The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 179 Revealing Su Changkong’s true face, Ji Ruyan was shocked

Faced with the olive branches offered by various major sects, Lin Changsheng did not choose to agree immediately.

Because no matter which sect you choose at this moment, you will probably offend the other sects, which is not worth the loss.

"I appreciate everyone's good intentions. However, as a disciple of Liuyun Sect, I cannot defect to other sects. Otherwise, what is the difference between this and a traitor?"

Lin Changsheng said slowly.

Hearing this, Su Changkong breathed a sigh of relief.

If Lin Changsheng chose to join another sect, it would be hard to stop him, but what Lin Changsheng said later made Su Changkong frown.

"Of course, it's impossible for me to return to Yunxian Sect!"

Lin Changsheng said truthfully.

Because he couldn't trust Su Changkong's character.

After all, Murong Tian's death, whether it was true or false, was inseparable from Su Changkong.

"Lin Changsheng, as a disciple of Liuyun Immortal Sect, why don't you return to the sect? Are you afraid that the sect cannot give you the resources to practice?"

Su Changkong was a little unhappy.

He personally went out to the sect to invite Lin Changsheng back, but the other party still didn't buy it?

This obviously doesn't take him seriously.

"That's right, Lin Changsheng, you have been practicing abroad for many years. Although your cultivation has improved very quickly, your safety is not guaranteed. If we hadn't arrived in time this time, you might have been killed by Tianyin, and you still came back with us. Go to Yunxian Sect! The sect will definitely cultivate you vigorously, and your improvement will not be slower than your progress outside!"

Ji Ruyan couldn't help but said anxiously when she saw Lin Changsheng refused to return to the sect.

After all, it is not easy to find Lin Changsheng.

This guy has perfect disguise skills. Once he disappears in the sea of ​​people, trying to find him again is undoubtedly not the same as finding a needle in a haystack.

So this time, Lin Changsheng must be persuaded to return to the sect.

"Brother Lin, just listen to the words of the master and the sect leader! The sect has many heavenly materials and earthly treasures, which will only be beneficial to your practice, not harmful at all!"

On the side, Gao Ziyue also urged anxiously.

When Lin Changsheng took away the Qi of the Eight Heavens and Earths, everyone might have been eyeing him.

But now that Lin Changsheng has refined the energy of heaven and earth, he will definitely not have any plans for Lin Changsheng.

Therefore, Gao Ziyue also hopes that Lin Changsheng will return to the sect.

At least with the protection of the sect, safety will not be a problem.

However, Lin Changsheng couldn't help but smile when he heard Su Changkong's words.

"I see that when we return to Liuyun Immortal Sect, safety is the most insecure thing!"

Lin Changsheng said bluntly.

This statement confused everyone who was doing it, why did Lin Changsheng say this.

Could it be that Liuyun Immortal Sect couldn't guarantee his safety?

"Lin Changsheng, what are you talking about? Could it be that in Liuyun Immortal Sect, the sect leader can't guarantee your safety?"

Ji Ruyan said angrily.

Lin Changsheng said this, didn't he slap Liuyun Immortal Sect in the face in front of all the major sects?

However, what Lin Changsheng said next shocked Ji Ruyan.

"It is precisely because the sect leader is here that my safety is not guaranteed!"

Lin Changsheng stared at Su Changkong, as if he wanted to see through him.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Su Changkong's deep eyes began to turn cold.

"Lin Changsheng, don't think that you can talk nonsense now that you are the favorite of all the major sects. This sect wants to cultivate you. If you don't appreciate it, forget it. Why slander me? Is it possible that I can still harm you?"

Su Changkong's expression was extremely gloomy.

This boy actually dared to disobey him, in front of so many people, without giving him any face. Once he fell into his hands, he would never make Lin Changsheng feel better.

The conversation between Lin Changsheng and Su Changkong left the surrounding sect masters a little confused.

The reason why Lin Changsheng did not return to the Yunxian Sect was because he was afraid that Su Changkong would harm him?

Is Su Changkong such a sinister villain?

"If I am slandering you, just ask him and you will know!"

Just when the major sects were wondering, Lin Changsheng waved his hand and summoned Murong Tian's soul.

Lin Changsheng released a hundred thousand souls and devoured them to improve his cultivation level.

But the main people will naturally not swallow it up.

The souls of Murong Tian and others are still at peace.

At this moment, Murong Tian was still a little confused after being summoned by Lin Changsheng.

However, when they saw Su Changkong and Ji Ruyan in the sky, their expressions turned angry.

His fists were clenched together, as if he wanted to eat Su Changkong alive.

"Murong Tian?"

When Su Changkong saw Murong Tian's soul, his eyes suddenly widened with shock.

More than a hundred years have passed since then. Who would have thought that Murong Tian's soul has not dissipated yet?

"Brother Murong? Is it really you?"

Next to Su Changkong, Ji Ruyan also had a look of surprise in his eyes when he saw Murong Tian. In addition, he was even more sad.

Murong Tian was never heard from again after he obtained a qi of heaven and earth and disappeared.

Ji Ruyan also expected that he might be dead.

I just didn't expect that when the two met again, it would be like this.

"Ruyan, it's me. I didn't expect that when we meet again, we will be separated by yin and yang!"

Murong Tian also had mixed feelings in his heart.

He was extremely grateful to Lin Changsheng. If it weren't for Lin Changsheng, he might never be able to see Ji Ruyan in his life.

It is even more impossible to reveal Su Changkong's true face.

"Brother Murong, who killed you back then? How did you end up like this?"

Ji Ruyan said angrily.

If Murong Tian had not died back then, he would probably be a strong man now.

Stepping into Nascent Soul is a matter of course.

"Who else could it be? Of course it's the good master of Liuyun Immortal Sect, Su Changkong. All this is thanks to him!"

Murong Tian glared at Su Changkong. This despicable villain had taken away his heaven and earth energy and beat him to death.

If he hadn't been unprepared at that time, how could he have allowed Su Changkong to succeed?

As soon as Murong Tian said these words, everyone around him looked at Su Changkong.

It seems that he is waiting for an explanation!

However, Su Changkong disagreed.

"Lin Changsheng, even if you don't want to come back to the sect with me, you still use such dirty methods to frame me? It seems that you have the intention to betray my Liuyun Immortal Sect and want to join another sect?"

Su Changkong raked his head and said.

"Framed? Su Changkong, do you still remember this thing?"

Murong Tian took out a transparent jade pendant from his arms, with the word "Su" engraved on it and the surrounding shapes of dragons and phoenixes.

It was something Su Changkong wore back then.

Back then, Su Changkong took away Murong Tian's energy of heaven and earth and severely injured him.

But he didn't notice that his belongings were snatched away by Murong Tian.

Seeing this thing, Su Changkong's eyes froze.

He knew that it was useless to quibble.

"Back then, you took advantage of my unpreparedness and killed me to seize the energy of heaven and earth. When you were leaving, I tore off the jade pendant. What else do you have to say?"

Murong Tian wanted to tear apart Su Changkong's mask.

It took just one breath to hold on until now.

Otherwise, with his cultivation level of less than the golden elixir stage, it would be impossible for him to retain his remnant soul for such a long time.

"Senior Brother Su, was it really you who beat Brother Murong to death?"

Ji Ruyan suddenly felt that his sky was falling.

The sect leader that he had always respected turned out to be such a despicable villain?

In order to improve his cultivation, he actually killed his fellow disciples?

"So what? This world is dominated by the weak and the strong. How can Murong Tian's qualifications be compared with mine? This energy of heaven and earth should belong to me! If I want to blame, I can only blame him for not knowing what is good and what is good!"

Su Changkong stopped denying it and admitted it directly.

This made all the major sect leaders feel contempt.

If you are a disciple of another sect, you will kill him in order to seize the energy of heaven and earth.

But he was so ruthless towards the people of his sect, no wonder Lin Changsheng didn't want to go back.

I'm afraid it will be a disaster this time around.


Only now did Ji Ruyan realize that the sect master she had been with for many years had become so strange.

He couldn't help but step back.

"Ruyan, you have been deceived by this hypocrite for so many years. He has always been a cunning, cunning person with vicious methods!"

Murong Qiang said angrily.

Now that Su Changkong's true face can be revealed, even if he dies, he will die in a good place and feel at ease.

"No matter what you say, it won't help. If you lose, you lose. I could kill you back then, and I can kill you today!"

Su Changkong was already murderous towards Lin Changsheng and Murong Tian.

Since this son doesn't want to return to Liuyun Sect, he can't even think of joining another sect. There is only one way left for him, and that is death.

As he said that, the powerful Nascent Soul power in Su Changkong's body had spread out, and he was ready to take action.

He originally wanted to cultivate Lin Changsheng to become the successor of Liuyun Immortal Sect.

But this kid didn't know what was good and he tore off his mask in front of so many people.

No wonder he is.

It's better to take away his creation and achieve your own success.

Su Changkong was only one step away from the great monk Yuanying.

Lin Changsheng was a great opportunity for him to become a great monk.

"Sect Leader Su, although Lin Changsheng has not agreed to join our Tianjian Sect, he is still my friend Wang Zhonglou. If you want to touch him, you must ask our opinion!"

Wang Zhonglou took a step forward and said bluntly.

Lin Changsheng was guaranteed to be safe. Even if the other party didn't want to join his Tianjian Sect, Wang Zhonglou would understand.

After all, how could a dragon like Lin Changsheng be willing to wander around diving?

In the future, his sky will be even broader.

"So, the Tianjian Sect wants to become the enemy of Liuyun Immortal Sect?"

Su Changkong snorted coldly.

Yin Zhe's eyes were filled with murderous thoughts.

"You don't dare to do this, but as long as I'm here, Lin Changsheng, you can't move!"

Wang Zhonglou said seriously again.

In order to protect Lin Changsheng, he did not hesitate to become Su Changkong's enemy.

After all, it took hundreds of years for such a genius to appear, and Wang Zhonglou did not want to see him die young.

When he grows up in the future, he will definitely be a blessing to the immortal world in the Southern Region.

In the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation, only three unique geniuses have been born in the past thousand years.

One is Ling Wuji, who ascended to enlightenment 900 years ago, and there is Jiang Yukun, who defeated the powerful Nascent Soul 300 years ago with his golden elixir cultivation.

And now, Lin Changsheng is the third genius.

Because he also relies on his golden elixir cultivation to traumatize a strong Nascent Soul, and he is also a strong one in the middle Nascent Soul stage.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

How could such a talented person watch him die young?

Tata Tower——

When Su Changkong heard Wang Zhonglou's words, he immediately clenched his fists together and made a crisp sound. This shows how angry he was at this moment.

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