The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 253 Chapter 257258 Break through Haozhen, integrate the Immortal Art, and kill all demons! F

Chapter 253 Chapter 257-258 Break through Haozhen, integrate the Immortal Art, and kill all demons! Flame Dragon Shocking Fist


The surging mana rushed towards the Hao Jue of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Suddenly, a violent roar came from Lin Changsheng's mind.

Lin Changsheng originally thought that one blow would be enough to break the shackles, but he failed.

After adjusting his state again, Lin Changsheng once again charged towards the Nascent Soul monk who represented the strongest realm in the Immortal Relic Land.

Bang bang——

Under the impact again and again, Haojue finally became loose.

Lin Changsheng had large beads of sweat on his forehead at this moment.

However, he did not pause for long. After taking a deep breath, he once again mobilized the magic power in his body to attack the bottleneck.

To make a breakthrough, you have to strike while the iron is hot and make breakthroughs in one go. Otherwise, you will fall into disrepair in the second and stop in the third.

Completely trapped in a bottleneck and unable to break through.

This time, the cracked Haojue could no longer resist the impact and was directly broken through.

The swarming mana flowed into Lin Changsheng's limbs and bones, once again greatly strengthening his physical body and spiritual consciousness.


The physical body grew rapidly, crackling, and the sound of his meridians ringing together made Lin Changsheng feel extremely comfortable all over his body.

Under the nourishment of mana, whether it is muscles, bones, or blood, it has been greatly increased.

Then came the increase in consciousness and mana.

Lin Changsheng felt that his magic power at this moment was more than five times stronger than before.

The sea of ​​​​consciousness directly increased from seven thousand miles to nine thousand miles, which was even stronger than those in the middle stage of the transformation of gods.

After his strength was enhanced, Lin Changsheng couldn't wait to try it out. How powerful is his move?

I saw him rising into the air and blasting towards the ruins below with one palm.

This move is the Seal of Thousand Souls and Thousand Corpses.

I saw a large handprint of black mist condensed from thousands of souls in mid-air, falling downwards.


In an instant, the tyrannical handprint fell on the ground, and there was a huge explosion.

After the explosion sound and dust dissipated, a huge black palm print more than two hundred feet long appeared on the ground.

The ground sank more than ten feet, which shows how terrifying the power of this palm is.

"Is this the strength of the Yuanying Great Monk?"

Lin Changsheng felt the changes in his body and mana, and felt a secret joy in his heart.

No wonder the Yuanying Great Monk is the strongest person in this world.

The strength is indeed terrifying.

If he hadn't had the blessing of the panel, he wouldn't have been able to match the Yuanying great monk with his mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivation.

In the distance, Yu Wenjing looked at the man in the sky, and her eyes suddenly filled with light.

Sure enough, when a woman looks at the man she likes, her eyes are filled with light.

However, Yu Wenjing knew how she, a first-level mortal, could be worthy of an immortal master like Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng has a lifespan of thousands of years, but she only has a lifespan of more than a hundred years at most.

Seeing Lin Changsheng indulged in practice, Yu Wenjing obediently did not disturb him and just looked at him quietly.

How she wished that time could stop at this moment, with only Lin Changsheng and her.

After feeling the change in strength, Lin Changsheng's confidence greatly increased.

Even if he meets Su Changkong at this moment, he can still suppress him. This is the confidence brought by strength.

"Let's see if these Beimu monks have anything good in their hands. When the time comes, we can get some experience points on the way to the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation!"

Only then did Lin Changsheng remember the storage bag of the fallen monk Beimu.

There are many Beimu Supreme Powers among them, and they should have a lot of treasures in their hands.

After some searching, Lin Changsheng found more than 800,000 spirit stones in these people's storage bags, which was a fortune that could rival the entire country.

There were a lot of elixirs for alchemy, and Lin Changsheng arranged them in categories.

Then came the Immortal Art and Formation.

After Lin Changsheng compiled the Immortal Art, there were enough 9 books that Lin Changsheng could learn.

But he bit off more than he could chew, so Lin Changsheng planned to study 4 books first.

There is a Flying Pigeon Catching Clouds Lighting Body Technique, a Golden Body Thousand Brushes Palm Technique, a Ten Thousand Swords Opening the Sky Technique, and a Fiery Wind God Fist.

[Introduction to Flying Pigeon Capturing Cloud Kung Fu! 】

[Introduction to Golden Body Thousand Brushes Hands! 】

[Introduction to the Ten Thousand Swords Opening Heaven Technique! 】

[Introduction to Fiery Wind God Fist! 】

Two hours later, Lin Changsheng had mastered the four immortal arts to the beginning.

[The Flying Pigeon Catching Cloud Skill has been detected. Do you want to spend 5,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[The golden body Thousand Whiskers has been detected. Do you want to spend 5500 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[The Ten Thousand Swords Opening Heaven Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 4,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[The Fire Wind God Fist has been detected. Do you want to spend 4500 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

The next moment, the prompt popped up again on the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively clicked yes on them all.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Flying Pigeon Catching Cloud Technique begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Flying Pigeon Catching Cloud Technique == Catching Pigeons! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Golden Body Thousand Whiskey Hands begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Golden Body Thousand Whiskey Hands == clap! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Ten Thousand Swords to Open the Sky Technique begins. The simplification is completed in the simplification. The Ten Thousand Swords to Open the Sky Technique == swinging the sword! 】

[The road to simplicity: The simplification of the Fiery Wind God Fist begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Fiery Wind God Fist == punch! 】

"Catch pigeons? Clap your hands? Swing your sword? Swing your fist?"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied when he saw the results after the simplifications. These simplifications could not be more ordinary.

"Wen Jing, let's rush back to the Southern Territory! I wonder if there are any changes in the Southern Territory?"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but worry about the safety of the Southern Territory.

After all, it was impossible for Su Changkong to make no moves after breaking through the Yuanying Great Monk.

Maybe the first goal is to destroy the four immortal sects, and I hope I can go back now in time.

After all, it would take more than ten days to rush back to the Southern Immortal Cultivation World from the Beimu Immortal Clan, even if there were shuttles.


Yu Wenjing nodded in agreement.

She has also been away from Dayu for a long time, and hopes that everything is okay in Dayu.

Lin Changsheng then withdrew the formation and put the underground spiritual veins and the Ten Thousand Soul Flags into his storage bag.

After using his magic power to create a flying shuttle, Lin Changsheng jumped up with Yu Wenjing, and the flying shuttle quickly broke through the air and disappeared into the sky.

Lin Changsheng did not leave directly, but first found the corpse of the Yuanying monk who had fallen not far away, and then collected it before leaving.

Although the corpse puppet was killed by Bi Xi with one move, Lin Changsheng knew the Corpse Refining Art and could still be resurrected.

The corpses of Yuanying great monks are rare.

It's not certain that if you collect enough Nascent Soul cultivator corpse puppets, you can fuse them into stronger corpse puppets.

Then on the way back to the Southern Territory, Lin Changsheng only regretted that he only had one pair of hands, otherwise he could gain experience points from the four great immortal arts at the same time.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng could only wield his sword with one hand and his fist with the other.

First, gain the experience points of Ten Thousand Swords Open Heaven Technique and Fiery Wind God Fist.

The experience value of Ten Thousand Swords Opening Heaven Art +1!

Fire Wind God Fist experience value +1!

The experience points of the two great immortal arts are constantly increasing.

Although Yu Wenjing on the side looked a little strange, she didn't ask any more questions. After all, Lin Changsheng was an immortal master, and it was normal for her cultivation method to be different from what she thought.

Half a day later, the two great immortal skills were first completed.

[It has been detected that the Ten Thousand Swords Opening Heaven Technique is complete. Is it fused with the Demon God’s Heavenly Wrath Slash? 】

[The completion of the Fire Wind God Fist was detected. Is it integrated with the Dragon God World Destroying Fist? 】

The next moment, a prompt popped up on the panel.

【yes! 】

Lin Changsheng immediately clicked OK.

[Detected the Ten Thousand Swords Opening Heaven Technique (perfect), the Demon God's Wrathful Slash (perfect), the fusion started...the fusion is in progress...the fusion is completed, and you get the New Immortal Jue Ten Thousand Demons Destroying World Slash! 】

[Fire Fire Wind God Fist (Perfection), Dragon God World-Destroying Fist (Perfection) were detected, the fusion started... the fusion is in progress... the fusion is completed, and you get the New Immortal Jueyan Dragon Shocking Fist! 】

"Ten Thousand Demons Destroying the World? Flame Dragon Shocking Heaven Fist?"

The fusion of the two great immortal arts was completed, and Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied.

Every fusion can make the original Immortal Art a little more powerful.

Now that Lin Changsheng has the strength of the Yuanying Great Monk, plus the enhancement of the Immortal Art, the strength he unleashes will be terrifying.

[If Ten Thousand Demons Destroy World Slash is detected, should I spend 6,500 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[The Flame Dragon Shocking Fist has been detected. Do you want to spend 6,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

The panel continued to prompt.

The more powerful the Immortal Art is, the more spiritual stones it consumes.

Lin Changsheng would never mind consuming too many spiritual stones, and would rather consume 100,000 spiritual stones at once.


So Lin Changsheng chose to simplify without hesitation.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of Ten Thousand Demons Destroying the World has begun... Simplifying... The simplification is completed, Ten Thousand Demons Destroying the World == Swinging the Knife! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of Yanlong Zhentian Fist begins...Simplification is in progress...Simplification is completed, Yanlong Zhentian Fist==punch! 】

"Swinging a knife? Swinging a fist?"

This simplification is simply humane.

Half a day later, Lin Changsheng directly completed the fusion of the two immortal arts.

Not long after, a dense mountain forest appeared ahead.

Seeing that there was no one around, Lin Changsheng decided to try the power of these two immortal arts.

Lin Changsheng first burst out with the Flame Dragon Shocking Fist.

The rich magic power in the body flows to the right hand, and punches out!

In an instant, Lin Changsheng's right hand was wrapped in a ball of flame.



Lin Changsheng punched out, violent flames flew out of his hand, and a dragon of flames actually evolved in the sky.

The roar of the dragon was deafening, as if the dragon god had appeared in the world, and its power was astonishing.


The domineering flame dragon's fist light fell on the mountains in the distance, like a meteor falling, directly destroying all living things within a five-mile radius.

The ground collapsed, the sky shook, and the power was overwhelming.


Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied with the power of this punch.

Then he summoned the spiritual treasure and planned to use the Ten Thousand Demons to Destroy the World.

Lin Changsheng circulated the magic power in his body to the extreme, and then slashed out with his sword.


As soon as the sword light was slashed out, thousands of souls suddenly began to wail, and the place suddenly seemed to have turned into purgatory, with ghosts crying and gods howling.

Thousands of souls holding blades swarmed out, and their powerful momentum was breathtaking.

If you look closely, you can see thousands of souls rushing out, but when you look thousands of feet away, you find that the formation of thousands of souls charging out actually forms a huge sky-high sword, which looks like it is about to be torn apart when it cuts down. This is the world.

This powerful momentum directly scared the average Yu Wenjing into a ball.

Fortunately, this terrifying scene did not last long, and the sword light formed by the condensed souls slashed to the ground.

Bang bang bang——

A huge roar sounded continuously, and the earth shook.

After everything dissipated, a huge ravine thousands of feet long and wide appeared on the ground, as if a god had split the place apart.

The ravine is bottomless and stretches for thousands of feet.

"Yes, it's more than a star and a half better than the Demon God's Wrath of Heaven!"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied with the power of this move.

Not to mention the fact that a hundred-foot-high mountain can be leveled with this sword, even a mountain ten times taller will be vulnerable to a single blow.

"The power of the fusion of the other two immortal arts should not be underestimated!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, and then began to improve his proficiency in the Golden Body Thousand Whiskers and Flying Pigeon Cloud Catching Skills.

This thousand-whistle hand is Tianyin's famous stunt, and its power cannot be underestimated.

If this move is perfectly combined with the Seal of Ten Thousand Souls and Thousands of Corpses, the power will definitely be doubled.

While Lin Changsheng was on his way, he kept brushing up on his proficiency.

Thirty thousand miles away from him, a man in red robe followed Lin Changsheng's footsteps and landed on the top of a mountain.

"You actually changed direction and headed south again?"

The Demon King was very surprised and didn't understand what this guy wanted to do?

After just staying in the Beimu Immortal Clan for less than two days, he unexpectedly rushed to the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation?

Are you walking him?

"Is it possible that he discovered it? Are you planning to escape to the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation?"

The Demon King was a little confused.

But no matter where Lin Changsheng fled, he would find it.

Because Lin Changsheng carries his daughter's aura, he can sense it even from a hundred thousand miles away.

"See where you can escape to?"

After the words fell, the Demon King dodged and disappeared directly from the spot.

Time flies, and another day has passed.

During this day, Lin Changsheng was not idle and kept improving his proficiency.

After the completion of the Golden Body Thousand Whistle Hands, it merged with the Thousand Souls Thousand Corpses Seal to form the Thousand Corpses Golden Buddha Seal.

And the Flying Pigeon's Cloud Capturing Skill merged with the End of the World Capturing Cloud Technique to form the Sky Capturing Cloud Step!

"It's finally complete. I wonder what these two immortal arts are like?"

After Lin Changsheng completed the fusion of the two immortal techniques, he wanted to see the effect.

Lin Changsheng first performed the Sky Capture Cloud Step, and the technique was in motion. He saw that he was as fast as thunder, and his speed was extremely fast.

A single sweep can reach a distance of thousands of feet.

The speed is still the same in the long air without being affected at all, and one can cross a thousand feet in the blink of an eye.

This movement is a good choice whether it is used to chase the enemy or to escape.

"How about taking a look at this Thousand Corpses Golden Buddha Seal?"

After feeling the effect of Sky Capture Cloud Step, Lin Changsheng planned to try the power of the Thousand Corpse Golden Buddha Seal.

Lin Changsheng's magic power circulated in his hand, and then he struck out with a palm.

I saw the golden light in his hand flashing, turning into a huge golden palm print three hundred feet long and wide and suppressing it towards the front.

Upon closer inspection, there are thousands of corpses on top of this huge golden palm print, and there are even ferocious skulls. The scene is horrifying.

When most people see it, they become timid without fighting.

Lin Changsheng had fought against Tian Yin before.

Although the power of his Thousand Whiskers is extraordinary and covers a large area, the power of each palm is not fatal.

But the Thousand Corpses Golden Buddha Seal at this moment is the integration of thousands of palm seals into one

It turned into a huge golden palm seal, doubling its power.


Soon the palm print landed on the mountains in the distance, instantly razing a hundred-foot-high mountain to the ground.

Moreover, the area covered by the palm print was extremely vast, destroying all vegetation and forests within three hundred feet.

A land of destruction was created.


Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied when he saw the attack from his palm prints.

Even the mid-stage Nascent Soul monks could not even hope to catch this palm.

"I finally found you! Hand over the emperor's daughter!"

Just when Lin Changsheng was feeling happy.

In the sky, a man's voice sounded.

The next moment, a man in red clothes blocked the shuttle.

Lin Changsheng immediately controlled the shuttle to stop.

From what this man said, could he be Yun Chan's father? The Demon Emperor Yun Tianhuang of the Eastern Barren Demon Clan?

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