before taking action.

Otherwise, Wu Tianhua might have absorbed the power of these souls and might be able to break through to the realm of Nascent Soul.

It will be more difficult to deal with it then.


However, Lin Changsheng's sword strike had no effect on Wu Tianhua.

Despite the explosion, Wu Tianhua was not injured at all.

It seemed that the other party had borrowed the power of the formation to deflect his attacks.

Lin Changsheng can also set up formations, so he naturally knows a little bit about the formations.

Lin Changsheng rose into the air and looked down at the entire formation.

Want to find flaws.

"Introduction to the Soul-Eating Formation of All Souls!"

Just when Lin Changsheng was looking for a way to break the formation, a prompt popped up on the panel.

[The Soul-Devouring Formation of All Souls has been detected. Do you want to spend 2,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】


Lin Changsheng decisively chose yes, although he also knew that now was not a good time to simplify.

But at this moment, Lin Changsheng had no other way to break the formation.

If you want to kill Wu Tianhua, you must understand this formation.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Soul-eating Formation of Ten Thousand Souls begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Soul-Eating Array of Ten Thousand Souls == Killing Souls! 】

In just three breaths, the panel was simplified and completed.

This simplification made Lin Changsheng immediately raise the corners of his mouth.

Just as the other party released all the souls in the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, there were still thousands of souls wandering around the venue.

Some even want to leave this space.

However, this place was imprisoned by the formation, making it impossible for them to escape.

So many souls, just enough for him to kill.

Lin Changsheng continued to kill these souls with his sword.

The experience value of the All Souls Devouring Soul Array is +1!

The experience value of the All Souls Devouring Soul Array is +1!

The experience value of the All Souls Devouring Soul Array is +1!

With Lin Changsheng's killings, the experience of the Soul-devouring Formation of All Souls continued to increase crazily.

[Mastery of the Soul-Eating Formation of All Souls! 】

It didn't take long to master it.

Suddenly, streams of information crazily merged into Lin Changsheng's mind.

This information is exactly about how to arrange the Soul Eater of All Souls and how to break the formation.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng was like an array master who had been setting up the Ten Thousand Souls Devouring Formation for decades and knew the formation very well.

"So this is the way to break the formation?"

After realizing the Soul-Eating Formation of All Souls, Lin Changsheng immediately found a way to break the formation.

Then he summoned 8 sky-devouring insect kings and directed them to move towards the skeleton that Wu Tianhua originally stepped on.

The Soul-Devouring Formation of All Souls has twenty-two formation bases, one formation eye, and one formation plate.

The skeleton magic weapon is the formation plate, and Wu Tianhua himself is the formation eye.

That's why he can use the power of the formation to absorb all the souls into his body to enhance his cultivation.

The way to break the formation is the Skeleton Formation Disk.

As long as it is destroyed, this formation will be destroyed.

The Sky-Swallowing Insect King can even swallow iron mountains, and monks' magic weapons are nothing more than rations to them.

Eight sky-devouring insect kings came to the skeleton and began to gnaw at it.


When Wu Tianhua saw this, he was shocked.

How did this guy know how to break this formation?


In Wu Tianhua's roar.

The skeleton magic weapon was eaten up by the Sky Devouring Insect King in an instant.

The formation disk was destroyed, and the All-Souls-Eating Soul Formation was instantly broken.

The darkness surrounding the mountain forest also receded.

The remaining souls began to flee in all directions.

Wu Tianhua was just a little short of that, and he could devour these souls and advance to the Nascent Soul realm, so that he could shock and kill Lin Changsheng.

Unexpectedly, the formation was broken by Lin Changsheng.

Even if you are promoted to the Nascent Soul realm, it can only last for a period of time.

But in Wu Tianhua's opinion, killing Lin Changsheng was enough.

"You've had enough fun, it's time to send you on your way!"

Lin Changsheng no longer wanted to tease Wu Tianhua.

Directly spreading out the spiritual consciousness in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, the suppressed Wu Tianhua's expression changed drastically.

"Is it you? How could it really be you?"

Wu Tianhua's eyes widened with shock on his face.

He couldn't believe that this terrifying spiritual consciousness in the middle stage of Nascent Soul actually burst out from Lin Changsheng.

Thanks to the 88 brothers of Shenwei Rujing for the reward! Thank you so much!

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