The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 249 The power of the formation, killing Taoist Tianji【Please order】

This Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortal Formation combines the power of many kinds of formations and the tyranny of the formations.

Lin Changsheng was confident that with this formation, he could kill Bixi.

In an instant, the Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortals Formation enveloped the entire Tianchi City, including Bixi.

"Have you even set up a formation?"

However, facing this formation, Bixi was dismissive.

How powerful can a large formation set up by a Nascent Soul cultivator be?


As the formation was activated, thousands of souls swarmed out and began to kill everyone in Tianchi City.

Because of the blessing of the great formation, the strength of these souls is several times more powerful than before.

In Lin Changsheng's Ten Thousand Souls Banner, there are many golden elixirs and Yuanying residual souls.

With the blessing of the great formation, they were unstoppable and unstoppable.

Many Beimu monks died tragically one after another.

In an instant, the entire Tianchi City turned into a purgatory on earth, with blood flowing like a river.

After the fallen person dies, his soul will also be collected into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner and continue to join the battle.

On the contrary, it strengthened the power of the entire formation.


Biyi scolded angrily, and a ray of green light shot towards the formation.


The cyan light group bombarded the formation shield, and a violent roar suddenly erupted.

Biyi thought he could break the formation with one blow, but he didn't expect that the formation only caused a ripple and no other movement.


Seeing this scene, Bixi frowned.

If this formation besieged him and prevented him from returning to the stone soul guarding formation within a certain period of time, his soul would be gone if he stayed outside for too long.

Thinking of this, Bi Xi couldn't help but become a little anxious.

"You little beast, suffer death!"

Seeing that he could not break through the formation in a short time, Biyi planned to deal with Lin Changsheng first.

It's the same for him now that his body has been taken away, but he doesn't have to go back to the stone statue formation.

However, Lin Changsheng smiled disdainfully.

Without the formation, he might not be Bixi's opponent, but within the formation at this moment, everything would be under his control.

"Kill me!"

Lin Changsheng controlled the thousands of souls in the formation and swarmed towards Biyi.

Although these souls cannot kill Biyi, they are enough to consume his Yuan Power.

When Biyi's energy is exhausted, it will be his death.

Looking at the thousands of souls swarming in front of him, Bi Xi spit out a huge beam of light from his mouth, which directly shattered the thousands of souls.

However, the next moment, the disappeared soul condensed again.

It seems that no matter how Bixi kills, he can't kill all of them.

And some souls began to merge with each other, turning into a giant soul a hundred feet tall, stronger than before, almost as strong as the Nascent Soul cultivator.

And this is not just one giant soul, but dozens of them condensed.

Even if Biyi moves one by one, these souls will condense again after they collapse.

"This beast wants to trap me in a large formation and wait until my energy is exhausted before he takes action!"

Biyi immediately discovered Lin Changsheng's intention.

But he has no other choice now. Although these souls do not pose a threat to him.

But he couldn't kill them all, and he was very angry.

It was like his feet were tied with a rope, making it impossible for him to break free.

Biyi knew that if he continued to consume, he might really fall into Lin Changsheng's formation.

After immediately capturing Lin Changsheng's position, he turned into a ball of light and rushed towards Lin Changsheng.

However, at this moment, Lin Changsheng did not want to collide with Bixi.

He immediately disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already outside the formation.

This guy is so confused. How did this kid leave the formation?


Bixi almost spit out a mouthful of old blood when Lin Chang was so angry.

This guy doesn't collide with him at all now.

"Master Biyi, just enjoy it in there!"

Lin Changsheng smiled, and then sat cross-legged, seeing rays of light pouring out from the formation and constantly integrating into Lin Changsheng's body.

These brilliance are the magic power of the monks who died in the formation.

Not only does Lin Changsheng not need to refine it, he only needs to absorb it like crazy to integrate it into himself.

This Ten Thousand Gods Killing Immortals Formation still retains the effectiveness of the previous Divine Flames Burning Heaven and Transforming Spirits Formation.

That is the cultivation of refining monks for their own use.

Countless mana poured into Lin Changsheng's body, causing Lin Changsheng's cultivation to continuously increase, much faster than the speed of absorbing spiritual stones.

But at this moment, Bi Xi in the formation was not feeling so well.

These souls are inexhaustible, and are still merging. Dozens of Nascent Soul monk-level souls have merged together again, turning into three god-level souls, and their power has doubled again.

"God level?"

Feeling that the soul was getting stronger, Bi Xi couldn't help but be shocked.

How could a small Nascent Soul cultivator be able to set up such a powerful formation?

With the passage of time, his strength has dropped from the peak of divine transformation to the middle stage of divine transformation.

Now it is impossible to instantly kill a soul at the level of a god.

If he continues to consume like this, Biyi feels that he will fall into this formation.

Fifty miles away from Tianchi City.

Taoist Tianji was shocked when he saw Bixi trapped in the formation.

Even Lord Bixi is not Lin Changsheng's opponent?

What kind of monster is this kid?

"Teacher, Master, we'd better retreat! Otherwise -"

The little divine master was also extremely shocked. He originally wanted to ask Lord Biyi to take action and kill Lin Changsheng, but he did not expect that in the end, even Biyi's formation was trapped in the formation by Lin Changsheng and could not break free.

"I never expected that our noble Beimu Immortal Clan would be destroyed in the hands of a young boy! God is really going to destroy our Beimu Immortal Clan——"

Taoist Tianji was very unwilling.

Now even the last hope of a comeback is gone.

Just when Taoist Tianji was sighing, a ray of divine consciousness swept over them.

This frightened Taoist Tianji, "No, he found out, leave quickly!"

Taoist Tianji knew that the consciousness that patrolled them was diffused by Lin Changsheng.

Now that they were discovered by him, Lin Changsheng would definitely not let them go.


Sure enough, just when the two of them escaped ten miles away, they were caught up by Lin Changsheng.

"Are you thinking of escaping now? Is it too late?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the disgraced two people in front of him, with murderous thoughts in his heart.

As a very important figure in the Beimu Immortal Clan, Tianji Taoist cannot let him go, otherwise he might break through the Yuanying Great Monk in the future and bring huge disaster to the Immortal Cultivation World in the Southern Territory.

"Lin Changsheng, please don't go too far. My disciple and I have already planned to run away. From now on, we will not ask anything about the Beimu Immortal Clan. Are you going to kill them all?"

Taoist Tianji said angrily.

However, only Taoist Tianji himself knew what he was thinking.

Anyway, Lin Changsheng will never let them go.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

"I want to let you go, but the knife in my hand doesn't agree. What do you think I should do?"

Lin Changsheng held the bloody sword tightly and stared at Taoist Tianji.

This made Tianjidao so angry that he glared, and his face almost became angry.

"You are so deceptive -"

Taoist Tianji shouted angrily, summoned Lingbao Tianlei floating in the dust, waved his hand and shot out a series of lightnings, and went straight to Lin Changsheng.

Too late——

The lightning pierced the sky with great power. If ordinary people encountered this, they might die on the spot.

But it's a pity that the person standing opposite is the evil genius of Dual Yuanying.

After Lin Changsheng released the divine consciousness of the transformation stage to suppress it, he waved the high-grade spiritual treasure in his hand and slashed it out with a single blow.


Above the blood-colored sword light, a shadow of a blood-colored demon god suddenly appeared, and the long knife in his hand seemed to split the world.

This bloodthirsty aura immediately frightened the young master so much that his legs became weak and his heart was shocked.

He still remembered when he and Lin Changsheng met at the Taixu Temple. The other party was just a monk at the peak of foundation building.

It is simply unbelievable that he could grow to such a terrifying state in such a short period of time.

To him, Lin Changsheng at this moment was like a majestic mountain, which he could not overcome.


The next moment, streaks of lightning and the Blood Demon blade collided instantly.

Under the sound of explosion, the power of thunder and lightning was instantly defeated by the sword light, and the blood-light blade about a hundred feet long struck directly at Taoist Tianji.

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