The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 251 The desperate Tianyin, grabbing the soul and expelling the poison [Please subscribe! 】

"It seems that we are not far away from breaking through the Nascent Soul Great Monk!"

Lin Changsheng felt the changes in the mana in his body and thought to himself.

Although it is enough to fight Su Changkong with his cultivation in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

But no one knows if he has any other killing moves. It is safest to upgrade his cultivation to Nascent Soul Great Monk.

Therefore, Lin Changsheng planned to continue to absorb the mana light group in the formation, and after breaking through the Nascent Soul cultivator, he would return to the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation. This would be much safer.

But now is not the time for a breakthrough. The most important thing now is to find an antidote for Yu Wenjing.

The next moment, Lin Changsheng summoned Tian Yin.

Since he refined the poison, he would naturally have an antidote.

"Bitch, you're not dead yet? Master Bixi will definitely kill you to avenge us. Master Bixi, where are you -"

As soon as Tianyin came out and saw Lin Changsheng, he cursed angrily.

Then he looked around for traces of Tiangakure.

However, how did he know that Bixi had been subdued by Lin Changsheng.

"Stop looking for it. The Lord Bixi you are talking about has been adopted as a spirit beast by me and is recovering from his injuries in my spirit beast bag!"

Lin Changsheng told Tianyin truthfully.

However, when Tianyin heard this, he didn't want to believe it and felt that Lin Changsheng must be deceiving him.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Master Biyi is a powerful person who transforms into gods. How can he be defeated by you?"

Tianyin's old eyes widened with a look of disbelief.

He would rather believe that ants can shake a big tree than that a Yuanying monk can defeat a powerful person who transforms into a god.

Seeing that Tian Yin didn't believe it, Lin Changsheng directly summoned Bixi from the spirit beast bag.

So as to destroy his last belief, otherwise he always feels that someone will come to save them.


When Tianyin once again saw the extremely weak Bixi shrinking into the turtle shell to recover from his injuries, his pupils suddenly opened wide.

Their supreme Lord Biyi was actually surrendered by Lin Changsheng?

Then his last glimmer of hope was instantly shattered.

"Do you believe it now? Obediently hand over the antidote to Yu Wenjing's poison. Maybe I will consider letting you enter reincarnation early!"

Lin Changsheng said while looking at Tian Yin who was still in shock and had not recovered for a long time.

"You beast, kill my grandson and ruin my plan. Even if my soul is gone and I will never be reincarnated, I will let you watch the woman you love die from the poison. You can never get the antidote from me, hahaha—— "

Tianyin laughed, seemingly falling into madness.

If this beast Lin Changsheng hadn't disrupted all his plans, he would definitely be able to follow Lord Bigui to the Burial Immortal Realm and gain many opportunities in the future, and his achievements in the future would definitely go beyond Nascent Soul.

And all these plans were completely destroyed by Lin Changsheng.

There is so much hatred in Tianyin’s heart!

It's a pity that Lin Changsheng is now included in the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, and he doesn't even have a chance to resist.

"You won't say it, right?"

Lin Changsheng summoned the spirit treasure and slashed it out with one strike.


When the sword light passed by, Tianyin was directly cut into two pieces, and disappeared into smoke amidst a scream.

And the next moment, it quickly condensed again.

"No matter how you torture me, don't even think about it!"

Tianyin seemed to be determined and allowed Lin Changsheng to slash but would not let go.

After Lin Changsheng beheaded Tian Yin seven or eight times, he then used thunder, lightning, and fire to torture him.

In the end, Tianyin was reduced to a human form after being tortured, and he had no intention of letting go.

This is the person with the strongest willpower that Lin Changsheng has ever seen.

Seeing that Tian Yin was unwilling to explain, Lin Changsheng had no choice but to put it into the Ten Thousand Soul Flag space.

"Whoever can force Tianyin to tell where the antidote is, can escape from the Ten Thousand Soul Banner space!"

Lin Changsheng said to the many souls in the space of the Ten Thousand Soul Banner.

He didn't have time to waste it with Tianyin, but the soul inside must have plenty of time.

After hearing this, whether it was Beimu Immortal Emperor, Tianji Taoist, Jiu Wushang, or Nie Bubu, they all looked at Tianyin with bright eyes.

This is their only chance to escape from the Ten Thousand Soul Banner!

Suddenly, they surged forward, surrounding Tianyin in the center, forcing him to hand over the antidote.

Tianyin, who had a tough mouth, didn't know what to ask, and was once again besieged by the souls, and was beaten and wailed again and again.

"Wen Jing, let me check you first!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Yu Wenjing's lively appearance, and it didn't seem like she was poisoned at all.

But Lin Changsheng did not dare to be careless and planned to check Yu Wenjing first.

Yu Wenjing was also very obedient and sat down cross-legged.

Lin Changsheng injected his magic power into Yu Wenjing's body from behind and wandered around to see what the problem was.

However, after walking around for a while, Lin Changsheng found nothing.

No matter whether it was blood, bones or internal organs, there was no sign of damage.

"Could it be possible that Tian Yin was deceived?"

Lin Changsheng said in surprise.

However, after asking Yu Wenjing, Yu Wenjing said that indeed every once in a while, her mind would split and her whole body would feel as if thousands of insects were eating her.

The symptoms subsided only after Tianyin gave her pills.

"Is it soul poison?"

Lin Changsheng exclaimed.

This poison is the most difficult to eliminate because it is stored in the mind and cannot be easily eliminated.

If you are not careful, the soul of the poisoned person will be injured, the person who is mildly confused will be unconscious, and the person who is seriously injured will die.

"This old guy is really vicious!"

Lin Changsheng cursed secretly.

However, this poison may be very difficult to get rid of for others, but for Lin Changsheng, it is not impossible.

The soul poison targets the soul, causing its soul to be damaged, which is why the whole body feels uncomfortable.

But if Lin Changsheng uses the soul summoning technique to extract Yu Wenjing's soul.

Then use the magic power to drive away the toxin, which will not damage Yu Wenjing's soul.

"Wen Jing, you have been poisoned by soul poison. I need to extract your soul so that I can exorcise the poison for you. Do you believe me?"

Lin Changsheng said to Yu Wenjing.

Hearing this, Yu Wenjing was shocked at first. After all, the soul being separated was something that they, mortals, had never experienced before.

If someone else told her, Yu Wenjing would rather die than try.

But it was Lin Changsheng who said it, so she nodded in the end. She had great trust in Lin Changsheng.

And even if she died unexpectedly, Yu Wenjing would not blame Lin Changsheng.

Because she knows that no one can cure her poison now.

It would be better now than to be eaten by thousands of ants and die.

Since Yu Wenjing agreed, Lin Changsheng immediately used the soul summoning technique to directly draw out Yu Wenjing's soul.

The moment Yu Wenjing felt her soul leaving her body, she felt extremely surprised.

He just stood there looking at his body, feeling an indescribable and wonderful feeling.

Maybe after death, it will be nothing more than this!

After Yu Wenjing's soul was withdrawn, her body fell limply into Lin Changsheng's arms.

Lin Changsheng immediately used his spiritual consciousness to explore Yu Wenjing's mind.

It was discovered that there was indeed a dark mass in it.

Like thousands of tiny ants gathered together.

Outside the black thing, there is a white mass of imprisonment.

Maybe this is the effect of the antidote that suppressed Yu Wenjing.

The effect of this medicine is only temporary confinement, and it cannot eliminate it.

No wonder Tianyin didn't say anything even if he was beaten to death. It seemed that this old guy didn't have the antidote to completely remove the poison, so he was so arrogant. (End of chapter)

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