The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 245: Hidden in the dangerous situation, fighting against the strong men of the Beimu Immorta

At this moment, Tian Yin was standing opposite Lin Changsheng, also imprisoned by the formation, unable to move.

He could only stare at Lin Changsheng with his old eyes.

However, in comparison, Tianyin still has a certain advantage.

After all, he is a powerful person in the late Nascent Soul stage, and his magic power is more than five times stronger than Lin Changsheng.

Even if Lin Changsheng was suppressed and died, he could still hold on for a while.

"Little beast, let me see if you have any other way to break the formation this time?"

Tianyin mocked Lin Changsheng.

"I don't even bother to mention this big formation like yours. Isn't the formation plate just under your feet?"

Lin Changsheng looked at Tianyin and said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, a hint of astonishment flashed in Tianyin's eyes.

Although it flashed by, it was captured by Lin Changsheng, which made Lin Changsheng even more convinced that the formation plate was at the sole of his feet.

"So what if you guessed it right? Can you still destroy it?"

Tian Yin did not believe that Lin Changsheng had the ability to destroy the formation.

After all, he is now suppressed by the formation and unable to move.

Lin Changsheng didn't say much, he just used his spiritual consciousness to control the spirit treasure, and struck the ground under his feet with one knife.


The power of the high-grade spiritual treasure is extremely powerful.

A huge crack a hundred feet long was cut directly into the ground.

The next moment, very strong spiritual energy shot up into the sky.

The array composed of one hundred thousand spiritual stones can be compared to an underground spiritual vein.



Lin Changsheng also wanted to control the Lingbao to destroy the array, but the attack was blocked by Tian Yin who also controlled the Lingbao.

"If you want to destroy the formation, you have to ask me if I will answer!"

Tian Yin glared at Lin Changsheng. This boy was indeed a formation genius. He was able to find a way to break the formation so quickly. If he was allowed to break the formation, Tian Yin felt that he would be even less sure of killing Lin Changsheng.

Therefore, he must not be allowed to destroy this formation.

"Can you stop me from destroying the formation?"

Lin Changsheng then controlled Lingbao to fight Tianyin, and directly summoned one hundred thousand sky-devouring insects with his wave of his hand.

Sky-swallowing insects can even swallow iron mountains and magic weapons, let alone these spiritual stones.

As long as the spirit stone formation plate is destroyed, the formation can be broken.

Hua Hua Hua——

Countless sky-devouring insects surged out, just like locusts passing through, swallowing up all the rocks and soil wherever they passed.

Although the power of the great formation also has a huge impact on the sky-devouring insects, there are still sky-devouring insects that are suppressed and die.

But they couldn't resist the huge number of these sky-devouring insects.

When the first group dies, the next group will make up for it.

Spiritual stones are constantly being devoured by sky-devouring insects.


Tianyin's pupils opened wide when he saw this, and he shouted angrily and wanted to fight Lin Changsheng desperately.

However, at this moment, their bodies were suppressed and they could only use their spiritual consciousness to control the attacks of the spiritual treasures.

Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness is much more powerful than Tian Yin. No matter how angry he is, there is nothing he can do against Lin Changsheng.

Even accidentally, Lin Changsheng's sword slashed his abdomen, leaving a deep visible bone wound, and the blood dyed his clothes red.


As the underground spirit stones continued to be devoured by the sky-devouring insects, the entire formation began to shake, vibrating and making violent roars.

It was as if the mountain was about to collapse.

"Evolved by swallowing spiritual stones?"

Lin Changsheng was quite surprised when he saw that the sky-devouring insects that were constantly devouring spiritual stones had grown in size, and their strength had surpassed that of foundation building and had been promoted to golden elixir.

If he could grow by swallowing spiritual stones, then what Lin Changsheng would not lack most would be spiritual stones.

Maybe the Sky Swallowing Insect Wan can evolve to the Nascent Soul level.


Under Lin Changsheng's angry sword slash, the entire formation collapsed instantly.

All the huge pressure around him disappeared without a trace.

Tianyin in front of him was also knocked out and fell a hundred feet away. A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and he was obviously seriously injured.

"No, it's impossible. You are only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Why do you have such tyrannical strength?"

Tian Yin could not understand that he was a great monk of Nascent Soul, but he would be defeated by Lin Changsheng.

Moreover, he even used a large formation, but he was unable to do anything to this beast like Lin Changsheng.

"That's because you are old. Tell me where Yu Wenjing is? I will let you die quickly!"

Lin Changsheng walked towards Tianyin step by step.

At this moment, the entire area covered by the formation has been reduced to ruins.

The battle between the two affected an extremely wide area. Except for the strong men in the Nascent Soul stage who were not killed by the formation, hundreds of thousands of other people had been affected and died.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

After hearing Lin Changsheng's words, Tianyin not only showed no fear, but also laughed loudly.

"If you want to kill me, you have to see if you have the ability. You will never see Yu Wenjing again in this life, because she is already dead!"

After laughing, Tianyin said angrily.

Hearing this, Lin Changsheng frowned.

"If you dare to kill her, I will bury millions of people in your imperial city with her!"

Lin Changsheng said word by word, and every word sounded loudly. It didn't look like threatening Tianyin at all.


As soon as Lin Changsheng finished speaking, several figures appeared from the sky.

Among them were Beimu Xianhuang and Tianji Taoist.

Although Immortal Emperor Beimu was also enveloped by the formation just now and felt angry.

But now they must join forces to face Lin Changsheng, a powerful enemy.

Otherwise, if Tianyin is killed by Lin Changsheng, they will no longer be Lin Changsheng's opponents, and the entire Beimu Immortal Clan will be destroyed by Lin Changsheng alone.

Taoist Tianji thought the same way.

Although he usually hides in the sky, at least he is still above tens of millions of people.

If the Beimu Immortal Clan is destroyed, his status will plummet and he may even die.

So they must join forces to fight against the enemy.

"Lin Changsheng, if you break into our Beimu Immortal Clan today, you are seeking your own death. This place is your burial place!"

Immortal Emperor Beimu, wearing a golden robe and crown, stared at Lin Changsheng and said.

This child's cultivation really shocked him, he was not even a match for Tianyin.

But after all, there is only one person in Lin Changsheng. They all add up to more than ten Nascent Souls. Is it possible that they can't surround and kill Lin Changsheng alone?

Today, Lin Changsheng must die here.

"That depends on whether you have the strength?"

Lin Changsheng looked at Immortal Emperor Beimu without any fear in his heart.

He is not afraid of fighting against Tianyin, let alone Beimu Immortal Emperor, a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Lin Changsheng can even kill the mid-stage Nascent Soul in an instant.

No matter how many people they come, they are just sending themselves to death.

"Arrogant person!"

Not far away, Taoist Tianji heard Lin Changsheng's words and said angrily that he had never seen such an arrogant person before.

Relying on his own strength to fight against their entire Beimu Immortal Clan, how dare he say such bold words?

After Taoist Tianji finished speaking, he stopped talking and started running his magic spell directly. A flash of lightning flashed between his eyebrows, and then spread all over his body.


The next moment, the sound of thunder came from the sky above Lin Changsheng, the sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds, and the thunder snake rolled.

The powerful force is like the anger of the God of Thunder, absorbing people's hearts and souls.

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