The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 211 Chapter 213214 Su Changkong’s opportunity, Blood Bodhisattva Spirit Fruit, Heaven and Ea

Chapter 211 Chapter 213-214 Su Changkong’s opportunity, Blood Bodhisattva Spirit Fruit, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Spring, Tower Protector Heavenly Demon, please pursue your order

Bu Tianzhi also went to Taixu Temple to look for opportunities, and he was quite familiar with Taixu Temple.

However, what he didn't expect was that the shadow of Taixu Temple would actually rush out from between Lin Changsheng's eyebrows?

Is it possible that Lin Changsheng received some inheritance in Taixu Temple?

"When you die, your creation will be mine!"

Bu Tianzhi stared at Lin Changsheng with an evil smile. In his opinion, there was almost no solution to this trapped god-slaying immortal formation below the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Lin Changsheng is just a small late-stage Jindan cultivator, how can he resist?

After all, this is the talisman left behind by their ascended ancestor from the Yin Yang Palace.

It contains one-third of the formation power of the great cultivator.

However, what surprised Tianzhi was that after the phantom of the Taixu Temple enveloped Lin Changsheng, the trapped god formation shrank to Lin Changsheng's surroundings, and was actually blocked by the phantom of the Taixu Temple, making him unable to move forward at all.


Bu Tianzhi was shocked when he saw this.

If this formation cannot kill Lin Changsheng, then how can I be his opponent?

Bu Tianzhi was not the only one who was shocked at this moment, even Lin Changsheng was a little surprised.

Could this be the function of Taixu Temple to actively protect the Lord?

Did it work when you felt you were in danger?

But no matter how he thought about it, Lin Changsheng was out of trouble.

After all, the power of Taixu Temple cannot be matched by a single talisman.

Even if this object is banned and refined, it can open the gap in the Immortal Relic Land.

It shows how powerful it is.

Fu Bao fought against Taixu Temple for a moment, but still couldn't advance a single point.

Finally, the light flashed a few times, and it was obvious that the power of the formation was no longer enough.

Seeing this situation, Bu Tianzhi knew something was wrong.

He immediately endured the pain all over his body and ran away quickly.

Otherwise, if he waits for Lin Changsheng to come out, there will be no way for him to survive.


After a while, the last trace of the talisman's power was exhausted. Finally, with a roar, the formation instantly collapsed, and the talisman was destroyed in response.

"You ran away so fast!"

After breaking the power of the talisman, Lin Changsheng released his spiritual consciousness to search for Bu Tianzhi.

In the end, it was discovered that Bu Tianzhi had magically disappeared, and his presence was shockingly undetectable.

Lin Changsheng didn't bother to look for him everywhere, so he went directly to the ancient tree and picked the colorful soul flower.

Once you have the last medicinal ingredient, you can refine the Immaculate Nascent Soul Pill.

This elixir can not only create a flawless Nascent Soul, but also has great benefits in improving spiritual consciousness.

At first, Lin Changsheng planned to use this elixir to create a flawless Nascent Soul.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the Poseidon Tower, he would get a great opportunity. Not only did he cast the flawless Nascent Soul, but he also had twin Nascent Souls.

This elixir is not that important to Lin Changsheng.

But to other Jindan monks, it is absolutely priceless.

This elixir still has a huge effect.

After putting the colorful soul flower into his storage bag, Lin Changsheng continued to look for treasures that could enhance himself.

At this moment, he is on the fifth and fourth floors of the Poseidon Building.

The major sects are already competing for a cave heaven paradise, and they are fiercely fighting for it.

In a valley, Corpse King Zong Nie Buping found a valley cave.

Among them was a sitting Nascent Soul monk.

I don’t know whether he was unwilling to leave this place, so he died here, or whether he was harmed by others and finally hid here and died.

There is a very eye-catching storage bag beside him.

The storage bag of the Nascent Soul Monk is extraordinary, and there may be a chance for them to break through Hao Jue.

Therefore, the major sect masters competed for it, including Tiangui Sect Jiu Wushang, Taiyin Island Zhao Tianhan, Tianmo Sect Jiang Yuyan and others.

These are the most powerful people in the Demonic Sea.

So he was transported to the fourth level of space.

At the same time, in the fourth-level space, there were Su Changkong, the leader of Liuyun Immortal Sect, and Ling Yue, the leader of Yanyue Immortal Sect.

However, both of them acted very cautiously.

What I'm afraid of is meeting people from the Demon Sect.

After all, they are weak now, and this is the territory of Moshahai.

If he was discovered by the demonic people, he would probably die.

Su Changkong sensed the fight between the major sect masters in the Demonic Sea in the distance for opportunities, and immediately changed his direction and went in the opposite direction to them.

Just as Su Changkong was walking through the sky, he suddenly spotted red lights flashing out from among the rolling mountains.

Immediately fell downwards.

When they reached the ground, they suddenly saw a two-foot-tall fruit tree coming into view.

Dozens of blood-red fruits hang on the fruit trees, and bursts of very rich spiritual energy emit from the spiritual fruits.

"Blood Bodhisattva Fruit?"

Su Changkong's eyes lit up, this thing was not easy to find.

It is said that it takes three hundred years to bloom, three hundred years to bear fruit, and another three hundred years to mature.

And now, it is the time when the Blood Bodhi Fruit is ripe.

Every time you eat one, you can increase your cultivation by about ten years and your life by twenty years.

This fruit tree has at least thirty Blood Bodhisattva Fruits.

If you take them all, you will gain three hundred years of cultivation and six hundred years of life.

This is a huge stroke of luck!

"God help me!"

Su Changkong was overjoyed and immediately started picking the Blood Bodhisattva Fruit.


However, just as Su Changkong stepped on the spiritual fruit, a white figure cut through the sky in the distance.

It fell on the branch of the Blood Bodhisattva Fruit.

"You are really haunted!"

Su Changkong was a little dissatisfied.

I don't want to share the opportunity I finally found with others.

"Sect Master Su, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat all of this Blood Bodhisattva Fruit alone!"

Ling Yue's voice came slowly.

Although Ling Yue was traumatized when she entered the Poseidon Tower, she would not remain indifferent while seeing the spiritual fruit right in front of her.

"Whether you eat it or not is my business. I discovered this spiritual fruit first, so what does it have to do with you?"

Su Changkong was very unhappy. It seemed that Ling Yue wanted a piece of the pie?

If the other party insists on doing this, he doesn't mind killing her.

"Everything in the Poseidon Tower is ownerless. If you say it's yours, then it's yours?"

Ling Yue was not afraid at all, she paused and continued to sneer, "Do you think that if we fight and attract everyone in the Demonic Sea, will you and I be able to escape unscathed?"

Hearing Ling Yue's words, Su Changkong frowned.

This woman looks really difficult to deal with.

If he really attracts all the demon cultivators from the Demonic Sea, not to mention that he cannot obtain the Blood Bodhisattva Fruit, he may still be in danger of his life.

"For the sake of both you and me being from the Southern Territory, I will give you ten Blood Bodhisattva Spirit Fruits! If you are greedy, don't blame me for being ruthless in the spirit treasure in my hand!"

Su Changkong already held the Lingbao Qingyun Sword in his hand as he waved his hand.

Ling Yue saw Su Changkong relent, and immediately picked up ten spiritual fruits and left.

She didn't want to stay in this space too much.

After all, finding Lin Changsheng was the first task.

Lin Changsheng's potential is more amazing than any of them. As long as Lin Changsheng survives, the Southern Territory will definitely be able to unify the Immortal Heritage Land in the future.

The sixth floor of Poseidon Building.

Very few people can enter here.

Apart from Lin Changsheng, there was no one else except Bu Tianzhi, whom he had just met.

Therefore, all the resources here can be said to belong to Lin Changsheng and can be obtained.

[Introduction to the Trapped God-Slaying Immortal Formation! 】

While looking for opportunities, Lin Changsheng studied the talisman Bu Tianzhi had just played.

However, not long after, the panel actually detected the existence of the formation.

[The Trapped God-Slaying Immortal Formation has been detected. Do you want to spend 3,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

The next moment, a prompt popped up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng clicked yes.

Wei Lin Changsheng of the Grand Formation has the most say. If he hadn't relied on the two major formations, how could he have been able to fight evenly with Tian Yin in the middle Nascent Soul stage with his Golden Core cultivation?

Formation can sometimes turn the tide of a battle.

Just like when Bu Tianzhi launched the talisman formation, if Lin Changsheng hadn't had a backup plan, most people would have died long ago.

That's why Lin Changsheng picked up the opponent's broken talisman and studied it, hoping to gain some enlightenment.

Unexpectedly, it actually works wonders.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Trapped God-Slaying Immortal Formation begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Trapped God-Slaying Immortal Formation == Trapped God! 】

"Sleepy God?"

This made Lin Changsheng a little embarrassed. Did he really want to trap a god?

"Is it okay to write a divine word and hold it in your hand?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, and then immediately wrote a word for god and held it in his hand. This could be regarded as trapping the god.

The experience value of the Trapped God-Slaying Immortal Formation is +1!

The experience value of the Trapped God-Slaying Immortal Formation is +1!

Sure enough, this method works.

The experience value of the Trapped God-Slaying Immortal Formation is constantly increasing.

"When I complete the trapped gods and immortals-slaying formation, I wonder if I can merge it with the heart-demon-devouring-god-devouring formation and the flaming sky-burning spirit-transforming formation?"

Lin Changsheng thought secretly.

If the various formations can be merged again, a stronger formation will definitely be produced.

By then, even the great monk Yuanying might be trapped!

While Lin Changsheng was looking for opportunities, he was also collecting experience points from the trapped gods and immortals formation.

Not long after, Lin Changsheng felt waves of extremely surging spiritual energy coming from heaven and earth.

Looking closely, a spring of heaven and earth spiritual spring suddenly appeared in front of him.

I saw streams of atomized spiritual energy from heaven and earth continuously pouring out from it.

"This spring of heaven and earth is good, enough to restore one percent of my mana!"

As soon as he discovered the spiritual spring of heaven and earth, Xiaobai's voice rang in Lin Changsheng's mind.

"Xiao Bai, I can enter the Nascent Soul stage after absorbing this spiritual spring. Please feel aggrieved!"

Lin Changsheng was also extremely excited.

He is now at the peak of the late Jindan stage. If he absorbs all the spiritual energy from this spiritual spring, he will definitely be able to enter the Nascent Soul stage.

Then why fear the demonic people behind you?

This will be their burial place.


Xiaobai was obviously a little unhappy and snorted softly.

However, Lin Changsheng could tell that Xiaobai was not really angry, but angry that Lin Changsheng didn't take her into his heart.

I don't think of her when good things happen, and I only think of her every time I save a life.

"Good boy, Xiaobai, I'll give you some pears later!"

Lin Changsheng smiled.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Changsheng had arrived at the spiritual spring of heaven and earth.

Lin Changsheng originally thought that there would be a large formation outside the spiritual spring.

However, after feeling it, I found that there was no sign of any big formation at all.

I saw streams of extremely thick spiritual energy from heaven and earth constantly spurting out from the spiritual spring.

Lin Changsheng didn't want to waste this rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so he put it directly into his storage bag, planning to find a hidden corner to absorb the breakthrough Nascent Soul.

It's a hundred miles away.

Bu Tianzhi's face was distorted. He had also discovered the spiritual spring here.

Unexpectedly, Lin Changsheng was given the upper hand in the end.

However, he was no match for Lin Changsheng now, so he could only give up.

Otherwise, fighting with Lin Changsheng will probably lead to death.

I could only watch helplessly as Lin Changsheng disappeared from the sky with the spiritual spring.

If Xiao Bai were to absorb this spiritual spring of heaven and earth, he would probably be gone after just a few mouthfuls.

However, it took a lot of time for Lin Changsheng to continue.

If it were absorbed right here, it is estimated that everyone in the Demonic Sea would chase him here, and Lin Changsheng might not be able to complete the absorption.

So it's better to find a hidden corner to absorb it.

Lin Changsheng found an underground cave and released Xiao Bai.

Let it help protect the law.

If there is any trouble, we can notify you in advance.

Lin Changsheng was still willing to pay for the hard work of a pear.

"Next time you encounter such a good thing, don't argue with me!"

Xiaobai said resentfully.

Lin Changsheng naturally nodded in agreement.

Then he crossed his legs and began to absorb the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the spiritual spring.

Time flies.

Ten days have passed.

A large number of powerful men from the Southern Region arrived outside Poseidon Tower again.

Among them are the four top sects of the Southern Region Liuyun Immortal Sect, Tianjian Sect, Moon Covering Immortal Sect, and Yin Yang Dao Sect.

The monks who were above the Golden Core level turned into streams of light and headed towards the Poseidon Tower.

"I don't know if it's too late now, Ziyue, you must follow me as your master when you enter!"

Ji Ruyan said worriedly.

It is estimated that the good opportunity has been taken away by others.

"Yes! Master!"

Gao Ziyue respectfully agreed.

If it weren't for Ji Ruyan, how could she have achieved such a level of cultivation?

Everything she has now is thanks to Ji Ruyan.

When the group of people entered the interior space of Poseidon Tower, they were all stunned.

I saw that the ground was densely covered with black-armored beasts and insects, and every few hundred meters, a golden elixir monk died.

Fortunately, Ji Ruyan, Gao Ziyue, Ling Fei and others were not teleported too far, and they gathered together not long after.

"Master, what should I do?"

Although Gao Ziyue has the early stage cultivation of Jindan, she can't help but panic when encountering such a situation.

After all, she lacks actual combat experience.

Moreover, one's self-cultivation and strength are greatly suppressed here.

"Follow me and rush to the central area!"

With many years of experience, Ji Ruyan led Gao Ziyue and Yu Lingfei towards the middle area.

As everyone walked inside, the oppression around them became more obvious.

Fortunately, Ji Ruyan had rich combat experience and there were no casualties.

"It seems that the other monks have left here!"

Soon arriving at the central area, Ji Ruyan looked at the God Refining Ladder and murmured.

This seems to be the only way out of here.

"Buping, Binding Hu, hurry up, get to the upper level from here!"

Not far away, Li Jiantang also arrived here with his disciples.

When Li Jiantang saw Ji Ruyan, his eyes were a little stunned.

Brothers and sisters from the same discipline who used to fight side by side now seem a bit strange when we see each other again.

Later, Wang Zhonglou from the Tianjian Sect, Jiujianxian, Lieyang Taoist from the Yin and Yang Tao Sect, Tianyang Sanren, etc. also rushed here.

"You can't be wrong, this is definitely the place to leave!"

Wang Zhonglou secretly thought, and then he was the first to step into the God Refining Staircase.

However, with every step he took, Wang Zhonglou's expression became more and more solemn.

Finally, after taking fifty-four steps, I could no longer move forward.

"Excellent qualifications, obtained fifty-four years of cultivation growth, and can enter the fourth floor of the Poseidon Tower!"

The next moment, an old voice came out.

Suddenly everyone discovered that this was indeed the way out of here.

And with every step forward, you can gain one year of cultivation.

After this was a huge opportunity, all the elders and disciples rushed forward.

However, no one can surpass the fifty-four stone steps of Wang Chonglou.

Even Lieyang Dao Zun was no exception and only walked forty-nine knots.

"Then, is that Lin Changsheng's name? He actually reached the top of the seventy-two stone steps?"

When Gao Ziyue reached the thirty-third stone platform, she felt as if her whole body was as heavy as several mountains, and she could no longer move forward.

However, when she saw the stone platform at the top, she suddenly discovered Lin Changsheng's name.

His pupils couldn't help but shrink.

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