The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 235 Divine Master Tianyin breaks through and changes in Beimu [Please subscribe! 】

In the world of immortal cultivation in the southern region, there is the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect.

In a quiet valley, Ling Yue, dressed in white, looked towards the Demonic Sea, her eyes full of worry.

She naturally hopes that Lin Changsheng can return safe and sound.

But whether he can escape from Su Changkong, the Nascent Soul monk, is unknown.

After all, the Yuanying Great Monk is much more tyrannical than the Yuanying Middle Stage.

"Lin Changsheng, you must survive!"

Ling Yue couldn't help but secretly thought, if Lin Changsheng died, it would be the misfortune of the entire Southern Territory.

The next moment, Concubine Yu Ling walked in quickly.

"Master, all the instructions for the sect have been completed! If Su Changkong comes, he can evacuate all the disciples as soon as possible!"

Concubine Yu Ling said.

They can't compete with Su Changkong, the great monk of Nascent Soul now.

Su Changkong has great ambitions. Now that he has broken through to become a Nascent Soul cultivator, he will definitely want to unify the immortal cultivation world in the Southern Region in the future.

If you follow him, you will prosper; if you go against him, you will perish.

So Ling Yue had already made preparations in advance.

"Fei'er, thank you for your hard work!"

Ling Yue said without looking back, worry evident in her eyes.

"Master, are you worried about Lin Changsheng?"

Concubine Yu Ling couldn't help but wonder, could it be that her master also

But this is normal. Lin Changsheng is a genius that has been rare to see in the immortal cultivation world in the Southern Region for hundreds or even thousands of years.

He has already broken through the Nascent Soul at a young age, and his future achievements will be simply limitless.

Beauty loves heroes, and her master must be no exception.

Ling Yue did not deny it and nodded, "Lin Changsheng is the hope of our Southern Region's immortal world. If he falls, our Southern Region may -"

In the end, Ling Yue was unwilling to say any more.

Although Ling Yue also got a lot of opportunities in the Poseidon Tower, she was still far away from breaking through Hao Jue.

After all, she is not a Nascent Soul who has been promoted through perfect foundation building, so it is not easy to break through.

But Su Changkong was different. He had absorbed the energy of heaven and earth to form a perfect foundation.

That's why his breakthrough to Haojue was so smooth.

"Master, don't worry! Lin Changsheng is not stupid, he will definitely survive!"

Concubine Yu Ling comforted her.

Although Concubine Yu Ling didn't know much about Lin Changsheng, this guy would never do anything he wasn't sure about, especially to die.

Presumably he has his own plans.

"Well!" Ling Yue also believed that Lin Changsheng could survive, and then she stopped thinking about it, "Fei'er, you are also in the middle stage of the Golden Core. It's time to teach you the superior swordsmanship of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect. You come with me!"

"It's master!"

Concubine Yu Ling said respectfully, and then followed Ling Yue into a secret room.

Beimu Xianyu.


As a powerful breath of mana spread out, the color of the world changed.

Tianji Tower.

This place is the residence of Taoist Tianji. After feeling the powerful fluctuations of mana, Taoist Tianji came to the door and looked at the place where Tianyin was in the distance.

"He actually broke through the Nascent Soul Great Monk?"

Taoist Tianji was surprised.

It seems that Master Biyi is partial to him! Otherwise, how could Tianyin be promoted to Nascent Soul Great Monk so quickly?

"Master, now we are in trouble. Tian Yin has broken through Haojue and become a Nascent Soul monk. I believe the Immortal Emperor will appoint one of his other seven grandchildren as the heir to the throne."

Behind Taoist Tianji, the young master looked worried.

It seems impossible that the throne will fall on him.

"There is no need to be anxious. A gentleman is standing between heaven and earth. Even if the times are against the times, he should bend down and wait for the right time. But now it is just that he has broken through the Nascent Soul Great Monk. That's fine. If he shoots the first bird, you and I will be better in the future. It saves you a lot of trouble!”

Taoist Tianji is very thoughtful.

Although Tianyin broke through the Nascent Soul cultivator and overwhelmed them.

But so what?

If the sky falls, the tall people will hold it up, and they will have nothing to do with it in the future.

And it is estimated that many people from their faction will join the team again.

Maybe more than half of them will defect to Tianyin. This is a good time to see how many traitors they have here.

"This is what the master taught! The disciple has learned the lesson."

The young master said respectfully.

Yunyin Tower.

Tianyin was sitting cross-legged on a lotus stone platform. The magic power in his body was as thick as the sea, and it was constantly surging layer by layer.

It took a while to slowly stabilize.

"Is this the great monk of Yuanying? His magic power is more than five times more powerful than that of the mid-stage Yuanying!"

Tianyin opened his eyes, feeling quite happy.

Had it not been for the help of Lord Biyi this time, it would not have been easy for him to break through the Yuanying Great Monk.

However, Master Biyi also had a condition, which was to help him capture Lin Changsheng and seize his body for him.

"The March deadline is coming soon, Lin Changsheng should be coming soon!"

The corners of Master Tianyin's mouth slightly raised. He had the cultivation level of Yuanying Great Monk, coupled with the help of the great formation provided by Master Biyi.

Lin Changsheng's arrival will definitely lead to death and no life.

Demonic sea.

"Ah sneeze——"

Lin Changsheng suddenly sneezed, "Who is thinking about me?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Changsheng rubbed his nose and continued on his way.

The place Lin Changsheng rushed to was not the Poseidon Tower, but the Beimu Immortal Domain.

Originally, Lin Changsheng planned to fight with Su Changkong.

However, Lin Changsheng released his spiritual consciousness and discovered that Su Changkong was no longer in the Demonic Sea.

It would be a waste of time to go find him yourself.

Moreover, the three-month deadline is coming soon, and they have to rush to Beimu Xianyu to rescue Yu Wenjing.

As for the Poseidon Tower, Lin Changsheng does not plan to acquire it now.

After all, this is something uncertain. Who knows if the old ghost in the map is deceiving him?

And only those who have suddenly understood the Demonic Storm Formation can obtain the Poseidon Tower.

Therefore, Lin Changsheng is not worried about Poseidon Tower being acquired by others.

What's more, even if Lin Changsheng obtains the Poseidon Tower now, he won't be able to use it.

Just like the Taixu Temple.

My own magic power cannot drive such a treasure at all.

Therefore, Lin Changsheng was not in a hurry.

"This trip to Moshahai has really made a lot of money!"

Lin Changsheng was so happy that he originally went to the Demon Sea just to obtain the magic of attracting all ghosts and the magic method to save Yun Chan.

In the end, I didn't expect to encounter the opening of Poseidon Tower.

Lin Changsheng was one of the first people to enter, and he got many opportunities.

He also beheaded Jiu Wushang, Nie Buping, Heavenly Ghost Ancestor and other powerful men.

Lin Changsheng inspected the storage bags in the hands of these people, and found out a lot.

Lin Changsheng checked Nie Buping's storage bag in the Poseidon Tower space.

Lin Changsheng had just opened the storage bags belonging to Ji Wushang and the Heavenly Ghost Ancestor.

In the storage bags of these two people, in addition to more than 200,000 spiritual stones and many elixirs of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, there are also eight secret books.

Among them, there are three things that Lin Changsheng can like.

One book is the Art of Devouring Gods by Heavenly Ghosts, one is the Dafa of Disintegration of Heavenly Ghosts, and one is the Mahamudra of Heavenly Ghosts.

Lin Changsheng has seen Jiu Wushang use it twice, and it can significantly improve a monk's cultivation level in a short period of time.

Although it will consume life span, it will also enter a certain degree of weakness after use.

But at critical times, it can definitely save your life.

Not to mention the Heavenly Ghost Disintegration Technique, which can disintegrate the physical body and escape.

It is definitely a magical escape skill.

The Heavenly Ghost Mahamudra can be fused with the Thousand Corpse Mahamudra to make it even more powerful.

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