The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 193 Destroy the Giant Whale Gang! The power of the great array! Sister Zhen’s phantom? 【Plea

"Don't be too happy too early. When I go out, I will definitely destroy your giant whale gang!"

Lin Changsheng scolded.

He had a good heart, and if the other party sent him to Tiangui Sect, he would give him ten thousand spirit stones, but he didn't expect that the other party wanted to plot against him.

When I get out, I will definitely wipe out the Giant Whale Gang.

If the other party is not unkind, don't blame him for being unjust.

"Come out? It's so arrogant! This formation is a grand formation set up by the Demonic Patriarch when he broke through Haojue. Not to mention your Golden Core stage, even if a strong Nascent Soul enters it, he will perish. You should feel it well. The power of this great formation!"

When Ao Chengfeng finished speaking, he stopped talking.

In his opinion, Lin Changsheng was ignorant of life and death and extremely arrogant.

Do you think this formation is so easy to break?

This formation is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Lin Changsheng stopped talking nonsense and began to observe the formation.

After integrating the experience of multiple formations, Lin Changsheng discovered that this formation was indeed not simple. It was actually a living formation?

A living formation is a large formation in which both the formation base and the formation plate are constantly moving. It is a living formation.

It greatly increases the difficulty of breaking the formation.

If you want to break the formation, you must first find the location of the formation.

"Changsheng, Changsheng save me——"

Just when Lin Changsheng was looking for the formation disk, a voice came from his mind.

"Sister Zhen?"

Lin Changsheng's heart tightened, and he looked around and found that Sister Zhen was no longer in the sea far away, struggling continuously.

Countless sea monsters surrounded her, seemingly ready to devour her at any moment.

Lin Changsheng could not care about the danger of the sea monster and immediately rushed forward to rescue Sister Zhen.


However, when Lin Changsheng had just approached the sea, a huge sea monster similar to a killer whale rushed towards Lin Changsheng and opened its huge mouth.


Lin Changsheng struck out with a palm and hit the sea monster, but the effect was neither painful nor itchy.

If Lin Changsheng hadn't dodged quickly enough, he would have been swallowed by the sea monster and died.

"No, it's impossible. How could Sister Zhen appear here?"

Only then did Lin Changsheng realize that this might be just an illusion, just to trick him into going to the sea and eventually being torn apart by the sea monster.

"Changsheng, save me, save me quickly——"

In the sea, Sister Zhen was still shouting, disturbing Lin Changsheng's mind.

He was unable to fully immerse himself in finding a way to break the formation.

"Changsheng, can you just bear to watch my sister die in the sea? Have you forgotten how good my sister has been to you?"

Sister Zhen kept struggling in the sea, and when she saw that Lin Changsheng had no intention of continuing to take action, she kept talking.

"Don't try to lie to me, this is just an illusion!"

Lin Changsheng said firmly, if he hadn't sent you the message in time, he might have actually been fooled.

"Changsheng, what are you talking about? Save me, save me -"

At the end of Sister Zhen's words, her voice became manic and even heartbreaking.

But Lin Changsheng still ignored this. After half a stick of incense, Sister Zhen's figure disappeared from the sea.

Lin Changsheng thought the matter was over.

Unexpectedly, Yu Wenjing appeared on the sponge again and kept calling to him.

This made Lin Changsheng extremely uncomfortable.

Although he knew it was all a fantasy.

But as he watched Sister Zhen and Yu Wenjing calling for help in front of him, he could do nothing.

Isn't it a kind of torture?

As time went by, the voices of Sister Zhen and Yu Wenjing continued to echo in my mind.

This made Lin Changsheng feel extremely guilty, and his inner demons slowly spread out of his body, completely disrupting his mind.

"Shut up, everyone!"

Lin Changsheng scolded angrily, and directly spread out the spiritual consciousness at the peak of the mid-stage Nascent Soul.

Bang! Bang!

Under the sound of two violent explosions, the figures of Sister Zhen and Yu Wenjing were instantly shattered.

If he didn't have the spiritual consciousness at the peak of the mid-stage Nascent Soul, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to withstand the power of this illusion.

This formation was actually able to disturb his mind.

"How is this possible? Yuan, Nascent Soul consciousness?"

Outside the formation, Ao Chengfeng's eyes widened as he watched Lin Changsheng crush his inner demons.

This kid is only at the Golden Core stage, but he actually has Nascent Soul level consciousness?

What kind of monster is this?

After the disturbing sounds disappeared from his ears, Lin Changsheng could study the formation carefully.

[Introduction to the Heart Demon Devouring God Formation! 】

After a while, a prompt came from the panel.

[The Heart Demon God-Eating Formation has been detected. Do you want to spend 2,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】


Lin Changsheng decisively chose yes.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Heart Demon and God Devouring Formation begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Heart Demon and God Devouring Formation == concentration! 】


This was quite simple. Then Lin Changsheng stopped thinking too much and began to close his eyes and retract his mind. He looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, and his soul became unified.

The experience value of the Heart Demon Devouring God Array is +1!

The experience value of the Heart Demon Devouring God Array is +1!

The next moment, the experience value of the Heart Demon Devouring God Formation began to increase continuously.

"So what if you break the inner demon? If you keep going like this, you will still be dead. How dare you act arrogantly in my giant whale gang? You simply don't know how to live or die!"

Outside the formation, Ao Chengfeng saw that Lin Changsheng had no movement and thought that he still could not find a way to break the formation.

Lin Changsheng has been using his magic power to stay in the air, and there will always be a time when his magic power is exhausted.

When the time comes, he will become the food of the Kraken in the formation.

However, how did he know that Lin Changsheng had already realized this formation at this moment, and it wouldn't take long for him to realize the perfection.

When the time comes, not only will you be able to break the formation, but you will also be able to make it your own.

Half an hour later.

[Inner Demon Devouring God Formation (Perfection)]

Lin Changsheng immediately opened his eyes, and a stream of information about the Inner Demon God-Eating Formation crazily poured into his mind.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng was like the demonic immortal who arranged this formation, knowing the formation like the back of his hand.

"So the method to break the formation is here?"

Looking at the deep sea, Lin Changsheng plunged directly into it.

Often the more dangerous place is the exit.

Just like the divine flames that burn the sky and transform spirits into the great formation arranged by Lin Changsheng, the place where they left was the crater of the volcano.

And the place where the Heart Demon Devouring God Formation left was actually the mouth of the largest whale in the deep sea.

This giant whale will take you away from this formation.

There is no way out in the sky.

There is only a dead end if you continue to consume it.


Just when Lin Changsheng found the silver giant whale, many sea monsters from the surrounding area came to attack him.

"The Golden Body of the Holy Buddha!"

Lin Changsheng did not hesitate and immediately released the body of the primary peak of Nascent Soul.

These approaching sea monsters were all repelled by Lin Changsheng one by one.

"Want to escape?"

Lin Changsheng saw the largest whale trying to escape and immediately chased after it.

This guy seemed to know how powerful Lin Changsheng was and didn't dare to confront him.

However, with his huge body, there was no way he could outrun Lin Changsheng.

He was caught up in a moment.

"Eat me quickly, eat me quickly!"

Lin Changsheng swayed in front of his mouth, but the giant whale was not interested in him at all.

Seeing that there was no way to open the mouth, Lin Changsheng had no choice but to open it, got in, and stood on the tip of the giant whale's tongue.

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