The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 252 Another Nascent Soul monk is born, Su Changkong is angry

Lin Changsheng's consciousness moved and he wrapped the black poison directly and slowly moved it out of Yu Wenjing's mind.

However, when he was about to leave the body, he encountered obstacles.

"This doesn't work!"

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised and had no time to think about it.

Lin Changsheng leaned forward, faced Yu Wenjing's red lips, and sucked in the black soul poison directly into his body.

Since he has dual soul consciousness, this soul poison cannot cause any harm to Lin Changsheng.

It can be refined slowly.

Yu Wenjing was deeply moved when she saw Lin Changsheng detoxifying herself so carefully.

At the same time, her face couldn't help but blush. Although she couldn't feel it at the moment, she was extremely shy.

"Changsheng, didn't this poison enter your body? Then wouldn't you be in danger?"

Yu Wenjing couldn't help but worry.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, Lin Changsheng moved her soul into his body again.

Then Yu Wenjing slowly opened her eyes.

"Chang Sheng, you are taking too many risks!"

Yu Wenjing looked worried.

However, Lin Changsheng waved his hand and said it was nothing.

This little soul poison is nothing to him?

As soon as he entered Lin Changsheng's body, he was already half-refined by the Dual Soul Soul.

It won't take more than a day to get rid of them all.

This soul poison still has some effect on monks below the golden elixir, but has no effect on those above the golden elixir.

Because the golden elixir monk's spiritual consciousness is already powerful enough.

After expelling the soul poison from Yu Wenjing's body, Lin Changsheng started refining with his legs crossed.

An hour later, with the blessing of the twin souls, the soul poison was completely driven away.

"Wen Jing, when I break through to the late Nascent Soul stage, we will return to the Southern Territory!"

Lin Changsheng said a word, and then continued to absorb countless mana light groups in the formation.

Because Lin Changsheng had just gone out to kill Taoist Tianji, the mana of many fallen monks in the formation had not been absorbed in time, and they were still in the formation.

After absorbing the magic power of these people, Lin Changsheng felt that it was not difficult to break through the Nascent Soul cultivator.

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

Yu Wenjing agreed obediently, then sat aside and looked at Lin Changsheng in a daze.

Thinking back to the scene when he just met Lin Changsheng, and then thinking about it now, the changes between the two of them were really great.

Just when Lin Changsheng absorbed many mana light groups and was preparing to break through the Yuanying Great Monk.

Demonic Sea, Heavenly Demon Sect.

All the remaining demon monks gathered in the Demon Sect.

Because now the Heavenly Ghost Sect and the Corpse King Sect have fallen, and the remaining three major sects are headed by the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Ding Changhai and Fu Junyue both gave opportunities to Jiang Yuyan to help her break through the Yuanying Great Monk.

As long as Jiang Yuyan breaks through the Yuanying Great Monk, their demonic path will have a chance to turn around.

Otherwise, they will be completely trampled by the Southern Territory, or even completely destroyed.


Suddenly, an extremely powerful wave of mana erupted from the Heavenly Demon Sect's main hall, sending dust and sand flying on the shocking ground.

Some of the weaker demonic monks were directly thrown away by this powerful wave of magic power.

Not far away, Wan Wushuang saw this scene, her eyes filled with surprise.

"Master has broken through Hao Jue!"

Wan Wushuang immediately ran towards the main hall.

When he arrived at the main hall, Jiang Yuyan had already opened his eyes, surrounded by layers of black magic mist.

"God helped me. Not only did I break through Haojue and be promoted to Nascent Soul Great Monk, but I also reached the twelfth level with the Heavenly Demon Technique!"

Jiang Yuyan's mouth showed a very satisfied smile.

With the opportunity of the two sect masters to help each other, Jiang Yuyan can be said to have a double harvest.

"Congratulations to Sect Leader Jiang for being promoted to Nascent Soul Great Monk. This is a great blessing for me in the Demonic Way!"

Ding Changhai led everyone from Yin Yang Hall into the main hall, followed closely by Bu Tianzhi.

In fact, not all the opportunities that Ding Changhai handed over were reserved for Bu Tianzhi.

Yiyitianzhi has broken through to the late stage of Jindan.

Bu Tianzhi gets help from the magic power in Poseidon Tower, and his future achievements will definitely be limitless.

"Sect Leader Jiang breaks through Haojue. When will he lead us to counterattack the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation?"

Ding Changhai had just entered the hall, and Fu Junyue was following closely behind him. She asked when she would attack the Southern Territory, which showed that she already hated the Southern Territory deeply in her heart.

Last time they were in Poseidon Tower, they suffered a lot of heavy losses from the Southern Territory.

Now that Jiang Yu has broken through the Yuanying Great Monk, he must regain some face and let the Southern Territory monks see how powerful they are.

"Master, I heard that Su Changkong is planning to hold an Immortal Ascension Conference in Liuyun Immortal Sect. At that time, all the major sects in the Southern Immortal Cultivation World will rush there. Why don't we take the opportunity to catch them all?"

Wan Wushuang offered his advice.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuyan nodded slightly, this was indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Ascension Conference? Is Su Changkong the only one who wants to ascend to immortality?"

Jiang Yuyan said disdainfully.

Jiang Yuyan will repay the revenge of that day ten times and a hundred times.

"The major sects are preparing to head to the Southern Region in three days. How can the Immortal Ascension Conference be without us?"

Jiang Yuyan ordered.

Below, Ding Changhai and Fu Junyue nodded in agreement.

This day has finally come.

The Immortal Cultivation World in the Southern Region, Liuyun Immortal Sect.

In the main hall of Jinluan Liuli.

"What? There has been no movement from the four major sects so far?"

After Su Changkong heard Li Jiantang's answer, he became furious.

No one from the four major sects came to attend the Immortal Ascension Conference he held? Are they all coming from small sects?

This is simply not giving yourself any face, so don't blame your subordinates for being ruthless.

"That's true. There is no movement from the Tianjian Sect, Moon Covering Immortal Sect, Golden Fu Sect, or Yin Yang Dao Sect!"

Li Jiantang reported truthfully.

These four major sects are really ignorant of good and evil. They will not lose a piece of meat when they come to the Immortal Ascension Conference. If they don't give Su Changkong face, they will definitely be violently killed.

"They are so brave. When the Immortal Ascension Conference is over, their four major sects will fall!"

Su Changkong snorted coldly and waved his sleeves.

Since they want to die, I will grant them their wish.

In this way, he will be famous for his career and will not be insulted by everyone in the Southern Territory.

After unifying the immortal cultivation world in the southern region, and then conquering the Beimu Immortal Clan and the Demonic Sea, the entire Immortal Legacy Land will fall into his hands, Su Changkong.

After collecting all the opportunities, he can ascend to the upper world with peace of mind and seek a higher destiny.

Su Changkong had already arranged everything.

However, no matter how well he arranged it, he still couldn't keep up with the changes.

Beimu Xianyu, Tianchi City.

An extremely powerful formation enveloped the place, making it impossible for anyone outside to enter.

It took three days for Lin Changsheng to absorb this.

Only then did he completely absorb all the mana light groups in the formation.

On this day, Lin Changsheng had already sensed the opportunity for a breakthrough, and Haozhen was already slightly relaxed.

"Push it to me!"

Lin Changsheng controlled all the mana around him and charged towards the last Haojue.

As long as he breaks through this level of Haojue, Lin Changsheng can reach the terrifying realm of Nascent Soul Monk.

By then, no one in the Land of Immortal Relics will be able to threaten him.

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