The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 187 Blood Demon’s Prison-Suppressing Power, Nine Thunder Poison Flame Archery [Please subscr

[Introduction to Blood Devouring Poison Technique! 】

[Introduction to the Nine-turn Poison Dart! 】

After studying two secret books for an hour, I was already getting started.

[The blood-eating poison skill has been detected. Do you want to spend 2,500 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[The Nine-turn Poison Dart has been detected. Do you want to spend 2,500 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

The next moment, a red prompt popped up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng clicked yes.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Blood-eating Poison Technique begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Blood-Eating Poison Technique == Watch Poison! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Nine-turn Poison Dart begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Nine-turn Poison Dart == Touch Dart! 】

"Watching poison? Touching darts?"

Neither seems difficult, especially the touch darts.

Lin Changsheng rummaged through his storage bag and soon found a magic weapon similar to a dart.

I started rubbing it in my hands.

Nine-turn poisonous dart experience value +1!

Nine-turn poisonous dart experience value +1!

I saw that the experience value of the Nine-turn Poison Dart was constantly increasing.

"Watching poisonous things? Do you have to find a poisonous snake to watch?"

Now of course it is impossible to find it in the middle of the night, and it takes time and effort.

Lin Changsheng stared at the body of the skinny old man on the ground and muttered to himself.

Blood-eating poison skill experience value +1!

Blood-eating poison skill experience value +1!

However, unexpectedly, the experience value of the blood-devouring poison skill began to increase in the next moment.

"Is it okay to view the corpse?"

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he realized that this skinny old man was full of poison, so he could be considered poison.

This is good, as it saves Lin Changsheng from having to find poisonous snakes.

If Lin Changsheng hadn't come out alone this time, he would have followed Jiu Jianxian.

It is estimated that when Jiu Jianxian saw this scene, he would wonder if Lin Changsheng had any special hobbies.

He was actually rubbing the dart with one hand and looking at the corpse on the ground with a slightly satisfied smile on his lips.

Anyone who watches this scene will think that there is something wrong with Lin Changsheng.

A night of silence.

Early in the morning.

[The blood-eating poison skill is completed! 】

[Nine-turn poisonous dart is completed! 】

Some people's hard work pays off. After a night of 'hard training', the two secret techniques have been perfected.

[The Blood Devouring Poison Technique (Perfection) and the Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul-Suppressing Technique (Perfection) have been detected. Are the two techniques integrated? 】

[Nine-turn Poison Dart (Perfection) and Sky Thunder Flame Archery (Perfection) were detected. Are the two hidden weapons fused? 】

Just when Lin Changsheng had just perfected the two secret techniques, a prompt came out from the panel.

"The Bloodthirsty Poison Technique can actually be fused with the Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul-Suppressing Technique?"

This actually surprised Lin Changsheng.

But since they are all exercises, it makes sense that they can be integrated.

Lin Changsheng naturally would not refuse.

"All merged!"

Lin Changsheng clicked on fusion one by one.

[Blood Devouring Poison Technique (Perfection), Hunyuan Golden Pill Soul Suppressing Technique (Perfection) fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, you will get the new technique Blood Demon Suppressing Prison Strength! 】

[Nine-turn Poisonous Dart (Perfect), Heavenly Thunder Flame Archery (Perfect) fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, get new archery technique Nine Thunder Poison Flame Archery! 】

"The blood demon's prison-suppressing power? The Nine Thunder Poison Flame Archery Technique?"

The name doesn't seem to have changed much, but the power has definitely increased by more than a little.

Wait until you find a deserted corner to give it a try.

[The blood demon’s prison-suppressing power has been detected. Do you want to spend 3,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[The Nine Thunder Poison Flame Arrow Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 3,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

The secret method had just been fused, and the prompt came out again from the panel.

Lin Changsheng chose yes.

[The Great Road to Simplicity: The simplification of the Blood Demon's Prison Suppressing Power begins. The simplification within the simplification is completed. The Blood Demon's Prison Suppressing Power == contact with a woman with a poisonous body! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Nine Thunder Poison Flame Archery Technique begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Nine Thunder Poison Flame Archery Technique == Touching the Poison Arrow! 】

"Touch a woman with a poisonous body? Touch a poisonous arrow?"

It's not difficult to touch poisonous arrows, just drop a little blood on the arrows.

After all, although the blood in Lin Changsheng's body is normal now, it is extremely poisonous after using the blood demon's prison-suppressing power.

Except for himself, who can live in peace and quiet, contact with others will put their lives in danger.

But coming into contact with a woman with a poisonous body made Lin Changsheng a little embarrassed.

After all, all he has now is the body of a dead, skinny old man.

Where can I find a toxic woman?

Is it possible to go to Taiyin Island to catch one?

Dong dong dong——

Just as Lin Changsheng was thinking, there was a knock on the door.

"Lin Changsheng, are you there?"

Outside the door, Concubine Yu Ling's voice came over.

Lin Changsheng recovered his thoughts, put the body of the skinny old man into the storage bag, and went to open the door.

When the door opened, I saw that Concubine Yu Ling had regained some vitality and her face was no longer pale.

He also changed his clothes, which was completely different from yesterday's embarrassment.

It gives people a sense of clarity and refinement, unlike the fireworks of the world.

Blood Demon's Prison Suppressing Power experience value +1!

Blood Demon's Prison Suppressing Power experience value +1!

However, when Lin Changsheng saw Concubine Yu Ling, the experience value of the Blood Demon's Prison Suppressing Power continued to increase.

This caught Lin Changsheng off guard.

But then I thought about it and it was right.

After all, the poison in Yu Lingfei's body has not been completely eliminated, so she can be considered a poisonous body.

"Miss Yu, how is your recovery from your injury?"

Lin Changsheng asked.

Otherwise, it would seem impolite to just stare at the other person.

This time Concubine Yu Ling seemed to have learned the lesson from last time and did not dare to blindly enter Lin Changsheng's room.

Otherwise, if you see some strange pictures, you may not be able to explain them at that time.

"I'm here to say goodbye to you. After last night's recuperation, my injury has reached the third level of recovery. I can't stay outside any longer. I plan to return to the sect to recover!"

Concubine Yu Ling said with some regret in her heart.

She also wanted to communicate more with Lin Changsheng, but the sect was not peaceful recently.

"Since Miss Yu is leaving, it is inconvenient for me to stay. However, your injuries have not recovered well. If you encounter someone from the devil's way on the road, you may be in danger of your life. It just so happens that I am going to the same place as you, so why don't we go together? ?”

Seeing the poisonous woman right in front of him, how could Lin Changsheng let her go?

Moreover, what Lin Changsheng said was not a lie.

The direction marked by the skinny old man's map was three hundred miles away from the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect.

Although I don’t know what treasures are left in the map, it should not be simple.

So I plan to go with Concubine Yu Ling. Watching Concubine Yu Ling on the way can also increase the experience value of the Blood Demon’s Prison Suppressing Power.


Concubine Yu Ling was a little surprised. She didn't expect Lin Changsheng to be so worried about her safety?

"Isn't it appropriate? If it's inconvenient, I"

"There is nothing wrong. If you are willing to accompany me all the way, that would be the best!"

Before Lin Changsheng finished speaking, Concubine Yu Ling interrupted, "Please clean up, and we'll set off right away!"

After speaking, Concubine Yu Ling left with a red face.

Lin Changsheng looked at her back, but he couldn't bear to look away.

Because every second of watching Yu Lingfei, the experience value of the Blood Demon's Prison Suppressing Power is constantly increasing.

After Lin Changsheng simply tidied up, he left the inn with Concubine Yu Ling.

Concubine Yu Ling was weak and unable to wield a sword.

Lin Changsheng fired a flying shuttle, injected mana into it, and the flying shuttle swelled in the wind and turned into the size of a sail.

Lin Changsheng jumped up with Concubine Yu Ling, and flew through the air towards the Moon Covering Immortal Sect.

A thousand miles away, the shuttle is extremely fast and can arrive in less than two hours.

Lin Changsheng was worried that the blood demon's prison-suppressing power would be dissatisfied with his experience points too quickly.

So I deliberately slowed down and stared at Concubine Yu Ling.

This actually made Concubine Yu Ling feel a little embarrassed, and her heart was pounding.

While watching Concubine Yu Ling, Lin Changsheng did not forget to touch the poisonous arrow dripping with blood from his back.

In this way, the experience points of the Nine Thunder Poison Flame Archery skills are also refreshed.

Simply kill two birds with one stone.

Three hours later.

[Blood Demon’s Prison-Suppressing Power (Perfection)]

[Nine Thunder Poison Flame Archery (Perfection)]

Finally, seeing the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect before his eyes, Lin Changsheng's Blood Demon Suppressing Prison Power and Nine Thunder Poison Flame Archery skills were both perfected.

"Thank you for escorting me all the way. See you again in the future!"

Concubine Yu Ling came under the mountain gate and said with a blushing face.

"See you soon!"

Lin Changsheng responded, feeling very satisfied in his heart.

This girl really helped me a lot.

He danced for himself in the Soul-Seizing Land, and now it helped him increase his proficiency in Blood Demon's Prison Suppressing Power.

I just don't know how powerful it is?

Lin Changsheng couldn't wait to find a place to give it a try.

After hurriedly bidding farewell to Concubine Yu Ling, Lin Changsheng came to a deserted mountain forest.

Start trying the power of the two secret techniques.

Lin Changsheng first released the Bleeding Demon's prison-suppressing power.

I saw a huge statue of the devil rising up behind him, showing a blood-red color.

The devil looks fierce and domineering.

Blood-red mist enveloped Lin Changsheng.

This blood mist is so poisonous that the trees are contaminated and corroded instantly.


Lin Changsheng punched out, and the violent mana turned into a bloody fist mark, blasting towards the mountains ahead.


The bloody fist print collided with the mountain instantly, and a huge explosion broke out.

Almost instantly, the Baizhang Mountain was shattered by the fist light.

The power of this fist is not only huge, but wherever the bloody fist light passes, all the trees, mountains and rocks are corroded.

The mountain ground that was bombarded by the fist light also revealed a deep pit. The ground seemed to have been corroded by strong acid and became blurry.

"What a domineering poisonous skill!"

Lin Changsheng was shocked.

Even if this punch cannot kill the opponent, it can still poison the opponent.

After trying the poison attack, Lin Changsheng took out the Tianyao Flame Bow, drew the bow to the full moon, and nine thunder and lightning arrows appeared on it.

Boo hoo hoo——

After releasing the bow, nine thunder and lightning arrows shot out of the sky, just like thunder and lightning piercing the sky, twisting and turning, constantly changing the attack route.

The last nine lightning arrows actually bypassed a mountain and blasted into the forest behind them.

The mountains and forests were blasted into deep craters.

The power of the arrows is much more domineering than before.

In the past there was only the power of lightning and flames.

Now there's even more poison.

Even if the power of thunder and lightning and flames cannot harm the opponent, it may not be so easy to get rid of the poisonous gas entering the body.

Even if the Nascent Soul cultivator is hit by this arrow, he will have to continuously use his magic power to drive away the poison.

Otherwise, the poisonous blood attacks the heart and will lead to death.

The most important thing is that the arrow can change the attack route in the air, and not just once, but nine times, making it difficult to guard against.

"It's time to check out the location on the map! I wonder what surprises there will be?"

After Lin Changsheng tried the two secret techniques, he initially understood their power and planned to leave.

But before leaving, Lin Changsheng once again used the method of rebirth to change his appearance into a skinny old man.

In this way, even if you accidentally go to the station on Taiyin Island, you won't be discovered instantly.

Lin Changsheng felt that there were definitely remnants of Taiyin Island around, and it was impossible for them to be cleaned up by the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect.

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