The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 218 Dragon Elephant Suppresses Heaven Jue, Jiu Wushang is about to break through Haojue

Lin Changsheng immediately focused his attention on the ring in his hand.

This ring looks unpretentious from the outside, it is just a very simple round ring.

It's just that there are some divine patterns of Van Ao on it, and Lin Changsheng can't understand them at all.

Lin Changsheng poured his spiritual consciousness into it, and in the next moment, his whole body seemed to be sucked into the ring space.

I found that this place turned out to be a vast space of nothingness.

There were countless divine patterns flying around, and Lin Changsheng couldn't fathom the divine patterns of Van Ao.

"There is a stone tablet in the distance. There may be a way to crack the divine pattern!"

Lin Changsheng found a huge stone tablet standing in the void in the distance.

Rushed over immediately.

When I arrived at the stone monument, I found rows of writing on it.

Lin Changsheng could see these handwritings clearly.

I saw someone's tomb engraved on the stone tablet, followed by an introduction to his life.

"Lin Changqing? It seems that you and I are really destined!"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but sigh, because the owner of the tombstone was a person named Lin Changqing.

Originally a person from the Immortal Land, he later gained enlightenment and ascended to the Immortal Realm.

Unfortunately, not long after he entered the Immortal Realm, he was severely damaged by the harsh competition in the Immortal Realm. His cultivation has been stagnant for thousands of years. When his life was about to come to an end, he returned to the Immortal Heritage Land again.

I wanted to end my life here, but I encountered the opening of Poseidon Tower.

Finally, while fighting for an opportunity in the Poseidon Tower, he was attacked from behind by his companions and was seriously injured, and fell here.

When his destiny is about to come to an end, he sets up a large formation and waits for the destined person to obtain his inheritance.

"Senior, I can't understand these divine patterns of Fanao? How can I inherit them?"

Lin Changsheng was puzzled. He knew that these divine patterns were definitely not simple, but they could not be penetrated.

"Could it be?"

Suddenly Lin Changsheng thought of something again. Since it was an inheritance, it was somewhat like becoming a disciple.

Do we need to kowtow three times and bow nine times?

Lin Changsheng didn't care about these virtual rituals, not to mention they were just kneeling down with his spiritual consciousness.

Regardless of whether or not, Lin Changsheng is willing to give it a try.


However, with this kneel down, this space has indeed undergone a huge change.

All the mysterious divine patterns suspended in the air instantly flashed with golden brilliance.

Then it turned into golden light and penetrated into Lin Changsheng's mind.

The influx of countless divine patterns would give an ordinary person a splitting headache.

But Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness was so strong that he didn't react at all and kept absorbing the divine mark.

"Nine Dragons Suppressing Heaven Jue? It's actually a set of immortal arts?"

After Lin Changsheng absorbed the divine mark, he immediately understood its true meaning.

These divine patterns are clearly a set of immortal arts.

"At the beginning, the inheritance of immortal arts in Taixu Temple could not be simplified, which made it difficult to make progress. I wonder if this immortal arts can be simplified?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself while comprehending the technique.

However, what happened later made Lin Changsheng realize that he had been overthinking.

Because this inheritance, Lin Changsheng understood more than just superficially, but the other party passed thousands of years of understanding and experience to Lin Changsheng.

As a result of this inheritance, Lin Changsheng possesses the perfect level of Jiulong Zhentian Jue.

"It's so cool!"

Lin Changsheng was very excited.

This inheritance turned out to be a perfect level of immortality, which could greatly increase the speed at which he could refine spiritual energy.

[The Blood Demon Suppressing Prison Strength (Perfection), Wanbao Condensing Pill Jue (Perfection), and Nine Dragons Suppressing Heaven Jue (Perfection) have been detected. Do you want to spend 200,000 spirit stones to fuse them into a new technique? 】

Just after Lin Changsheng obtained the perfect level of Jiulong Tianzhen Jue, the panel prompted.

Although the Blood Demon Suppressing Prison Strength and Wanbao Ningdan Jue are definitely not at the same level as the Nine Dragons Suppressing Heaven, they can also be enhanced after fusion.

So Lin Changsheng decisively clicked yes.

Even if 200,000 spirit stones are a bit distressing.

[Dao Zhi Jian: Blood Demon Suppressing Prison Strength (Perfect), Wanbao Condensing Pill Jue (Perfect), Nine Dragons Suppressing Heaven Jue (Perfect) Fusion starts. Fusion is in progress. Fusion is completed, you will get the new immortal technique, Dragon Elephant Suppressing Heaven Jue! 】

"Dragon Elephant Heaven-Suppressing Jue? It's not easy when you hear the name!"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied.

[A new technique, Dragon Elephant Suppressing Heaven Jue, has been detected. Do you want to spend 100,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

Just as the new magic was integrated, the panel reminded him again.

I don't know if it's because the fused immortal arts can be simplified, or because the level of the immortal arts is not as high as that of the Taixu Immortal King Jue.

It can be simplified.

Although it cost 100,000 spirit stones, Lin Changsheng had made a lot of windfall these days.

The spiritual stones from the Giant Whale Gang and Nie Buping alone are enough to pay for this fusion and simplification.

So Lin Changsheng continued to click yes without hesitation.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of Dragon Elephant's Heaven-Suppressing Technique has begun...simplification is in progress...the simplification is completed, Dragon Elephant's Heaven-Suppressing Technique==touch the Dragon Elephant! 】

"Touch the dragon elephant with your hand?"

Lin Changsheng naturally couldn't find a real dragon elephant to touch.

After exiting the ring space, Lin Changsheng had no choice but to write the word "Dragon Elephant" and hold it in his hand.

Dragon Elephant Suppressing Heaven Jue experience value +1!

Dragon Elephant Suppressing Heaven Jue experience value +1!

As expected, this trick failed despite repeated attempts, and the experience points increased crazily.

Then Lin Changsheng waved his hand and touched the dragon elephant.

His proficiency in the Thousand Corpses Mahamudra and Dragon Elephant Heaven-Suppressing Technique continues to grow crazily.

In just one hour, the two major methods were completed.

"It's time to test its power!"

Lin Changsheng had a smile on his face. He didn't know who he would encounter when he went out this time.

After Xiaobai on the side absorbed the spiritual energy of the two treasures, Lin Changsheng put them into the spirit beast bag.

Then he broke open the stone door and soared into the sky.

"Are they all going to the 11th floor?"

After Lin Changsheng came out, he found that there was no sign of human activity in the 10th floor space.

However, just when Lin Changsheng came to the central stone platform and was about to teleport to the 11th floor of space.

Suddenly, a very strong mana fluctuation was discovered.

"Are you going to break through the Yuanying Great Monk?"

Lin Changsheng frowned. If the people from the Demonic Sea broke through the Nascent Soul cultivator, this would not be a good thing for Lin Changsheng.

It suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the place where the mana fluctuated.

He was currently in a cave three hundred miles away from Lin Changsheng.

Jiu Wushang is breaking through Hao Jue.

Because he found a fairy grass in the cave not long ago, and after taking it, the magic power in his body was as majestic as the sea, and he immediately showed signs of breakthrough.

Therefore, I did not go to the 11th floor space with other major sects immediately.

We plan to break through Haocheng here.

Unfortunately, he was discovered by Lin Changsheng.

"Protect the sect master!"

Huang Hua sensed an extremely powerful aura piercing the sky, approaching everyone from the Tiangui Sect, and immediately reminded everyone to be vigilant.

The Tiangui Sect is now counting on Jiu Wushang to break through Haojue to grow stronger.

After all, their Tiangui Sect has lost too many strong men now.

Even the three elders of Tiandixuan died, and even Luo Hao died.

Only the sect leader Jiu Wushang can break through Haozhen to make their Tiangui Sect stronger.

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