The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 224: Vulnerable to a single blow, instantly kills two Nascent Souls and enshrines them [Plea

"Boy, hand over the white fox obediently, and let this be settled, otherwise——"

The black-faced priest glared at Lin Changsheng and said.

For Lin Changsheng, the black-faced worshiper also had some impressions.

This boy is a prodigy who has reached the top of the God-Refining Ladder.

Although the other party has also broken through to the Nascent Soul stage, Black Faced Worshiper definitely feels that he has just broken through and his cultivation level is not a concern.

If he had known that Lin Changsheng had killed Jiu Wushang and Nie Buping, I wonder if he would still dare to be so arrogant at this moment.

"Otherwise, what will happen? Killing people and seizing foxes?"

Lin Changsheng said disdainfully.

Not to mention the offerings of the two early Nascent Souls, even if Ding Changhai, the master of Yin Yang Palace, came, he would not be able to pose any threat to Lin Changsheng.

"Since you want to die, then my two brothers will help you!"

The eyes of the black-faced worshiper in the Yin-Yang Hall were full of murderous intent, and he had great intentions of taking action.

It shouldn't be difficult for him to join forces with his second brother to kill Lin Changsheng.

If the thing is done, you might even get the praise of the sect master and get a lot of benefits.

"Brother, don't be careless, this kid is not simple!"

The white-faced offering reminds the black-faced offering.

The black-faced priest nodded slightly and signaled the major Jindan elders to come forward first to test Lin Changsheng's strength in advance.

The five Jindan elders behind the two looked at each other in confusion.

Let them fight against the powerful Nascent Soul?

This is undoubtedly not asking them to die!

However, facing the pressure of the two black and white worshipers, the five elders had no choice.

Immediately, they all took out their magic weapons and charged towards Lin Changsheng.

"act recklessly!"

Lin Changsheng said with disdain, even Lin Changsheng, the master of the sect like Jiu Wushang and Nie Buping, could kill, and the mere golden elixir monks were here to die.

Lin Changsheng casually moved his palm forward and struck out with the Thousand Corpses Big Hand Seal.

The Great Hand Seal of Thousand Corpses covers an extremely wide area, directly covering the five elders of the Yin Yang Palace.

It was as if there was a huge five-fingered mountain in front of them, suppressing them.

"Isn't this a move from the Corpse King Sect? How could this kid do it?"

"Could it be said that the death of the Corpse King Sect and others was caused by this son?"

"Impossible, how could this kid kill Nie Buping with a shock?"

"Quick, run away quickly——"

When the five golden elixir elders of the Yin Yang Palace saw the giant palm prints coming from ahead, their eyes suddenly widened, showing no intention of fighting.

When a Golden elixir monk fights against a strong Nascent Soul warrior, it's like hitting an egg against a stone.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng unleashed a powerful killing move from the Corpse King Sect, which was far beyond what they could withstand.

However, it was too late for them to escape now.

The tyrannical palm prints directly struck behind the five people, causing their mouths to spurt blood. Their meridians were cut off and they fell to the ground, instantly losing their life breath.

With almost one move, Lin Changsheng instantly killed the five golden elixir elders of the Yin Yang Palace.

This scene made the two priests, black and white, frown.

"They're all rubbish!"

Even so, Black and White was a little unwilling to offer sacrifices, thinking that the cultivation of the five golden elixirs was just too weak.

After an angry scolding, the two men immediately attacked and killed Lin Changsheng, one on the left and the other on the right.

Both of them took out high-grade magic weapons and launched a full-strength attack.

The top-grade magic weapon in the hands of the black-faced priest is a black scimitar with black mist wrapped around it, which looks extremely weird.

The top-grade magic weapon in Bai Mian's hand was a three-foot green peak. When he waved it, the torn space roared loudly, showing the sharpness of the blade.

"Is your Yin Yang Palace so poor? You can only use high-grade magic weapons for worship?"

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised.

"Boy, don't be so arrogant. How can spiritual treasures be so easy to obtain? Just die!"

The black-faced priest said angrily, the more he looked at Lin Changsheng, the more displeased he became.

If spiritual treasures were so easy to obtain, he wouldn't use high-grade magical treasures.

In the Yin Yang Hall, only the sect leader Ding Changhai has a low-grade spiritual treasure.

"Then I'll open your eyes!"

Lin Changsheng didn't want to rely on him to avoid getting hurt by the two people's tricks.

After all, the spells used by the people of the Demonic Sea are very strange.

If you don't pay attention, you will get hurt.

Some wounds cannot be healed.

After finishing his words, Lin Changsheng directly took out the high-grade Lingbao Blood-Drinking Crazy Sword.

As soon as the sword came out, with Lin Changsheng as the center, the entire area within a hundred feet was filled with an extremely thick bloody aura.


The black-faced priest's pupils widened when he saw the high-grade spiritual treasure in Lin Changsheng's hand.

They couldn't even obtain a low-grade spiritual treasure, but Lin Changsheng had already obtained a high-grade spiritual treasure?

How much luck does this kid have?


Without saying a word, Lin Changsheng swung out his sword with a bloody sword and slashed towards the black and white worshipers.

After feeling the power of the sword, the black-faced worshiper immediately ducked to avoid it.

However, the white-faced worshiper did not believe in evil and wanted to take Lin Changsheng's sword power head-on.


Under the violent roar, the magic weapon in Bai Mian's hand was directly cut off by Lin Changsheng's sword. The sword was as powerful as breaking bamboo, and it directly cut Bai Mian into two pieces, and fell into the sky on the spot.

"Second brother——"

The black-faced priest treated the white-faced priest and was killed by Lin Changsheng with one strike. His eyes were suddenly filled with bloodshot eyes.

Didn't expect Lin Changsheng's strength to be so terrifying?

Can you kill Nascent Soul with one sword and enshrine it?

At this moment, he finally knew that he was no match for Lin Changsheng. If he wanted to avenge his second brother, he could only have a chance by asking the sect leader to take action.

"Want to escape?"

The black-faced priest turned around and ran away in an instant, but was discovered by Lin Changsheng, who immediately released his Nascent Soul monk-level consciousness and suppressed him directly.

Let its movement speed be greatly reduced.

"How, how is it possible?"

At this moment, the black-faced worshiper was extremely shocked. Lin Changsheng not only had a high-grade spiritual treasure in his hand, but he also had the consciousness of a Yuanying great monk?

What is the origin of this guy? Are there any tricks that haven’t been used yet?


Just as the black-faced worshipper was suppressed by Lin Changsheng's Nascent Soul cultivator-level consciousness and was unable to move, several streams of light quickly broke through the sky in the distance.

The visitors were none other than Ding Changhai, the master of Yin Yang Palace, and the masters of the other two major sects.

"Zong, sect master, save me——"

The black-faced priest saw Ding Changhai's figure and immediately called for help.

I hope Ding Changhai can save himself.


However, before he could finish his words, Lin Changsheng dodged and pierced his heart with a knife, killing the black-faced worshiper instantly.

The black-faced worshipper may never have thought until his death that his arrogance cost him and the five golden elixir elders their lives.

If they find Lin Changsheng in front, they can transfer them to escape. Maybe Lin Changsheng won't even bother to chase them.

Arrogance always comes with a price.

This price is too high for black and white worshipers.


Two Nascent Souls flew out from the two bodies of the black and white worshipers.

Before he could escape Baizhang, Lin Changsheng used the Ten Thousand Souls Banner to include it.


After all the Nascent Souls enshrined in black and white were collected by Lin Changsheng into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, Ding Changhai and others arrived belatedly.

Ding Changhai believed that Lin Changsheng must have seen him.

He actually saw him and beheaded the worshipers of his Yin-Yang Palace. This obviously did not take his Yin-Yang Palace into consideration.

"I'm really sorry, Master Ding, you shouted too late!"

Lin Changsheng casually said a word, and then he went about himself and put the two major offerings and the bodies of the five golden elixir elders into the storage bag.

This scene almost made Ding Changhai spit out a mouthful of blood.

This kid simply didn't take him seriously.

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