The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 220 The power of the top-grade spiritual treasure puts Jiu Wushang in a dilemma [Please subs

Sensing the approaching crisis, Jiu Wushang did not dare to break through Haoxue and flew out of the cave directly.


The sword light fell on the cave, directly razing the cave to the ground, and also cut out a huge ravine hundreds of feet long and more than ten feet deep.

If Jiu Wushang was in the cave, not only would he be killed with this sword, he would definitely be seriously injured.

"This, is this a top-grade spiritual treasure?"

Jiu Wushang looked at the Lingbao in Lin Changsheng's hand in surprise, and couldn't help but be shocked.

The opportunity for this shit may not be too good, right?

After searching for many days, he only found one fairy grass, but Lin Changsheng actually found a high-grade spiritual treasure?

This is something they have never had.

"You are very lucky to die in the hands of a high-grade spiritual treasure!"

This high-grade spiritual treasure was not yet stained with blood, so he asked Jiu Wushang to sacrifice its soul for the spiritual treasure in his hand.

"Little beast, it's not certain who will have the last laugh!"

Jiu Wushang was not willing to die like this, and waved his hand to summon his own spiritual treasure soul refining cauldron.

This cauldron is completely black, and there seems to be an innocent soul crying inside.


Lin Changsheng didn't talk nonsense, what he wanted was Jiu Wushang's life.

Jiu is not injured today, but he will definitely be a big disaster in the future.

After all, he already showed signs of breaking through Haozhen.

Lin Changsheng waved the sword light in his hand and slashed out the Sky Blood Blade again to kill Jiu Wushang.


Jiu Wushang stopped evading, scolded angrily, and pushed the Soul Refining Cauldron with one hand and rushed towards Lin Changsheng.

The Soul Refining Cauldron rose in the wind and turned into a giant cauldron in the sky, facing Lin Changsheng's sword like a mountain.


The hundred-foot-long bloody blade instantly collided with the giant cauldron in the sky.

The huge roar shook people's eardrums.

All the trees within a ten-mile radius were shattered by the mana fluctuations, creating a scene of rocks flying around.

Amidst the fierce roar, Jiu Wushang only lasted three breaths before he was unable to withstand the power of the high-grade spiritual treasure and was severely injured and fell into the valley.

The Soul Refining Cauldron also fell aside.


Before he could stand up, Jiu Wushang spat out a mouthful of blood, which showed that he had suffered severe internal injuries.

Not long ago, he had a battle with Su Changkong, which resulted in backlash for using the Tiangui Sect's secret method.

He was about to break through and was interrupted midway by Haojue, but he also received a backlash.

But at this moment, Lin Changsheng struck out all Jiu Wushang's internal diseases with a powerful blow, and suffered even stronger injuries.

"I really didn't expect it! I, Jiu Wushang Yingwu I, would be defeated at the hands of you, a little beast!"

Jiu Wushang's eyes were full of unwillingness.

However, he had to admit that the current Lin Changsheng was far beyond what he could fight against.

Not only has his cultivation reached the early stage of Yuanying, but his spiritual consciousness has reached the level of a terrifying Yuanying monk.

With the blessing of high-grade spiritual treasures in his hands, his strength is extremely powerful.

"You, the Heavenly Ghost Sect, have killed few people in our southern region? It is your fate to die here!"

Lin Changsheng would not show mercy to Jiu Wushang.

Everyone in the Tiangui Sect practices the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, and each Ten Thousand Souls Banner contains countless souls that cannot be reincarnated.

Even people like Qi Hui almost refined the Ten Thousand Soul Banner, which shows how many lives they, the sect masters, have to sacrifice to serve the elders.

"Even if you die, I won't make you feel better! Hahaha——"

Jiu Wushang laughed crazily, and then the magic power around him began to increase continuously.

"Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Art?"

When Lin Changsheng saw that Jiu Wushang's cultivation level was continuously increasing, he immediately understood. He used his lifespan as a price in exchange for the increase in cultivation level in a short period of time.

Lin Changsheng no longer waited. If Jiu Wushang could break through to the Nascent Soul cultivator, it would be a bit tricky to kill Jiu Wushang.

So he immediately held the Lingbao and rushed straight towards Jiu Wushang.

Jiu Wushang used his magic power to block, and Lin Changsheng charged up the attack. The two magic powers competed with each other, causing Lin Changsheng's whole body to glow with red light.


An extremely majestic mana aura spread out, directly knocking Lin Changsheng upside down.

Jiu Wushang has spent a hundred years of life and been promoted to the Nascent Soul Great Monk.

When Lin Changsheng stabilized his body and looked up.

Jiu Wushang was seen to have white hair, and instantly became a gray-haired old man.


After Jiu Wushang broke through the Nascent Soul cultivator, his magic power was extremely powerful.

He wanted to shock and kill Lin Changsheng during his breakthrough period.

"Then let me see how strong the Nascent Soul monk is?"

Facing the Nascent Soul cultivator, Lin Changsheng was not afraid.

Even if he loses, he can just use roundabout tactics. Once Jiu Wushang's increase time expires, he will definitely die.

But Lin Changsheng is not this kind of person. He wants to see how powerful this Nascent Soul monk is?

How big is the gap between myself and the great monk Yuanying?


Lin Changsheng directly erupted into the Golden Body of the Dragon God, and a loud and thick dragon roar suddenly sounded.

As the divine dragon sank into Lin Changsheng's body, Lin Changsheng's physical strength instantly climbed to the peak of the middle stage of Yuanying, even more powerful than that of a great Yuanying monk.

Although he may not be able to compete with Jiu Wushang in terms of mana, he has the blessing of high-grade spiritual treasures in his hands, which can make up for it.

After Jiu Wushang broke through the Yuanying Great Monk, he didn't want to waste any minute.

Directly control the Soul Refining Cauldron to suppress Lin Changsheng.

The Soul Refining Cauldron rose in the wind, covering half of the sky, and pressed down on Lin Changsheng like a majestic mountain.

It is not a wise choice to fight against this giant cauldron in the sky.

Lin Changsheng used the "Tianya Haijiao Light Body Technique" to fly hundreds of feet away, directly approaching Jiu Wushang.

The sword light in his hand slashed out quickly.

However, when he saw that the sword light was about to strike Jiu Wushang's neck, Jiu Wushang used his magic power with his hands and directly took the blade from Lin Changsheng's hand.

This scene shocked Lin Changsheng.

Is this the strength of the Yuanying Great Monk?

So terrifying?

Can you catch the power of high-grade spiritual treasures with your bare hands?

Catching Lin Changsheng's sword light with one hand, Jiu Wushang quickly struck out with the other hand, blasting it towards Lin Changsheng's chest.

Lin Changsheng also took out a palm to resist.


Amidst the explosion, Lin Changsheng stepped back, a burst of mana surging within his body.

Although he wasn't hurt, he didn't take any advantage either.

The Yuanying Great Monk is indeed the pinnacle existence in this Immortal Relic Land, with extremely powerful strength.

Lin Changsheng wanted to use his own cultivation to kill the Nascent Soul monk head-on, but he was still a little weak.

They can only wait for Jiu Wushang to run out of mana and become weak, which is the best opportunity to kill him.

So Lin Changsheng no longer confronted Jiu Wushang head-on.

I wasted up with each other.

Lin Changsheng had the consciousness of a Nascent Soul monk, and he was not afraid of the other party's suppression of his consciousness. Jiu Wushang had no way to deal with Lin Changsheng.

After about a stick of incense, Jiu Wushang showed signs of regression in his cultivation.

In just three breaths, the state has fallen to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

After falling to the middle stage of Yuanying, he had no intention of stopping, and then fell to the early stage of Yuanying.

Perhaps the use of the Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Technique to break through the Yuanying Great Monk this time consumed a huge amount of money on him, causing his realm to fall.

Facing Jiu Wushang who was in the early stage of Nascent Soul, Lin Changsheng smiled coldly.

Isn't this the fish on the chopping board?

Are you at his mercy?

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