The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 192 Breaking the formation, begging for mercy, a huge treasure house, the remains of the pre

"Master Immortal, please forgive me. We offended you because we were ignorant. You don't remember the faults of villains, so just let us go!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the one-eyed man immediately fell to his knees and begged.

The other two people immediately followed suit and kowtowed.

"Don't you want the spiritual treasure? I've already taken it out, and you don't want it anymore?"

Lin Changsheng smiled and said, this guy is quite discerning. If he doesn't kneel down, he will probably die.

"Master Immortal, please stop joking. How dare we ask for it! It's all a joke! Stop arguing with little people like us!"

The one-eyed man was full of regrets. If he had known that Lin Changsheng was a strong master of the golden elixir, he would not have dared to do this even if he had ten more courages!

"It's okay not to argue with you, just answer me a few questions!"

Lin Changsheng took back the spirit treasure and asked.

"Okay, okay, don't say a few, just dozens, hundreds are not a problem!"

When the one-eyed man saw that he could survive, he immediately kowtowed in thanks.

"Do you have anyone here who goes out to sea to go to the Tiangui Sect and the Corpse King Sect's ship?"

Lin Changsheng asked directly.

The purpose of going this time is the Heavenly Ghost Sect and the Corpse King Sect.

Go to the Heavenly Ghost Sect in order to obtain the magic of attracting all ghosts, and go to the Corpse King Sect in order to obtain the daughter of the Eastern Desolate Demon Emperor in the resurrection coffin.

After Lin Changsheng finished speaking, the three people kneeling on the ground looked at each other, but no one answered for a long time.

"You don't want to say it, or you don't know?"

Lin Changsheng's tone became a little cold.

These people look like they don’t want to live!

"Master Immortal, please calm down. We really don't know about this. I know about the boats that go out to sea for fishing. No one dares to go to the boat that goes to Tiangui Sect. After all, as long as it is three hundred miles away from the shore, there will be sea monsters. There are no Those who cultivate themselves will definitely die if they go there!"

The one-eyed man told everything he knew in his heart.

After all, who would go to the residence of demons like Tiangui Sect?

Wouldn't it mean to die if you go?

"If you don't know, then you can't blame me!"

As he said this, Lin Changsheng planned to kill the three of them directly.

"Master Immortal, although I don't know, the people from the Giant Whale Gang definitely know how to get there! They are the number one gang in Triangle City! From time to time they go out to sea to hunt sea monsters and sell them, and they make a lot of money."

Next to the one-eyed man, a man with a scar on his face immediately spoke.

If they don't say something useful, I'm afraid they will die here.

"The Whale Gang?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, "Take me there!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them were frightened and kowtowed repeatedly. "Master Immortal, just let us go! The giant whale can't really help us go. He is not in Triangle City, but in a cave twenty miles north of Triangle City. It is said that this cave was occupied by a demon. The cave left behind when the Immortal ascended has a large formation blocking it. Anyone who doesn't understand the formation will be seeking death if he enters it!"


This attracted Lin Changsheng's attention. He didn't expect that a gang could actually live in a cave with a large formation outside.

It seems that it is more comfortable than living in the city!

"You don't need to take me in, just find it!"

Lin Changsheng was worried that they would cheat and let him lead the way.

In order to save their lives, the last three people had no choice but to lead Lin Changsheng towards the Giant Whale Gang.

What they said was indeed true.

Twenty miles north of Triangle City, we did see a huge mountain.

The mountains are close to the sea. On the beach, there is a huge whale-like skeleton. I don't know what kind of sea monster it is.

"It's right ahead!"

The one-eyed man pointed to the mountains ahead and said.

It seemed that if they took one step forward, they would die.

Don't dare to move forward.

Now that he has found the Giant Whale Gang, Lin Changsheng will no longer embarrass these people and let them go.

He didn't like what the monks in the foundation building stage had in their hands either.

And if they really had valuable treasures in their hands, they wouldn't be so desperate that they would rob other casual cultivators.

Lin Changsheng walked step by step towards the mountains ahead.

Soon we arrived at the foot of the mountain.

There is indeed a blood-red stone gate at the foot of the mountain.

But at this moment, the stone door is closed.

Lin Changsheng used his spiritual consciousness to sense it, and found that his spiritual consciousness was blocked by an invisible barrier.

It seems that there is indeed a formation here.

Lin Changsheng did not dare to blindly enter the formation, and punched the bloody stone gate in front.


Under the violent roar, the stone door did not move at all.

Under normal circumstances, let alone the stone gate, even the entire mountain would have been shattered by Lin Changsheng's punch.

It can be seen that this formation is not ordinary.

"How brave, that beast dares to cause trouble in our Giant Whale Gang?"

A sound erupted from the mountain.

Then the door opened and a middle-aged man walked out with a group of people.

The middle-aged man is about forty or fifty, with long brown hair and leather armor and fish scales. He looks a bit weird.

"My dear, Yu Xiaochang, no offense intended, I just want to ask my helper to help me go to sea and go to the Tiangui Sect. I will have a spiritual stone delivered to me then!"

Lin Changsheng got straight to the point and directly explained his purpose.

"Going to Tiangui Sect? You don't want to live anymore, right? Is that a place you can go?"

Ao Chengfeng yelled angrily, looking at the boy who was getting impatient.

The Tiangui Sect is not like a small gang like them, and there may be a strong person in the middle stage of Yuanying among them.

Killing them is easy.

It would be nice if the other party didn't cause trouble for them. How dare they go to Tiangui Sect?

This is undoubtedly not asking for death.

"Just send it to me to find it. How about 10,000 spiritual stones as a reward?"

Lin Changsheng said again.

After hearing the ten thousand spirit stones, Ao Chengfeng suddenly raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

It seems like this guy has a lot of good stuff!

I don’t know which of the sect’s geniuses came out to practice, and I didn’t know whether to live or die.

Rather than benefiting others by dying in the Tiangui Sect, it would be better to benefit yourself.

"Okay, then come in! We will discuss this matter in the long term!"

After saying that, Ao Chengfeng turned and left, signaling Lin Changsheng to follow.

Lin Changsheng thought the other party was easy to talk to, but as soon as he entered the cave, the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

There is no view of the mountain cave here, it is already above the vast sea.

Lin Changsheng immediately activated his magic power and stopped in mid-air.

I saw countless huge black shadows swimming in the sea below, giving people a feeling of suffocation.

And all around, the sea connects to the sky, with no end in sight and no direction at all.

"Is this the great formation they are talking about?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, but he didn't panic at all.

If ordinary people entered this formation, they would probably be like headless flies.

When the time comes, the mana will be exhausted and he will become food for the sea monster below.

But Lin Changsheng had a panel and immediately observed the formation. Since it was a formation, there must be a way to break it.

"You little beast, you simply don't know how to live or die. Who do you think our Giant Whale Gang is? After you die, I will bury your bones properly! After all, it is not easy for you to travel thousands of miles to deliver spiritual stones to us, haha——"

In the formation, Ao Chengfeng's words came.

It seemed that it was certain that Lin Changsheng would die in the formation.

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