The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 210 Chapter 211212 Xiaobai’s shock, the colorful divine soul flower chapter seriously injure

Chapter 210 Chapter 211-212 Xiaobai’s shock, the colorful divine soul flower chapter severely injures Bu Tianzhi, trapping gods and killing immortals

Xiaobai followed Lin Changsheng at first, just to find someone to feed her so that she could recover her cultivation as soon as possible.

You can leave this immortal place after your strength has recovered to the fifth level.

However, with the contact, Xiaobai discovered that Lin Changsheng's potential was not ordinary.

Only in his early twenties, he already has a flawless Nascent Soul body, and he is also a twin Nascent Soul.

This is a monster existence that is unique among the hundreds of thousands of Nascent Soul cultivators.

Your future achievements are limitless.

Xiaobai planned to leave this place with Lin Changsheng after his cultivation level recovered to 50%.

Maybe Lin Changsheng's potential could surpass his own in the future, and he might be able to help him get revenge.

Just as Lin Changsheng was refining the divine spirit liquid, a large number of monks arrived outside the Poseidon Tower again.

The leader was seen wearing golden clothes and his face was solemn.

This person is none other than Zhao Cheng, the leader of the Jinfu Sect, and he is followed by the elders and talented disciples.

Because the Jinfu Sect uses the power of talismans to quickly travel through space, it can reach here much faster than other sects.

The rest of the sects estimate that except for the powerful Nascent Soul who can use the Light Escape Technique to arrive quickly, the rest of the Nascent Soul and below will need ten days.

By the time they get here, they probably won't even be able to drink soup.

This time, the Jin Fu Sect had the upper hand.

"Sect Master, there are no demonic people here. They have probably entered the Poseidon Tower! Let's go in quickly! Otherwise, all the opportunities will be taken by the demonic people!"

Behind Zhao Cheng, Qingyi elder Shi Lin said anxiously.

This is their great opportunity to revitalize the Jin Fu Sect.

"All disciples, listen, after entering the Poseidon Tower, do not disperse! There must be many dangers inside, so be careful!"

After Zhao Cheng gave a warning, he was the first to bear the brunt and flew towards the Poseidon Tower.

The major elders and the talented disciples who had broken through the golden elixir followed closely behind.

However, when they entered the Poseidon Building space, they found that the situation was completely different from what they thought.

They were scattered to every corner of Poseidon's first-level space.

And because of the arrival of the first batch of monks, the black-armored monster insects were already alarmed.

As a result, as soon as they entered, they encountered countless black-armored monster insects.

"What, what's going on?"

Zhao Cheng was suddenly confused. He didn't see any chance when he came in. It was actually filled with dense beasts and insects.

Moreover, he also felt that his cultivation and magic power were suppressed, and he was completely unable to unleash all his cultivation.

If this continues, his mana will be exhausted sooner or later.

As a powerful Nascent Soul master, he is already in such a difficult situation, let alone the other elder disciples, their lives are probably in danger.

Fortunately, with his powerful cultivation, Zhao Cheng came to the foot of the God Refining Staircase after breaking through all the obstacles.

The other disciples also rushed here, but unfortunately, three talented disciples and an elder died here.

All personnel immediately climbed to the top of the God Refining Ladder.

It seems that as long as you step on the God Refining Ladder, all the beasts and insects will stop attacking.

As he walked up step by step, hundreds of kilograms of gravity seemed to increase on his body with every step he took.

Make people stronger as they go.

"The qualifications are acceptable. I have obtained the restoration increase for twenty-six years and can enter the second floor of the Poseidon Building!"

Jin Yicheng, a proud disciple of the older generation of Jinfu Sect, finally only reached the twenty-sixth floor before being unable to persevere.

Suddenly everyone understood that the more steps to reach the top, the greater the increase would be.

"Go up as high as you can. Every time you take a step, you can gain a year's worth of cultivation!"

Zhao Cheng reminded everyone, and everyone's fighting spirit was suddenly rekindled.

But fighting spirit also requires a certain amount of strength to support.

Most of the disciples stopped between twenty and forty knots. Even Zhao Cheng himself only walked forty-three steps on the stone platform before being unable to move forward.

Before he fell, he looked at the seventy-two-section stone platform at the top.

That was a place out of his reach.

However, on the steps that are out of reach, there are several familiar names engraved on them.

The name of one of them made Zhao Cheng's eyes widen.

"Lin, Lin Changsheng, he actually walked through the seventy-two sections of the stone platform? This, how is this possible?"

Zhao Chengdu couldn't believe his eyes.

With his mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivation, he could only stop at the 42-step stone platform.

And Lin Changsheng actually walked through the entire God Refining Staircase?

How did he do that?

The sixth floor of Poseidon Building.

After Lin Changsheng absorbed the divine essence liquid for two hours, he finally absorbed it all.

My whole body and physique felt brand new and had grown tremendously.

In particular, the changes in the sea of ​​consciousness are the most dramatic.

Lin Changsheng expanded his spiritual consciousness to a distance of four thousand miles.

Such a vast distance has already crushed the Nascent Soul cultivator.

"Huh? Someone arrived at the sixth level so quickly?"

As his spiritual consciousness spread, Lin Changsheng discovered that a figure suddenly appeared more than a thousand miles away from here.

This person is Bu Tianzhi, the genius of Yin Yang Palace.

"If you are a demonic person, then you are unlucky!"

After Lin Changsheng discovered that this person was a member of the devil's path, he immediately left the cliff and turned into a stream of light and rushed in the direction of Bu Tianzhi.

Those who can enter the sixth level of space must have extraordinary talents, and they may have many treasures on them.

Bu Tianzhi, who was a thousand miles away at this moment, did not notice Lin Changsheng rushing towards him at all.

After all, his consciousness cannot spread that far.

Bu Tianzhi's attention is now focused on a thousand-year-old tree, with seven-color sacred flowers growing on it.

Roads of rich spiritual energy continued to spread from it.

Then he attracted Bu Tianzhi over.

Surrounding the ancient tree is a lake, with a cliff in the distance where waterfalls and flowing water gather.

"This flower should be a colorful soul flower. It can be used to make elixirs and medicines. It can greatly enhance the monk's spiritual consciousness!"

Bu Tianzhi looked at the colorful flowers in front of him and thought to himself.


However, just when Bu Tianzhi was within a hundred steps of the ancient tree, a sound of water breaking came out.

Not far away from Bu Tianzhi, he saw a huge silver python with a bloody mouth rushing towards Bu Tianzhi.


Bu Tianzhi's reaction was also quick, and he immediately struck out with a palm. The powerful palm print landed on the top of the giant python's head, knocking it back directly.

However, it did not harm the giant python at all.

"Sure enough, wherever there is a magical medicine, there must be monsters guarding it! Then I'll kill you first!"

Bu Tianzhi scolded angrily, and with a wave of his hand, he directly summoned the magical weapon Soul-killing Sword, and slashed out sword rays straight towards the silver python.

Ding ding ding——

Silver Python's whole body seemed to be invulnerable, and the sword light's slashes had no effect on him, and they were all blocked.

"Eighth-level monster?"

Bu Tianzhi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the monsters guarding the elixir had such terrifying abilities!

An eighth-level monster is comparable to the middle stage of the Golden Core.

Ordinary monks would be unable to parry when they encounter it.

Fortunately, Bu Tianzhi had just gained seventy years of cultivation growth and had reached the middle stage of the Golden Core. In addition, with the trump card given by his master, it was not difficult to kill this beast.


The next moment, before Bu Tianzhi could attack again, the silver python took the initiative to attack.

A large amount of poison was sprayed out from his mouth and attacked in the direction of Bu Tianzhi.

Bu Tianzhi knew that this giant poison was not easy to deal with, so he immediately retreated.

Chi chi chi——

Just where Bu Tianzhi stood, the poison fell into the water, evaporating the entire lake into thick mist.

It can be seen how corrosive this venom is.

Once the flesh body is contaminated, it will definitely turn into a pool of blood.

"Ran away?"

When the mist dissipated, Bu Tianzhi found that the giant python had disappeared and thought it had escaped.

However, after the next kill, a huge figure quietly and slowly stood up from behind Bu Tianzhi.

The entire waist of the giant python is larger than Bu Tianzhi, and it will have no problem swallowing an adult in one gulp.


Bu Tianzhi heard the sound of water behind him and felt something bad.

However, it was too late to escape.

I saw the giant python twisting around and wrapping Bu Tianzhi tightly.

The giant python kept shrinking its body, wrapping around Bu Tianzhi's bones with a 'tatata' sound, as if it might crush him at any time.

"The yin and yang of heaven and earth, Taoism and Dharma dominate! Gods and Buddhas help me and I will not enter reincarnation!"

Bu Tianzhi murmured to himself.

The next moment, golden light flashed all over the body, and the strength of the physical body increased sharply, reaching the late stage of the golden elixir in an instant.

This method is the Yin Yang Temple's inner body strengthening method, called Yin Yang Body Shaping Method, and ordinary disciples do not have the opportunity to learn it.

But Bu Tianzhi, as the number one genius in the Yin Yang Palace, is naturally qualified to study.

And this method has been refined to perfection, and after the explosion, the physical body can be instantly raised to a higher level.

If you practice to perfection, you can advance to two levels.

These techniques may be extremely powerful to others.

But for Lin Changsheng, it was not worth mentioning.

After all, Lin Changsheng's Golden Body of the Dragon God, after being fused with a variety of secret techniques, can rise to several realms, or even a large realm, after it explodes.

After Bu Tianzhi used the yin and yang body shaping method, his strength increased dramatically and he broke free from the python.

And he slashed at the giant python's abdomen with one knife, disemboweling it directly, and the blood dyed the entire pool red.

The giant python fell into the water with an unwilling cry.

"The flaw is actually the abdomen?"

Bu Tianzhi was a little surprised.

If the belly of this giant python was as tough as other parts, it would probably be difficult to kill.

After killing the silver python, Bu Tianzhi walked towards the colorful soul flower, wanting to pocket it.

With the blessing of these colorful soul flowers, he is enough to double his spiritual consciousness.

There is even a chance to cast a flawless Nascent Soul.

Boo hoo hoo——

Just when Bu Tianzhi reached out towards the colorful soul flower to pick it.

Several flaming arrows pierced the sky in the distance.

Nine arrows came from all tricky angles, making Bu Tianzhi unable to avoid them.


Unable to avoid it, Bu Tianzhi waved the sword blade in his hand and directly slashed out a beam of sword light towards the arrow penetrating in front of him.

I thought that the sword light would defeat all the arrows.

However, the result shocked Bu Tianzhi.

Because these arrows were actually in mid-air, they accidentally changed their attack route and bypassed its sword light.

"This, how is this possible?"

Bu Tianzhi was shocked. The arrow changed its attack route in mid-air?

This is the first time Bu Tianzhi has seen it.

However, it was too late to defend at this moment.

He can only use the Yin and Yang body shaping method to resist the attacks of several arrows.

Bang bang bang——

A series of flaming poisonous arrows struck Bu Tianzhi, and violent roars suddenly erupted.

After the roar, Bu Tianzhi's whole body was covered in blood and flesh.

There is no good place anywhere in the body.

The yin and yang body shaping technique that he was so proud of was so vulnerable to the flaming arrows.

"Don't you know what first-come, first-served means?"

Lin Changsheng came through the sky holding the Tianyao Flame Bow.

I thought that a genius who could enter the sixth level of space would have extraordinary strength.

Unexpectedly, he was seriously injured by a few of his own arrows, and he probably didn't need to take action anymore. The poison on the flaming arrows was enough to kill Bu Tianzhi.

"It's you?"

When Bu Tianzhi saw Lin Changsheng, he immediately thought of his master's instructions to him.

The palm of his hand reached behind him, wanting to sacrifice the treasure given by his master.

This treasure is enough to kill Lin Changsheng.

"Not bad! Let's go on the road with peace of mind!"

Lin Changsheng once again bent his bow and drew an arrow, condensing the flaming poisonous rocket arrows.

"It's not that easy to kill me, just die!"

Bu Tianzhi roared crazily, waved his hand, and a talisman rose into the wind, transformed into thousands of rays of light, condensed into a giant red sky net, and enveloped Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng felt the threat from the giant net, and immediately used the Light Body Technique to escape from the giant net.

However, the giant net was so vast that Lin Changsheng could dodge hundreds of feet, but it had no effect.

Still under the giant net.


The giant net fell to the ground and directly enveloped Lin Changsheng.

After the giant net landed on the ground, it began to slowly shrink.

The ancient trees and boulders touched by the giant net turned into powder.

This shows how powerful this giant network is.

"It's actually the poison from Taiyin Island?"

Bu Tianzhi had no time to watch Lin Changsheng's situation at this moment, but found that the flesh and blood all over his body were still being invaded by toxins.

My whole body started to feel a little numb.

"If you cancel the formation, how about I spare your life?"

Lin Changsheng looked at Bu Tianzhi and said.

I didn't expect that this guy would have such a powerful array of talismans in his hands.

They were probably used specifically to deal with him.

It seems that I was careless.

"Lin Changsheng, you underestimate me too much. Do you think the poison from Taiyin can do anything to me? Then all my years in the Demonic Sea will be in vain!"

Bu Tianzhi had no intention of canceling the formation, so he was rummaging around in his storage bag.

Finally, I found a white jar with a lot of red liquid in it.

Bu Tianzhi drank it directly.

Then he started to cross his legs to refine the poison in his body.

Seeing that Bu Tianzhi had no intention of canceling the formation, Lin Changsheng could only find another way to break the formation.

"Break it for me!"

Lin Changsheng summoned the spirit treasure and slashed it out with one strike, intending to smash the formation directly.

However, under the violent roar, the formation had no effect.

It seems that it is obviously impossible to break through the formation with brute force.

The formation continued to shrink, shrinking from a thousand feet to five hundred feet, and everything on the road was turned into powder.

When it all shrinks to Lin Changsheng, it is estimated that he will not escape death.

In three breaths, Bu Tianzhi had already refined all the power of the red medicine he drank.

The poison on his body also dimmed a bit.

"See how you are escaping today? So what if you complete the seventy-two steps of the God-Refining Staircase? Are you going to die in my hands?"

Bu Tianzhi said proudly that he seemed to be able to kill Lin Changsheng, which gave him great inner satisfaction.

"Are you going to die here?"

Lin Changsheng was unwilling to give up. If he was careless, he would be buried here?

It seems that in the journey of cultivating immortality, one cannot be careless at all.

If one is not careful, the boat may capsize in the gutter.


However, when he saw that the Sleeping God Killing Immortal Formation was about to shrink onto Lin Changsheng.

Between Lin Changsheng's brows, a golden light suddenly flashed out.

I saw that the light that was originally only the size of a fingernail grew bigger and bigger, and finally evolved into a phantom of a temple.

"Taixu Temple?"

Bu Tianzhi was shocked after seeing the phantom of the temple.

Why did the shadow of Taixu Temple appear from Lin Changsheng's body?

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