The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 256 The devil took advantage of the situation and Wan Wushuang was surprised [Please subscri

Just as Lin Changsheng and Yu Wenjing continued to rush to the Southern Territory Cultivation World.

In the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation, there is an abyss.

There is a huge empty hall here, which exudes an ancient and heavy atmosphere.

There are 108 huge stone pillars supporting the main hall, each of which can be hugged by five people.

On the stone pillars, patterns such as mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars are carved.

Around the main hall, there are more than a dozen lamp panels with a radius of half a foot. Each lamp panel has a huge night bead, which illuminates the place like day.

In the center of the main hall, there is a huge coffin that is three feet long and as crystal clear as jade.

The stone platform made of ice white jade under the coffin looks extremely luxurious.

In the coffin, a middle-aged man with an elegant face lay quietly.

From this person's body, powerful cultivation far beyond the Nascent Soul stage emitted.

"Damn little bug, take away my formation, otherwise I would have recovered from my injuries long ago. Fortunately, the sky stone crystal jade coffin has absorbed a lot of spiritual energy from heaven and earth for me to use, which greatly increases my recovery speed. In three years, I will go out, You will be crushed to ashes!"

The elegant man said angrily.

Over the past hundreds of years, a total of two little bugs have come to cause trouble for him.

One was three hundred years ago, and the other was not long ago.

The first one just absorbed the spiritual energy, tempered his soul and left, but the second one even took away the foundation of his formation, which was simply abominable.

After he gets out, he will definitely not let this person go.

The world of immortality in the Southern Region.

It was already exploding.

Although there are strong men who have broken through to the Yuanying Great Monk, this should be a good thing for the Southern Territory.

But the person who makes the breakthrough is not a good person.

At this moment, the four major immortal sects are already anxious and anxious.

Because it’s almost January.

If the four great immortal sects had not gone to the Liuyun Immortal Sect to participate in the Immortal Ascension Conference held by Su Changkong, I am afraid that Su Changkong would have taken advantage of the situation and killed the four great immortal sects.

Within the Tianjian Sect.

The heads of the four major sects gathered together and were discussing countermeasures.

"At worst, we have to fight with Su Changkong, and we absolutely cannot let a scum like him dominate the Southern Immortal Cultivation World."

Jinfu Sect Zhao Cheng shouted angrily.

Zhao Cheng would never be able to surrender to Su Changkong.

"Even if the four of us join forces, we won't be able to fight. Even if we lose, we will die a worthy death!"

Lieyang Taoist Master of Yin Yang Dao Sect also echoed.

Although there is a big gap between the mid-stage Yuanying and the great monks of Yuanying, if the four of them join forces and use all their abilities, they may not be unable to fight.

At this moment, only Wang Zhonglou of the Tianjian Sect and Ling Yue of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect remained silent.

Although they are not willing to make unnecessary sacrifices, they seem to have no extra choice now.

There was no way they could avoid this battle.

Since there is no way to avoid it, why should we passively suffer the enemy?

"In this case, we have to go to this Immortal Ascension Conference. Instead of waiting for Su Changkong to arrive, we might as well take the initiative!"

Ling Yue suggested.

This will save thousands of disciples from having to sacrifice themselves in vain.

If they were defeated and fell, Su Changkong would definitely not cause trouble to the other disciples. At most, he would find someone to take over the Four Immortal Sects.

"I agree with Fairy Bright Moon! Since there is no way to avoid it, then take the initiative to attack when they are unprepared!"

Tianjian Sect Wang Zhonglou's eyes flashed with sword light, and he agreed with Ling Yue's idea.

"Then let's fight!"

Zhao Cheng and Lie Yang Dao Zun immediately agreed.

Then he left to start preparations and left his last words.

They are ready to die.

Demonic sea.

Under the leadership of Tianmo Sect Jiang Yuyan, the Demonic Dao organized an army of more than 100,000 monks and was heading towards the southern region.

He planned to take advantage of the opportunity when many powerful people went to Liuyun Immortal Sect to participate in the Immortal Ascension Conference and seize a large area of ​​southern territory.

This time, even the ancestor of the Heavenly Demon Sect followed.

Because the Demonic Sea is no longer suitable for human habitation.

Since the opening of the Poseidon Tower, the evil storm has become even more violent.

This time they invade the Southern Territory, the demonic monks plan to completely take root in the Southern Territory.

"Master, if you and Ancestor take action this time, how can Su Changkong be our opponent with his own strength? We are bound to win the Southern Territory!"

Wan Wushuang was full of confidence. After all, in her opinion, there was only Su Changkong, a great Nascent Soul cultivator, in the world of immortal cultivation in the Southern Region.

And there were two of them.

Although the Heavenly Ghost Sect and the Corpse King Sect fell, it did not affect their overall power in the Demonic Sea at all.

In addition to the two great Yuanying monks, they also have 5 monks in the middle stage of Yuanying, 12 monks in the early stage of Yuanying, hundreds of golden elixir masters, and more than 100,000 foundation building and Qi training monks.

This powerful force is not something that ordinary people can contend with.

"What are you afraid of, Su Changkong? I'm a little worried that this guy Lin Changsheng may become a stumbling block for us to unify the Southern Territory!"

A trace of worry flashed in Jiang Yuyan's eyes.

After all, Lin Changsheng's talent is too high.

A prodigy at the top of the Divine Refining Ladder should not be underestimated.

After all, this kid is only in his twenties and has already reached the Nascent Soul stage.

If he was given another twenty years, wouldn't it be easy for him to become a Nascent Soul cultivator?

Once Lin Changsheng breaks through to the Yuanying Great Monk, he will be their biggest opponent.

"Lin Changsheng?"

Wan Wushuang muttered silently, feeling a little shocked.

Unexpectedly, the master was not afraid of Su Changkong at all, but was worried that Lin Changsheng would become a stumbling block?

Does Lin Changsheng really have such terrifying potential?

"This guy is really hateful!"

When Wan Wushuang thought of being humiliated by Lin Changsheng, she immediately felt extremely angry.

However, I have to admit that his talent is indeed not comparable to that of ordinary people.

How could Wan Wushuang and Jiang Yuyan have imagined that Lin Changsheng would not need twenty years to break through to become a Nascent Soul cultivator. He only needed to destroy a Beimu Immortal Clan and absorb the mana of many cultivators to advance successfully.

Ten days later.

Lin Changsheng finally rushed to the Southern Territory with Yu Wenjing.

Lin Changsheng first took Yu Wenjing to Dayu and put her down, because it would be dangerous for Yu Wenjing to follow Lin Changsheng.

She is the Empress of Dayu, and this is her home.

"His Majesty?"

Jin Wuque was overjoyed when he saw Yu Wenjing coming back.

Three months later, he thought Yu Wenjing was dead.

Unexpectedly, he was miraculously rescued by Lin Changsheng.

All the soldiers knelt down to greet their empress.

"Changsheng, thank you!"

After Yu Wenjing landed, she expressed her gratitude to Lin Changsheng. Although she was deeply reluctant to leave, she had no words to hold him back.

She knew that Lin Changsheng no longer belonged to their group.

"Wen Jing, there is no need to say thank you between you and me. You have helped me a lot in the past!"

Lin Changsheng responded with a smile.

After a few simple words of respect, Lin Changsheng left in a hurry and went straight to Liuyun Immortal Sect.

Because when he first entered the world of immortal cultivation in the Southern Territory, he heard what people called the Immortal Ascension Conference.

He heard that the four major immortal sects had rushed over. The four major immortal sects probably would not surrender to Su Changkong, and they might have other plans.

Lin Changsheng was worried that something might happen to the four major immortal sects, so he had to rush there immediately.

"Chang Sheng, take care, I may never be able to help you again in the future!"

Yu Wenjing looked at Lin Changsheng's leaving figure, feeling extremely disappointed.

When Lin Changsheng had not grown into an immortal master, she could indeed help him a little.

But now, Lin Changsheng is so powerful that he can single-handedly destroy many powerful people from the Beimu Immortal Clan.

This kind of strength is something she can only look up to.

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