The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 186 Divine Origin Fruit, isn’t this girl a little stupid?

Lin Changsheng's efforts were not in vain.

After one stick of incense, more than half of the poisonous blood in Concubine Yu Ling's body had been discharged, and her life was no longer in danger for the time being.

Lin Changsheng planned to stop, otherwise he would continue to exorcise the poison, which would lead to Concubine Yu Ling losing too much blood.

The remaining poison can best be eliminated after Concubine Yu Ling recovers her energy and blood.

"Lin, Lin Changsheng, thank you, you saved me again!"

Concubine Yu Ling said with a blushing face and a faint moan.

She had long known that the fellow Taoist Dragon in the Soul-Seizing Land was Lin Changsheng.

So at this moment, he no longer calls Lin Changsheng Fellow Daoist Dragon.

Lin Changsheng was not surprised. Concubine Yu Ling was not stupid. She had probably guessed that it was him.

"As long as you're fine, why are you chasing the people from Taiyin Island here alone?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

He wanted to know what was going on here.

"Master just left the Covering Moon Immortal Sect a few days ago, and the people from Taiyin Island started to do things to our Covering Moon Immortal Sect behind the scenes, poisoning and killing hundreds of my sect's disciples. Fortunately, our sect has a supreme elder. I sat down and defeated many demons on Taiyin Island headed by the Blood Demon Taoist. The remaining ones fled in all directions to prevent others from being killed by the demons, so I chased them here!"

Concubine Yu Ling did not hide anything from Lin Changsheng and told the whole story.

It can be seen how unbridled the devil is in the Southern Territory. Now he is no longer afraid of the major sects, but has become a spy.

"The current situation in the Southern Territory is really not optimistic. Not only is the demonic path rampant and secretly infiltrated, but there is also the invasion of the Beimu Immortal Clan. Now even the Eastern Barren Monster Clan has entered the Southern Territory. If the major sects do not work together to fight against the foreign enemies, I am afraid that ——”

Lin Changsheng was a little worried.

As a person from the Southern Territory, he naturally hopes that the Immortal Cultivation World in the Southern Territory will not be invaded by foreign enemies.

However, the Liuyun Immortal Sect is now at odds with itself, and its relations with other major sects are at loggerheads.

I am afraid that I am unwilling to compete with foreign enemies.

"Don't worry, as long as the major sects join forces, these crises can be resolved!"

Concubine Yu Ling has always believed in her heart that evil will never prevail against good.

This has also been her obsession with practice over the years.

"hope so!"

Lin Changsheng didn't want to think too much. He still had many things to do.

Looking at the dark night outside, Concubine Yu Ling could not help but feel a little embarrassed when she and Lin Changsheng were in the same room.

"Master is still waiting for me to return to the sect, so I will leave first!"

After Yu Lingfei finished speaking, she wanted to stand up or even leave.

But as soon as he stood up, his body felt weak, he felt like the world was spinning, and he fell down again.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng caught him, so he didn't fall to the ground.

Waves of fragrance hit him, making Lin Changsheng's heart beat faster.

"You haven't recovered from your injury yet. Let's rest for a night before leaving! I live next door. If you need anything, call me anytime!"

How could Lin Changsheng not know what Yu Lingfei meant.

She felt that it was not appropriate for a man and a woman to live together in the same room. If anyone else met her, it would definitely ruin Concubine Yu Ling's reputation.

Lin Changsheng planned to stay in the next room, so he got up and left after saying that.

"Lin Changsheng!"

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to leave the room, Concubine Yu Ling's weak voice came from behind him.

Lin Changsheng looked back and saw Yu Lingfei taking out a cyan fruit from the storage space, which was wrapped with extremely rich spiritual energy.

"This is the Shen Yuan Fruit that I got by luck in the Taixu Temple. It contains extremely strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth. After taking it, it can not only increase my cultivation, but also increase my life span by fifty years. You are kind to me for saving me. , I hope you can accept it!”

Concubine Yu Ling's face turned red and she didn't dare to look at Lin Changsheng.

She had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

She thought she might never be able to see Lin Changsheng again in this life.

I didn’t expect that the next time we get together would be like this.

"You are seriously injured now and need it more than me! You should take it!"

Although Lin Changsheng also wanted something that could increase his cultivation and longevity, it was not easy to get.

But at this moment, Concubine Yu Ling was weak and needed this item to heal her injuries more than he did.

"You have saved my life twice. This is my gratitude to you. Please accept it! If you don't accept it, you are looking down on my friend. I will never recognize you when we meet again in the future!"

Yu Lingfei said seriously.

Seeing that the other party was so serious, Lin Changsheng couldn't bear to let him down, so he stepped forward.

This woman is so quick to fall out. One second she was fine, and the next second she no longer recognizes anyone.

How strange!

"If Miss Yu insists on doing this, I will accept your wishes and you can take good care of yourself!"

Lin Changsheng stepped forward to receive the Divine Origin Fruit Dao.

The closer you get to this fruit, the stronger the spiritual energy becomes. This thing is absolutely extraordinary.

Unexpectedly, Concubine Yu Ling would give this thing to him as a reward.

After saying these words, Lin Changsheng left the room, leaving Yu Lingfei alone.

"Can you understand what I mean?"

After Lin Changsheng left the room, Concubine Yu Ling whispered, with a hint of melancholy on her face.

Lin Changsheng asked for a new room and lived next door to Concubine Yu Ling.

There was no one around at the moment, so he took out the body of the skinny old man from the storage bag, and then rummaged through him for the so-called map.

Then I searched for a while and found nothing.

"Is it in the storage bag?"

Lin Changsheng opened the skinny old man's storage bag. There were so many spiritual stones in it, more than 10,000 of them, they almost piled up into a hill.

There are six or seven medium-grade magical instruments and various medicinal materials beside them.

"Thousand-year Blood Lotus? Isn't this the medicinal ingredient used to refine the Immaculate Nascent Soul Pill?"

Lin Changsheng discovered a blood-red lotus among the medicinal materials.

This thing grows in a place with extremely strong spiritual energy. It takes three hundred years to germinate, five hundred years to bloom, and a thousand years to refine the medicine.

Lin Changsheng originally thought that it would be extremely difficult to find a thousand-year-old blood lotus, but he didn't expect that he would not be able to find it even after trying hard to find it. It took no effort at all to find it!

Someone actually delivered it to your door!

"Now we have Thousand-Year Ginseng and Thousand-Year Blood Lotus, the two main medicinal materials, but the only thing missing is the Colorful Soul Flower!"

Lin Changsheng calculated it and found that refining the Immaculate Nascent Soul Pill requires as many as sixteen medicinal materials, but the most difficult to find among them are the Thousand-Year Human Participation Thousand-Year Blood Lotus and the Colorful Divine Soul Flower.

This colorful soul flower is the most difficult to obtain. It is said that this flower likes water, and there must be water where it grows.

It can also suck people's souls to nourish itself.

Even if a colorful soul flower is not used to make elixirs, eating it raw can enhance a monk's spiritual consciousness.

This shows how useful it is.

But this thing is too hard to find.

"Blood-devouring Poison Technique, Yin-Yang Body Casting Technique, Nine-turn Poison Dart!"

In addition to the medicinal materials, Lin Changsheng also found three secret books in the skinny old man's storage bag.

The bloodthirsty poison attack is to bathe the whole body with the poison of various poisonous snakes, scorpions and frogs.

Run a unique method to refine the poisonous blood and integrate it into yourself.

After achieving great success, one's own blood can be poisoned, and one's magic power can be poisoned.

Just like the last palm shot by the skinny old man, although it is not very powerful.

But the poisonous gas seriously injured Yu Lingfei.

If Lin Changsheng hadn't been treated in time, he might have died.

"Although this technique is vicious, it is very domineering!"

Lin Changsheng planned to practice some training. After all, it was a long way to the Demonic Sea, and he couldn't waste his free time.

As for the yin and yang body casting method, Lin Changsheng did not dare to practice it.

Although this is a way to strengthen the body, it must be practiced by both men and women.

And if you practice once, a Yin body will die.

After refining nine hundred and ninety-nine times, it will be perfect.

When the time comes, the body will be strong and immune to all poisons.

Practicing nine hundred and ninety-nine times, wouldn't it mean that nine hundred and ninety-nine women would be killed?

No wonder those who practice in Moshahai are all demonic people.

Their practice method is simply vicious.

Lin Changsheng has the golden body of the Holy Buddha, and the poisonous energy cannot corrode it.

So I threw this method aside.

The last one is Nine Turns Poisonous Dart, a hidden weapon manual.

The hidden weapon can change the attack route nine times in the middle, making it difficult for the opponent to defend.

"This method can be combined with the thunder and flame arrows!"

Lin Changsheng thought secretly.

What we gained this time was not small.

"Eh? Is this the map he's talking about?"

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to exit the storage bag, a blueprint was suddenly placed on the ground beside him.

There are mountains and rivers painted on it.

A red line twists and turns, which is particularly eye-catching.

"Is it possible that this old guy also hid the rest of the treasures?"

Lin Changsheng thought leisurely.

This thing should be very important to the skinny old man.

Otherwise, they would not keep it with Lin Changsheng and would pick it up in three days.

I am just afraid that this thing will fall into the hands of others.

"You have to go and see! There might be a treasure!"

Lin Changsheng took out the blueprint and planned to go to the location marked on the map to take a look tomorrow.

Maybe you will find something else.

"Use the Divine Essence Fruit first, it should increase your cultivation a lot!"

Lin Changsheng planned to take the divine energy fruit given by Concubine Yu Ling first to enhance his cultivation above all else.

Just like what Master Tianyin said, in the face of absolute strength, all skills are in vain.

The realm of cultivation is the foundation of everything, and is greater than all the immortal treasures.

Lin Changsheng took a bite of the Divine Essence Fruit, and a sweet taste instantly filled his entire mouth. Waves of extremely thick spiritual energy from heaven and earth surged through his body, reaching through his limbs and bones.

There is even a lot of spiritual energy that goes straight to the top of the head and merges into the consciousness.

Let the spiritual consciousness be increased.

"This fruit is really extraordinary!"

After Lin Changsheng drank all the Shenyuan Fruit, he began to refine the rich spiritual energy in it.

As Lin Changsheng's magic power was refined, the spiritual energy nourished the limbs, bones, and internal organs.

Make his body tougher and his strength doubled.

The spiritual consciousness has also been greatly strengthened, and the range of perception has increased by more than 300 miles.

"Is the golden elixir at its peak in the middle stage?"

After refining all the spirit energy of Shen Yuan.

Lin Changsheng suddenly discovered that his cultivation level had also risen sharply, reaching the peak of the middle stage of the Golden Core, and he was just shy of entering the late stage of the Golden Core.

"Concubine Yu Ling actually insists on keeping such a good thing for herself?"

Lin Changsheng was immediately puzzled. Although he had to repay the favor of saving his life, as a monk, he must put his own cultivation first.

All resources that can improve cultivation will not be let go.

The increase in the Divine Yuan Fruit was so great that Yu Lingfei actually insisted on giving it to herself.

"This girl is so unpredictable!"

Lin Changsheng then stopped thinking too much and began to study two books of Immortal Art.

When it is perfected, it can be integrated with its own Immortal Art, and it will surely explode with even greater power.

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