The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 190 The Horrible King’s Corpse, Su Changkong’s pursuit [Please subscribe! 】

[Puppets: 6 golden corpses (advanced), Sky-Swallowing Insect King (8)]

Lin Changsheng looked at his puppet panel and saw that he still had four high-level golden corpses to fuse into a more powerful corpse puppet.

Not long ago, when he was in Dayu Imperial City, Lin Changsheng only refined one intermediate corpse puppet.

The body itself has 3 intermediate corpse puppets, and the 4 intermediate corpse puppets have been fused into two high-level golden corpses, so now there are 6 high-level corpse puppets.

"Lu Yunchang, Mo Li, Gao Yi, and Wu Tianhua all happen to be late-stage Jindan corpses. Four high-level corpse puppets can be refined, which adds up to 10 high-level Jindan corpse puppets!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, the quantity is enough, then the next step is to refine the corpse puppet.

Lin Changsheng has also refined many corpse puppets, but the refining speed is too slow.

It takes one day to refine the basic golden corpse, two days for the intermediate level, and at least three days for the advanced level.

Four corpses would take twelve days.

This is extremely time-consuming work.

"I wonder if this Divine Punishment Recruiting Corpse Art can speed up the process of refining corpses?"

Lin Changsheng suddenly thought that in his storage bag, there was still a secret method obtained from Lu Yunchang that he had not yet practiced.

I have been busy some time ago and forgot about this secret book.

I plan to practice some practice now and give it a try.

Xiaobai on the side saw that Lin Changsheng was about to practice, so he didn't bother him and just lay down to rest.

From time to time, it wagged its three furry little tails.

Lin Changsheng was very curious about Xiaobai and felt that this guy was really unusual.

Maybe it is not a product of the Immortal Relics Land, but comes from the Immortal Burial Domain.

Otherwise, how could she swallow so much spiritual energy in one gulp, just like drinking water?

Xiaobai didn't want to say anything, and Lin Changsheng didn't ask any more questions.

Half an hour later.

[Introduction to Divine Punishment and Corpse Recruitment! 】

Lin Changsheng finally mastered this secret technique.

[The Divine Punishment and Corpse Recruitment Art has been detected. Do you want to spend 2,500 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

The next moment, a prompt came out from the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to simplify.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Divine Punishment and Corpse Recruitment Art begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Divine Punishment and Corpse Recruitment Art = Corpse Control! 】

"Control the corpse?"

This didn't seem difficult. Lin Changsheng summoned a golden corpse and began to command.

Divine Punishment Corpse Recruiting Art +1 experience value!

Divine Punishment Corpse Recruiting Art +1 experience value!

The experience value is constantly increasing.

"The improvement of one body is a bit slow. How about a few more bodies to try?"

Lin Changsheng summoned the rest of the golden corpses, and then the experience value increased several times.

In just two hours, the Divine Punishment and Corpse Recruitment Art was completed.

Memories about how to refine and control corpses poured into Lin Changsheng's mind crazily.

"This secret method can actually refine multiple corpse puppets at the same time?"

After absorbing the perfect Divine Punishment and Corpse Recruitment Art, Lin Changsheng couldn't help but be shocked.

Even refining the corpse puppet in the foundation-building stage does not require many materials to be slowly refined at all. It can be transformed into a corpse by directly casting it with one spell.

Even to refine the golden corpse, the materials required have been greatly reduced.

"It's cool, it greatly shortens the time for refining the corpse puppet!"

Lin Changsheng was satisfied, and then took out the four corpses of late-stage golden elixirs and began to refine them together.

Time flies, three days have passed.

Moon City.

This city used to be a border town of Dayu.

It's a pity that it is now occupied by the Beimu Immortal Clan.

A white-haired old man and a woman fell outside the city gate.

"Lord Amagakure!"

When the guard saw it was Tianyin, he immediately knelt down and said respectfully.


Tianyin pushed the woman in front of him, his eyes full of impatience.

If this woman wasn't still useful, he would have killed her with one palm.

"Stop your wishful thinking, Lin Changsheng will never go to your Beimu Immortal Clan!"

Yu Wenjing said not to be outdone.

The Beimu Immortal Clan must be in many dangers. Not to mention that Lin Changsheng only has the golden elixir cultivation base. I am afraid that if the Nascent Soul master is gone, he will also be in danger of death.

"If he doesn't come, I will kill you, which will be regarded as avenging my grandson for me!"

Tianyin was also extremely unhappy.

I thought that it would be easy for me to come in person and kill Lin Changsheng. I didn't expect that this kid would actually be able to arrange various large formations.

Even he himself suffered a big loss in his formation.

This is still under the condition that I am proficient in formations.

If you don't understand, you may have died in it.

Do you think Lin Changsheng is the only one who knows the formation?

If he dares to come to the Beimu Immortal Clan, he will entertain him in the same way!

Yu Wenjing knew that Lin Changsheng was not the kind of ruthless person. Even if he knew that the Beimu Immortal Clan was in danger, he would probably come.

Therefore, Yu Wenjing did not want to harm Lin Changsheng and planned to commit suicide.

When passing by the guard, Yu Wenjing took advantage of Tian Yin not paying attention, pulled out the guard's sword, and wiped it towards her neck.

"How brave!"

Tian Yin scolded angrily and struck out with a palm. The powerful magic power directly shattered the sword blade into pieces, and Yu Wenjing also fell to the ground.

"Trapped her!"

Tian Yin stepped forward, sealed Yu Wenjing's meridians directly, and ordered the soldiers.

This woman still had great uses, but she couldn't just die like this.

Otherwise, Lin Changsheng could not be lured to the Beimu Immortal Clan, which would be troublesome.

"Changsheng, you must never go to the Beimu Immortal Clan!"

Yu Wenjing secretly thought that it didn't matter whether she died or not, but Lin Changsheng had unlimited potential and would definitely become a dragon and fly around in the future.

If she died for herself, Yu Wenjing felt that she would regret it for the rest of her life.

Liuyun Immortal Sect.

In a large hall decorated with golden glazed glass, Su Changkong sat on a glazed gold chair with his eyes closed.

Waves of surging mana fluctuations circulated in his body, as if he was practicing some kind of skill.

The next moment, a stream of light fell outside the main hall.

"Sect Master, we found Lin Changsheng's location!"

After Li Jiantang entered the main hall, he said.

Now that Lin Changsheng has betrayed the Liuyun Immortal Sect, he will naturally be hunted by the Liuyun Immortal Sect.

Therefore, Liuyun Sect disciples distributed in various realms will always pay attention to Lin Changsheng's movements.


Su Changkong opened his eyes, filled with murderous thoughts.

This son revealed his unbearable past in front of all the major sects. If he hadn't been shocked to death, others would have thought that Su Changkong had no temper.

"Some disciples said that he appeared in Tianyue City under the jurisdiction of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect! There are also rumors that he transformed into a demon and absorbed all the spiritual energy in the Holy Land of the Holy Spirit Spring of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect."

Li Jiantang told everything he knew.

He didn't believe it was true either.

But this news spread a lot in the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect.

After all, Ling Yue was not the only one who used his spiritual consciousness to sense one person and one fox at that time. The elders and deacons in Biyue naturally also sensed it.

This matter slowly spread.

"If he joins any major sect, it might be inconvenient for me to do anything to him! But if he is alone, he is seeking death!"

Su Changkong said coldly, and then activated the magic power in his body, turning into a stream of light and rushing out of the hall and disappearing into the sky.

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