The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 257 Gathering at the Ascension Conference, Zhuge Buping makes things difficult

Liuyun Immortal Sect.

When Su Changkong heard that the four major sects had already set off to rush here, Su Changkong couldn't help but smile.

I thought the Four Immortal Sects were tough, but I didn't expect that they would not surrender to him obediently.

"Elder Li, how is the construction of the Ascension Platform going?"

Su Changkong asked.

All the major sects gathered in his Liuyun Immortal Sect, so naturally they had to show off the rich family background of his Liuyun Immortal Sect.

This immortal platform is built with hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones, showing a luxurious atmosphere.

"It will be completed soon. Everything will be set up according to the instructions of the sect master."

Li Jiantang responded.

"good very good!"

Su Changkong was quite satisfied, "You go and prepare a few more treasures, and then we can hold a youth martial arts competition to recruit the geniuses from the major sects and let them join our Liuyun Immortal Sect!"

Su Changkong has arranged everything. Even if the four great immortal sects are willing to surrender, they cannot be allowed to develop alone.

All the geniuses from his sect will also flow into his Liuyun Immortal Sect.

If they dare to say no, they are seeking death.

"I'll do it right now!"

Li Jiantang agreed and immediately retreated.

He knew that Su Changkong would definitely ascend to the immortal world in the future, and he would not be in charge of the Liuyun Immortal Sect by then?

Therefore, Li Jiantang was the most active in working for Su Changkong.

Su Changkong was also willing to reuse him.

In the blink of an eye, the one-month deadline is here.

Today is the day for the Immortal Ascension Conference, which will be held at Piaomiao Peak of Liuyun Immortal Sect.

Li Jiantang was responsible for the reception.

The major sects came one after another to Liuyun Immortal Sect, making this place seem lively.

Soon the four major immortal sects also arrived here with their elders and disciples.

"Everything goes according to plan!"

Wang Chonglou gave an instruction to all the sect leaders, and then stepped into Piaomiao Peak.

"Sect Master Wang of Tianjian Sect has arrived with all the elders and disciples!"

When Li Jiantang saw Wang Zhonglou arriving, he immediately welcomed him.

But the corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise a smile.

I thought the Four Immortal Sects were so tough, but I didn’t expect that they didn’t obediently come to congratulate them in the end?

"Fairy Yaoyue of the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect has arrived with all the elders and disciples!"

"Yin Yang Dao Sect Lie Yang Dao Zun leads all the elders and disciples to arrive!"

With Li Jiantang's loud shouts, everyone noticed the arrival of the four major immortal sects.

"Have you heard that when the four great Immortal Sects fought for Lin Changsheng in the Poseidon Tower to seize the treasure, they now have the nerve to come to the Liuyun Immortal Sect to participate in the Immortal Ascension Conference?"

"What if they don't come to participate? Are they waiting for Su Changkong to launch an attack? If they don't come, the sect may not be able to protect themselves!"

"That's right, if Su Changkong breaks through the Yuanying Great Monk, even if the four major immortal sects join forces, they will probably not be able to defeat him. If he doesn't come, the end will be miserable!"

"I'm afraid there will be a good show today. Su Changkong is not a good person, but he is very vindictive!"

People from all the major forces in the surrounding area talked about it.

In their view, today's Immortal Ascension Conference was more than just a gathering to congratulate Su Changkong.

Maybe it's a conspiracy against the Four Immortal Sects.

A moment later, Lin Changsheng also arrived at Liuyun Immortal Sect, and met Tu Yunfei, a casual cultivator on the way.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng had used the method of rebirth to change his appearance, and lowered his cultivation level to the early stage of the Golden Core.

As one of the strongest casual cultivators, Tu Yunfei also formed an elixir a month ago.

The two of them walked towards Piaomiao Peak while discussing the opportunity to form pills.

"Fellow Daoist Dragon, I never expected that you would also obtain the chance elixir in the Taixu Temple. What a coincidence we have!"

When Tu Yunfei heard that Lin Changsheng also obtained the opportunity to form elixirs in the Taixu Temple, he suddenly felt that it was too late to meet him.

There seemed to be endless things to say.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them arrived at the feet of Piaomiao Peak.

The two of them were about to enter, but were intercepted by the disciples of Liuyun Immortal Sect.

"Everyone who participates in the Immortal Ascension Conference must show their sect badge. Except for Tianjiao disciples and major elders, no one else is allowed to enter!"

Aoman, the disciple who blocked the road, said.

It seems that after Su Changkong broke through the Yuanying Great Monk, the Liuyun Immortal Sect disciples also became arrogant, looking at people as if they wanted to use their nostrils to look at them.

"Doesn't it mean that casual cultivators are not qualified to participate?"

Hearing this, Tu Yunfei was very unhappy and felt that Su Changkong was too snobbish.

People with no background are not eligible to participate?

"Rogue cultivators still want to participate? Don't you care about your own virtue?"

Not far away, after Zhuge Buping heard the noise here, he came over and said disdainfully.

It turns out that they are two casual cultivators who also want to attend the Immortal Ascension Conference?

Not just any cat or dog can enter Liuyun Immortal Sect.


Hearing this, Tu Yunfei was extremely angry, and the other party looked down upon others.

"Friend Tu, please be patient and wait for me!"

Lin Changsheng opened his mouth to persuade because he saw a familiar figure.

This man held up his pants with both hands and swayed from side to side, his eyes constantly staring at the woman passing by, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Cao!"

Lin Changsheng walked over and shouted.

After hearing this, Cao De looked up and pointed at himself? Does this mean you know me?

Lin Changsheng immediately waved and motioned for Cao De to come over.

"Fellow Taoist, do you know me?"

Cao De was confused and said that he didn't seem to know this person.

Lin Changsheng pulled Cao aside, "If you don't know me, how can I call you?"

Cao De was still a little confused. Why didn't he recognize the other party?

"What's the matter?"

Cao De asked in confusion.

"It's not a big deal. Please take us in to attend the Immortal Ascension Conference. This little thing is surely not a problem for you, right?"

Lin Changsheng said bluntly.

"This is indeed not a problem, but why should I help you?"

Cao De was still wondering why he had no impression of him at all?

"If you don't help me, I'll accidentally tell you about eating outside. I'm afraid it will have a bad impact on you, right?"

Lin Changsheng said bluntly.

Upon hearing this, Cao De looked at Lin Changsheng in surprise, "Are you Lin——"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Changsheng kicked Cao De and told him to shut up.

Cao De then covered his mouth, "Easy to say, easy to say, I'll let them let you in right now!"

Others, Cao De, didn't want to get involved in this matter, but he still had to buy Lin Changsheng's face.

"Let them in! Even my brother dares to stop them. I don't want to live anymore!"

Cao De angrily scolded the two disciples who blocked the way, and immediately invited Lin Changsheng and Tu Yunfei inside.

This made the guarding disciple confused. He looked at Zhuge Buping. When he saw Zhuge Buping, he didn't say much and let him go.

They didn't dare to interfere with Cao De's affairs.

After all, Cao De is a proud disciple of the sect, and his status is much more noble than theirs.

Life will be difficult after offending him.

"Good luck to you! You'll feel better if you go in!"

Zhuge Buping had a sinister look on his face, but he didn't expect them to know Cao De.

Cao De's talent is not weak. There is no need to offend him for this matter. There will be plenty of opportunities later.

"You are still capable, Fellow Daoist Dragon! You have a wide network of contacts!"

When Tu Yunfei saw Lin Changsheng greeting someone casually, he entered and admired Lin Changsheng in his heart.

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