The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 234 The Four Directions Ghost Seal, the Heaven-Slaying Ghost Ancestor [Please order]

Lin Changsheng had no extra time for the Heavenly Ghost Ancestor to think, so he summoned the top king corpse with a wave of his hand.


As soon as the top king corpse came out, under the control of Lin Changsheng, he immediately punched towards the black-robed old man.

"How is this possible for a corpse puppet at the level of a Nascent Soul monk?"

The Heavenly Ghost Patriarch was shocked when he saw the top king corpse appear.

Although he is not from the Corpse King Sect, he also knows how difficult it is to refine the top-level Corpse King.

Monks generally can only refine corpse puppets that match their own strength.

This guy is only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, how can he refine a corpse puppet at the level of a Nascent Soul cultivator?

"Get away!"

There was not much time for the black-robed old man to think. The king's corpse was already in front of him, and the Heavenly Ghost Ancestor had no choice but to respond with a slap.

However, this king's corpse has rough skin and thick flesh, and ordinary attacks cannot hurt him at all.

After a collision, the two parties were evenly matched.

The king's corpse continued to kill as if it was tireless.

This forced the Heavenly Ghost Patriarch to parry one after another, giving Lin Changsheng an opportunity.

He ducked behind the Heavenly Ghost Ancestor, slashed out with his sword, and struck the vital part of the Heavenly Ghost Ancestor's neck.

The Heavenly Ghost Ancestor suddenly sensed the approaching crisis and did not dare to be too big, so he immediately sacrificed the four-sided ghost seal of the Lingbao.

This treasure is the most precious treasure of the Heavenly Ghost Sect. It was made by refining hundreds of Yuanying monks, thousands of golden elixirs, and tens of thousands of Foundation-building monks. Its power cannot be underestimated.

You can use the power of the soul to attack and defend.


The Heavenly Ghost Ancestor shouted loudly, and endless souls erupted from the ghost seals in all directions, directly covering the Heavenly Ghost Ancestor.


Lin Changsheng's sword slashed at the soul, but it only made ripples and failed to injure it at all.

"Boy, I really underestimated you. If you can force me to use the Spiritual Treasure, your death will not be unjust. When I kill you, I will refine your Nascent Soul into the Four Directions Ghost Seal, so that you can live forever and never be reincarnated!"

The old man Tiangui said with fire in his eyes.

He wants to seize Lin Changsheng's body, but the Nascent Soul is useless. He can refine it into the four ghost seals to enhance the power of this spiritual treasure.

"Mid-grade spiritual treasure?"

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised. He thought that the weapons of everyone in Tiangui Sect were Ten Thousand Soul Banners.

Unexpectedly, the level of the Four Directions Ghost Seal in this person's hand was much higher than that of the Ten Thousand Soul Banner.

"You still have some sharp eyesight, so you should die!"

The Heavenly Ghost Ancestor no longer talked nonsense with Lin Changsheng, and poured mana into the ghost seals in all directions. Endless souls instantly surged out of the ghost seals in all directions, roaring and killing Lin Changsheng crazily.

At the same time, the ghost seals in all directions rose up in the wind, turned into mountains a hundred feet long, and suppressed Lin Changsheng.

"You give such a big gift as soon as we meet, I'll accept it with a smile!"

Seeing thousands of souls rushing towards him, Lin Changsheng calmly took out the Ten Thousand Souls Flag with his hand and put all of them directly into it.


This made Patriarch Tiangui confused.

Not only can this kid refine corpses, but he also has the Ten Thousand Souls Banner of their Heavenly Ghost Sect?

What kind of monster is this kid?

After Lin Changsheng collected thousands of souls into the Ten Thousand Soul Banner, he used the technique to sweep hundreds of feet across the world, directly avoiding the suppression of the ghost seals from all directions.

"What else can you do now?"

Lin Changsheng quickly approached the Heavenly Ghost Ancestor and spread out his spiritual thoughts that surpassed the level of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

The suppressed Heavenly Ghost Ancestor took root under his feet, feeling that his magic power was somewhat suppressed.

"Divine consciousness in the transformation stage? This, how is this possible?"

The shocking thing Tiangui Patriarch encountered today was far beyond anything he had encountered in a thousand years.

A monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul actually has spiritual consciousness far beyond this level?

"Can it be said that you have condensed the twin souls?"

Ancestor Tiangui said in surprise.

Apart from the dual soul being able to have a consciousness beyond its own body, he could not imagine any other possibility.

However, Lin Changsheng did not want to answer the question of Patriarch Tiangui.

Before the opponent could take back the four-sided ghost seal, he slashed out again.

At this moment, the ancestor of Tiangui felt vaguely that he was unable to kill Lin Changsheng, and he had the intention of retreating.

After all, Lin Changsheng gave him too much shock.

However, the two sides fought fiercely, and after trying to escape, they lost their will and their strength plummeted.

In an instant, the situation turned around, and the Heavenly Ghost Ancestor was pressed down and beaten by Lin Changsheng.

Although he failed to kill him, the Heavenly Ghost Ancestor had no intention of fighting anymore.

"Boy, you're lucky!"

Ancestor Tiangui said a word and immediately planned to run away.

This time, I underestimated Lin Changsheng and suffered a loss due to my carelessness.

He also asked the other party to take away the souls in the ghost seals in all directions.

The power of the ghost seals in all directions was greatly reduced.

"I'm lucky, but you're not so lucky!"

Lin Changsheng had no intention of letting go of the Heavenly Ghost Ancestor.

He immediately controlled the corpse puppet to block the path of the Heavenly Ghost Ancestor.

Under the constant attack of one person and one corpse, the ancestor of Tiangui's mana was continuously consumed, and he gradually entered a weak state.

"Heavenly ghost disintegrates Dafa!"

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, the Heavenly Ghost Ancestor immediately used a secret method.

Although after using this secret method, you will enter a period of weakness for one year, and even your realm will drop.

But it's better than death.

But Lin Changsheng would not give him this chance.


Before the Heavenly Ghost Ancestor's secret technique was finished, a sword struck his waist, splitting him into two instantly. Red blood fell from the sky and sprinkled into the sea, dyeing a large area of ​​the sea red.

Chi chi chi——

The blood concentration of the Nascent Soul Great Monk was extremely strong, and a strong 'chichi' sound could be heard scattered across the sea.

The Heavenly Ghost Ancestor never thought that he would die in the hands of Lin Changsheng.

A young man in his early twenties actually had the strength to kill the Nascent Soul cultivator.

"I'm not willing to give in—"


Before the Heavenly Ghost Patriarch finished speaking, he had already expired. In the next moment, a golden Nascent Soul flew out from between his eyebrows.

Lin Changsheng immediately waved the Ten Thousand Souls Flag and included it.

This is the Nascent Soul of the Nascent Soul Master!

Use it to explode the Demon God's Wrath of Heaven, and its power will definitely be extraordinary.

"Jiu Wushang, your ancestor is here to see you!"

Lin Changsheng shouted to the Ten Thousand Souls Flag.

Within Ten Thousand Souls, many souls are swaying like puppets, wandering blindly and aimlessly.

When Jiu Wushang heard this, he was greatly shocked.

The next moment, golden light fell into the Ten Thousand Souls Flag, and an old man in black robe appeared.

"Old, ancestor, how could you-"

Jiu Wushang's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Originally, he expected his ancestor to avenge him.

But how long has it been?

Unexpectedly, even the ancestor fell into the hands of Lin Changsheng.

"How, is it possible? How could Lin Changsheng have the strength to kill the great monk of Nascent Soul?"

Luo Hao was shocked.

Their ancestor of the Tiangui Sect is a great monk of Nascent Soul! They were all killed by Lin Changsheng?

So, Lin Changsheng has become a great monk of Nascent Soul? Is he even a strong man who surpasses the Yuanying Great Monk?

Otherwise, how could he have the strength to kill their Heavenly Ghost Sect ancestor?

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