The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 185 The remnants of Taiyin Island, Concubine Yu Ling was poisoned [Please subscribe! 】

"No wonder the right way and the evil way had a confrontation last time, and the right way finally gave in. It seems that the power of the Demonic Sea cannot be underestimated. The Tiangui Sect alone has more than ten elders of the late Jindan period, plus two early Yuan Ying worshippers. The background of other forces Naturally, it shouldn’t be underestimated!”

Lin Changsheng thought to himself.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng did not go there to fight with these demonic cultivators.

But to obtain the magic of attracting all ghosts and the secret method of resurrecting the woman in the coffin.

"Huh? Is there anyone?"

Suddenly, Lin Changsheng sensed that someone was spying on him in the next room.

Could it be that his footprints were discovered?

"Can this fellow Taoist show up?"

After Lin Changsheng recalled Qi Hui to the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, he said coldly.

He heard the door of the next door open and footsteps coming outside Lin Changsheng's door.


As the door was pushed open, a scrawny middle-aged man stepped in.

This man was so thin that he looked like a piece of human skin hanging on his skeleton, making him look very eerie.

Moreover, this person's face was pale. I don't know if it was because of himself or because he had been traumatized and lost too much blood, so there was no trace of blood on his face.

"I thought it was the masters of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect who were chasing me here, but I didn't expect that it was someone from the same sect. If I guessed correctly, you should be a disciple of the Heavenly Ghost Sect!"

The skinny old man touched the mustache at the corner of his mouth and looked at Lin Changsheng.

Listening to his words, it was estimated that Lin Changsheng had been targeted by this person when he used the Ten Thousand Soul Banner just now.

However, Lin Changsheng didn't spread his consciousness just now, so he didn't notice it for a while.

So when the other party saw Lin Changsheng using the Ten Thousand Soul Banner, he concluded that Lin Changsheng was a disciple of the Tiangui Sect.

"Yes, I am indeed a disciple of the Tiangui Sect. I wonder who your senior is?"

Lin Changsheng said as he took advantage of the situation.

I want to see what tricks this old guy is up to.

The old man didn't say anything. He pulled up the sleeves on his arms, and a dark green crescent moon pattern appeared on his arms.

"People from Taiyin Island?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself.

This was just learned from Qi Hui.

The Heavenly Ghost Sect’s unique skill is to summon spirits, the Corpse King Sect’s unique skill is to refine corpses, and the Heavenly Demon Sect’s unique skill is to control people.

And this person from Taiyin Island is a master of poison.

Even any part of the body may contain highly toxic substances.

After knowing this person's origin, Lin Changsheng did not dare to be careless.

Although he lowered his cultivation level, he only showed his peak foundation-building cultivation level.

But once you take action, your golden elixir cultivation can explode instantly.

"It turns out to be Senior Taiyin Island, disrespectful!"

Lin Changsheng said politely, although this person's cultivation level is not something to worry about, he might have been severely injured in the early stage of the Golden Elixir.

But Lin Changsheng didn't dare to be careless.

On the road to cultivating immortality, one must be careful every step of the way. If one is not careful, there is a possibility of catastrophe.

The skinny old man raised his hand and said, "Since you and I are of the same mind, let's not talk about two families. To be honest, I am being hunted by the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect. Can I put the blueprints aside for now?" At your place? My little friend, wait for me here for three days. I will definitely come when I come back——"

"The remnants of the demonic path must die!"

Before the skinny old man finished speaking, he heard a shout from outside.

Then, sword gleams came straight towards the skinny old man and Lin Changsheng.

"Damn girl, do you really think I'm a soft persimmon? I chased you thousands of miles away, and I have to kill you today!"

The skinny old man yelled angrily and waved his hand.

Bang bang bang——

The sword light and the palm print collided instantly, causing a violent explosion.

Lin Changsheng immediately retreated upon seeing this.

When he looked up, he discovered that the person erupting with sword light was actually Concubine Yu Ling of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect.

"She has also been promoted to Jindan?"

Lin Changsheng was surprised, but after thinking about it, he understood.

Concubine Yu Ling also entered Taixu Temple, and she must have had an opportunity there.

And her talent is not low, so it is reasonable for her to be promoted to Jindan after she comes out.

"The remnants of the demonic path, if you don't stay well in the demonic sea, you will be asking for death if you dare to enter the southern realm of immortality!"

Concubine Yu Ling frowned, and the blade of the sword in her hand bloomed with brilliance, and she shot out sword rays again, killing the skinny old man.

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you? If you keep chasing me, don't blame me for destroying the flower!!"

The skinny old man's body exploded with magic power, and his whole body turned dark green. He took out a leg bone magic weapon with a wave of his hand, and then fought with Concubine Yu Ling.

The fight between the two shattered the inn, and the crowd fled.

Lin Changsheng also retreated to a safe place.

"This drawing is certainly not simple!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought to himself, he was very interested in the drawings that the skinny old man just mentioned.

There must be some value in this.

I won't even say that I will leave it with him. I will pick it up when the time comes.

Unfortunately, before the old man handed the things to Lin Changsheng, Concubine Yu Ling came to kill him.

Bang bang bang——

The scope of the Jindan monk's fight was not small, everything within a hundred feet was shattered.

The skinny old man seemed to be injured. He was suppressed by Concubine Yu Ling's sword and retreated even though he fought.

"Little friend, why don't you help me quickly?"

The skinny old man fought with some difficulty and shouted to Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng was instantly pulled down.


"Help? Even if he kills you, he won't be able to escape!"

Before Lin Changsheng finished speaking, Concubine Yu Ling glared at Lin Changsheng and said.

Because Lin Changsheng used the method of rebirth.

So at this moment, Concubine Yu Ling didn't even know that this person was Lin Changsheng.

Concubine Yu Ling seemed to hate the demonic people with a deep hatred, and her sword energy exploded very tyrannically.

Everything is in ruins caused by the sword light.

"It's too much to bully others. I will fight with you, Ten Thousand Poison Soul-Eating Palms!"

Seeing that Lin Changsheng had no intention of helping, the skinny old man yelled angrily, mobilized all the magic power in his body, and struck Concubine Yu Ling with a palm.

Not to be outdone, Concubine Yu Ling waved her Zhongqiu Shui Sword, slashing out hundreds of sword beams and killing the skinny old man.


The two attacks collided in mid-air again.

The palm print was instantly torn apart by the sword light, and countless sword energies penetrated the skinny old man's body, killing him.

Although the skinny old man's palm print was defeated by the sword energy, it still hit Yu Lingfei.


The mist touched Concubine Yu Ling's clothes and made a corroding sound.

This made Concubine Yu Ling feel bad and she immediately retreated.

But it was still a little late. Some of the poisonous mist was inhaled into her body, and she suddenly felt like the world was spinning.

"What a domineering poison!"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help being shocked when he saw this.

Fortunately, he didn't act recklessly, otherwise he might have been the one who got hit.

Lin Changsheng stepped forward, intending to check Concubine Yu Ling's injuries.

However, Concubine Yu Ling thought that Lin Changsheng was a demonic person, so she used her last bit of strength to stab Lin Changsheng with her sword.

Unfortunately, there was no power left in this sword blade, so it was caught between Lin Changsheng's fingers and easily blocked.

"You, you demon people, are so despicable. Even if I die, I will not fall into your hands!"

Concubine Yu Ling doesn't want to fall into the hands of a demonic person. Who knows how the other party will torture her?

Planning to kill himself with a sword.

"Concubine Yu Ling, it's me! Fellow Taoist Dragon!"

Lin Changsheng was afraid that Concubine Yu Ling would commit suicide, so he gave her his previous name when he was with her in the Land of Seizing Order.

So that the other party can rest assured.

"Fellow Daoist Dragon? You are Lin, Lin——"

Before Yu Lingfei could finish her words, she fell into a coma and fell limply in Lin Changsheng's arms.

Lin Changsheng suddenly felt a fresh fragrance coming into his nose, making his mind wander.

But now is not the time to think wildly.

Concubine Yu Ling was poisoned by Taiyin Island, which must be very dangerous.

If he is not treated in time, his life may not be saved.

After Lin Changsheng put the body of the skinny old man into a storage bag, he took Concubine Yu Ling to find another inn to stay.

Plan to use the rich magic power in the body to drive away the poison.

However, after a while of expelling the poison, Lin Changsheng felt that the effect was minimal.

It is impossible to get rid of this poison with magic power. It can only delay the spread of the poison.

"It's obviously too late to send her back to the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect! The poisonous gas has invaded the blood and will kill her within an hour. The only way to save her is to bleed!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

But if there is no elixir to protect the heart, bloodletting is very dangerous. Even if you are a monk, you may die if you bleed too much.

This made Lin Changsheng a little embarrassed.

After all, Concubine Yu Ling was already in a coma at the moment, and she would not be able to refine the elixir even after taking it for a while.

The only way was for Lin Changsheng to refine the elixir first and then transfer the refined medicinal power to Concubine Yu Ling.

Then, while bleeding, the toxins are driven out of the body.

Without further ado, Lin Changsheng had no extra choice.

He immediately took out a blood-quenching pill from the storage bag and put it in his mouth.

This elixir was refined by Lin Changsheng a few days ago. It has the effect of tempering the blood, protecting the heart and protecting the life.

As long as the monk is still breathing, he can protect his heart pulse for three days without dying.

Lin Changsheng used his magic power to refine the elixir in his mouth, and then gave it to Concubine Yu Ling from his mouth.

Their lips were close, and Lin Changsheng knew that he could feel Concubine Yu Ling's breath.

This made Lin Changsheng's heart beat faster.

Fortunately, all the medicinal effects were transferred to Concubine Yu Ling within a short time, integrated into her body, and slowly gathered in her heart.

Lin Changsheng immediately slashed Yu Lingfei's palm open, and injected a steady stream of magic power from behind to drive away the poison.


Drops of green blood continued to fall from Yu Lingfei's palm.

When it landed on the ground, there was a slight corroding sound.

This shows how overbearing this poison is.

If it weren't for Concubine Yu Ling's golden elixir cultivation.

If any mortal is exposed to this poisonous mist, they will probably turn into a pool of blood.

As Lin Changsheng continued to expel poison from Concubine Yu Ling.

Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Fortunately, hard work paid off, and Concubine Yuling woke up half an hour later.

When she discovered that Lin Changsheng was expelling poison from her, her face couldn't help but turn red.

"Try to use your magic power to protect your heart and don't let the poisonous blood invade!"

Lin Changsheng also sensed that Concubine Yu Ling had woken up and spoke to remind her.

He didn't want to spend so long and still be unable to save the other party.

After hearing Lin Changsheng's words, Concubine Yu Ling stopped thinking too much and began to feel the changes in her body.

However, when she felt the power of medicine protecting her heart, her fair face turned red and a little hot.

As an immortal master, she naturally knows how to make the effect of the medicine enter the opponent's body while the opponent is unconscious.

That is to refine it yourself and pass it on to the other person through your mouth.

In this way, isn't Lin Changsheng treating himself?

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