The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 188 Master Blood Demon, Holy Land of Spiritual Spring [Please subscribe! 】

Lin Changsheng put away the shuttle and galloped away on the ground towards the location marked on the map. Otherwise, if he flew through the air and was discovered by the people of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect, he might be killed as a demonic person.

This location on the map is very secluded, nestled among rolling mountains.

Even if Lin Changsheng had a map, it took him a lot of time to find it.

"So hidden?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the cave under the waterfall in the distance, thought for a moment, and then got in.

This place cannot be seen even with spiritual consciousness.

After all, flowing waterfalls can hinder the detection of spiritual consciousness.

After entering the cave, Lin Changsheng discovered that the cave had obvious traces of man-made excavation and was not naturally formed.

It seems that the skinny old man and the others have been hiding here for a long time.


Just when Lin Changsheng entered the cave, two young figures fell opposite him.

"Deacon Fang, you came back just in time. Master Blood Demon was severely injured. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. We plan to take action now!"

The two young men standing in front of him obviously mistook Lin Changsheng for a scrawny old man.


Lin Changsheng responded, and his voice changed into that of a scrawny old man.

Therefore, the two of them did not notice it and led Lin Changsheng all the way to a stone cave.

I saw a red-haired middle-aged man sitting in the cave.

Within the body of the middle-aged man, an extremely strong wave of mana emitted.

"A strong Nascent Soul?"

Lin Changsheng was secretly frightened.

If the guess is correct, this person should be the Master Blood Demon who was severely injured by the Supreme Elder as Yu Lingfei said.

The middle-aged red-haired man had a deep sword wound on his shoulder and arm, and the blood had dyed the corners of his clothes red.

"You came back just in time! Has the map been drawn?"

Master Blood Demon asked without even opening his eyes.

"Already drawn!"

Lin Changsheng responded, the Blood Demon Master had the early stage of Nascent Soul cultivation, but he was severely injured at this moment.

If Lin Changsheng took advantage of his unpreparedness and attacked, he was still 70% sure that he would be able to kill him.

However, it is still unclear what their plan is, and it will not be too late to take action after everything is clear.

"Without any further delay, act now!"

Master Blood Demon opened his eyes and said angrily.

He originally wanted to sneak into the Holy Land of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect, break through Haojue, and enter the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Unexpectedly, there was an elder Nascent Soul sitting in the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect and injured him.

Master Blood Demon couldn't swallow this tone. He planned to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from Lingquan Holy Land and break through Haojue, and then bloodbath the Moon-covering Immortal Sect.

Lin Changsheng still doesn't know what the other party's actions are.

He had no choice but to take out the map and take Master Blood Demon to the marked point.

This map is a secret passage, more than three hundred miles long.

There are many branching passages on the road, spreading in all directions like tree roots.

Without a map to guide you, it's easy to get lost in the tunnels.

For such a huge project, I don’t know how long the people from Taiyin Island have been digging here.

And I don’t know where the end of the map leads.

After traveling three hundred miles, the group drove for half an hour before finally reaching the end.

This is followed by a steep passage leading upwards.

"Don't use magic. If you are discovered, no one can escape!"

Master Blood Demon warned.

Then the first one climbed up with the help of his feet.

Lin Changsheng followed closely behind.

"What a rich aura of heaven and earth!"

Lin Changsheng suddenly felt that the higher he climbed, the stronger the aura of heaven and earth became.

The Dantian in his body actually had the potential to make a breakthrough.


When he climbed to the top, Master Blood Demon shattered the mud and rocks with his palm.

The scene outside was revealed.

Lin Changsheng jumped out of the tunnel and was a little surprised when he saw everything around him.

I saw a huge spiritual pool surrounding it.

Rich spiritual energy is constantly emanating from the spring water.

There are also patterns of clouds and crescents carved on the surrounding stone walls.

"Is this the Holy Land of the Spiritual Spring of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect? Is this their goal?"

Lin Changsheng understood immediately.

The demons on Taiyin Island are entrenched near the Moon-covering Immortal Sect. Is it for the Holy Land of Lingquan?

"Defend me!"

Without saying a word, Master Blood Demon sat cross-legged on the stone platform in the center of the spiritual spring, and began to run his skills in an attempt to absorb the thick spiritual energy emanating from the spiritual spring, so as to help him break through Hao Jue.

How could Lin Changsheng absorb such rich spiritual energy from heaven and earth to Master Blood Demon?

He came up behind Master Blood Demon inadvertently and took advantage of the opportunity to hit Master Blood Demon with a swift palm.

Master Blood Demon never expected that Lin Changsheng would take action against him. He was so absorbed in absorbing spiritual energy that he didn't react at all.


The tyrannical palm print landed on Master Blood Demon's back, and he was directly knocked away by Lin Changsheng, spurting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air.

After landing, all the meridians were severed, and the flesh and blood on his back had been corroded to create a palm print pattern.

It was obvious that Master Blood Demon had been corroded by the poisonous gas.


Master Blood Demon never imagined that Fang Zhen would take action against him. All his cultivation and status were promoted by himself.

"Are you crazy? How dare you attack me? Do you also want to absorb the spiritual energy in the spiritual spring?"

The Blood Demon Master was severely injured and furious, but there was not much mana left in his body, and at this moment, his meridians were all severed, and he was at the end of his strength.

Yesterday, he was injured by the Supreme Elder of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect.

Now he was severely injured by Lin Changsheng, and his body was still eroded by poisonous gas.

Not to mention killing Lin Changsheng, even if he resisted, he probably wouldn't be able to fight.

"That's natural, just go on your way with peace of mind!"

Lin Changsheng raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, rushed out, and slapped Master Blood Demon's head with a palm.

"Quick, kill this traitor!"

Master Blood Demon's eyes widened and he said in panic.

However, the other two disciples were killed one by one as they were Lin Changsheng's opponents.

Master Blood Demon did not expect to be spared.

Lin Changsheng slapped him on the head, and he died immediately.

If Master Blood Demon hadn't been seriously injured, it would definitely be difficult for Lin Changsheng to succeed.

A fierce battle may even break out.

However, the Blood Demon Master was severely injured by the Supreme Elder of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect and lost one of his arms.

He was attacked by Lin Changsheng again, leaving him with all his meridians and his last breath.

Of course there is no way to escape death!


The next second, a golden figure flew out from the center of the Blood Demon Master's eyebrows and fled quickly.

This is the Nascent Soul of Master Blood Demon.

As long as Nascent Soul escapes, Master Blood Demon will have a chance to be reborn.

Lin Changsheng tried several times to keep Master Blood Demon's Nascent Soul.

In the end, I couldn't stop it and let it slip away.

"Absorb the spiritual energy first!"

Lin Changsheng then stopped taking care of himself and began to run his skills to absorb the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Luoyue Peak.

A stunning woman dressed in white gauze was resting peacefully on her side on the chair, when suddenly a light flashed between her eyebrows.

Ling Yue opened her eyes instantly.

"How dare you dare to attack my Holy Land of Spiritual Spring!"

Ling Yue finished her words and headed straight to the Holy Land of Lingquan.

Lingquan Holy Land is only more than ten miles away from Luoyue Peak. For a Nascent Soul-level powerhouse, it is only a fleeting moment.

But just after leaving the mountain gate, Ling Yue saw Master Yuanying of the Blood Demon quickly escaping in the sky.

This made Ling Yue frown, slightly confused.

Why did this Blood Demon Master die?

Even if he is severely injured by the Supreme Elder, he will not die?

Could it be that there was internal fighting among them?

There was no time to care about this, as Ling Yue waved his hand and pulled out a scroll. The scroll swelled in the wind and turned into a giant curtain in the sky.

Directly block the Blood Demon Master Nascent Soul.

Then the scroll emitted golden light, directly absorbing Master Blood Demon's Nascent Soul.

Holy Land of Spiritual Spring.

"You have such a good thing and you don't even call me?"

Just when Lin Changsheng was running his skills frantically to absorb spiritual energy, an extremely charming Yu Jie's voice sounded in Lin Changsheng's mind.

The next moment, a white fox with three tails appeared in front of Lin Changsheng.

"Xiaobai! How could you start from-"

"How can I get out of your spirit beast bag? Let alone the spirit beast bag, even the formation you set up can't even try to trap me!"

Xiaobai rolled his eyes at Lin Changsheng, then opened his mouth and inhaled, and the extremely rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth was instantly sucked into Xiaobai's mouth.

A seemingly simple bite caused one-third of the surrounding aura of heaven and earth to instantly disappear.

"No! I still want to use these heaven and earth spiritual energy to break through!"

When Lin Changsheng saw Xiaobai opening her mouth to suck again, he stepped forward and covered her mouth with his hand.

Then he took out a ceramic jar from the storage space.

The origin of this item is unknown, but it has the effect of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and storing it.

In the past, Lin Changsheng tried throwing things into it to see if it could be filled, but in the end he threw so many things that the ceramic jar didn't respond at all.

It seems like a bottomless pit.


When Lin Changsheng opened the ceramic lid, the porcelain jar suddenly turned into a black hole and abyss, frantically absorbing the spiritual energy of the surrounding world.

In just two breaths, all the remaining spiritual energy of heaven and earth was swallowed by the ceramic jar.

The Holy Land of Spiritual Spring, which was originally very rich, now turned into an ordinary pool.

"You, let me go!"

Xiaobai struggled under Lin Changsheng for a few times and said angrily in embarrassment.

Lin Changsheng was also anxious just now, fearing that Xiaobai would suck all the spiritual energy in another gulp, so he had no choice but to press her down and cover her mouth with one hand.

"You're a little fox, what are you embarrassed about?"

Lin Changsheng said disapprovingly.

It's not like a beautiful woman is being pinned down by him.

After carefully placing the ceramic jar filled with spiritual energy into the storage bag, Lin Changsheng planned to leave.

The harvest this time was not small. Not only did he obtain extremely strong spiritual energy from heaven and earth, but he also obtained a Nascent Soul-level corpse.

He can refine it into a Nascent Soul-level corpse puppet in the future.

At that time, there will be another big force.

What's more, Master Blood Demon also has a storage bag on him, so naturally there are many good things in it.

"Bold remnants of Taiyin Island, come out and die!"

However, just when Lin Changsheng was about to run away, Ling Yue's figure had already arrived above the Holy Land of Lingquan, with anger on his face.

Because she had discovered that the spiritual energy in the Holy Land of Spiritual Spring disappeared instantly.

She originally planned to wait for a hundred years, and when the spiritual energy of the Holy Land of Lingquan reached its peak, she would absorb it and break through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Haojue, and become a great monk of Nascent Soul.

I didn't expect that I would be ruined by a demonic person.

How could this not make her angry?


The next moment, the major Jindan elders and deacons of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect also rushed here, and even some disciples who were relatively close to each other had already surrounded the Holy Land of Lingquan.

Even a fly can't escape from here.

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