The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 258 Chapter 263265 Each sect offers treasures, competes, defeats, clown? Invincible, play

Chapter 258 Chapter 263-265 Each sect offers treasures, competes, defeats, clown? Invincible, play

As a casual cultivator, although Tu Yunfei was free, he had no power to rely on.

At this moment, seeing Lin Changsheng find someone to solve the problem, he immediately admired Lin Changsheng.

When Lin Changsheng and others entered Piaomiao Peak and reached the top of the mountain, there was a large open space here, which was usually used for disciples' cultivation.

But now it has been converted into a reception square.

In the center of the square, there is a huge stone platform with a radius of 100 meters.

This stone platform is filled with extremely rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Because this stone platform was the Immortal Ascension Platform that Su Changkong specially ordered Li Jiantang to arrange. This stone platform was built with 100,000 spiritual stones.

At this moment, countless people were surrounding the Shengxian Terrace, looking at it with envy.

"As expected of the top five Immortal Sects! The Liuyun Immortal Sect is so generous that they even used spiritual stones to build a stone platform!"

"Yes! There are so many spiritual stones, more than 100,000 in total. This is a huge wealth!"

"Sect Master Su is already a great monk who has broken through to the Nascent Soul. How can he still lack spiritual stones in the future? Isn't this something that is easily available?"

"It would be great if I were a disciple of Liuyun Immortal Sect. I would definitely have no shortage of training resources in the future!"

Outside the Immortal Platform, many people were discussing the construction of the Immortal Platform.

This gave Su Changkong, who was sitting at the top of the stairs, great satisfaction.

After searching, Lin Changsheng quickly discovered the location of the four major immortal sects.

"They're all here?"

Lin Changsheng discovered that in addition to the sect leaders, all the elders and disciples of the four major immortal sects had gathered here.

Among the crowd, Lin Changsheng also discovered Gao Ziyue, Yu Lingfei, Zhuo Yijian, Zhang Aoxue and others.

But now that Lin Changsheng's appearance has changed, it's hard to recognize him.

Hiding his identity, Lin Changsheng planned to find an opportunity to give Su Changkong a fatal blow. This was the safest way.

Although Lin Changsheng is now absolutely sure that he can kill Su Changkong.

But if there is an easier way, why not use it?

"Congratulations to Sect Leader Su for breaking through to become a Nascent Soul Great Monk. I believe that the stage of transformation into gods is not far away. This is the Heavenly Snow Bodhi Fruit, the sect's most precious treasure of our Changdao Sect. It only bears one fruit in three hundred years. I hope Sect Master Su Su won't dislike it! "

"It's so gratifying that Sect Master Su has broken through the Nascent Soul Great Monk! In the future, Sect Master Su will lead our Southern Immortal Cultivation World to unify the Demonic Sea and the Beimu Immortal Clan. This is the Fire Burning Heaven Technique passed down from our ancestors of the Liehuo Sect. , I hope I can help Sect Master Su.”

"Sect Master Su, our Vajra Sect presents the sect's most precious treasure, the Scimitar of the Moon, as a token of our gratitude!"

"I, the Iron Palm Sect, send out ten gold-returning elixirs to congratulate Sect Leader Su on his promotion!"

Below Su Changkong, the major sects continued to offer treasures and express their attitudes.

Now that Su Changkong has broken through the Yuanying Great Monk, how can they not fawn over him?

After all, Su Changkong was not a religious man.

Back then, just for a ray of heaven and earth energy, even the whole family could be killed.

If they were not careful and offended Su Changkong, the whole sect might be in catastrophe.


Su Changkong pressed his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Su is extremely honored that you can come to participate in the Immortal Ascension Conference held by our Liuyun Immortal Sect. No need for gifts. If you really want to express your feelings, just leave it to Elder Li!"

Su Changkong didn't like these treasures, so he waved these people away.

After a pause, Su Changkong continued, "The Young Disciples Martial Arts Competition is only half a year away. How about taking this opportunity to compete and learn from each other here? The winner will receive various rewards from our Liuyun Immortal Sect! "

After finishing his words, Su Changkong glanced at Li Jiantang who was standing aside.

Li Jiantang took two steps forward.

"Any active participant, regardless of winning or losing, will be rewarded with one hundred spiritual stones!"

"The third place will receive a reward of 5,000 spiritual stones plus a low-grade magic weapon. The second place will receive a reward of 8,000 spiritual stones plus a medium-grade magic weapon. The first place will receive a reward of 10,000 spiritual stones, plus a medium-grade magic weapon. A top-grade magic weapon and a copy of Liuyunxian Sect's inner sect's inner martial art, the Supreme Spirit Transformation Jue."

Li Jiantang said word by word, which immediately caused an uproar among the people below.

"As long as you participate, you will get a hundred spirit stones? As expected of Liuyun Immortal Sect, it is so generous!"

"Yes! The rewards for the top three are even more generous!"

"Why don't you give it a try? Even if you only get a hundred spirit stones, it won't be a loss!"

Not to mention anything else, this spiritual stone alone attracted many disciples eager to try it.

Regardless of winning or losing, as long as you participate, you will get a hundred spirit stones as a reward. For some small sects, this is simply free!

After all, the small sect is not as important as the five major immortal sects, and it attaches great importance to every spiritual stone.

"Contestants can come to Sendai to compete!"

When Li Jiantang saw the commotion below, a smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

This is not prepared for them, but for Liuyun Immortal Sect.

Just in time for the major sects to see the strength of their Liuyun Immortal Sect disciples.

Not to mention the disciples under other elders, there are two geniuses among the disciples under Li Jiantang, one is Zhuge Buping and the other is Zhao Fuhu.

Both of them have dual spiritual roots, and Zhao Fuhu has a different thunder spiritual root.

After the opportunity of Poseidon Tower, Zhao Fuhu has reached the peak of the middle stage of Jindan and is about to break through to the late stage of Jindan.

With such potential, looking at the entire southern realm of immortality, how many people can compare with it?

This is not a discussion and exchange, it is basically an exhibition match for their Liuyun Immortal Sect, showing off their rich heritage of Liuyun Immortal Sect to the major sects.

Of course, if there are talented people in each sect, Liuyun Immortal Sect will win over them.

If the other party is unwilling, there is only one outcome, and that is death.

"I come!"

Below, a disciple of the Changdao Sect holding a long sword shouted softly and jumped up to the Immortal Ascension Platform.

Winning the opponent without fighting is secondary, as long as you get one hundred spiritual stones.

"I'll try!"

A tall, bare-chested man from the Vajra Gate also jumped onto the Immortal Platform.

When competing on the Immortal Platform, the mana recovered could hardly be reached.

Because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is extremely strong.

"Changdaomen, Gao Yifeng!"

The young man holding a long knife reported his family background.

"Vajra Gate, Zhao Zun!"

The disciples of the Vajra Sect also held their fists together.

After some introductions, the two began to discuss each other.

There is a formation guard around the stone platform, so no matter how you blast it, the magic power cannot spread outside.

In an instant, as the two men fought, the sword light and fist light continued to collide with each other on the stone platform, and violent roars were heard.

However, no matter how hard they fought, it was still calm outside.

Gao Yifeng of Changdaomen only has seven levels of foundation building, while Zhao Zun of Jingangmen Gate has eight levels of foundation building.

After dozens of moves, Zhao Zun was clearly the better, knocking Gao Yifeng off the Immortal Platform and winning.

Then several young disciples came on stage to compete, but these were just appetizers.

Although the fight was back and forth, it was a bit boring to watch.

After many rounds of competition, Li Jiantang winked at Zhuge Buping.

It's their turn. It's time for Liuyun Xianzong to perform on stage.

Following his master's orders, Zhuge Buping jumped onto the Immortal Platform.

Opposite him stood a young man in red.

"Fire Fire Sect, Wu——"

"Get down here!"

Before the disciples of the Fierce Fire Sect had finished reporting their families, Zhuge Buping punched out and killed them.

This shocked the disciples of the Fiery Sect, as the other party simply had no martial ethics.

All he could do was immediately block it with his fists.


The two fist lights collided violently, and a violent roar suddenly erupted.

The Fire Sect disciple was directly hit by Zhuge Buping's punch and flew backwards. A mouthful of blood spurted out in mid-air. After landing, he was severely injured.

Seeing this, everyone around them was angry but dared not speak.

Unexpectedly, during the competition and competition, the Liuyun Immortal Sect disciples would be so disrespectful of martial ethics and would be so vicious?

"Sorry, I only used 30% of my strength. I didn't expect-"

Zhuge Buping pretended to be surprised.

The crowd below could only look at each other in silence, and did not dare to say anything at this moment.

Otherwise, if they offend Su Changkong, they will definitely not have an easy time.

Because they were afraid of offending the Liuyun Immortal Sect, all major sects did not dare to let their disciples go into battle.

Regardless of whether they win the fight or not, they will gain nothing.

If he wins, he will slap the Liuyun Immortal Sect in the face.

If you lose the fight, you may lose your life, which is extremely uneconomical.

So Zhuge Buping stood on the Immortal Platform, and no one was willing to go up to discuss it for a moment.

Seeing that no one was willing to come up, Zhuge Buping took a look around and his eyes fell on Lin Changsheng.

This guy was lucky enough to let him in. Now let's see if he can resist his punch?

Lin Changsheng also discovered Zhuge Buping's unkind vision. If this guy insisted on seeking death, he would not be afraid.

After all, Lin Changsheng came here this time to see if the four major sects were safe.

After seeing that all four major sects were safe, Lin Changsheng was completely relieved.

What follows is the battle between Lin Changsheng and Su Changkong.

A small Zhuge Buping is no different from an ant in his eyes.

"Do you dare to come up?"

Zhuge Buping pointed at Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth when he saw this. The other party really didn't know how to live or die.

"Fellow Daoist Long, this guy holds a grudge and might kill you. Why don't I go and challenge him?"

Tu Yunfei beside Lin Changsheng whispered, and then planned to go on stage.

However, he was stopped by Lin Changsheng.

"What's there to be afraid of? I'll do it!"

Lin Changsheng put a little force on his feet and jumped up. The other party wanted to die, how could he not fulfill his wish?

Although Lin Changsheng had lowered his cultivation level to the early stage of the Golden Core, he was still strong enough to kill Zhuge Buping instantly.

After all, Lin Changsheng's Perfection Immortal Art is placed here, and it also incorporates a variety of secret techniques, making it extremely powerful.

"Why do you think I let you in? It's just to make your death more ugly!"

Zhuge Buping Yin Zhe's eyes flashed with a cold light.

Do these casual cultivators also want to participate in the conference? It is simply asking for humiliation.

Not far away, Cao De almost laughed out loud when he saw Zhuge Buping's behavior.

This guy is really good at choosing people. There were so many disciples who didn't choose, but he chose the strongest one.

The person standing opposite him was not a monk in the early stage of the Golden Core, but a terrifying powerhouse in the Nascent Soul stage.

In the Poseidon Tower, Cao De knew that Lin Changsheng had broken through to the early stage of Nascent Soul.

However, he didn't know that Lin Changsheng had already broken through to the late Nascent Soul stage.


Lin Changsheng looked at Zhuge Buping as if he was looking at a clown.

He didn't even pay attention to Su Changkong, who had broken through the Nascent Soul Great Monk. How could he look at him more?

Killing him was no different than squeezing an ant to death.


Zhuge Buping was so angry that he couldn't speak. How could this kid be so arrogant? When he cries later!

''Get down here! "

Zhuge Buping yelled angrily and immediately punched out.

It seemed that he wanted to kill Lin Changsheng just like he had just defeated the Fire Sect disciples.

However, Lin Changsheng didn't even bother to look at Zhuge Buping, and just punched him out with the same punch.


The two fists collided violently, and some people who were worried about Lin Changsheng couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

However, when the roar came out, it was not Lin Changsheng who flew out, but Zhuge Buping.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but widen their eyes!


Zhuge Buping flew upside down and spurted out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, showing that he was seriously injured.

After landing, I couldn't even lift my head for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Li Jiantang and Su Changkong frowned. This man actually defeated Zhuge Buping with one punch?

Is it possible that this cultivation level is in the middle stage of Golden Core?

But what is perceived is only the early stage of the Golden Elixir? Why is it so strong?

"I only used 10% of my strength and you fell down?"

Lin Changsheng said disdainfully and threw this words to Zhuge Buping again.

Zhuge Buping raised his head with difficulty just now. After hearing this, he opened his mouth to say something, but before he could finish speaking, he fainted.

I don't know whether he fainted due to severe injuries or was angered by Lin Changsheng.

However, what Lin Changsheng said was not a lie. This was indeed a level of cultivation that he could not even achieve.

Otherwise, if his strength breaks out, one blow may be enough to kill Zhuge Buping into blood foam.

"Which sect disciple is this person? He has such a level of cultivation?"

"I don't know! But no matter how high your cultivation talent is, if you slap Liuyun Immortal Sect in the face, I'm afraid it won't end well!"

"Yes! This is the territory of Liuyun Immortal Sect. It is estimated that it will be difficult for him to escape unscathed!"

Many people around him talked about it.

"Please show me your skills, I'll meet you!"

As soon as Zhuge Buping fell, Zhao Fuhu jumped up, intending to save his master's face.

Today, Zhao Jiefang also had a great improvement in his cultivation due to the opportunity of Poseidon Tower.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the sect’s number one genius.

After all, whether it is Cao De, Zhuge Buping, Lin Caiyin, Xin Yuner and others, they are only in the early stage of the Golden Elixir.

He is the only one who has reached the peak of the middle stage of Jindan.

This level of cultivation is already comparable to that of the great elders.

Therefore, in Zhao Fuhu's opinion, he was enough to deal with Lin Changsheng's early stage of the golden elixir.

However, when Lin Changsheng looked at Zhao Fuhu, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

This kid is really lucky, and he is still alive until now.

Now that he was facing him, how could he let him go?

"Zhao Fuhu, Liuyun Immortal Sect, is here to teach fellow Taoist masters some great tricks!"

Zhao Fuhu is much more humble than Zhuge Buping.

But it's all the same stuff and not much better.


Lin Changsheng gave a false name and said.

Too late——

The next moment, the magic power in Zhao Fuhu's body was circulating, and lightning flashed all over his body.

The power of thunder and lightning pierced the space with astonishing power.

"Be careful!"

Zhao Fuhu said coldly and struck out with a palm.

The powerful thunder and lightning palm prints crackled in the space, with extraordinary power.

An ordinary early-stage Jindan cultivator would not be able to withstand the power of Zhao Fuhu's palm.

But Lin Changsheng was not afraid at all.

I saw him strike out with a careless palm. The seemingly unpretentious palm actually collided with the thunder and lightning palm print at the moment.

Directly defeat the overbearing thunder and lightning palm print instantly.


Zhao Fuhu was so shocked that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear when he saw that his lightning palm print was instantly defeated.

I am at the peak of the middle stage of the Golden Core! He also cooperated with the power of the strange thunder spirit root, but it was not as good as the opponent's golden elixir in the early stage?

Lin Changsheng's palm prints were as powerful as breaking bamboos. After shattering the thunder and lightning palm prints, he continued to attack Zhao Fuhu.

Zhao Fuhu never expected this scene.

With his peak cultivation level in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and combined with the Different Thunder Spiritual Roots, he couldn't beat the opponent?

Zhao Fuhu, who was stunned, had forgotten to dodge.

Seeing that the palm print was about to hit Zhao Fuhu, the power of the palm print was extremely domineering.

If the bombardment hits Zhao Fuhu, his meridians may be severed. If he is lucky, he can recover for half a month, but if he is unlucky, he may even be killed by a palm.

So Li Jiantang waved his hand, and the powerful Yuanying mana exploded, instantly shattering Lin Changsheng's palm print.

In the Poseidon Tower space, Li Jiantang unexpectedly got the opportunity and was already in the early stage of promotion to Nascent Soul.

Therefore, his prestige within the sect has also increased a lot.

The palm print was shattered. Lin Changsheng looked at Li Jiantang on the high platform and felt very unhappy.

If it weren't for this old guy, Zhao Fuhu would have died.

"Why are the elders trying to stop these disciples from competing against each other?"

"Yes! If we can't win, will Liuyun Immortal Sect be cheating?"

"When I looked at it, I thought Liuyun was so upright and upright now, but I didn't expect that he would be so virtuous!"

"Open and aboveboard? Are you overthinking it? Don't you know that Su Changkong killed his fellow disciples to seize the energy of heaven and earth?"

The people below suddenly started whispering, and they did not dare to speak loudly for fear of being overheard by Su Changkong and others.

At the beginning, there were many sects who admired Liuyun Immortal Sect.

But since Zhuge Buping suddenly took action without respecting martial ethics, and now Li Jiantang is protecting his disciples.

Suddenly, he no longer had any favorable impression of Liuyun Immortal Sect.

"Little brother, I think Fu Hu lost this battle. May I ask which sect you are a disciple of?"

Li Jiantang frowned slightly and asked.

I thought this competition would be an exhibition match for their Liuyun Immortal Sect.

Unexpectedly, it would be destroyed by Lin Changsheng, an alien.

Zhao Fuhu is Liu Yun's strongest disciple now. Even he is no match for Lin Changsheng, so the other disciples may be even worse.

If Liuyun Immortal Sect cannot win first place, then there is no need to continue this martial arts tournament.

"Master, master, this guy is a casual cultivator with no sect. According to the rules of the sect's banquet, casual cultivators without any sect cannot participate in the conference!"

Zhuge Buping miraculously woke up at this time and said slowly.

These words made Su Changkong frown, as if he had found a breakthrough.

"Without any sect? That's why you sneaked in?"

Su Changkong glared at Lin Changsheng and said.

If this person is willing to surrender to Liuyun Immortal Sect, maybe he will consider sparing the other party's life.

If they are stubborn and ineffective, they will be killed directly.

So as not to become a stumbling block in the future.

After all, the talent he has shown since then and his future achievements cannot be underestimated.

"Cao De let them in!"

Zhuge Buping directly dragged Cao De into the water.

This made Cao De very angry. This Zhuge Buping was just a troublemaker, making everyone stink.

"Cao De, is this something?"

Li Jiantang shouted loudly.

If this is the case, Cao De must know this person, so what is his identity?

After hearing everyone's comments, Ling Yue looked at Lin Changsheng's back and immediately realized that this man looked a bit like Lin Changsheng.

Regardless of whether this person was Lin Changsheng or not, she planned to protect him.

"I think you have misunderstood. Long Tian is a disciple of my Moon-covering Immortal Sect!"

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to break up, Ling Yue said bluntly.


This surprised Su Changkong and Li Jiantang.

"What? Is it true that the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect also accepts male disciples? Aren't you afraid that this person will be unable to resist the temptation in your sect and act recklessly?"

Li Jiantang mocked.

Because the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect has always only recruited female disciples, never male disciples.

The Hidden Moon Immortal Sect is like a kingdom of girls, where the women are more beautiful than the last.

Even if a man enters it, he can't help but have some distracting thoughts.

"There's no need for Elder Li to worry about it. I wonder if the rewards from this martial arts tournament are still there? No one dares to challenge. Can we say that I, the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect, won the first place?"

Ling Yue said leisurely that the rewards of these Ten Thousand Spiritual Stones, high-grade magic weapons and techniques should not be wasted.

When these words came out, Li Jiantang was immediately speechless.

Where else can they send disciples to fight?

"That's natural, but this child is extremely talented. If he stays in the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect, wouldn't he be a hidden talent? The door of my Liuyun Immortal Sect is always open to this little friend Long Tian. I wonder if Sect Master Ling can give up his love and let him Will this son join our Liuyun Immortal Sect?"

Su Changkong said what he wanted to ask most.

Once this son joins his Liuyun Immortal Sect, isn't it equivalent to his Liuyun Immortal Sect winning first place?

There’s no shame in that either.

If the other party disagrees, Su Changkong will find an excuse to attack.

If the soft one doesn't work, let's use the hard one. Let's see who can stop him?

"That's right! Fairy Jiaoyue, this child has extremely high talent. Being taught by our sect master himself is definitely better than staying in the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect! I hope Fairy Jiaoyue will not refuse!"

When Li Jiantang saw this, he immediately agreed.

This actually put Ling Yue in a bit of trouble.

"Since Sect Leader Su is so supportive, I am naturally willing to join the Liuyun Immortal Sect, but -"

When Ling Yue hesitated, Lin Changsheng responded decisively.

"Just what?"

Su Changkong asked.

The potential of this prodigy is comparable to that of Lin Changsheng. If he is cultivated in the future, his potential will be limitless.

Even if it costs a little, he is willing.

"It's just that Sect Master Lingyue also spent a lot of spiritual stones and elixirs to train me. If Sect Master Su is willing to give Sect Master Ling 100,000 spirit stones as compensation, I will naturally be willing to join the Liuyun Immortal Sect!"

Lin Changsheng plans to blackmail Su Changkong. How will he respond?

This actually made Su Changkong frown.

One hundred thousand spirit stones is not a small amount.

Although he had seized a lot of spiritual stones from the Heavenly Ghost Sect and the Corpse King Sect, he could not afford such a squandering.

But seeing the Wizards right in front of you, it would be a pity to miss it.

"That's natural. This Immortal Ascension Platform is made of 100,000 spirit stones. If Sect Leader Ling doesn't mind it, you can take it as a reward!"

Su Changkong promised.

He wanted to see if the other party dared to take it?

If you dare to take it, you can just go to the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect to get it in the future.

In his opinion, Ling Yue should not dare to go unless she was not afraid of suffering the annihilation of her sect.

Seeing this, Lin Changsheng winked at Ling Yue, don't let this free gift go to waste.

Ling Yue was not polite and took out the storage bag directly and put the Shengxian Platform in it.

With the disappearance of the Immortal Platform, the venue suddenly became a little empty.

Su Changkong was suddenly angry and clenched his fists.

This Ling Yue is really brave.

"Long Tian? Fellow Daoist Long? Could it be that he is?"

Concubine Yu Ling looked at the exchange between her master and Lin Changsheng and suddenly felt a little puzzled.

However, when I remembered that the other party said that he was Long Tian, ​​this was so similar to fellow Taoist Long in the past.

Immediately Concubine Yu Ling began to suspect that this Long Tian was Lin Changsheng.

Thinking of this, Concubine Yu Ling raised a smile on her lips.

It seemed that Su Changkong and others were going to be tricked by Lin Changsheng.

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