The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 171 Big Harvest, Spiritual Treasure God-Slaying Blade [Please subscribe! 】


Lin Changsheng erupted so far away that his figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

But the voice appeared behind Wu Tianhua.

This made Wu Tianhua feel his scalp numb and break out in a cold sweat.

So it turns out that Lin Changsheng never showed his full strength?

Have you been playing cat and mouse with him for so long?

Are you teasing him?


When Wu Tianhua was about to turn around, he found that Lin Changsheng's sword light had penetrated his entire chest.

Blood stained the corners of his clothes red.

Under the suppression of the powerful spiritual consciousness in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Wu Tianhua's cultivation level plummeted and his reaction was slow.

He was no match for Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng originally wanted to try to see if he could kill Wu Tianhua with his own cultivation without using the Nascent Soul consciousness.

Unexpectedly, the opponent actually arranged a large formation here, which almost caused Lin Changsheng to suffer a loss.

Lin Changsheng naturally didn't want to waste time with the other party at this moment. Who knew what other trump cards the other party would have in the future?

I don't want to drag it out and something unexpected happens.

"No, it's impossible-"

The corners of Wu Tianhua's mouth turned red, with a look of shock on his face.

He never imagined until his death that he would die in the hands of Lin Changsheng.

And why is the other party's consciousness so powerful?

"Go in peace!"

Seeing that Wu Tianhua was still breathing, Lin Changsheng punched him again and killed him directly.

"I have to seize the time to improve my cultivation! If it weren't for my powerful spiritual consciousness, I would probably have no way of surviving if I encountered a strong Nascent Soul person!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

Looking at the dead Wu Tianhua, Lin Changsheng took out the Hundred Thousand Souls Flag and waved it.

He directly absorbed Wu Tianhua's soul.

From then on, he had another powerful soul general in his Ten Thousand Soul Banner.

Wu Tianhua's corpse can also be used to refine corpse puppets. Lin Changsheng happened to be short of late-stage golden elixir corpse puppets, so naturally he would not let him go.

"Beast, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

Xuan Gu fell to the ground, roaring angrily.

"You are no match for me as a human being, but you can do it as a ghost? Tell me where the magic of attracting all ghosts is, and maybe I can make you die happily!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly as he looked at the bones all over his body that were shattered by the shock and fell to the ground like a pool of mud.

This Ten Thousand Ghosts Drawing Technique was also what Xuan Gu told Wu Tianhua just now.

I think this thing will definitely not be bad.

Otherwise, Wu Tianhua would not have come all the way here to cause trouble for him.

"Bah——, don't even think about it——"

Xuan Gu was also very courageous and had no intention of telling Lin Changsheng.

However, Lin Changsheng was not in a hurry.

He has plenty of ideas.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and summoned Xuanting's soul.


After Xuanting came out, he was shocked when he saw Xuan Gu's soul, showing a look of despair.

He originally wanted Xuan Gu to practice well and avenge them in the future.

Unexpectedly, he was also severely injured by Lin Changsheng at this moment, and father and son met each other.

"Beast, you can't be nice..."

Xuanting was just about to insult him, but Lin Changsheng pressed his palm on his head. With a slight exertion, Xuanting screamed in pain.

"If you don't tell me, I will make your father's soul disappear and he will never be reincarnated again!"

Lin Changsheng said calmly.

He still didn't believe that Xuan Gu could continue to keep secret.

Even if he talks harshly, Lin Changsheng only needs to practice the soul control technique to perfection, and then he can just swallow the mysterious bones and absorb their memories.

"I said, I said, all ghosts are pulling Dafa into the secret room of my father's cave!"

Xuan Gu said anxiously, it seemed that he was not a ruthless person.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Lin Changsheng shocked Xuan Gu to death with one palm.

When the souls are collected into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, the family will be in order.

Naturally, the two people's storage bags were taken away by Lin Changsheng, and they planned to find an uninhabited place to take a closer look.

After all, Lin Changsheng had quite a few storage bags on his body.

There are also storage bags for more than two hundred monks who died in the divine flame formation.

The harvest this time is definitely not small.

Dayu Imperial City.

After the next battle, the Dayu soldiers admired Lin Changsheng even more.

Consider him the savior of Dayu.

If Lin Changsheng had not taken action, I am afraid that Dayu would have fallen into the hands of the Beimu Immortal Clan.

As long as the imperial city still exists, they still have the possibility of counterattack.

Within the palace.

Yu Wenjing was dressed in a golden phoenix robe, looking dignified and moving, like a human empress, holy and inviolable.

At this moment, Yu Wenjing looked at the direction in which Lin Changsheng was leaving, with mixed feelings in her heart.

"Changsheng, you have saved me from danger time and time again. How can I thank you?"

Yu Wenjing felt that she had nothing to repay Lin Changsheng.

And he was not worthy of Lin Changsheng.

One is an immortal master who travels around the world, and she is just a mortal.

"Changsheng, I will definitely repay you this kindness!"

Yu Wenjing made a decision silently in her heart.

Even though she knew that she was not worthy of Lin Changsheng, Yu Wenjing still wanted to give him her most precious possession.

Two thousand miles away from the imperial city, in a cave on a cliff.

Lin Changsheng poured out all the contents of the storage bag.

The total number of spirit stones is over 300,000 pieces, which is an extremely rich treasure.

However, these spiritual stones are now the most ordinary things to Lin Changsheng.

In addition to spiritual stones, there are also some medicinal materials, spiritual fruits and elixirs.

Although these are valuable, they are not particularly important to Lin Changsheng.

What Lin Changsheng wanted most was the immortal arts and magic weapons.

After more than half an hour of inventory.

Lin Changsheng counted and found that there were 265 low-grade magic weapons, 37 medium-grade magic weapons, and 10 high-grade magic weapons.

In addition to those in the storage bag, these top-grade magic weapons also include the magic weapon of the dead monk's real name.

"With so many magical treasures, if I fuse them together, I wonder if a spiritual treasure can emerge?"

Lin Changsheng thought leisurely.

As soon as this idea came into my mind, a fusion prompt popped up on the panel.

[265 low-grade magic weapons were detected. Did the sword energy merge into 53 medium-grade magic weapons? 】


Lin Changsheng clicked yes without hesitation.

With a flash of light, the 265 low-grade magic weapons in front of him disappeared instantly and turned into 53 medium-grade magic weapons.

[90 middle-grade magic weapons were detected. Are they merged into 9 high-grade magic weapons? 】


Only fools don't fuse. After fusion, the power will be stronger.

The 99 middle-grade magic weapons disappeared with the fusion, and then 9 high-grade magic weapons appeared in front of them.

Lin Changsheng originally thought that the integration would end here.

However, what he didn't expect was that after three breaths of pause, the panel popped up again.

[20 high-grade magic weapons have been detected. Should they be fused into 1 low-grade magic weapon? 】

This reminder made Lin Changsheng a little unexpected.

20 high-grade magic weapons merged into one spiritual treasure?

Although the price is a bit high, it is definitely worth it.


Lin Changsheng said nothing and chose fusion again.

As Lin Changsheng clicked and merged, the 19 high-grade magic weapons placed in front of him, plus the immortal sword that was warmed in his golden elixir, suddenly gathered in the air.

With the fusion of 20 high-grade magic weapons, a bright light burst out, making people unable to open their eyes.

The fusion lasted for a full stick of incense before the bright light slowly dissipated.

[The fusion is completed, please select the type of weapon to be fused, such as knife, sword, stick, club, and halberd]

【knife! 】

Lin Changsheng chose the knife again without hesitation.

Because the knife is easy to use.

Whether it was chopping, chopping, stabbing or teasing, Lin Changsheng was very good at using it.

[The fusion weapon type is knife, please name the new weapon! 】

The panel prompts again.

"God-killing Blade!"

Lin Changsheng said.

A more domineering name than Killing Immortals is, of course, Killing Gods.

Only with this reputation can one be worthy of this spiritual treasure.


With a bright light flashing, a domineering spirit treasure slowly appeared in front of Lin Changsheng.

This is much longer than the original Immortal Killing Sword, more than four feet long, and the blade is extremely sharp.

Just looking at it makes me feel sharp.

On its blade, there are intricate runes flashing.

Lin Changsheng penetrated it with his spiritual consciousness and discovered that this knife actually had six levels of restrictions.

After all are refined, they can exert extremely powerful power.

"The ban doesn't work on me?"

Lin Changsheng originally wanted to refine the restriction directly, but finally found that the restriction in the blade did not need to be refined at all. Lin Changsheng could directly exert the full power of the Immortal Killing Sword.

This saved Lin Changsheng a lot of time.

"Try the power!"

Lin Changsheng couldn't wait to come outside with the God-killing Blade and waved it at a mountain.

An extremely domineering sword light instantly erupted from the blade, slashing towards the mountain ahead.


The sword light collided with the mountain, and there was a loud noise.

The mountain was split open by the sword in an instant.

The upper part of the mountain suddenly collapsed to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

"So sharp?"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this.

If in the early stage of his Golden Core, he could level a mountain with one sword, then he would have to rely on brute force to destroy the entire mountain.

But now, with a wave of your hand, you can cut the mountain in two, and the cutting surface is extremely smooth.

You can see how sharp the blade is.

And this was Lin Changsheng's subsequent swing, which only unleashed the power of the two restraints on the blade.

If all six levels of restrictions were to break out.

Not to mention the mountains, I am afraid that even the large formation Wu Tianhua just laid out can be split open.

"As expected of a spiritual treasure, its power is so domineering!"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied.

Lin Changsheng then put away the God-killing Blade and returned to the cave to continue checking other harvests.

In addition to the elixirs and various medicinal materials, there is a pile of jade slips.

Lin Changsheng checked them one by one.

It was found that most of them were immortal manuals and some elixir prescriptions.

Among them, there are 4 sets of sword techniques, 3 boxing techniques, 2 body techniques, plus 1 hidden weapon technique and 1 body strengthening technique.

Although he has a lot of martial arts knowledge, Lin Changsheng knows that he can bite off more than he can chew.

So I only selected a few to study specifically.

He plans to cultivate it to perfection and integrate it with the original martial arts to form stronger moves.

Later, when I have more time, I will slowly learn other fusions.

Lin Changsheng chose two sword techniques and two boxing techniques.

The two swordsmanships are Qinglian Swordsmanship and Lieyang Wushuang Swordsmanship.

His boxing techniques are the Divine Fist and the Demonic Dragon Destroying Fist.

As for body skills and hidden weapons.

Lin Changsheng planned to let it go first.

So close to the end of the world, and the Sky Thunder Flame Archery is enough for now.

Moreover, the body-strengthening exercises include the Golden Body and Treasure Body of the Holy Buddha, and his physical body is already comparable to that of a strong person in the infancy stage.

So the only thing that is slightly lacking is the offensive method.

The sword technique can be fused with the Immortal-Slaying Heavenly Blade, and the boxing technique can be fused with the Dragon Roar World-Destroying Fist.

Can greatly improve combat effectiveness.

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