The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 217: Can the fused king’s corpse defeat the Nascent Soul monk? 【Please order more! 】

"How do you know these things? I think you want me to enter the formation and die, right? Besides, don't you want such a treasure? Will you kindly give it away?"

Lin Changsheng asked suspiciously, he didn't believe that this old guy didn't want these treasures?

Just give it to him?

"I only have a remnant soul now, and I won't live much longer. What's the use of these treasures? I just hope that I don't have to suffer this thunder punishment before my soul dissipates!"

The old man said helplessly.

His soul has been suffering from this thunder punishment for almost two thousand years.

If you don't break free from the shackles, you will lose your soul.

Lin Changsheng was his last hope, so he naturally didn't want to miss it.

"I hope you won't lie to me. I'll come find you after I obtain the Poseidon Tower!"

Lin Changsheng left the parchment without saying a word.

What he didn't notice was that the moment Lin Changsheng exited, the corner of the old man's mouth raised a deep smile.

"It's been almost two thousand years, I'm finally going out, hahahaha——"

Arrogant laughter sounded in the parchment.

The reason why he initially asked Lin Changsheng to help cut off the chains was because he was worried that Lin Changsheng would become suspicious.

In fact, the Poseidon Tower is what really suppresses him. As long as the Poseidon Tower leaves the deep sea, he can be freed.

At that time, all the creatures in the Immortal Land will be the nutrients for his rebirth.

Of course, this old guy put up a defense against Lin Changsheng, so why didn't Lin Changsheng put up a defense against him?

Lin Changsheng was a cautious person.

The old man's remnant soul was imprisoned in the parchment and suffered from lightning strikes.

Moreover, the parchment roll was divided into four pieces. It is conceivable that some people did not want this thing to come out.

Can this old guy have the kindness to give the Poseidon Tower to him for nothing?

Not only does this not look like a coincidence, it looks more like a conspiracy.

"Whatever, improve your cultivation first!"

Lin Changsheng then stopped thinking and looked through the three secret books in Nie Buping's storage bag.

"Corpse Puppet Resurrection Technique, Corpse Explosion Technique, Thousand Corpse Big Hand Seal!"

"It is estimated that Nie Buping practices the Corpse Puppet Resurrection Technique and wants to use the Corpse Puppet to be reborn!"

After reading the three secret techniques, Lin Changsheng secretly thought that among the three secret techniques, only one of the Thousand Corpses Mahamudra can be learned.

This Thousand Corpses Big Hand Seal is a palm technique that absorbs the energy of thousands of corpses and condenses it.

The power is extremely domineering.

However, Nie Buping has not absorbed the Qi of thousands of corpse puppets yet, so he cannot use it.

However, practicing this method is very easy for Lin Changsheng.

[Introduction to Thousand Corpses Mahamudra! 】

In the time it takes to watch a stick of incense, the Thousand Corpses Mahamudra is already the beginning.

[The Thousand Corpse Hand Seal has been detected. Do you want to spend 3,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

A prompt pops up in the panel realm.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to simplify.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Mahamudra of Thousand Corpses begins. The simplification in simplification is completed, the Mahamudra of Thousand Corpses == waving! 】


This is too simplified and user-friendly. You can gain proficiency by just waving your hand?

Lin Changsheng subconsciously waved his palms.

Thousand Corpses Mahamudra experience value +1!

Thousand Corpses Mahamudra experience value +1!

I saw that the proficiency of the Thousand Corpses Mahamudra was increasing crazily.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and took out all the corpses from the storage bags enshrined by Nie Buping and Bai Ting.

Finally, 42 primary golden corpses, 7 intermediate golden corpses, 6 late golden corpses, 3 primary king corpses, and 2 intermediate king corpses were found.

After some fusion, all the golden corpses merged into 20 late-stage golden corpses.

[20 late-stage giant gold bodies were detected. Are they fused into 2 king corpses? 】

Immediately afterwards, a prompt came out from the panel.


Things that can be integrated are naturally integrated!

[The fusion is completed. 6 primary king corpses were detected. Are they fused into 3 intermediate king corpses? ”]

The fusion had just been completed, and a prompt came out from the panel.

"Including the king's corpse that I refined, it is indeed enough for 6 corpses!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself and clicked Yes again.

He wanted to see how powerful the corpse puppet could be fused.

[The fusion is completed. Five intermediate king corpses were detected. Are they fused into one late-stage king corpse? ”]

"Later King Corpse?"

This was something Lin Changsheng didn't expect. He thought it would be good to fuse one more mid-stage king corpse.

Unexpectedly, a late-stage king corpse was fused in the end?

This late-stage king corpse has a cultivation level equivalent to that of a Nascent Soul monk?

Although it is controlled by others and cannot exert its full strength, it is also extremely terrifying.

Generally, it is difficult for monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul to compete.


Lin Changsheng chose fusion again.

Watching the five intermediate king corpses gather together, and finally merged into a huge new late stage king corpse queen in the bright light.


Lin Changsheng was quite excited when he saw this scene.

This is a Nascent Soul monk-level thug!

The gains from destroying the Corpse King Sect this time are really quite big.

Not only did he fuse high-grade spiritual treasures, he also fused late-stage king corpses, which greatly improved Lin Changsheng's combat effectiveness.

"I wonder what treasures this deceased monk has in his storage bag?"

After putting away the king's corpse, Lin Changsheng took out the storage bag of the monk who died in the cave.

There should be a lot of good stuff in here.

However, after entering it, Lin Changsheng found that it was empty, with only a few hundred spiritual stones.

A white jade bottle arrived, which attracted Lin Changsheng's attention.

There is a crystal clear white mist surrounding the white jade bottle. I don't know what it is.

There is a dark green token not far away.

There is a big "sha" character engraved on the token.

It looks like it should be the token of that sect.

In addition, Lin Changsheng also found a clear spring in the storage bag. There was a fruit tree in the spring water, and the fruits it produced were crystal clear.

"Can this fruit be eaten?"

Although Lin Changsheng sensed that the spiritual energy emanating from this spiritual fruit was very strong, he did not dare to blindly eat a fruit he did not recognize.

So he picked a fruit from the white jade bottle and the clear spring and took it out together.

"Xiao Bai, don't say I don't take care of you, I've given all these things to you!"

Lin Changsheng summoned Xiaobai and threw the fruit and the white jade bottle to her.

Whether it is poisonous or not, Xiaobai can tell at a glance. Xiaobai must have more knowledge than Lin Changsheng.

"The aura of heaven? The holy fruit of spiritual spring?"

Xiaobai saw two things, his eyes widened with disbelief, "How come there are things from the Immortal Burial Domain in the Land of Immortal Relics?"

Xiaobai's origin is not simple, she knows everything about the Immortal Burial Domain.

The origins of these two things were immediately apparent at a glance.

"Something from the fairyland?"

Hearing this, Lin Changsheng hesitated a little, secretly thinking that he was really careless.

Maybe these are good things!

However, Xiaobai didn't answer, as if he was afraid of Lin Changsheng's return, so he opened the white jade bottle directly.

An extremely thick spiritual energy spread out.

Xiaobai opened his mouth and directly absorbed the white mist inside.

After absorbing the immortal energy, Xiaobai started to chew the Holy Fruit of Lingquan again.

As Xiaobai continued to absorb the spiritual energy from the two treasures, white brilliance slowly bloomed all over his body.

Vaguely, Xiaobai grew another tail.

"It looks like a real treasure!"

Lin Changsheng could only stare. After all, he couldn't take back what he had given. That would be too unkind.

And Xiaobai also helped me a lot along the way.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Bai's help, Lin Changsheng would not have been able to reach the top of the Divine Refining Ladder and obtain the spiritual liquid to create the flawless Nascent Soul.

With such a treasure in the storage bag, this ring might be even more extraordinary.

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