The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 176: Both sides suffer, the soul-devouring formation of all souls [Please subscribe! 】

"Lingbao? It seems that you underestimated this little beast!"

Tianyin said secretly in his mind.

I thought that with a random palm, I could shatter Lin Changsheng's sword light and severely injure him.

However, I didn't expect that I would suffer a loss again.

Not only was the opponent's sword extremely domineering, he actually obtained the spiritual treasure at the golden elixir stage.

This is not a treasure that ordinary monks can obtain!

Even Divine Master Tianyin only found it two hundred years ago when he and his senior brother went to a secret realm.

In the end, he killed his senior brother and devoured all the treasures, only to achieve his current level of cultivation.

It also covers battle formation, weapon refining, alchemy and other fields.

If it weren't for that opportunity, Tianyin would never have the qualifications to become a powerful person in the Beimu Immortal Clan.

"All your strength is nothing more than this!"

Lin Changsheng said in a deep voice.

Even when facing Divine Master Tianyin, a strong man in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he did not panic at all, because even if the flame formation did not kill Tianyin, he still had backup options.

If he didn't have any confidence, Lin Changsheng would never be stupid enough to wait for death here!

"Are you worthy of seeing all my abilities? You are overestimating yourself!"

Tianyin is disdainful.

If he wanted to kill an ant at the Golden Core stage, he would have to sacrifice his own spiritual treasure. Even if he killed him, he would be ridiculed by the world.

"In this case, to show fairness, I won't use the spirit treasure!"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and took in the God-killing Blade.

Because the strength he unleashed with his own golden elixir cultivation was not enough to kill Tian Yin.

If the other party also sacrificed spiritual treasures, he would probably have even less chance of winning.

It would be better to provoke him and neither side would use the spirit treasure, which would give Lin Changsheng an even greater advantage.

After all, Lin Changsheng's physical body has been promoted to the Nascent Soul level, and with the addition of Dragon God's World-Destroying Fist, he may not be unable to fight against him.

"Whether you use Lingbao or not, the end will be the same. I see that your cultivation is not easy and your talent is extremely high. I can give you a chance to admit your mistake. If you are willing to betray the Southern Immortal Cultivation World and join our Beimu Immortal Clan, I I can spare you the pain of your skin and flesh, otherwise you will be forced to die and endure all kinds of torture to avenge my grandson!"

Tianyin said tentatively.

Because of Lin Changsheng's talent, he was the most evil person he had ever seen in his nearly a thousand years of life.

Even the Holy Son of Beimu is not half as good as him.

Moreover, this son is also proficient in formations. If he is willing to serve the Beimu Immortal Clan, he can help the Beimu Immortal Clan unify the world of immortality.

It’s time to put aside your hatred for the time being.

Of course, Lin Changsheng could not escape his final fate, which was to be taken away by Master Biyi.

However, before seizing the body, he can bring out more of his value.

Hearing Master Tianyin's words, Lin Changsheng raised his lips and said, "You can make me surrender, but then use all your strength! A person who has suffered at my hands is worthy of asking me to admit defeat?"

"It's so ungrateful!"

Seeing that the persuasion was useless, Tianyin stopped talking nonsense to Lin Changsheng. The mana in his body was running violently, and he stamped Lin Changsheng with another palm.

This palm, called Thousand Fu Seal, is the most powerful. It can shoot out thousands of afterimages with one palm, and its power is extremely domineering.

But in Tianyin's view, Lin Changsheng didn't need to unleash his full strength.

Moreover, if Lin Changsheng does not use the Lingbao, he will only lose worse.

Lin Changsheng was able to hurt himself just now because he was careless.

He never expected that a spiritual treasure would appear in the hands of a golden elixir stage monk.

This time, Lin Changsheng no longer chose to confront Tian Yin head-on. After all, his opponent's power was much stronger than Lin Changsheng's, so the possibility of suffering a loss in a head-on confrontation with him would only be greater.


An explosion erupted so close to the horizon, and Lin Changsheng disappeared directly from the spot in the next moment.

When he appeared again, he was suddenly not far from Tian Yin's side.

And at this moment, he clenched his right hand into a fist, and the magic power was condensed in it, blooming with an incomparably bright light.


Gathering all his strength, Lin Changsheng punched out, which was the Dragon God's World-Destroying Fist that he had just merged with.

With this punch, hundreds of feet of mountains can be leveled to the ground, it is full of power.

I wonder what will happen if it hits Tianyin?

"Get away!"

Tianyin was angry and swung out his left hand, making a series of palm seals to defend against the enemy.

Boom boom boom——

Dragon God's fist light collided with the palm prints in an instant.

Tian Yin thought that he could seriously injure Lin Changsheng with a random palm.

However, after the fists collided, the result was a bit shocking to Tianyin.

Lin Changsheng actually relied on his cultivation at the Golden Core stage to break the palm print barrier he created.

Moreover, the residual power of the Dragon God's entwined fist blasted directly in front of him.

With no time to avoid, Tianyin could only use his magic power to resist.


The light of the fist fell, and the figure of Divine Master Tianyin floated more than ten feet into the distance before he stabilized his figure.

He was almost punched into the ground by Lin Changsheng.

"Nascent Soul level physical body?"

This scene once again shocked Tianyin beyond words.

What kind of monster is this guy? One after another shocked him.

First the formation, then the Nascent Soul level consciousness.

But now, the opponent's physical strength is actually at the Nascent Soul level.

If the opponent's mana cultivation level is also at the Nascent Soul level, I'm afraid he might be the loser in this battle.

Think of this.

Tianyin stopped looking down on Lin Changsheng and took him seriously.

But Lin Changsheng would not give Tian Yin a chance to breathe. After knocking Tian Yin away with one punch, he struck down with a punch of light.


The Dragon God's World-Destroying Fist turned into golden dragons and fell towards Tianyin.

"Thousand Brushes Hands!"

Tian Yin scolded angrily, mobilized the few magic powers in his body, and blasted out with a palm with all his strength.

This palm exploded all the cultivation of Tianyin Yuanying in the middle stage.

At first, he did not use all his cultivation skills. First, he underestimated Lin Changsheng as just an ant at the Golden Core stage.

Secondly, I don't want to accidentally kill Lin Changsheng. When the time comes, Master Bixi will have no one to seize his body, and he will be in trouble.

That's why I didn't use my full strength.

But now, he suffered losses at the hands of Lin Changsheng one after another, and he suddenly showed no mercy.

When this palm was struck, the color of the world changed.

The entire sky seemed to be shrouded in golden light, and huge divine seals that were many feet wide were greeted by Lin Changsheng's divine dragon fist blasting down.

Bang bang bang——

In the sky, the fists and palms collided, and deafening roars suddenly erupted, like the thunder god's rage.

The powerful pressure makes all mortals tremble with fear.

After the huge roar ended, the dragon's fist light only shattered a hundred palm prints, and all the power collapsed.

The rest of the palm prints continued to rush towards Lin Changsheng.

"What a domineering palm seal! Is this all the cultivation of a strong person in the middle stage of Nascent Soul?"

Seeing the palm seals coming one after another, Lin Changsheng immediately used his magic power to penetrate into the Xuanwu armor.

In the blink of an eye, black armor appeared around Lin Changsheng, covering all parts except his eyes tightly.


The moment the Xuanwu Armor protected him, palm prints followed and landed on Lin Changsheng.

The power of a Nascent Soul Realm powerhouse is no joke, even if Lin Changsheng is protected by a Xuanwu armor.

This palm also directly shattered the Xuanwu armor. The powerful attack force shook Lin Changsheng's internal organs as if they were displaced, and he flew towards the distance.


When Yu Wenjing saw Lin Changsheng flying upside down due to severe injuries, she was shocked and quickly ran in the direction of Lin Changsheng.

Even if she had to die, she would die with Lin Changsheng.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Tianyin sneered.

Do you want to compete with the powerful Nascent Soul just by relying on your golden elixir cultivation?

This is undoubtedly not a foolish dream.

The ladder between cultivation levels, even the small ravine, cannot be overcome by ordinary monks, unless they are talented and talented.

The gap between great realms cannot be bridged even by talented people.


Just when Tian Yin was proud, Lin Changsheng took out the Hundred Thousand Soul Flag and waved his hand, and countless black shadows rushed towards Tian Yin with shrill screams.

This shrill roar was breathtaking.

If it weren't for Tianyin's powerful spiritual consciousness, it would feel like his soul would be torn to pieces by these thousands of ghosts at this moment.

But even so, Tianyin was stunned by the scene of thousands of souls coming out.

Boo hoo hoo——

While Tianyin was dazed, several flaming arrows rushed from the sky.

Arrows shot through the sky from all tricky angles, making it impossible to avoid the sky.

When Tian Yin came to his senses, the arrow was already in front of him.

Tianyin could only use his magic power to resist immediately, forming a magic power barrier around his body.

Unfortunately, he had just used his strength to resist the six arrows in front of him, and the other three arrows had already hit his back.

Bang bang bang——

Nine arrows landed around Divine Master Tianyin, causing a violent explosion.

Some arrows were blocked by Tianyin, but some were not blocked.

After the explosion, Master Tianyin's back was a bloody mess.

If Tianyin hadn't been in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, these arrows would have been enough to kill him.

In the distance, Lin Changsheng held the Tianyao Flame Bow, turned over and landed on the ground.

Although his internal organs are in severe pain, he is not yet in danger of life.

When he looked up at Tianyin in the sky, the other party was not much better.

There were few good spots on his hair and clothes, and his back was a bloody mess.

No matter whether it is attack or defense, Yuanying monks are much stronger than the golden elixir masters.

If these killer moves of Lin Changsheng were used on the Golden Core Peak, they would probably be enough to kill the opponent several times.

However, when it fell on Divine Master Tianyin, it could only damage his flesh.

"You are indeed very talented, but unfortunately, your fate is sealed today!"

Tianyin scolded angrily.

Unexpectedly, trying to deal with an ant with a golden elixir cultivation level would actually injure him.

This is simply a disgrace.

If this son had not killed his grandson, his talent could be described as a monster and a genius.

If it weren't for hostility, he would really want to accept Lin Changsheng as his disciple.

You can take him with you to leave this immortal place in the future.

But since Lin Changsheng killed Holy Son Beimu, it would be impossible to reverse his fate.

"This is the appetizer, the real show is yet to come!"

As he spoke, Lin Changsheng struck the ground with his palm.

As Lin Changsheng's magic power circulated, a black light curtain slowly rose up with a radius of 100 feet with the palace as the center, directly covering the palace.

As soon as Yu Wenjing ran outside the light curtain, she was blocked by the black curtain.

"Changsheng, please leave quickly! It's not worth dying here for Dayu -!"

Yu Wenjing's eyes were red with anxiety.

The other party is not an ordinary monk.

But the pinnacle of monks, the powerful Nascent Soul.

Such a strong person can destroy a city with just a flip of his hand.

In Yu Wenjing's view, although Lin Changsheng is talented and talented, he is currently unable to compete with such strong men.

If Lin Changsheng practiced hard for a hundred years, he might be able to fight.

Yu Wenjing was right. With Lin Changsheng's current cultivation level, he was no match for Tian Yin. If he could hurt him, it was because of his carelessness.

How could Lin Changsheng be a match for the powerful Nascent Soul simply by relying on mana attacks?

But Lin Changsheng's killing move was beyond Yu Wenjing's imagination.

The black curtain that rose up at this moment was also a large formation, called the Soul-Eating Formation of All Souls.

When Lin Changsheng returned to the palace, he arranged it in case of emergency.

I didn't expect that it would actually come in handy at this moment.

The more souls this formation swallows, the greater the cultivation level will be improved.

Lin Changsheng had just released a hundred thousand souls here. If he swallowed them all, it would be easy for Lin Changsheng to break through one or two small realms.

Although it can only improve your cultivation level in a short period of time.

But it's enough to temporarily compete with Tianyin.

"Array within array?"

Tianyin frowned slightly as he watched Lin Changsheng continue to devour the surrounding souls, and his cultivation level was also constantly improving.

How many methods does this boy have that he hasn't used yet?

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