The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 181 Zhao Fuhu’s inner demon, Poseidon Tower [Please subscribe! 】

Time flies and three days have passed.

Lin Changsheng had recovered all the consumed mana within these three days.

In addition, in his spare time, he also looked through some jade slips obtained from other monks' storage bags.

The last time I looked at the Immortal Jue Jade Slips, this time Lin Changsheng looked at the elixir recipe.

There are three elixir recipes in total, namely the Divine Infant elixir recipe, the Yuan Yuan elixir recipe and the Soul Refining elixir recipe.

With nothing to do, Lin Changsheng began to study it carefully.

Since the formations can be integrated, maybe the elixirs can also be integrated with each other.

[Introduction to the Divine Infant Pill! 】

[Introduction to Blood Tempering Pill]

[Introduction to Soul Refining Pill]

An hour later, Lin Changsheng finally mastered the three methods of refining the elixir.

[The formula for the Divine Infant Pill has been detected. Do you want to spend 2,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[The blood-quenching elixir recipe has been detected. Do you want to spend 2,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[The Soul Refining Pill recipe has been detected. Do you want to spend 2,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

The next moment, three prompts popped up on the panel.

Lin Changsheng chose yes one by one.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of Shenying Dan’s recipe begins. The simplification is completed in simplification. Shenying Dan == Watch Nascent Soul! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the blood-quenching elixir recipe begins. The simplification is completed and the blood-quenching elixir == blood observation! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the soul-refining elixir recipe begins. The simplification is completed while simplification is completed. The soul-refining elixir == soul-killing! 】

"Watch the Nascent Soul? Watch the blood? Beat the soul?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought in his heart.

It seems that of the three, Nascent Soul is the most difficult to watch.

After all, you need to see other people’s Nascent Soul, so who would show you his Nascent Soul?

As for observing the blood, Lin Changsheng directly cut his finger, dropped a drop of blood into his palm, and slowly began to observe.

Blood Quenching Pill experience value +1!

Blood Quenching Pill experience value +1!

The next moment, the experience value started to rise.

It was even easier to defeat the souls. Lin Changsheng summoned the souls of Xuanting and Qi Hui from the Ten Thousand Soul Flags and beat them violently.

Soul Refining Pill experience value +1!

Soul Refining Pill experience value +1!

"Senior, please don't remember the faults of the minor ones, let the minor ones go! It's been so many years, and you've already done enough to get angry. Please!"

Qi Hui knelt on the ground and wanted to cry without tears.

He really regretted not being able to collect Lin Changsheng's soul earlier, which resulted in Lin Changsheng being so powerful that he was able to kill him.

Finally, he put his soul into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner and tortured him for several years.

"Let you go? Why didn't you think of letting go of other people's souls in the first place?"

Lin Changsheng would not be soft-hearted and let Qi Hui go. This guy brought it upon himself.

It was already a great gift that he didn't torture him every day.

Lin Changsheng asked Qi Hui and Xuanting to stand still, and while looking at the blood in his hands, he slapped the two of them with his left hand.

Xuanting was so stubborn that he kept silent and was willing to fight and punish.

He knew that even if he knelt down and smashed his head, the other party would not let him go.

So it's better to endure it.

[The Blood Tempering Pill is complete! 】

[The Soul Refining Pill is complete! 】

Two hours later, both Qi Hui and Xuanting's faces were swollen by Lin Changsheng, and Lin Changsheng's two elixir recipes were finally completed.

Only then did they put the two of them into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

As for Murong Tian, ​​after meeting Ji Ruyan for the last time, he chose reincarnation.

Lin Changsheng did not hinder him, after all, Murong Tian also told him a lot of things recently.

But the souls of the others were not so lucky.

He had to be tortured by Lin Changsheng anytime and anywhere.

"There is only one Divine Infant Pill left. It just so happens that Jiujianxian is here, so you can take a look at his Nascent Infant!"

Lin Changsheng set his sights on Jiujianxian, then stood up and left.

Huangcheng East Street.

In a teahouse, people were coming and going.

"Have you heard? The Beimu Immortal Clan has been repelled by all the major sects, and Dayu has finally been saved!"

"Yes! All of this is due to Master Lin. If it hadn't been for Master Lin, our lives might have been lost!"

"Isn't that right! This Immortal Master Lin is really the savior of our Dayu! He single-handedly stopped an army of 100,000 and many immortal cultivators from the Beimu Immortal Clan! It's really amazing!"

Among the surrounding people, the most talked about thing was Lin Changsheng's protection of Dayu.

This made the young man in black on the side look very unhappy after hearing this.


The young man used his palms slightly to crush the wine bowl in his hand.

This person is Zhao Fuhu who sneaked into the city.

After waiting for three full days, I still couldn't find a good opportunity to take action.

If he forced his way into the palace, he might be discovered by Lin Changsheng's consciousness before he could capture Yu Wenjing.

And now, there is a Nascent Soul powerhouse living in the imperial city.

If you can't keep your composure and take action, you may be in danger of catastrophe if you are not careful.

So Zhao Fuhu was waiting for an opportunity.

"Have you heard? Tomorrow at noon, Empress Dayu will go to the city to reward the soldiers!"

"I've heard about it a long time ago. It's a blessing for us in Dayu to have such an empress. It can be said that she loves her people like a son!"

"No, the current empress still has clear rewards and punishments. It is said that if you kill a Beimu Immortal, you will be rewarded with ten taels of gold, which will make you a centurion; if you kill five people, you will be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold, which will make you a captain of thousands; if you kill ten people, you will be rewarded with a captain of a thousand taels of gold. "

"These people are really lucky! It's a pity that I didn't join the army, otherwise I wouldn't have to worry about it for the rest of my life!"

"Do you think it's easy to kill the Beimu Immortal Clan? You might have died on the battlefield long ago!"

The people around him were talking constantly, which made Zhao Fuhu on the side seem to see hope, with a cold look in his eyes.

"Tomorrow at noon? Then I'll let you live one more night!"

After speaking, Zhao Fuhu raised his head and drank all the strong wine in the wine jar.

The imperial city is three hundred miles away.

There is a mountain called Moon Peak here.

Because this mountain peak is somewhat tilted, on a full moon night it will appear as if the mountain peak is leaning towards the full moon.

It seems that if you can reach the top of the mountain, you can touch the full moon.

There is a ruined temple halfway up the mountain.

A white-haired old man was sitting in it, running an immortal spell to heal his injuries.

Surging mana continued to spread out of him.

This person was Master Tianyin who was traumatized in the battle with Lin Changsheng three days ago.

He couldn't swallow this breath and returned to Beimu in despair.

If Lin Changsheng hadn't arranged a large formation, how could he have suffered a loss?

"Little beast, if you can, stay in the imperial city for the rest of your life and never come out, otherwise I will cut you into pieces!"

Divine Master Tianyin said angrily.

If you are fighting against a Nascent Soul strongman, forget about getting hurt.

However, he was injured by a Jindan monk, which was unacceptable to him.

If he returns to Beimu like this, Taoist Tianji will probably laugh at him for the rest of his life.

So he planned to stay here and wait for Lin Changsheng to leave the imperial city.

As long as he leaves the imperial city, Tianyin is sure to kill him.

After all, after leaving the imperial city, Lin Changsheng lacked the help of formations.

Tian Yin felt that with his suppression of cultivation, it would be easy to deal with Lin Changsheng.

Demonic sea.


The evil storm is becoming more and more serious, and the blowing sponge stirs up thousands of waves.

Inside a hollow island.

A man in black armor sat on the skull chair, frowning as he listened to the disciple below's report.

"What? Elder Wu's soul card is also broken? You Lin Changsheng, kill the two golden elixir elders of Tiangui Sect! I can't get around you!"

Suddenly, Jiu Wushang opened his eyes, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

At first, he didn't even take Lin Changsheng as an ant in his eyes.

But now it seems that we have to take it seriously.

One is because Lin Changsheng killed the two golden elixir elders Xuanting and Wu Tianhua of the Tiangui Sect.

He also single-handedly wounded the powerful Nascent Soul of the Beimu Immortal Clan.

This child's cultivation is extraordinary. If he is allowed to grow up in the future, he will definitely be a stumbling block for their demonic way to unify the immortal cultivation world in the southern region.

Therefore, this child must be eradicated as soon as possible.

Jiu Wushang stood up slowly, and the powerful mana spread, making the disciples below him afraid to breathe, and large beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Inform the two elders of Huangdi to follow me to the Southern Territory! I want to see how capable this kid is!"

Jiu Wushang felt that this matter could not continue to be delayed, otherwise Lin Changsheng would definitely be a big trouble when he grew up.

Just like Ling Wuji and Jiang Yukun back then.

That's not someone they can afford to offend.

Therefore, for thousands of years, they, the demonic people, have been living in the demonic sea with extremely harsh environment, and are not allowed to go even half a step inland.

Seeing that the immortal cultivation world in the Southern Region is about to collapse this time, this child must not be allowed to stay.

Otherwise it will be a big disaster!


The disciple took the order and planned to inform the two elders of Huangdi.

Among the Heavenly Ghosts, there are two major factions of elders: internal and external.

There are four elders in the inner sect, and they are the four great elders of Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang.

Xuanting is the elder of the Xuan generation.

Wu Tianhua belongs to the outer sect elders.

Therefore, Wu Tianhua is very cautious about the method of attracting all ghosts.

With the Ten Thousand Ghosts Drawing Technique, he would not only be able to break through Haojue, but also have the opportunity to become an elder of the inner sect.

But it's a pity that he didn't understand Lin Changsheng's strength and died of greed.


Just when Jiu Wushang was about to head to the Southern Territory, a golden talisman floated from a distance.

Jiu Wushang grabbed it and threw it between his eyebrows.

A voice sounded in his mind.

"The demonic storm is about to reach its peak, and the Poseidon Tower may have a chance to see the light of day again!"

This is the golden talisman of communication, struck for the leader of the Corpse King Sect.

After hearing this, Jiu Wushang immediately canceled his plan to go to the Southern Region.

This Poseidon Tower is a rare opportunity in a hundred years. If I fail to catch up, I am afraid I will miss many opportunities.

I plan to wait for the Poseidon Tower to see the light of day again.

Imperial City.

Lin Changsheng found Jiu Jianxian.

"Have you recovered from your injuries?"

Jiujianxian was overjoyed when he saw that Lin Changsheng's mana had recovered.

Doesn't this mean that we can compete with him?

"That's true, but before the discussion, can senior make an agreement?"

Lin Changsheng said with a smile on his lips.

He has already come up with the idea of ​​Jiujianxian’s Nascent Soul.

"What agreement?"

The Jiujianxian wanted to see what tricks this kid was going to play.

"It's like this. As we all know, the golden elixir breaks through the Nascent Soul, which is a big problem. It is full of difficulties. I accidentally obtained a secret method. Watching the Nascent Soul can give me a chance to break through. So after the discussion, regardless of success or failure, senior You can let me observe your Nascent Soul for an hour!"

Lin Changsheng said bluntly.

Yuanying is the place where the consciousness and soul of a strong Yuanying person resides.

Ordinary people would never release it for people to observe.

However, Jiujianxian is a swordsman, and Lin Changsheng's sword skills are extremely exquisite.

If he didn't discuss it with him, he would feel itchy.


The Jiujianxian thought for a moment and then readily agreed.

Although Lin Changsheng has extraordinary strength, he has not yet set foot on Yuanying, so it cannot cause much harm to him.

Even if he has evil intentions, he can resolve them.

The main thing is that Lin Changsheng has no motive to harm him.

"Senior, you are so generous! Please!"

Lin Changsheng smiled and then activated the Soul-eating Formation of All Souls.

When fighting in this formation, no matter how fierce the two people fight inside, the outside will not be affected at all.

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