The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 254: Fighting against Demon Emperor Yun Tianhuang, is this boy so terrifyingly powerful? 【Pl

"Could you be Yun Tianhuang, the leader of the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan?"

Lin Changsheng asked bluntly.

After all, seeing that the other party was evil and filled with murderous intent, Lin Changsheng was not polite.

Hearing this, Yun Tianhuang frowned slightly. How brave is this human being? How dare he call him by his full name?

"I don't know whether to live or die. If I don't say this three times, please hand over my daughter!"

Yun Tianhuang's voice was low, as if Lin Changsheng would take action if he didn't hand over his daughter the next second.

As soon as these words came out, Lin Changsheng not only showed no fear, but a smile appeared on his lips.

Just practice with the opponent and see how your own cultivation is?

"What if I don't pay?"

Lin Changsheng said provocatively.

Because judging from Yun Tianhuang's mana, it is only in the middle stage of Yuanying. Even if the demon clan is more powerful than the human body, it is still in the late stage of Yuanying.

Lin Changsheng does not use the Golden Body of the Dragon God. His physical body is already in the late Nascent Soul stage. After using it, his power will increase greatly. There is no problem in overpowering Yun Tianhuang.

Therefore, Lin Changsheng was not afraid at all in the battle.

"Then die!"

Yun Tianhuang shouted loudly, and slapped an angry palm. The tyrannical palm mark turned into a huge bear's paw in the sky to suppress it.

"Could this Yun Tianhuang's true form be a bear?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself when he saw the huge bear paw coming.

But the next moment, Lin Changsheng also struck out with the same palm.

It is the Thousand Corpses Golden Buddha Seal.

As soon as this palm came out, the entire sky was slightly distorted, and it seemed that all the spiritual energy within a five-mile radius was absorbed by Lin Changsheng's palm print.

On the palm prints, there are countless twisted soul faces, as well as endless corpses.

It looks terrifying.

In front of Lin Changsheng's Thousand Corpse Golden Buddha Seal, the palm print taken by Yun Tianhuang seemed much smaller.

After all, the golden palm print made by Lin Changsheng was three hundred feet wide, like the sky suppressing it, and its power was astonishing.

Even Yun Tianhuang was shocked when he saw this.

"The late Nascent Soul cultivation level?"

Yun Tianhuang never expected that such a young Lin Changsheng would have such tyrannical strength.

No wonder he was able to defeat his army of monsters.


The next moment, two big palm prints collided violently in the sky.

There was a huge explosion.

I saw that the palm print taken by Yun Tianhuang was instantly defeated by Lin Changsheng's golden seal, and he continued to suppress Yun Tianhuang with an indomitable momentum.


Seeing that the palm print was about to hit Yun Tianhuang, Yun Tianhuang immediately gathered his hands in front of him.

I saw three huge black tortoise shells appearing in front of him, which looked extremely strong.

Seeing this black tortoise shell, Lin Changsheng looked a little familiar.

He seemed to have such a piece in his hand.

It seems that it was originally obtained from Zhao Wuji of Minnan County.

I wonder if these two things are the same?


Before he had time to think about it, his palm prints were violently blasted onto the three tortoise shells.

Under the explosion, the golden palm print was blocked by three black tortoise shells, and the palm print collapsed.

"I never expected that your boy would be a Nascent Soul Great Monk!"

At this moment, Yun Tianhuang couldn't help but exclaimed, this boy's cultivation was terrifying.

After all, he hadn't seen such a genius for many years.

Back then, there were only two great wizards in the world of immortal cultivation in the Southern Region.

One is Ling Wuji who ascended 900 years ago, and the other is Jiang Yukun who ascended 300 years ago.

Although they were also prodigies, they were definitely not as scary as the young man in front of him at the moment.

After all, it took them three hundred years to reach the late Nascent Soul stage.

And the young man in front of him at this moment, who looks like he is only in his early twenties, has actually reached such a state.

To describe him as a chosen one is not an overstatement.

For him, practicing may be as simple as eating and drinking.

"It's not too late to know now, and it's too late to beg for mercy!"

Lin Changsheng said with a smile. He had no intention of seriously injuring or killing Yun Tianhuang. After all, he was Yun Chan's father.

He came here just to save his daughter, and Lin Changsheng understood this feeling.

However, Yun Tianhuang's attitude was too arrogant, which Lin Changsheng couldn't stand, so he planned to dampen his spirit.


After Yun Tianhuang heard Lin Changsheng's words, he burst into laughter because he had not met such an arrogant young man for a long time.

However, he does have the capital to be arrogant, after all, his cultivation lies here.

"Young man, you have to pay the price for being arrogant!"

After Yun Tianhuang finished speaking, he controlled three pieces of turtle shell to surround himself, planning to fight Lin Changsheng again.

After all, he had just underestimated Lin Changsheng, and he planned to use all his strength this time.

"Then let me experience the full strength of the Demon King!"

Lin Changsheng was not afraid and waved his hand to take out the high-grade spiritual treasure.

After all, the other party had already used the spirit treasure, and Lin Changsheng didn't dare to rely on him.

To avoid capsizing in the gutter.

"High-grade spiritual treasure?"

This made Yun Tianhuang a little surprised. He thought he could suppress Lin Changsheng with three middle-grade spiritual treasures, but he didn't expect that he actually had a high-grade spiritual treasure in his hand?

This guy seems to have a lot of opportunities!


No matter how strong the opponent is, Yun Tianhuang cannot lose without a fight.

With a scolding sound, the three black tortoise shells instantly enlarged and shrouded Lin Changsheng like huge black sky curtains.

"Destroy all demons and kill the world!"

Lin Changsheng also directly unleashed his strongest attack.


As soon as the sword light was slashed out, thousands of souls suddenly began to wail, and the place suddenly seemed to have turned into purgatory, with ghosts crying and gods howling.

Thousands of souls holding blades swarmed out, and their powerful momentum was breathtaking.

The formation of thousands of souls charging into the sky actually formed a huge sword in the sky, as if it wanted to tear the world apart.


Seeing this astonishingly powerful sword, Demon Emperor Yun Tianhuang couldn't help but feel his heart tremble.

The intimidating power of this move is so terrifying that most people cannot even think of resisting at all when they see it.

Bang bang bang——

In the blink of an eye, the sky's sword light collided violently with the black tortoise shell.

There were bursts of loud explosions, and the power of the three turtle shells was no match for the light of the sky's sword, and they were instantly knocked upside down and flew back.

The Demon Emperor Yun Tianhuang also felt uncomfortable. He was directly thrown away a hundred feet away before he stabilized his body.

The tyrannical sword light passed him by.

The sound of howling ghosts and wolves shocked his soul.

After coming back to his senses, the sword light had already landed on the ground, cutting an abyss thousands of feet long into the earth.

Lin Changsheng's sword completely conquered Yun Tianhuang.

Yun Tianhuang knew that he was indeed no match for Lin Changsheng, if the other party hadn't deliberately changed the direction of the sword light.

Maybe now he has been killed by Lin Changsheng.

"Senior, I don't mean to offend!"

Lin Changsheng marched first and then said politely.

If he doesn't show some of his own strength, the other party won't take him seriously at all.

I saw Yun Tianhuang waving his hand, "You win. If you hadn't been merciful, I might have died. I just want to see my daughter, and I hope you can do it!"

Yun Tianhuang seemed to have aged a lot in an instant, and he was no longer breathless when he spoke. (End of chapter)

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