The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 189 Escape and break through the late stage of Jindan [Please subscribe! 】

When Ling Yue finished speaking, the powerful pressure of divine consciousness suddenly fell.

She originally thought that with her powerful mid-Nascent Soul consciousness, the opponent she could suppress would be unable to fight back.

However, the pressure of divine consciousness fell on Lin Changsheng, but it had no effect at all.

This made Ling Yue confused.

A mere golden elixir cultivator is not afraid of the pressure of her divine consciousness?

In the Holy Land of Lingquan, Lin Changsheng sensed that he was surrounded and instantly looked at Xiaobai.

"Xiao Bai, you can't suck spiritual energy in vain! As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it takes a while to use it. You--"

"What a beautiful thought. One breath of spiritual energy is not enough for me to cast a secret space technique!"

Xiaobai raised his snow-white head and ignored Lin Changsheng.

He didn't know whether he was angry because he had absorbed too little spiritual energy just now, or because he was suppressed by Lin Changsheng.

"Otherwise, I'll make an exception and give you a sip, but you have to leave some for me to break through!"

Lin Changsheng said with a smile.

Outside, there were strong people in the middle stage of Nascent Soul and more than ten people with golden elixir cultivation level surrounding them.

Although Lin Changsheng was not afraid, he did not want to be an enemy of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect.

Otherwise, if Fairy Bright Moon discovers that she stole the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from her spiritual spring, she probably won't be able to get around her.

"That's pretty much it!"

Xiaobai was satisfied after hearing what Lin Changsheng said.

Then he spit out a ball of brilliance and instantly enveloped the two of them.

The next moment, the two people disappeared instantly.

"Disappeared? How is it possible? Is it the secret of space?"

Ling Yue suddenly discovered that the figures in Lingquan Holy Land had disappeared without a trace, and immediately pushed aside the restrictions and walked inside.

When they arrived at the spiritual spring, there were still people here and there, leaving only a pool of blood and a spring without any aura.

"Could it be him?"

Ling Yue suddenly thought of one person, and that was Lin Changsheng.

When this son was being hunted in the past, he mysteriously disappeared with a white fox.

No one among the monks in the Southern Region knows about this matter.

Although this person looks different from Lin Changsheng, the white fox cannot be mistaken.

After all, Lin Changsheng knew the art of disguise and could change his appearance.

"You didn't come when I invited you, and now you secretly absorb the spiritual energy of my spiritual spring holy land. Damn it!"

Ling Yue was quite unhappy, her chest heaving violently with anger, showing a turbulent trend.

If Lin Changsheng was a disciple or an elder of her Moon-covering Immortal Sect.

She won't be angry, after all, it is to improve the cultivation level of her own people.

But Lin Changsheng refused to join the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect and stole her spiritual energy from the spiritual spring, which made Ling Yue a little angry.

"Oh my god! Is the spiritual energy in Lingquan Holy Land gone?"

"How did they do it, absorb all the spiritual energy of the Holy Land in just a few breaths?"

"Where are these demonic remnants? How come no one can be found?"

"Damn you devil, don't let me catch you!"

The surrounding disciples of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect entered the Holy Land of Lingquan and found that they found nothing and that all the spiritual energy had been absorbed. They immediately stamped their feet in anger.

"Master, what happened?"

After Yu Lingfei heard the commotion, she rushed over immediately.

"Fei'er, I heard that you had an encounter with Lin Changsheng. What do you think of him as a person?"

Ling Yue asked after seeing Concubine Yu Ling.

She wanted to know whether Lin Changsheng was worth trusting?

After all, Lin Changsheng is now with the devil.

"Why would the master ask such a question? Could it be——"

"Whatever my teacher asks you, just answer it!"

Before Yu Lingfei finished speaking, Ling Yue interrupted and asked.

"Lin Changsheng saved me twice, no, he should have saved me in danger three times. If it weren't for Lin Changsheng's disciple, I might have died. This person is approachable, not aloof and very easy to get along with. Yesterday, I was poisoned by the remnants of Taiyin Island. He was injured, but Lin Changsheng saved him!"

Concubine Yu Ling responded calmly.

Ling Yue suddenly felt relieved after hearing this.

It seems that he is not with the devil, otherwise Ling Yue will definitely hunt down Lin Changsheng.

From the information obtained from Concubine Yu Ling, Ling Yue could tell that the death of Master Blood Demon was probably caused by Lin Changsheng.

This can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

"I hope he will not let down the aura of my Holy Land of Spiritual Spring!"

Without saying a word, Ling Yue left in the air.

Concubine Yu Ling was left a little confused.

"Did Lin Changsheng really steal the spiritual energy of the Holy Land?"

Concubine Yu Ling was a little puzzled.

Two thousand miles away.

Lin Changsheng and Xiaobai appeared on the top of a mountain.

This time Xiaobai seemed not as weak as before after using teleportation, and even stared at Lin Changsheng.

It seems to be saying, where is the aura that was promised? Still not giving it to me?

At this moment, Lin Changsheng also stared at Xiaobai.

There was also doubt in my heart. After using the space secret method, shouldn't this Xiaobai be weak for a while?

When she is weak, she can secretly absorb all the spiritual energy.

However, nothing happened to Xiaobai, which made him puzzled.

At this moment, one person and one fox just stared at each other.

One person and one beast have eight hundred minds.

"Ahem - Xiaobai, how about we discuss the matter of spiritual energy? The stronger I am, the more spiritual energy I can bring to you -"

Seeing that Xiaobai showed no signs of weakness, Lin Changsheng could only speak.

However, before he finished speaking, he was rejected by Xiaobai.


Xiaobai interrupted, although she can't transform yet, she is an animal.

But the IQ is not low.


This made Lin Changsheng a little speechless. It seemed that this Xiaobai was not a stupid roe deer, and it was not easy to fool him at all!

"Then let's do this! I'll absorb the spiritual energy and break through to the late Golden Core stage first, and the rest will be yours. Is that okay?"

Seeing that the deception was useless, Lin Changsheng could only find a compromise.

Who knows if Xiaobai will absorb all the spiritual energy in one gulp?

She has a huge appetite!

Lin Changsheng couldn't figure out how Xiaobai could swallow so much spiritual energy in one breath and refine it so quickly?

If it were an ordinary monk, it would probably be enough to burst the flames.

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes around for a moment before finally agreeing.

After all, she could also feel that Lin Changsheng was not far away from breaking through, and the golden elixir was already showing signs of loosening. Presumably, he would not need much spiritual energy to break through the golden elixir in the later stages.

And what Lin Changsheng said was not unreasonable.

The stronger he is, the more treasures he can obtain.

If you absorb the mana yourself, you can recover it faster.

"Then it's settled!"

After reaching an agreement, Lin Changsheng took Xiaobai away three thousand miles away again, found a hidden cave and began to prepare for a breakthrough.

"This clay pot has really made a great contribution this time!"

Lin Changsheng took out the ceramic jar again, although he didn't know what the magical function of this ceramic jar was.

But it is very good for storing spiritual energy.

Lin Changsheng opened the ceramic, and the rich spiritual energy inside immediately spread out.

Xiaobai sniffed at the side, making Lin Changsheng laugh.

"Xiao Bai, you are a dog! Do you still have to ask about the taste?"


Lin Changsheng only responded with an arrogant cold snort.

Then Lin Changsheng stopped thinking too much and began to use his exercises to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the clay pot.

The spiritual energy of this world is much richer than ordinary spiritual energy.

In just half an hour, Lin Changsheng felt the golden elixir tremble, indicating that he was about to make a breakthrough.


The next second, the golden elixir suddenly erupted with a dull roar, and the Dantian in the body expanded, blooming with golden light, and extremely powerful mana poured from the Dantian into the limbs and bones.

Some of the mana even goes straight to the top of the head.


Lin Changsheng felt that the meridians throughout his body were expanding and his bones were being tempered.

It's like being tempered over and over again, becoming tougher than before.

While the physical body has been strengthened, the spiritual consciousness has also become much broader.

It is enough to sense everything within a radius of three thousand miles.

"Finally a breakthrough! The remaining spiritual energy is mine!"

When Xiaobai saw this, he immediately raised his head.

Swallow the rest of the spiritual energy into your mouth in one gulp.

Lin Changsheng refined the spiritual energy for half an hour, but it was only one-tenth.

However, Xiaobai was able to swallow the remaining spiritual energy in one gulp.

There is no action of refining, it seems to be as simple as drinking a glass of water.

This shows how powerful Xiaobai's refining ability is.

I don’t know what kind of magic technique is used!

"Golden elixir late stage cultivation!"

After Lin Changsheng broke through, he opened his eyes.

He clenched his fist and felt the strong power coming from above.

It seems that he has endless energy at this moment.

"We are one step closer to Nascent Soul!"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied with his current cultivation level.

Although his cultivation level has only reached the late stage of Jindan.

But the physical body is comparable to the peak of the early stage of immortality.

The spiritual consciousness is even comparable to the peak of the mid-Year Infant period.

When he breaks through to the Nascent Soul cultivation level, I am afraid that his spiritual consciousness will be comparable to that of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

"By the way, the corpse of the Nascent Soul can be refined into a corpse puppet. Don't be afraid when you encounter a strong Nascent Soul!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

Then he took out the body of Master Blood Demon, and after some searching on his body, he found two bags.

A storage bag and a spirit animal bag.

Lin Changsheng first opened the storage bag to see what treasures were inside.

This is indeed a storage bag for a strong person in the Nascent Soul stage!

What is in hand is wealth.

Among them, there are more than 60,000 spiritual stones, as well as twelve low-grade magic weapons, five medium-grade magic weapons, and one top-grade magic weapon.

In addition, there are a lot of medicinal materials, all of which are highly poisonous and cannot be used to make elixirs.

In addition, there are three books of Immortal Art.

One is a blood demon disintegration method, one is a bloodthirsty poison technique, and one is a yin and yang method for cultivating the demonic body.

Lin Changsheng originally thought that there would be some powerful magic, but he was a little disappointed in the end.

After all, Lin Changsheng had already learned the bloodthirsty poison technique and had no intention of learning it again. Lin Changsheng looked down upon the dual cultivation of the Yin and Yang Demonic Body.

After all, he already has the golden body of the Holy Buddha that is even better than the peak of the early Nascent Soul.

"This blood demon disintegration method is enough to be practiced!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

But I don’t plan to practice now.

He was planning to practice on his way to the Demonic Sea.

"This spirit beast bag is good, bigger than mine!"

Lin Changsheng's consciousness had just entered the spirit beast bag and found that the space of the spirit beast bag was ten miles wide, and there were some poisonous beasts and poisonous insects in it.

It is probably used for practicing poisoning skills.

But Lin Changsheng didn't have access to these things.

I plan to put 100,000 sky-eating insects into it, so that I don’t have to squeeze in with Xiaobai.

After one hundred thousand sky-devouring insects entered it, they directly swallowed all the poison inside.

After disposing of the loot, Lin Changsheng planned to refine the corpse puppet.

The last time he was in Dayu Imperial City, Lin Changsheng planned to refine the Nascent Soul corpse puppet.

But I never made time.

As a result, his storage bag now has a lot of corpses of late-stage Jindan cultivation, and now there are even corpses of early-stage Nascent Soul.

Plan to deal with it.

Maybe if the Nascent Soul Corpse Puppet is fused,

It will greatly enhance your combat effectiveness.

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