The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 225 Zhao Fuhu’s opportunity, Su Changkong breaks through Haojue [Please subscribe! 】

"Lin Changsheng, you are too presumptuous. You can't even think of leaving alive today!"

Ding Changhai said angrily that Lin Changsheng was too arrogant and did not even take the heads of their three major sects seriously.

Even if Lin Changsheng killed Nie Buping, even if he was powerful, he might not be able to resist the three major sects joining forces, right?

Not only did he not have any fear at this moment, he didn't even have any intention of escaping.

"Lin Changsheng, did Sect Leader Nie die in your hands?"

A flash of extraordinary light flashed in Jiang Yuyan's beautiful eyes. If this man really killed Nie Buping, his talent would indeed be too astonishing, even greater than that of Ling Wuji and Jiang Yukun back then.

"It's okay to tell you. Not only did Nie Buping die in my hands, but Jiu Wushang also died in my hands! Do you want to avenge them?"

Lin Changsheng looked at Jiang Yuyan and said calmly.

Although Jiang Yuyan has lived for almost a thousand years, his appearance still retains his charm, which makes him look pleasing to the eye.

How much better than the green Fu Junyue beside her.

"That's nonsense. How could you kill them both by yourself? Tell Ling Yue and Su Changkong to stop hiding and come out!"

Fu Junyue looked in disbelief. How could Lin Changsheng, a young man in his early twenties, have the strength to kill the masters of two major sects?

It must be the combination of Su Changkong and Ling Yue to achieve this.

"Sect Master Fu, Sect Master Jiang, this son's cultivation is not simple, so don't be careless! Let's work together to kill him. We must not let this son leave the Poseidon Tower alive. Otherwise, if we let this son grow up in the future, he will definitely become our Demonic Sea The biggest obstacle to unifying the Southern Territory!"

Ding Changhai frowned and said.

He knew the strength of the two major worshipers, black and white, and even he could not guarantee that he would kill them both in a short period of time.

Lin Changsheng killed the two of them in a short time.

They all died before they arrived, which showed that Lin Changsheng's current strength was superior to his.

Now Lin Changsheng is only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, but he has such tyrannical strength.

If he waits for him to break through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, I am afraid that even if they join forces, they may not be able to kill him.

Therefore, Chang Lin must not be allowed to leave Poseidon Tower while living.

It must be killed here.


At the same time, many figures were speeding towards the sky again.

They were all attracted by the sound of fighting here.

Among the crowd were Ji Ruyan, Gao Ziyue, Yu Lingfei and others, as well as Li Jiantang, Zhuge Buping, Zhao Fuhu and others.

"Is this? Are they going to join forces to kill Brother Lin?"

Gao Ziyue couldn't help but feel worried when she saw Lin Changsheng trapped in the center by the three demonic forces.

Concubine Yu Ling also wrinkled her clothes anxiously, not knowing what to do.

Lin Changsheng's strength is indeed not simple, but he cannot be the opponent of the masters of the three major demon sects!

"If the sky is crazy, it will rain. When people are crazy, there will be disaster. You are doomed! Let's see how you get out alive this time!"

When Zhuge Buping saw Lin Changsheng being surrounded by various sects, he immediately felt a little gloating about his misfortune.

He was quite dissatisfied with Lin Changsheng.

When Lin Changsheng obtained the Eight Heaven and Earth Qi, he hoped that the sect could capture Lin Changsheng so that he could share one of the Heaven and Earth Qi with him and create a perfect foundation.

However, Lin Changsheng disappeared without a trace with the Eight Paths of Heaven and Earth Qi.

This made Zhuge Buping feel as if Lin Changsheng had taken away his heaven and earth energy, and he hated him in his heart.

Moreover, Lin Changsheng was disrespectful to his master Li Jiantang just now. If it weren't for his lack of strength, he would have wanted to kill Lin Changsheng himself.

Zhao Fuhu on the side felt even more happy when he saw such a scene.

Lin Changsheng was his big enemy and killed his eldest brother and master.

He wished he could tear Lin Changsheng into pieces.

Just now on the 10th floor, Lin Changsheng did not find Zhao Fuhu's figure. This was also because Zhao Fuhu had the opportunity to find a paradise in the cave heaven when he was on the sixth floor.

Among them are many thousand-year-old elixirs and spiritual stones, magic weapons, and immortal arts.

That's why he delayed his progress and separated from his master Li Jiantang.

With such a treasure, Zhao Fuhu felt that he was not far away from breaking through to the late stage of Jindan.

It won't take many years before you can step into Yuanying.

Once he steps into the Nascent Soul, it is not impossible to fight against the strong men in the middle Nascent Soul with his different thunder spiritual roots.

"Lin Changsheng, I hope you don't die! When the time comes, I will kill you with my own hands!"

Zhao Fuhu stared at Lin Changsheng with evil eyes, his fists in his hands were clenched together, and thunder and lightning flashed on them.

Just as the tension on the 11th floor was about to rise.

The 9th floor of space, in a cliff cave.


An extremely powerful aura of mana suddenly spread out, directly shattering all the surrounding rocks.

Even the entire mountain collapsed.


I saw a figure flying out of the dust on the mountain, golden light flashing all over the body, and runes swimming around.

"God help me, I finally broke through Haojue and was promoted to Nascent Soul Great Monk! Hahahaha——"

Su Changkong was very excited. He had been waiting for this day for hundreds of years.

I originally wanted to kill Lin Changsheng and seize his fortune to be promoted to Nascent Soul Great Monk.

Unexpectedly, by accident, he found an opportunity to break through in the Poseidon Tower.

Not only did he obtain the Blood Bodhisattva Spirit Fruit, he also found a fairyland in a cave in the ninth level of space, where one day of practice can be as good as a hundred days outside.

After just ten days of hard training, and with the help of the Blood Bodhisattva Spirit Fruit, I finally broke through Hao Jue.

"The Southern Territory, the Demonic Sea, and the Northern Immortal Territory must all surrender under my feet!"

Su Changkong murmured.

With enough strength, his ambitions have become bigger and bigger.

It is no longer the Southern Immortal Cultivation World that I want to step on.

But the entire Immortal Heritage Land.

After the words fell, Su Changkong turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the 10th floor.

Not long after Su Changkong left this place, Ling Yue, Taoist Lieyang, Zhao Cheng, and Wang Zhonglou arrived here.

Not long after entering the Poseidon Tower, the four southern sects gathered together.

"Su Changkong broke through Haojue and was promoted to Nascent Soul Great Monk?"

Wang Zhonglou was a little surprised. Those who came later did not get any chance at all.

Only the first batch of people who entered the Poseidon Tower gained a lot of blessings.

Among them, Su Changkong was among the first to enter.

"Su Changkong breaks through the Nascent Soul Great Monk. This may be a disaster for the Southern Territory!"

Taoist Lieyang couldn't help but sigh.

They all now knew what Su Changkong had done in the past, and he would not hesitate to kill his fellow disciples just for a ray of heaven and earth energy.

And now that he has been promoted to Nascent Soul Great Monk, his ambitions will probably be even greater.

This will only bring disaster to the Southern Territory.

"Now that things have come to this, only Su Changkong can remember his old love. Otherwise, the Southern Territory may really be a scene of devastation."

Zhao Cheng couldn't help but worry.

Then the four of them also rushed to the upper space.

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