The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 180 Breaking with the Liuyun Immortal Sect, Su Changkong’s murderous intention [Please subsc

"Lin Changsheng, I'm asking you the last thing. Are you really unwilling to return to Yunxian Sect?"

Su Changkong looked at Lin Changsheng, with murderous intent in his eyes.

For this man to reveal his unbearable past in front of so many people today is to slap him in the face and not take him seriously.

He will remember this in his heart.

Lin Changsheng had better pray not to fall into his hands, otherwise he would be cut into pieces to satisfy the hatred in his heart.

"That's natural. If I go back, I'll probably die!"

Lin Changsheng said bluntly that although he was weak now, it did not mean that he was afraid of Su Changkong.

At this moment, there was still a great flame formation outside the imperial city. If Su Changkong wanted to kill himself, he had to break the formation first.

It is still unknown whether he has the ability to break the formation of Tianyin.

Even if he could break the formation, Lin Changsheng still had Xiao Bai, so it would be easy to escape.

Su Changkong must not vent his anger on the people in Dayu Imperial City.

Otherwise, how should the world view him? This will also have a great impact on the reputation of Liuyun Immortal Sect.

So even if he faced Su Changkong, Lin Changsheng wouldn't be under much pressure.

If you are improving to a small level, you won't be afraid of him even if you are facing him head-on.

"Okay! Okay! Okay--"

Su Changkong said three hellos in a row, which showed how angry he was.

"Since you don't want to return to Liuyunxian Sect, that is, you don't regard yourself as a disciple of Liuyunxian Sect, what's the use of such a person staying in the sect? This sect expels you from the sect today, and you will no longer be Liuyunxian in the future. People of the sect!”

As soon as Su Changkong said these words, not only did everyone around him show no signs of worry, but they all had smiles on their lips.

If Lin Changsheng is not from Liuyun Immortal Sect, can he join their sect?

"In this case, the sect token will be returned to its original owner!"

Lin Changsheng did not delay, took out the Liuyun Immortal Sect's disciple token from his arms, and threw it directly.

call out--

The disciple token turned into a stream of light and flew out.

The next moment, the token fell into Su Changkong's hands.

In this way, there is no longer any connection between the two parties.

"Lin Changsheng, do you think you can make a clean break with the Liuyun Immortal Sect in this way? You have learned the martial arts of the Liuyun Immortal Sect. If you want to leave the sect, you must abandon your martial arts. Otherwise, you will be considered a traitor by deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors! As The traitors of the Liuyun Immortal Sect will be hunted down by our Liuyun Immortal Sect all the time, so think about it!"

Next to Su Changkong, Li Jiantang reminded him.

Although he also felt that Su Changkong had some vicious methods in taking away the destiny of his fellow disciples.

But facing the temptation of the energy of heaven and earth, even he may not be able to restrain it.

Mortals only care about interests, let alone monks like them.

On the road to becoming an immortal, all obstacles can be removed by any means necessary.

When Lin Changsheng heard Li Jiantang's words, he was obviously trying to make things difficult for him.

"Scaring me? Then we have to see if you have this ability?"

Abandoning martial arts? Do you think Lin Changsheng is stupid? That's what idiots do!

Moreover, the few martial arts he learned in Liuyunxian Sect were only the most basic and of no value at all.

It's not the secret treasure of Zhenzong.


Su Changkong exerted a slight force on his palm and crushed Lin Changsheng's disciple token into pieces, then raised it up and turned into dust floating around.

"Then you will be happy in the future! Let's go!"

Su Changkong's sinister eyes stared at Lin Changsheng, revealing a strong desire to kill.

At this moment, the words have been said for this reason, what else is there to say?

If he encounters Lin Changsheng someday, he will be killed.

After finishing his words, Su Changkong turned and left. He couldn't afford the shame of staying here.

"Tie Hu, let's go!"

Li Jiantang gave the order and planned to leave.

But Zhao Fuhu really had no intention of leaving.

"Master, the Beimu Immortal Clan is rampant and has invaded our Southern Immortal Cultivation World. I want to stay and experience it!"

Zhao Fuhu clasped his fists and said, but only he knew what he was thinking.

"Forget it! There is no shortage of strong people in the Beimu Immortal Clan, so you have to be careful!"

After speaking, Li Jiantang followed Su Changkong and left directly.

Ji Ruyan and Gao Ziyue, who were not far away, were still in shock and did not recover for a long time.

Ji Ruyan never expected that Su Changkong was such a cunning and cunning person, and that he would kill his fellow seniors for the sake of his own path to immortality.

Now, she doesn't know whether she should return to Yunxian Sect.

After going back, are you going to continue to be with this man with a human face and an animal heart?

"Ziyue, it was the master who harmed you. I may not be able to train you as a master in the future!"

Ji Ruyan said guiltily.

If she did not return to Yunxian Sect, she would naturally have no resources and would not be able to continue cultivating Gao Ziyue.

"Elder Ji, Miss Ziyue, for a person like Su Changkong, why would you go back? I, the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect, welcome you at any time!"

Seeing this, Ling Yue's red lips raised slightly and she said, "Hello."

If he couldn't win over Lin Changsheng this time, it would be a good harvest to win over a Jindan elder and a gifted daughter of heaven.

"I accept Fairy Jiaoyue's kindness. I still have to make a decision on this matter! But Ziyue will leave it to you!"

Ji Ruyan did not agree immediately, but found a way out for Gao Ziyue.

This will not delay Gao Ziyue's cultivation.

After finishing her words, Ji Ruyan looked at Murong Tian with reluctance in her eyes.


Murong Tian looked at Ji Ruyan in the sky and shouted faintly, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

They say that men don't shed tears easily, but they are not sad yet.

It can be seen how infatuated Murong Tian is with Ji Ruyan.

In order to see Ji Ruyan again, he gave up reincarnation and sealed his soul in a jade pendant, just to see Ji Ruyan again.

Lin Changsheng saw the two of them so infatuated,

The protection of the formation was directly revoked, allowing Ji Ruyan to come to Murong Tian.

The two of them probably had a lot to talk about in private, so they went to a deserted corner.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, since you have broken up with the Liuyun Immortal Sect, why not join our Tianjian Sect. This way you will have more protection. You can choose the sword techniques of the Tianjian Sect! How about it?"

After the Jiujianxian landed, he came to Lin Changsheng and saw the opportunity to speak.

As soon as he said this, everyone around him also looked at him.

Want to see how Lin Changsheng chooses?

"Everyone, you have come all the way here today for me, Lin Changsheng. I, Lin Changsheng, owe you a favor. If you need my help in the future, I will not hesitate. However, I, Lin Changsheng, am used to being carefree, so I will no longer join the great immortals." The door is open!”

Lin Changsheng declined politely.

Although he also likes the bait thrown by the major sects.

But if you want to get it, you need to pay a certain price.

That is being bound to the sect.

Moreover, Lin Changsheng also mastered various soul control techniques and corpse refining techniques. Once these were known to them, they would probably not be able to accept them.

"Forget it! Fellow Daoist Lin has great ambitions, how dare we delay it! But your sword skills are very superb. I wonder if you can wait for you to recover and learn from me?"

Jiujianxian is a real swordsman. When he encounters someone who is more powerful in swordsmanship than himself, he always wants to communicate and learn with him.


Lin Changsheng readily agreed.

Maybe during the discussion with the Jiujianxian, you can have some enlightenment!

Seeing that Lin Changsheng had no intention of joining the major sects, Fairy Jiaoyue couldn't help but say goodbye. She said goodbye and planned to leave with Gao Ziyue.

"Dear sect leaders, Lin Changsheng has something to ask of you!"

Just when Ling Yue and the major sect leaders of Jin Fu Sect and Yin Yang Dao Sect were about to leave, Lin Changsheng spoke.

"Little friend Lin, it's okay to just say it!"

Zhao Cheng asked in surprise, could it be that Lin Changsheng changed his mind?

"The Beimu Immortal Clan has invaded our Southern Cultivation Realm. Please join forces to repel the enemy and don't spend a lot of manpower looking for me. I dare not say anything else, but I, Lin Changsheng, am a native of the Southern Territory. , Death is also the soul of the Southern Territory, and I will never do anything detrimental to the Southern Territory!"

Lin Changsheng said what was in his heart.

If the four major sects join forces to repel the enemy, how can the people from the Northern Immortal Clan and the Demonic Way drive straight into the hinterland of the Southern Immortal Cultivation World?

Now Lin Changsheng dare not think about whether Liuyun Immortal Sect can join it.

It is estimated that what Su Changkong wants to do most right now is to kill himself!

"This is natural! The Beimu Immortal Clan is rampant, and everyone in the Southern Region is responsible!"

Zhao Cheng said truthfully.

If it weren't for the search for Lin Changsheng, it is estimated that all the major sects would have sent powerful forces to hinder the Beimu Immortal Clan's progress.

During this period, all the major sects spent a lot of manpower to find Lin Changsheng.

He hopes to win Lin Changsheng under his sect.

However, in the end, they came up empty-handed.

Now that Lin Changsheng has made his words clear today, they will use more energy to deal with the Beimu Immortal Clan and the demonic people.

"Then please leave it to the major sect leaders!"

Lin Changsheng thanked him.

After a brief exchange, all the major sect leaders left one by one.

Before Gao Ziyue left, she glanced at Lin Changsheng reluctantly.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng was very smart and exposed Su Changkong's plan.

Otherwise, if you try to persuade him to go back, you will really harm him.

"Brother Lin, take care of yourself!"

After Gao Ziyue glanced at Lin Changsheng for the last time, she secretly thought to herself, but did not dare to say it in front of Lin Changsheng.

The future achievements of Lin Changsheng, a talented person like him, are not comparable to hers.

Compared with Lin Changsheng's talent, Gao Ziyue felt like she was like a firefly competing for brightness with the bright moon.

Everyone left one by one.

There is only one Jiujianxian left here.

He was also waiting for Lin Changsheng to recover so that he could spar with him.

But in a deserted corner, Zhao Fuhu sneaked into the imperial city while Lin Changsheng was dismantling the formation.

Inner demons have arisen in his heart. If he cannot kill Lin Changsheng to avenge his brother Zhao Qinhu, there may be many demonic obstacles in his future cultivation path.

"Lin Changsheng, you set up a large formation here to protect Dayu, isn't it just to protect Yu Wenjing?"

"You kill my family, and I want you to taste this!"

Zhao Fuhu secretly thought in his heart, his eyes full of resentment.

He knew that he was no match for Lin Changsheng. Lin Changsheng had already entered the middle stage of the golden elixir, and it would be easy to kill him.

But Yu Wenjing is just a mortal, and it would be easy for him to catch her.

Lin Changsheng will definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

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