The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 177 The power of the formation breaks through Haojue, and every sect is amazed

"Is it too late to improve your cultivation now?"

After finishing his words, Tian Yin struck out at Lin Changsheng with a palm, intending to kill him.

At this moment, Tianyin can't worry about that much anymore.

Lin Changsheng had completely angered him.

However, when the palm print came, Lin Changsheng remained unmoved.


The overbearing palm print fell on Lin Changsheng, but it had no effect. It just caused a ripple and then disappeared.

This scene made Tianyin dumbfounded. The power he exerted was also swallowed up?

Seeing that there was no good way to deal with Lin Changsheng at this moment, Tian Yin stopped wasting his mana. Instead, he sat down cross-legged and swallowed a pill with his head held high, and then began to restore his mana.

Just now, he had consumed 70% of his mana in the formation, and when fighting Lin Changsheng, he had consumed another 20%.

Now only 10% of the mana is left.

If you don't recover some.

After Lin Changsheng has absorbed all the souls, he will be the passive one.

"Golden elixir late stage cultivation!"

In just one stick of incense, Lin Changsheng absorbed more than 10,000 souls, and his strength reached the late stage of the Golden Core.

If all the souls are swallowed up, it will definitely not be difficult to break through to the Nascent Soul stage.

And within the time of burning incense, Tianyin also recovered 20% of his mana.

Seeing that Lin Changsheng did not move, he took another pill and continued to recover.

The two of them faced each other in the formation for an hour.

The mana in Tianyin's body has also returned to the fourth level.

"Huh? Are you actually going to break through the Nascent Soul?"

Tian Yin was immediately shocked, because he had faintly sensed signs of an imminent breakthrough from Lin Changsheng.

You must know that Lin Changsheng is very difficult to deal with due to his golden elixir cultivation.

If he breaks through Nascent Soul, wouldn't it be even more difficult to deal with?

So Tianyin stopped recovering his mana and stood up directly.

If he continues to wait for Lin Changsheng to absorb it, I am afraid he will be the one in trouble.

This formation must be destroyed to interrupt Lin Changsheng's ability to absorb souls.

However, after searching for a long time, Tianyin could not find any flaw in this formation.

Because the only flaw lies in Lin Changsheng's spiritual treasure. The spiritual treasure is the formation plate and he is the formation eye, absorbing all the power of souls and strengthening himself.

The power of Lingbao lies in Lin Changsheng's Dantian.

The bombardment to kill Lin Changsheng was undoubtedly not to absorb power for him.

This formation can be said to be unsolvable. It will automatically end when the opponent absorbs all the souls.

Wu Tianhua was careless when he used this formation. He didn't expect that Lin Changsheng would find a flaw in this formation and swallow his magic weapon.

Causing everything to fall short.

"If you can absorb mana attacks, can you block Lingbao attacks?"

Thinking of this, Divine Master Tianyin couldn't care less about how others would view him in the future, and summoned the Lingbao Sky-Breaking Snake Spear from his Dantian with a wave of his hand.

This spiritual treasure is six feet long, with a white light shining on it, especially the head, which is extremely sharp and has the potential to break the sky.


Tian Yin looked at Lin Changsheng who was still devouring his soul. He immediately took a spear and stabbed Lin Changsheng away.

Tianyin's explosion at this moment was all the cultivation of the middle stage of Nascent Soul, plus the power of the spiritual treasure. Even if Lin Changsheng had the help of the formation, he would probably not feel comfortable if he was stabbed.

Lin Changsheng sensed that Tianyin was using Lingbao.

Don't dare to be careless.

He is well aware of the power of Lingbao.

Even in the middle stage of his golden elixir, relying on the spirit treasure, he still traumatized Tianyin.

Because Lin Changsheng had already discovered the injury on Tian Yin's right hand.

At first, I thought the other party was pretending to be arrogant and stood with his hands behind his back.

I didn't expect that he was injured and didn't want to be seen by himself.

Therefore, Lin Changsheng did not dare to be a target and take such a big risk to resist Tianyin's attack.

He immediately jumped up, dodged Tianyin's attack, and frantically absorbed the last bit of soul.

I saw many souls being sucked into Lin Changsheng's body.

Lin Changsheng's bones began to make crackling sounds.

Divine consciousness suddenly spread out, surging like rivers converging into a sea.

As his spiritual consciousness gathered, a small figure the size of a finger magically formed between Lin Changsheng's eyebrows.

The dantian in the body suddenly evolved from a mist state into a spring.

A steady stream of mana gushes out from the spring.

With Lin Changsheng's breakthrough, he also returned to his original appearance.

"You actually broke through the Nascent Soul?"

When Tianyin saw such a scene, he was immediately shocked and couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

What kind of secret method is this? It can actually allow people to break through two realms in a short period of time.

One of them is still a big realm.

"Old man, let's fight again!"

After feeling the changes in his body, Lin Changsheng became extremely eager to fight.

He wanted to try the cultivation of this Nascent Soul Realm, how terrifying it was.

"If you try to break through forcefully, there will be a backlash. Your path to immortality in this life has been ruined. Don't you know it?"

Tianyin glared at Lin Changsheng and said.

In his opinion, Lin Changsheng's use of secret methods to forcibly break through cultivation levels will definitely have side effects.

Stronger ones lead to the destruction of meridians.

The weaker realm falls.

And Lin Changsheng will definitely suffer extremely serious abuse if he forcibly breaks through the two Haojun.

Even though Tian Yin said this, his heart tightened on the Sky-breaking Snake Spear.

Because at this moment Lin Changsheng, he really didn't have much confidence that he could suppress it.

"You should worry about yourself first!"

Lin Changsheng didn't want to talk too much nonsense to Tianyin.

After all, the time he had to forcibly enhance his cultivation with the All-Soul-Eating Soul Formation was limited.

If you can't kill or severely damage Tianyin in the limited time.

After that, he will be unable to fight back and become a piece of fish on a sticky board, allowing Tianyin to slaughter him.

So after finishing his words, Lin Changsheng summoned the God-Slaying Blade, injected mana into it, and the blade bloomed with light, instantly turning into a giant sky-blazing blade, and suddenly slashed down towards Tianyin.

Seeing this, Tianyin didn't dare to be careless at this moment.

The four levels of mana that had just been restored in the body were already operating to the extreme, and they were injected into the Lingbao Sky-breaking Snake Spear, allowing the snake spear to shine brightly and stab the killing sword in the sky.

The sharp spear light was full of domineering power, as if it wanted to pierce the sky.


The sword light and the snake spear collided suddenly.

The powerful impact blew the clothes of the two people flying.

Under this attack, the two of them were evenly matched.


Yu Wenjing in the distance was knocked to the ground by the aftermath, her pupils filled with shock.

Lin Changsheng was promoted to Nascent Soul?

This is how the same thing?

A Nascent Soul powerhouse in his early twenties? I'm afraid the whole world of immortality is also a strange news!

Thousands of miles away from here.

A red lotus flew through the air, and two stunning women stood on top of the lotus.

"Huh? Two Nascent Soul masters are fighting in Dayu Imperial City?"

Fairy Jiaoyue was a little surprised, it seemed that this place was very lively!

"Then Lin Changsheng is in danger!"

The bright moon was now beside her, and the elders who followed asked curiously.

Naturally, her golden elixir cultivation level of consciousness is not as far as Ling Yue's release.

Still unable to sense what is happening in Dayu Imperial City.

"Maybe that Yuanying monk in his early twenties is Lin Changsheng!"

Ling Yue's eyes were filled with brilliance, and it seemed that this trip was worthwhile.

Although she had never seen Lin Changsheng in person, she had seen Lin Changsheng's portrait.

After all, when Lin Changsheng captured the eight spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the entire Southern Immortal Cultivation World was looking for him.

Portraits are everywhere.

As soon as these words came out, the following elder's eyes widened.

If this is really the case, is Lin Changsheng going too far?

In his twenties, he broke through to the Nascent Soul Realm?

It is also a thousand miles away from the imperial city, in the south.

On top of the shuttle, several people stood proudly.

There is a cloud symbol on the clothes of these people, and they are members of the Liuyun Immortal Sect.

Sect leader Su Changkong was also among them.

Also following were Jindan elders Ji Ruyan, Li Jiantang and disciples Gao Ziyue and Zhao Fuhu.

The reason why Ji Ruyan brought Gao Ziyue with her was because Gao Ziyue had some friendship with Lin Changsheng.

I hope Gao Ziyue can persuade Lin Changsheng to return to Liuyun Sect.

"He actually got promoted to Nascent Soul?"

Su Changkong's spiritual consciousness spread out, and he also sensed that two powerful Nascent Soul warriors were colliding violently in Dayu Imperial City.

One of them was Lin Changsheng whom they were looking for.

A Nascent Soul powerhouse in his twenties, how many opportunities did he get to advance so quickly!

"What? Lin Changsheng has been promoted to Nascent Soul?"

When Ji Ruyan heard this, she was shocked and couldn't open her mouth from ear to ear.

Although he also knew that Lin Changsheng was a genius and had many opportunities, he would not step into Nascent Soul in his twenties!

"He has been promoted to Nascent Soul?"

When Gao Ziyue heard this, she couldn't help but feel disappointed.

She received all kinds of preferential treatment from her master in the sect and never lacked pills. Unexpectedly, she was still not as fast as Lin Changsheng who had improved through experience outside.

I thought Lin Changsheng would admire me.

I didn't expect that I would always be able to look at other people's backs.

In the north, it is thousands of miles away from Dayu Imperial City.

Two figures stepped on the flying swords and rushed through the air towards Dayu Imperial City.

One of them is Wang Zhonglou, the leader of the Tianjian Sect, and the other is the first elder Jiujianxian.

Both of them are Nascent Soul strong men.

They all sensed the changes in Dayu Imperial City.

"What a domineering sword light, even comparable to my Qingfeng Sword Technique!"

Jiujianxian exclaimed.

What do swordsmen fear most?

It's loneliness!

No one can argue with it.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng's sword skills made the Jiujianxian couldn't help but marvel.

This sword technique is unparalleled and domineering. Without decades of experience, it would never be possible to perform it so skillfully.

If given the chance, he would like to compete with him.

"Want to discuss it with me again?"

How could Wang Zhonglou not know what Jiu Jianxian was thinking.

He is a swordsman who is obsessed with swordsmanship.

If someone has a higher understanding of swordsmanship than him, it doesn't matter even if he becomes his master.

"This guy is very good at swordsmanship. I really want to spar with him!"

The Jiujianxian smiled.

"Then he has to hold on until we arrive. It would be a pity if he dies miserably!"

Wang Chonglou was a little worried, if this son did not die.

No matter how much it costs, he must be invited to join the sect.

"That's natural!"

Jiujianxian quickened his pace, and the two of them turned into streams of light and disappeared into the sky.

At the same time, in the other two directions, there were also several figures rushing through the sky towards Dayu Imperial City.

Among them was Zhao Cheng, the leader of Jinfu Sect.

Lieyang Dao Zun of Yin Yang Dao Sect is also prominently listed.

This time, Dayu Imperial City looked like it was going to be lively.

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