The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 191 The Giant Whale Gang, the Inner Demon Devouring God Formation [Please subscribe! 】

This time he went there to kill Lin Changsheng with his own hands in order to seize his fortune.

So that he can help himself break through the Yuanying Great Monk.

When he breaks through to become a Nascent Soul cultivator, he can unify the immortal cultivation world in the Southern Region.

Su Changkong's ambition was so great that he didn't just stick to one Liuyun Immortal Sect.

"Elder Li, I will leave the sect in your charge for the time being!"

Su Changkong's figure disappeared, but Su Changkong's words were heard from the sky.

Hearing this, the corners of Li Jiantang's mouth rose slightly.

The reason why he was still willing to stay in Liuyun Immortal Sect after knowing Su Changkong's character was naturally for a purpose.

That is to take over Liuyun Immortal Sect in the future.

Su Changkong was out here, and it would be best if he died outside.

In a mountain forest three thousand miles away from the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect.

Lin Changsheng looked at the four corpse puppets lying on the ground. After entering the last spell, the four corpse puppets suddenly opened their eyes.

If ordinary people saw such a scene, they would probably be scared to shit.

But Lin Changsheng was not afraid at all.

Because these are the corpse puppets that he worked so hard to refine.


Lin Changchang let out a sigh of relief, and it took more than three days to complete the refining of four corpse puppets in the late stage of the golden elixir.

[10 golden corpses (advanced) were detected. Are they fused into one king corpse? 】

Just when Lin Changsheng finished refining, a very conspicuous prompt popped up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose fusion and was waiting for this moment.

The next moment, ten golden corpses were seen flashing with dazzling light, and then they merged towards one place.

After all the brilliance receded, a tall corpse with a huge body appeared in front of Lin Changsheng.

"Nascent Soul cultivation level?"

Lin Changsheng felt it and found that the body of this zombie indeed contained Nascent Soul-level mana.

"I didn't expect that before I even set foot in the Nascent Soul, I would refine a Nascent Soul-level corpse puppet!"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but laugh at himself when he thought of this.

Fortunately, this corpse puppet is under his control, which can be regarded as increasing his combat power.

"Try the power of this corpse puppet!"

Lin Changsheng left the cave and directed the movement of the zombies outside.

This movement speed is actually much faster than him.


Lin Changsheng directed the corpse puppet to attack, and a mountain in front was immediately shattered by a punch.

Its power is not inferior to him in any way.

If Lin Changsheng didn't have a body that was at the peak of the primary level of Nascent Soul, he might not have been able to defeat this corpse puppet.

"Now even if you encounter a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, you will still be able to fight without relying on formations!"

Lin Changsheng was also quite satisfied with the corpse puppet's attack.

It is even easier to command.

As soon as his thoughts come to him, the corpse puppet will respond.

"I wonder how far away the corpse puppet can be from me without being controlled?"

Lin Changsheng was a little curious, and then began to distance himself from the corpse puppet.

I thought I couldn't control the land ten miles away.

Unexpectedly, it was a distance of three thousand miles, and it was impossible to control it.

"It seems that the distance to control the corpse puppet has a certain relationship with the range covered by the divine consciousness! The wider the coverage of the divine consciousness, the further away the corpse puppet is controlled!"

After putting away the corpses, Lin Changsheng quickly continued on his way to the west.

The three days of delay must be made up for as soon as possible.

He couldn't waste any time now.

Must race against time.

In order to avoid being recognized by others, Lin Changsheng transformed into Yu Xiaochang again and rushed on the road.

Half a month later, Triangle City.

This city is the city closest to the Demonic Sea in the southern realm of immortality.

Because there are thick and high walls built on three sides, the city looks like a triangle, hence its name.

In Triangle City, many residents make a living by fishing.

On the streets of the city, there are many people shouting to buy sea fish.

At this moment, a young man was walking on the street, looking at everything around him.

This person is none other than Lin Changsheng, who came all the way here from the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect.

"You have to find someone who is familiar with the Demonic Sea to lead the way out to sea, otherwise it will be easy to get lost on the vast sea."

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

Although he also wanted Qi Hui to show him the way, who knew if this kid might have other ideas?

If he gives directions randomly, he might actually drown in the sea once his magic power is exhausted.

And the sea is not very peaceful. In addition to facing the evil storms that hang up from time to time, you also have to face various sea beasts.

Some powerful sea beasts are even stronger than those with golden elixirs.

There are even winners who can rival the powerful Nascent Soul.

Of course, the more powerful the sea beasts are, the farther they are from the shore. Most of them live in the center of the Demonic Sea.

"Huh? Are you being targeted now?"

Lin Changsheng felt that there were three figures behind him, and they were already staring at him.

Immediately after walking through the street, he fled towards a deserted alley.

The three people behind him saw this and immediately followed.

However, when the three of them arrived in the alley, Lin Changsheng had disappeared.

"Yeah, where is this guy? Why did he suddenly disappear?"

"I just saw him walking towards this alley. Where is he?"

“I thought it was a big fish, but all my work was in vain!”

The three of them failed to catch Lin Changsheng, and they were immediately unhappy.

"Are you looking for me?"

However, before the three of them could react, a voice came from behind.

The three people immediately looked back and saw Lin Changsheng standing behind them.

These three people were only at the seventh or eighth level of Foundation Establishment, yet they dared to set their sights on him. They were simply desperate.

However, after Lin Changsheng disguised himself as Yu Xiaochang, his cultivation level was also suppressed to the sixth level of foundation building.

So these people regarded Lin Changsheng as a big fish.

Prepare to be slaughtered.

These monks are much richer than ordinary people.

The value of spiritual stone magic weapon is not low.

Once it opens, it will be enough for them to eat and drink for a year.

"It's unlucky for you kid to meet us. Hand over your spiritual stones, magic weapons and other valuable things. Otherwise, don't blame us for our blind swords!"

With that said, the one-eyed man in the lead took out a low-grade magic weapon from the storage bag and threatened Lin Changsheng.

The other two people also took out their own magic weapons and prepared to give Lin Changsheng some color.

Seeing this scene, Lin Changsheng was amused.

He was worried that no one would ask for directions, so wouldn't this be delivered to his door?

Of course the monks are the ones who know the most. If you ask ordinary people, they will naturally not be able to tell you why.

These people must be very familiar with the local conditions and the Demonic Sea.

"Isn't spiritual stone magic weapon too common? I wonder if you want this spiritual treasure I have?"

Lin Changsheng sneered.


When the one-eyed man heard about the Lingbao, his eyes suddenly lit up. This was something worth thousands of times more than the magic weapon in their hand. Once he got it, he would not have to worry about eating and drinking in his life.

"You're a wise boy. If you hand it over obediently, I'll spare your life!"

The one-eyed man yelled.

Seems quite generous.

"Then you should keep an eye on it!"

After Lin Changsheng finished speaking, he took out the Spiritual Treasure God-killing Blade directly from the golden elixir with a wave of his hand.

The powerful golden elixir aura was released, coupled with the powerful pressure of the Lingbao.

Immediately, the legs of the three people in front of them were trembling, and their eyes were full of panic.

"Jin, a strong person with golden elixir?"

The one-eyed man swallowed hard when he saw Lin Changsheng's explosive cultivation.

This time it was kicked to the iron plate.

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