The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 248 Activating the Ten Thousand Gods’ Immortal Killing Formation

"Xiao Bai, space teleportation!"

Lin Changsheng shouted that if they didn't use space teleportation, they might not be able to leave alive.

A layer of white light appeared around Lin Changsheng, and disappeared in the next moment.

"Secret method of space?"

Seeing Lin Changsheng suddenly disappearing, Biyi felt confused in his heart.

This space secret method is not the product of this immortal land.

At least it can be found in the Burial Immortal Realm.

"Could it be that he also has strong men from the Immortal Burial Realm to help him?"

Biyi was surprised.

However, it was too late to think too much at this moment, Bixi immediately released the extremely powerful Yuan Power Domain.

Lin Changsheng thought that Tianchi City would appear in the next moment, but it was blocked by Bixi's Yuanli Domain.

When it appeared again, it only teleported a mile.

This is the horror of the Yuanli field. This field can break the teleportation of Yuanying and the transmission of space secrets.

In other words, after being promoted to the Divine Transformation stage, Yuanying will transform into Yuanshen, and mana will transform into Yuanli.

Yuan Li is much more powerful than mana.


This time it was Lin Changsheng's turn to be shocked. This was the first time he encountered someone who could break through Xiaobai's space teleportation.

This shows how tyrannical this person is.

The next moment, Bixi Yuanshen came to Lin Changsheng.

Only then did Lin Changsheng see clearly who Bixi was.

He originally thought Biyi was a human being, but he didn't expect it to be a monster with a snake's head and a turtle's back.

"Are you Biyi? Why are you so ugly? And if you only have the soul, can't your physical body be destroyed?"

Lin Changsheng said in surprise.

The power of the soul is so powerful. If it had a physical body, its cultivation would probably have to surpass the realm of the spirit transformation stage.

"Isn't the physical body here with you? When I capture your physical body, I can leave this immortal land. If you give me your physical body, it doesn't mean you have buried such talents!"

Bixi looked at Lin Changsheng and spoke slowly.

"That depends on whether you have the ability!"

Lin Changsheng didn't want to be snatched away by this ugly monster, so he already held the high-grade spiritual treasure tightly in his hands.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Biyi didn't want to talk to Lin Changsheng, so he waved his hand and shot out another ray of light, heading straight towards Lin Changsheng.

As long as Lin Changsheng dies, Nascent Soul will leave the body, and then it will be the best time for him to win.

"The Demon God's Wrath Slashes!"

Lin Changsheng knew that there was no way to avoid it, so he had no choice but to fight.

Immediately, the strongest killing move burst out.

The bloody sword light tore through the sky, evolving into a huge blood demon shadow.

The demon held a long sword in his hand, as if he wanted to split the world.

However, such a powerful sword was vulnerable to the cyan brilliance shot by Bi Xi, and was instantly defeated by the brilliance.

"Is this the strength of a powerful person who transforms into a god?"

Lin Changsheng was shocked, this was just a soul.

It gave him a feeling of being unable to contend.

He struck with all his strength, but was no match for the opponent's casual strike.

After shattering the blood demon's blade, the cyan brilliance went straight to Lin Changsheng's heart.

If he were hit, Lin Changsheng would definitely be killed in one blow.

Lin Changsheng wanted to use the Light Body Technique of the End of the World to dodge, but the next moment he felt that his body speed had dropped sharply, and was actually suppressed by Bi Xi's spiritual consciousness.

"The peak of consciousness in the transformation stage?"

It was the first time that Lin Changsheng felt such a powerful spiritual consciousness, much stronger than him.

Without the pressure of his divine consciousness, Lin Changsheng would definitely be able to dodge the attack of this brilliance.

However, under the pressure of his spiritual consciousness, Lin Changsheng's movement speed was greatly reduced, and he could only watch the light getting closer and closer.


Seeing that the light was about to penetrate Lin Changsheng's chest.

A white light condensed in front of Lin Changsheng, blocking the fatal blow for Lin Changsheng.


This made Biyi extremely surprised. Who could block its blow?

"Come out! What's the use of hiding?"

Bi Xi opened his mouth and said, he knew that Lin Changsheng was not a simple man and that he had powerful people to help him.

The next moment, Xiaobai jumped out of the spirit beast bag and appeared in front of Lin Changsheng.

At this moment, Xiaobai has grown five tails.

It seems that his cultivation level has recovered a lot.

"Nine-tailed demon fox?"

After Bixi saw Xiaobai, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

After all, in the Immortal Burial Domain, the nine-tailed demon fox is a powerful force that most people would not dare to provoke.

However, Biyi then thought about it. Since the nine-tailed demon foxes had arrived at the Immortal Relics Land, they must have suffered heavy losses. Their cultivation levels had plummeted, and he immediately felt relieved.

"Now that you know it, get out of here!"

Xiaobai's cold and arrogant voice came out, and then he communicated with Lin Changsheng, "You go first, I will resist him for a while. This guy arrived at the Land of Immortal Relics before me, and he has recovered more strength than me. I am alone. You can't kill him with your own strength, you have to rely on your formation to kill him!"

"Then be careful!"

After Lin Changsheng heard this, he immediately rushed to Tianchi City.

As long as Biyi dares to come to Tianchi City, he will die.

"Where to escape!"

When Bi Xi saw Lin Changsheng starting to run away again, he became furious and shot out with another ray of light.

However, Guanghua was resisted by Xiaobai again.

In this way, the two beasts fought together instantly.

Lin Changsheng brought Yu Wenjing to Tianchi City in one breath, temporarily out of danger.

"Look, are there strong men fighting on the horizon? It's roaring continuously!"

"It looks like two beasts fighting to me! One looks like a turtle, and the other looks like a fox!"

"Then, isn't that Master Biyi? Could it be that a spirit has appeared!"

"You are really Lord Bixi! Why don't you kneel down and bow down——"

Countless people and monks in Tianchi City were shocked when they saw the battle between Bixi and Xiaobai in the distance.

It was the first time that they saw Bigui appearing as a spirit, and they immediately knelt down and worshiped Biyi, treating Biyi as a god.

"As long as I'm here, you can't even think about taking away Shelin's immortality!"

After Xiaobai saw Lin Changsheng entering Tianchi City, he no longer had any intention of continuing to fight with Biyi and immediately ran away.

"Don't try to ruin my big business, otherwise I'll kill you too!"

Biyi was angry and went straight to Tianchi City.

The longer it stays away from the stone statue formation, the more energy it consumes, so it must be defeated quickly.

However, the more Bi Xi wanted to take down Lin Changsheng, he encountered obstacles one after another.

After Xiaobai entered Tianchi City, he directly entered Lin Changsheng's spirit beast bag.

She had already spent a lot of energy in the battle with Biyi.

"The next step is up to you!"

Xiaobai said softly.

"Don't worry, if it comes, don't even think about leaving alive!"

Lin Changsheng has full confidence in this Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortal Formation.

As soon as he finished speaking, Bixi Yuanshen appeared in the sky above Tianchi City.

"Lin Changsheng, come out and die. Even if you have the help of the nine-tailed demon fox, it will be impossible to save your life!"

Bigui stands in the sky above Tianchi City, speaking human words.

"Sure enough, Lord Biyi has appeared. Lord Biyi——"

"Why is Master Biyi so angry? Is it because of Lin Changsheng?"

"It looks like there was a loud noise in the imperial city just now. Maybe it was Lin Changsheng who made trouble and angered Lord Biyi!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's kill Lin Changsheng together to appease Lord Bixi's anger, otherwise we, the Beimu Immortal Clan, will suffer!"

The surrounding monks from the Beimu Immortal Clan immediately pointed their fingers at Lin Changsheng.

However, what they don't know is that their death is coming.

"If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

Lin Changsheng slapped his palm on the ground and directly activated the Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortal Formation that had been arranged in advance.


The next moment, the entire Tianchi City trembled violently.

The lights around the city soared into the sky.

Directly covering the entire Tianchi City.

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