As there was nothing wrong along the way, Lin Changsheng planned to perfect these three methods.

It can also enhance one's own strength to some extent.

[Introduction to the Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Technique! 】

[Introduction to the Dafa of Disintegration of Heavenly Ghosts! 】

【Introduction to Heavenly Ghost Mahamudra! 】

An hour later, all three secret techniques were introduced.

[The Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 5,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[The Heavenly Ghost Disintegration Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 5,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[The Heavenly Ghost Mahamudra has been detected. Do you want to spend 5,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

The next moment, a simplified prompt popped up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively agreed on everything.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Heavenly Ghost and God-Devouring Technique begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Heavenly Ghost and God-Devouring Technique == ghost-drawing! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the method of disintegration of ghosts begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The method of disintegration of ghosts == fighting ghosts! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Heavenly Ghost Mahamudra begins. The simplification is completed in the simplification. The Heavenly Ghost Mahamudra == shooting ghosts! 】

"Smoke ghosts? Beat ghosts? Shoot ghosts?"

Seeing these three simplifications, Lin Changsheng almost laughed out loud. The souls in the space of the Ten Thousand Soul Flags would have something to play with.

"Who will come out to play with me?"

Lin Changsheng shouted to the space of Ten Thousand Soul Flags.

Qi Hui was so frightened that he immediately fell to the ground and covered his head, fearing that he would be summoned out by Lin Changsheng and tortured.

Not to be outdone, Xuanting Lu Yunchang and others immediately fell to the ground with a panicked posture.

This shocked Jiu Wushang and Nie Buping, who had just entered the Ten Thousand Soul Banner space.

"This is what you are doing?"

Nie Buping was greatly puzzled. Why were these people so afraid of becoming like this when Lin Changsheng spoke?

"No one said anything, so I'll draw lots!"

After saying that, Lin Changsheng casually summoned two people from the Ten Thousand Soul Flags space.

Just right for beating and smoking at the same time.

By coincidence, Lin Changsheng happened to choose the father and son Nie Buping and Nie Xiangyuan.

"You bitch, you have to die!"

"Little beast, you won't be able to bounce around for much longer. I want to see how you die!"

As soon as the two came out, they cursed Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng was already used to it. Who would not scold him angrily after he had just taken him into the space of the Ten Thousand Soul Flags?

But it didn't take long for them to become well-behaved.

"Keep scolding, and you won't have a chance later!"

Lin Changsheng sneered, and then sucked the two of them directly into his palms, making it impossible for them to escape, and then hit and pumped them at the same time.

The two of them were beaten and wailed again and again.

The experience value of the Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Technique is +1!

+1 experience value for the method of disintegration of heavenly ghosts!

Heavenly Ghost Mahamudra experience value +1!

As Lin Changsheng continued to beat him violently, the experience value of the three major magic arts continued to increase sharply.

Nie Buping wanted to escape, but found that he couldn't help himself and was completely controlled by Lin Changsheng.

This is the fate of being included in the Ten Thousand Souls Banner. As long as Lin Changsheng does not die, they will never be able to escape from the Ten Thousand Souls Banner and escape Lin Changsheng's control.

Even if his soul is beaten to pieces by Lin Changsheng, he will gather himself again.

Lin Changsheng would not be merciful to the two of them, and he would beat them very hard.

After a while, Nie Xiangyuan was beaten to a pulp, and finally his soul was shattered by Lin Changsheng's slap.

Fortunately, it condensed again after a while.

"Rail, spare your life, Brother Lin, Uncle Lin, please spare me! I am blind, I look down on others, I should never scold you, I should never -"

"Yuan'er, you have to have some backbone as a human being. At worst, you may die. Can you just beg him to let you go?"

Before Nie Xiangyuan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Nie Buping.

How could this bitch let them go?

However, what Nie Buping didn't expect was that Lin Changsheng directly threw Nie Xiangyuan back to the Ten Thousand Soul Banner space, and casually grabbed one out again.

This confused Nie Buping. Is begging for mercy really useful? If I had known, I would have begged for mercy!

The one who was caught this time was Jiu Wushang.

"Little beast, if you can, let me go and fight again after I gain my rebirth. What are you doing?"

Jiu Wushang was not convinced.

However, just as Jiu Wushang finished speaking, he was slapped away by Lin Changsheng.

"Let you go? Are you afraid you haven't woken up yet?"

Lin Changsheng gave the two of them a heavy beating, which made them wail repeatedly.

However, the experience value of the three major magic arts continues to increase dramatically.

Lin Changsheng felt a little bored just fighting with the two of them, so he summoned Yun Chan.

It just so happens that he can watch women dancing and increase the experience value of the Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortals Formation.

"Master, what are your orders?"

As soon as Yun Chan came out, she treated Lin Changsheng with great respect.

It was as if Lin Changsheng was her heaven.

"Chan'er, can you dance?"

Lin Changsheng looked at Yun Chan's perfect figure and thought that dancing must be good. Watching beautiful women dance would definitely be a great enjoyment.

"I studied it when I was young, but I don't know if I can catch the eye of my master!"

Yun Chan said a little shyly.

"Just let go and dance, I won't mind it!"

What Lin Changsheng wanted was just to gain experience points from the Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortals Formation. Whether it looked good or not was secondary.

However, Yunchan's jump made Lin Changsheng's eyes go straight. The twist of her small waist was so charming, but she couldn't jump?

Not being able to dance took away Lin Changsheng's soul.

The experience value of the Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortals Formation is +1!

The experience value of the Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortals Formation is +1!

The next moment, the experience value of the Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortal Formation is constantly increasing.

So just like that, Lin Changsheng was fighting ghosts to improve his proficiency in the three major arts, while watching Yun Chan dance to improve his proficiency in the Ten Thousand Gods' Immortal Killing Formation.

Rushing all the way towards the Beimu Immortal Clan.

Demon Sea, a hidden island cave.

The heads of the three major sects and their elders and disciples all gathered here.

They couldn't go back to the sect directly, otherwise they would definitely be shocked and killed by Su Changkong.

The top priority now is that someone must break through the Yuanying Great Monk in order to fight against Su Changkong.

Otherwise, if you encounter it, you will only die.

"I am about to break through Haojue. If you are willing to give me the opportunity to help me break through, our demonic path will not be afraid of Su Changkong, and we can even launch a counterattack against the immortal world in the southern region."

Jiang Yuyan looked at the people in front of him and said.

In fact, the Heavenly Demon Sect originally had a large Yuan Ying great monk ancestor sitting in charge.

It is not easy for Su Changkong to deal with the Tianmomen.

It's just that the ancestor is old and can't easily fight anymore, so he can only sit and guard the sect.

Jiang Yuyan said this because she wanted Ding Changhai and Fu Junyue to use the opportunities they obtained in the Poseidon Tower to help her break through Haojue.

In this way, their Tianmo Sect will have two great Nascent Soul cultivators, who will not only be able to unify the Demonic Sea, but also conquer the entire Southern Immortal Cultivation World.

Upon hearing this, Ding Changhai and Fu Junyue suddenly fell silent.

Saying no, it seems that they are too selfish and do not care about the safety of the entire Demonic Sea.

After all, this was an opportunity they risked their lives to get from the Poseidon Tower.

You don’t even have time to enjoy it yourself, so you want to give it to others?

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