Seeing that the formation could not be undone, Lin Changsheng could only try to break it and began to look at the formation.

As a great formation, there will definitely be flaws and ways out. There can be no perfect formation that is perfect.

At least not in this immortal land.

"This formation is really overbearing. As time goes by, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger?"

A quarter of an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Changsheng still had not found a way to break this formation.

On the contrary, I feel that the huge pressure on my body is getting stronger. From the initial 10,000 jins, it has spread to 30,000 jins.

The huge pressure required him to continuously consume his own mana to contend.

If he continues to consume like this, Lin Changsheng will not feel that for three hours, even if the formation does not trap and kill him, his mana will be exhausted.

When the time comes, there will be no way to fight back against Tianyin.


All the buildings in the formation collapsed under the huge pressure, and countless people from the Beimu Immortal Clan died.


While Lin Changsheng was looking for a solution, some of the weak monks had been squeezed by the formation and died, turning into a pool of blood.

After the death of the qi-training monk, it was the turn of the foundation-building monk soon.

Everyone gritted their teeth and persisted, hoping that the battle would end soon.

However, they were suppressed by the formation and died before the energy of the formation was exhausted.

Half an hour later, even those who had reached the peak level of Foundation Establishment were all dead.

At this moment, the pressure was on the Golden elixir monk.

Although Lin Changsheng is a Nascent Soul cultivator, if this trend continues, he may not be able to hold on for two hours, let alone three hours.

"You must realize this formation before you fall, otherwise you will be in trouble!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, then stopped being distracted and continued to study this formation.

"Lin Changsheng, please stop struggling. After you die, Lord Bixi will take good care of your body so that your talents will not be buried!"

Divine Master Tianyin saw that all the monks in the foundation building period were dead, and the smile on his lips suddenly became wider. If things continue like this, Lin Changsheng will fall in less than two hours.

As for Tianyin, he could not be affected by the formation as long as he stayed in Yunyin Tower. If he went out, he would still be suppressed by the formation.

Tian Yin completed the task for Lord Biyi, so Lord Biyi will definitely not treat him badly.

When the time comes to enter the Immortal Burial Realm, you will achieve higher achievements.

"Don't be too happy too early!"

Lin Changsheng dropped a word and then remained silent, continuing to study the formation to avoid being affected by Tian Yin's words.

"I want to see how you break the formation?"

Seeing that Lin Changsheng had no intention of giving up, Tianyin couldn't help but say coldly.

This formation is difficult for even a powerful person to break. What ability does he have in the middle stage of Nascent Soul?

"Lord Tianyin, save me——"

Outside Yunyin Tower, the Jindan monks who followed Master Tianyin began to be unable to withstand the power of the formation and began to fall one after another.

Seeing his own death, Tianyin remained unmoved.

Another half hour passed, and all the Jindan monks were dead, and strong pressure came to the Yuanying monks.

"Tian Yin, I order you to cancel the formation!"

Immortal Emperor Beimu felt a huge sense of crisis approaching.

As a middle-stage Nascent Soul, he didn't want to die in such an unclear way.

"Your Majesty, this is what Lord Biyi wants. How can I dare to disobey him?"

Tian Yin said calmly, not taking the life of Beimu Immortal Emperor in his eyes at all.


Immortal Emperor Beimu almost spat out a mouthful of blood in anger.

However, they did not dare to violate Lord Biyi's wishes.

Otherwise, the entire Beimu Immortal Clan will suffer.

[Introduction to Tianyi Tortoise Shell Array! 】

Seeing that the powerful pressure could threaten the life of the Nascent Soul cultivator, Lin Changsheng finally saw a prompt pop up on the panel.

A stream of information about this formation rushed into Lin Changsheng's mind.

Although it was just an introduction, it also gave Lin Changsheng a better understanding of the formation.

"This formation uses the power of the divine turtle to overwhelm the world. Once trapped in the formation, it will be suppressed endlessly until the immortal crystal is exhausted!"

"Immortal crystal? Does Tianyin have an immortal crystal in his hand?"

Lin Changsheng was a little stunned. How could Tian Yin have the Immortal Crystal in his hand?

The only possibility is that the other party used spiritual stones to replace fairy crystals to activate this formation.

But how can spiritual stones compare with fairy crystals? Therefore, the rate of increase of this array is slower.

If it is triggered by the Immortal Crystal, it can kill the Nascent Soul cultivator in one minute.

"Using the spirit stone as the formation plate, as long as the spirit stone is destroyed, the formation can be broken. The place where the spirit stone is contained is most likely in Yunyin Tower!"

Lin Changsheng thought secretly.

As long as Yunyin Tower is destroyed, this formation can be broken.

Lin Changsheng was imprisoned and unable to move, but he could use his spiritual consciousness to control the spiritual treasure.

"Break it for me!"

The blood-colored sword light swung down, and a hundred-foot-long sword light was seen swiftly killing Yunyin Tower.


Lin Changsheng originally thought that Yunyin Tower could be destroyed with one strike.

However, when the sword light was killing Yunyin Tower, a layer of formation obstacles appeared outside the pavilion, and the sword light was blocked.

"Xiaobai, space teleportation, let me enter Yunyin Tower!"

Lin Changsheng used his spiritual thoughts to communicate with Xiaobai.

Xiaobai also knew that the situation was critical at this moment, and the next moment a ball of brilliance enveloped Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had entered Yunyin Tower, and the strong pressure on his body disappeared instantly.

"It seems that my guess is correct!"

After entering Yunyin Tower, Lin Changsheng became more sure of his guess.

At this moment, he was not in a hurry to destroy the formation. Anyway, the people being suppressed in the formation were all members of his Beimu Immortal Clan.

Even Beimu Immortal Emperor was among them.

Their death was the best thing for Lin Changsheng, lest he kill them again.

It would be best to break this formation after everyone in the formation has fallen.

"Song, the secret method of space teleportation? You, how did you do it?"

Tian Yin's eyes widened when he saw Lin Changsheng suddenly teleported into Yunyin Tower.

Is this the secret method of space teleportation? How did Lin Changsheng do this?

In the entire Immortal Heritage Land, no one has ever had such powerful magical powers!

Could it be that there are strong men from the Immortal Burial Domain beside Lin Changsheng to help him?

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why Lin Changsheng knew the secrets of space.

"Want to learn? Kneel down and worship me as your teacher. I might as well teach you!"

Lin Changsheng mocked Tian Yin.

He knew that Tian Yin was arrogant and would never kneel down to him.

"How brave! Die!"

Tian Yin was furious. He originally thought that Lin Changsheng was going to be killed in the formation, but he didn't expect that he would be teleported into Yunyin Tower, allowing him to avoid disaster.

Seeing that the large formation was unable to kill Lin Changsheng, the only way was to fight to the death.

After shouting angrily, Tian Yin waved the spear spirit treasure in his hand and killed Lin Changsheng again.

"Come and fight!"

Seeing Tian Yin approaching with a spear, Lin Changsheng was not afraid at all. He held a high-grade spiritual treasure and fought with Tian Yin again.

As the two of them fought, the entire Yunyin Tower was instantly destroyed, and countless formation secrets and elixirs were destroyed in the fight.

Lin Changsheng originally thought that the formation would collapse if Yunyin Tower was destroyed.

However, after the entire Yunyin Tower was razed to the ground, the formation still did not disappear.

On the contrary, after the Yunyin Tower was destroyed, Lin Changsheng and Tianyin were once again enveloped by the powerful pressure in the formation.

"Could it be said that the spirit stone array is not in Yunyin Tower, but at the bottom of the feet?"

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised and almost went too far, but fortunately everything was still under control.

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