In order to prevent Jiu Wushang from jumping over the wall, Lin Changsheng did not go to kill him personally.

After all, the power of Nascent Soul cultivator's self-destruction cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, Lin Changsheng didn't know if Jiu Wushang had any other back-ups.

It's better to be careful.


Lin Changsheng waved his hand and directly summoned the fused late-stage Nascent Soul King Corpse.

Then he controlled the king's corpse to kill Jiu Wushang.

"This, how is this possible?"

Jiu Wushang's eyes were filled with shock when he saw Lin Changsheng controlling the late-stage corpse puppets of the King's Corpse to kill him.

The art of controlling corpses is a secret skill of the Corpse King Sect. How did Lin Changsheng learn it?

And what this kid controls is not an ordinary corpse puppet, but a late-stage Nascent Soul corpse puppet.

The combat power of this corpse puppet is comparable to that of the Yuanying Great Monk!

In this way, everyone in the Corpse King Sect was also poisoned by Lin Changsheng.

Although Wang Zhi is just a corpse puppet, his cultivation is still extremely powerful.

It completely crushed Jiu Wushang in many realms, and with just one move, Jiu Wushang severely damaged the ground and made a big hole.

"You little beast, you get nothing from me!"

Jiu Wushang's eyes were full of reluctance, knowing that he was going to die in the hands of Lin Changsheng today.

He didn't want to leave the body to Lin Changsheng for refining, so he immediately planned to blow himself up.

But how could Lin Changsheng make Jiu Wushang self-destruct?

He teleported to the severely injured Jiu Wushang and killed him with a knife.

"I originally wanted to torture you, but I really gave you an advantage! It seems I can only torture your Nascent Soul!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought to himself, then took out the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, and when Jiu Wushang's Nascent Soul came out, he put it into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.


Sure enough, in the next moment, a golden Nascent Soul flew out from the center of Jiu Wushang's eyebrows. It was so fast that it flew ten miles away in almost the blink of an eye.

This Nascent Soul teleportation is much faster than the movement speed of any monk.


Fortunately, Lin Changsheng had the Ten Thousand Souls Flag in his hand.

With a wave of the soul flag in his hand, it enveloped the land within a hundred miles.

Directly put Jiu Wushang's Nascent Soul into it.

"Nie Buping, your old friend is here, why don't you welcome him?"

Lin Changsheng smiled and said, the Ten Thousand Soul Banner became even more lively now.

Among the Ten Thousand Souls, Nie Buping was shocked when he heard this voice, and the next moment he saw Jiu Wushang's Nascent Soul being included in the Ten Thousand Souls Flag.

"Master Jiu, you, you also——"

Nie Buping couldn't help but sigh, no one can do anything to this beast?

Even Jiu Wushang's Nascent Soul was included in it. It is conceivable that the main body has fallen.

Jiu Wushang was also surprised when he saw Nie Buping, even though he knew that Nie Buping died at the hands of Lin Changsheng.

But unexpectedly, not even Nascent Soul could escape.

"I have no choice but to admit my defeat! This boy's talent is extremely high. We really should have killed him before he could grow up."

Jiu Wushang sighed helplessly. Now that the matter has come to this, what else can he say?

You can only place all your hopes on one person.


Then the two of them sighed heavily helplessly.

Now that it fell into the hands of Lin Changsheng, he could only admit that he was unlucky.

Demonic Sea, where the Heavenly Ghost Sect resides.


In the forbidden area of ​​the Heavenly Ghost Sect's Taizu, an old man shrouded in black robes suddenly heard a cracking sound.

When Jiu Wushang's soul card suddenly shattered in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"Wushang actually died? Who did it?"

The old man in black robe was furious. It had always been his Tiangui Sect who killed others, but now he was being slaughtered by others. This was something the old man in black robe could not bear.

I saw the old man reciting a string of spells, and a piece of crystal clear jade floated up from in front of him.

The magic spells penetrated into the jade stone, and Lin Changsheng's figure suddenly appeared on the jade stone.

Seeing this scene, the old man in black robe was even more surprised.

At such a young age, this boy is actually capable of killing Jiu Wushang, which shows how talented he is.

"Yes, this son is a good seedling. When I kill him, I can replace him. Jie Jie Jie——"

The old man in black robe let out a scary smile, and seemed to have forgotten the revenge for Jiu Wushang's death.

Poseidon Tower.

After Lin Changsheng beheaded Jiu Wushang, he put his body into a storage bag.

Without enough time to examine the treasures in Jiu Wushang's storage bag, Lin Changsheng immediately rushed to the central teleportation formation.

Rush to the 11th floor in a hurry.

Because the Poseidon Building only has the last two floors.

If you arrive late, the rest of the treasures will be taken away by the other monks of Moshahai.

It will be difficult to find them once they emerge from the Demonic Sea.

"Ziyue, don't look back, run away -"

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to teleport to the 11th level of space.

I saw a burst of dust rising from the ground in the distance, and huge creatures flying in the sky.

In front of these monsters, there are several small figures running away quickly.

Lin Changsheng looked closely and found that they were all acquaintances. In addition to Gao Ziyue and Ji Ruyan, there were also Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian, Cao De, Zhuge Buping, Li Jiantang and others.


Some golden elixir disciples who were too slow to escape were immediately torn into pieces by the flying beasts behind them and swallowed into their mouths.

If there were only Li Jiantang and others, Lin Changsheng would never care. Their life and death had nothing to do with him.

But Gao Ziyue and Concubine Yu Ling were here, and Lin Changsheng still had some friendship with them.

Suddenly it turned into a stream of light and rushed out. He waved the bloody blade in his hand and brought up a sky-high sword light to kill the tower-holding demon.

This Tower-Suppressing Heavenly Demon is extremely huge, with rough skin and thick flesh. Even the powerful attacks of late-stage Golden Elixir such as Li Jiantang and Ji Ruyan can only damage its fur, so they can only escape with their disciples.


The sword light from the sky fell on the head of the Zhenlou Heavenly Demon, and immediately split it into two.

Dark green blood spilled all over the floor.

Chi chi chi——

The blood fell to the ground with a violent corrosive sound.

All surrounding vegetation will rot and wither.

"Lin, Brother Lin?"

When Gao Ziyue saw that Lin Changsheng was the one who killed the Sky Demon of Zhenlou with a single blow, her beautiful eyes suddenly rippled with shock.

"Has he been promoted to Nascent Soul?"

Beside Gao Ziyue, Concubine Yu Ling also showed a shocked look on her face.

I think they were all on the same starting line.

But now, Lin Changsheng has been thrown too far away.

"Elder Ji, why did you enter the Poseidon space?"

After killing the Sky Demon of Zhenlou with one sword, Lin Changsheng turned around and asked Ji Ruyan.

"There was a strange phenomenon in the Demonic Sea, so we rushed over as soon as possible. Seeing that the Poseidon Tower was not closed yet, we entered it, but we didn't expect that just after we entered, these tower-defeating sky demons revived, and we were chased all the way. Okay You have to help us out, otherwise we will be in trouble!"

Ji Ruyan said truthfully, there was nothing they could do against the tower-suppressing demon.

"Brother Lin, long time no see! Have you already broken through to the Nascent Soul?"

Not far away, Cao De saw that Lin Changsheng had broken through to the Nascent Soul stage, and couldn't help but smile with envy on his face.

But the faces of Zhuge Buping, Li Jiantang and others behind him were not so good-looking.

After all, Lin Changsheng was a traitor to his Liuyun Immortal Sect and would be executed by the Liuyun Immortal Sect.

But at this moment, Lin Changsheng's cultivation level has exceeded the level of Nascent Soul. If he wants to kill Li Jiantang with his cultivation level, this is undoubtedly not a dream.

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