The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 255 Young people just know how to play, and another high-grade spiritual treasure is born?

"That's natural!"

Lin Changsheng couldn't let Yun Chan live without her father for the rest of her life.

After all, judging from Yun Tianhuang's appearance, he attaches great importance to Yun Chan's daughter.

So he waved his hand to summon Yun Chan.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

As soon as Yun Chan came out, she smiled at Lin Changsheng and said.

She has a bond with Lin Changsheng, so she is very happy every time she sees Lin Changsheng.

I wish I could see Lin Changsheng all the time.


Yunchan's words of master made Lin Changsheng feel at a loss.

After all, Yun Chan was the Demon Emperor's precious daughter. Others came all the way to find her daughter, but Yun Chan called him master, which made Lin Changsheng feel a little embarrassed.


Yun Tianhuang on the side couldn't stand it anymore and coughed twice.

His precious daughter actually calls this human man master?

Are all young people having so much fun nowadays?

"Dad? Dad, why are you here?"

After Yun Chan saw Yun Tianhuang, her eyes were filled with joy.

I didn't expect to see my father here.

"Lin'er, you have disappeared for so long, can my father not worry about you? Seeing that you are fine, my father will feel relieved!"

After Yun Tianhuang saw that his daughter was fine, he immediately felt relieved.

He was afraid that Lin Changsheng would abuse his daughter.

If this was the case, he would risk his life to make Lin Changsheng look good.

When he saw his daughter appear, Lin Changsheng had a smile on his face.

He also understood that Lin Changsheng had not wronged his daughter.

Although Lin Changsheng had some fun with his daughter, these were young people's affairs and he couldn't control them.

The reason why Yun Tianhuang is called Yun Chan Lin'er is because it is her nickname. Yun Tianhuang has been called this since she was a child.

Because Yunchan liked bells when she was a child, they would make a tinkling sound wherever she went.

"Xiaochan, your father is here to pick you up. How about you go back with your father?"

Lin Changsheng said.

Because he originally wanted Yun Chan to return to the demon clan.

He only wanted to save Yun Chan because he liked to resolve the war between the Southern Territory and the demon clan.

By some mistake, he and Yun Chan formed a bond, and Yun Chan had to call him his master.

"Master, don't you want Chan'er anymore?"

Hearing Lin Changsheng's words, Yun Chan suddenly felt aggrieved again, tears welling up in her eyes.

This made Yu Wenjing on the side dumbfounded. What happened to Lin Changsheng and this girl?

Why is this girl so devoted to Lin Changsheng?


Lin Changsheng didn't know how to respond. After all, Yun Tianhuang was watching from the side.

"Little brother, since Lin'er likes to be with you, you can just stay together! I have no objection!"

Yun Tianhuang was the first to express his stance.

This made Lin Changsheng even more speechless. Was this forced upon him?

Yun Tianhuang is not stupid. Lin Changsheng has such cultivation at such an age, and his future achievements will be even more limitless.

His daughter would never suffer a loss if she followed him.

"Thank you dad!"

When Yun Chan saw her father agreeing, she immediately smiled, and then looked at Lin Changsheng pitifully.

This left Lin Changsheng with no choice but to agree.

When Yun Chan saw this, her eyebrows danced with joy.

"Senior, it seems to me that the three pieces of tortoise shell in your hand are not quite complete. I wonder if this piece of tortoise shell is the same as yours?"

Lin Changsheng thought of Yun Tianhuang's three tortoise shell spiritual treasures and said immediately.

Then he took out the tortoise shell obtained from Zhao Wuji.

This tortoise shell has always been in Lin Changsheng's hands. Lin Changsheng didn't know what it did. He just felt that it was a bit heavy and should be unusual, so he kept it.

"Where did you get this?"

When Yun Tianhuang saw the tortoise shell in Lin Changsheng's hand, he was immediately overjoyed.

It's really hard to find anything without wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort at all!

The tortoise shell in Lin Changsheng's hand was one of the Xuanwu tortoise shells he was missing.

Only when the four turtle shells are fused together can the full power be unleashed.

"I got it in the Southern Territory. If you need it, senior, I will give it to you!"

This tortoise shell was of no use if it was left in Lin Changsheng's hands, so it was just given to Yun Tianhuang as a meeting gift.

After all, he trusted his most precious daughter to himself.

"Well, then I won't be polite!"

Yun Tianhuang was going to refuse, but in the end he couldn't resist the temptation of the basalt tortoise shell and took it directly.

This basalt tortoise shell requires the blood of the demon clan to activate, so it has no effect in Lin Changsheng's hands.


The dark tortoise shell suddenly shone brightly when it was in Yun Tianhuang's hands.

Bang bang bang——

The four pieces of tortoise shells are continuously spliced ​​to each other, and finally form a complete tortoise shell shield.

"High-grade spiritual treasure?"

After gathering the four tortoise shells, this treasure level was promoted, and it became a top-grade spiritual treasure.

This made Lin Changsheng somewhat unexpected.

"I didn't expect that I, Yun Tianhuang, would be able to raise four basalt tortoise shells and unleash their full strength in my lifetime. This life is really worth it! Hahaha——"

Yun Tianhuang looked at the Xuanwu Dunjia in his hand and smiled heartily.

He has been waiting for this day for thousands of years.

Unexpectedly, all the Xuanwu tortoise shells were collected at this moment.

"Good son-in-law, come and sit in Donghuang when you have time. Lin'er's mother will also like you very much when she sees you!"

Yun Tianhuang immediately recognized Lin Changsheng as his son-in-law.

This completely confused Lin Changsheng.

Yun Tianhuang must be too anxious!


"You can't refuse this! I'm waiting for you in Donghuang. As the son-in-law of my Donghuang Monster Clan, you will be given generous gifts when you come!"

Without saying a word, Yun Tianhuang walked away directly.

Lin Changsheng was left confused.

He hasn't said anything yet, so why has he become the son-in-law of the Donghuang Monster Clan?

"Master, you won't want me, will you?"

Yun Chan blinked her watery eyes and looked at Lin Changsheng, deeply afraid that Lin Changsheng would reject her.

Who can resist this look?

After comforting Yun Chan, Lin Changsheng put her into the spirit beast bag.

Then he looked at Yu Wenjing aside and saw that this girl was not angry, which surprised Lin Changsheng.

"Wen Jing, things are not what you think. Yun Chan and I——"

"Chang Sheng, you don't need to explain these things to me. You are an immortal master, and I am just a mortal. I will always bear in mind your kindness to me and Dayu! I don't dare to have too many extravagant expectations!"

Yu Wenjing looked at the distant sky and said truthfully.

She really didn't dare to have too many extravagant hopes. Lin Changsheng's kindness to her was enough for her.

If she has too many extravagant hopes, she is too greedy.

After hearing this, Lin Changsheng couldn't explain too much. He and Yu Wenjing had indeed gone further and further away.

Lin Changsheng cannot stay in this Immortal Relic Land forever, and Yu Wenjing has no spiritual roots, so naturally she cannot go to the Immortal Burial Domain with him.

It is unknown whether the two of them will have a chance to meet again in the future.

The shuttle quickly cut across the sky and rushed to the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation. The two of them stood on the shuttle without saying a word.

Yu Wenjing wrinkled her clothes tightly with her jade fingers. She wanted to say something to Lin Changsheng, but in the end she held back.

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