The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 264 The strange abyss, the ice jade bed to nourish the soul [Please subscribe! 】

"It's very good that Sect Master Su can think like this, but in order to show your determination to join my demonic path, I hope you can show something?"

Jiang Yuyan continued.

She didn't want to save Su Changkong in vain, so she had to let him show something.

Otherwise, they would be in big trouble if they just make empty promises now and fall out with each other in the future.

"What do you want?"

Su Changkong asked.

"I have two choices for Sect Master Su. One is to take the Heart-Eating Bone-Breaking Pill of our Heavenly Demon Sect, and the second is to hand over the Sect-Opening Divine Ax of the Liuyun Immortal Sect. Can you choose one?"

Jiang Yuyan calculated.

No matter which one Su Changkong chooses, they will be able to control Su Changkong in the future.

If you choose the first one, Su Changkong will hand over his life to them.

Choosing the second option would be handing over your reputation to them.

Once Su Changkong regrets and no longer cooperates with them, Su Changkong will be ruined and will be infamy for eternity.

After all, the reputation of a righteous man colluding with the devil is not a small one.


Hearing this, Su Changqiu was speechless for a long time.

He naturally knew Jiang Yuyan's plan, but now he seemed to have no more choices.

In order to survive and avenge his ancestor, Su Changkong had no choice but to agree.

Su Changkong waved his hand, and a golden divine ax appeared in his palm.

This object is the most precious treasure of the Liuyun Immortal Sect, the sect's divine axe.

It represents the rise and fall of the entire Liuyun Immortal Sect.

Now he didn't expect that he would fall into the hands of a demonic person, which was enough to declare the decline of his Liuyun Immortal Sect.

"Sect Master Su is so courageous. I hope we can cooperate happily. When I kill Lin Changsheng and seize the southern territory, I will return the sect's divine ax to you!"

Jiang Yuyan waved her hand and put away the Kaizong Divine Ax.

Then a group of demonic people left the place, leaving Su Changkong covered in blood.

"Lin Changsheng, all of this was given by you. You destroyed my body and caused me to lose the sect's most precious treasure. I will definitely avenge this!"

Su Changkong's angry shouts echoed in the cave.

Dayu, Mucheng.

A huge crack appeared here a few years ago, splitting Mucheng into two.

In the abyss, extremely cold spiritual energy floated out from time to time, causing many monks to sit here, waiting for an opportunity.

However, today, this place has been reduced to a slaughterhouse.

Countless demonic people rushed into this place and killed all the righteous monks. The bright red blood dyed a large area of ​​the ground red.

When everyone in the Demonic Way looked at the abyss below, they couldn't help but feel greedy.

"Brother Tianzhi, there seems to be a treasure below this abyss!"

A Yin Yang Temple disciple looked at the wisp of spiritual energy that would float out from below from time to time, and his eyes suddenly said greedily.

"Maybe there is an underground spiritual vein, you go down and find out!"

A smile appeared on Bu Tianzhi's lips.

If there really is a large underground spiritual vein here, it won't take long for him to break through the Nascent Soul stage.

When the time comes, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it will be the pride of the next day in the Immortal Heritage Land.

The number one genius is of course Lin Changsheng. Looking at the entire Immortal Heritage Land, who can compare with him?

Lin Changsheng is simply an anomaly.

Following Bu Tianzhi's instructions, a group of demonic disciples from the Yin and Yang Palace quickly broke through the air toward the bottom of the abyss.

However, as people entered, it became darker and darker below.

The abyss seems to be bottomless.

After diving for more than three hundred feet, a little light appeared below.

I saw an ice jade bed placed below, and a beautiful woman was lying quietly on the jade bed.

The woman's eyes were closed tightly, and she seemed to be in great pain.

If Lin Changsheng were here, he would definitely be able to tell at a glance that this woman was actually Yan Zhen, who had taken good care of him in the past.

There are white bones all around the ice jade bed, making this place look very eerie.

"The burial place?"

Everyone in the Demon Dao was a little surprised when they saw this scene.

I thought there would be a huge underground spiritual vein below, but I didn't expect that there was only one dead person?

And the spiritual energy actually emanated from the ice jade bed under the dead man.

This jade bed looks not simple, it should be carved from Jibingling jade.

This is something more precious than the spirit stone.

"This girl looks good and her body is well preserved. It would be a pity not to play with her!"

A demon disciple looked at the woman lying on the jade bed and suddenly felt evil intentions.

"You guys have really strong tastes. If you like it, go ahead! Don't delay the business!"

The rest of the staff had a look of contempt on their faces, as most people really don’t have this hobby.

"What do you know? If you don't play, you are wasting your resources!"

After saying this, the man climbed onto the jade bed and planned to do something.

However, when the man's arm just touched the woman's body, her body froze instantly, as if being restrained by an invisible force.

The next moment, this person's lifelong cultivation crazily poured out into the mouth and nose of the female corpse, and was absorbed by the female corpse.

Then the flesh and blood collapsed and turned into a pile of dead bones, scattered around the ice jade bed.

"What, what's going on?"

Everyone in the Demonic Way was shocked when they saw this situation.

No wonder there are so many bones around. It seems that they are all thinking about the female corpse and the ice jade bed, which is why they are like this.

"Destroy the female body and take away the ice jade bed!"

One of the demonic people ordered.

Then everyone used their magic power, and various attacks continued to attack the female corpse.

Unfortunately, these attacks had no effect on the female corpse. Even many magic attacks were absorbed by the female corpse before they hit it.

The next moment, the bodies of many demonic people who had just taken action seemed to be out of control, making it difficult to move.

He was restrained by an invisible force, and then was sucked in by a huge suction force with the female corpse as the center.

"No, hurry up, run away -"

However, it was too late for them to leave at this moment. The strong suppression made it difficult for them to move, and they could only watch helplessly as they kept getting closer to the female corpse.


When their bodies were three feet away from the female corpse, the mana and blood in their bodies was lost wildly, and finally turned into white bones, and the sounds of screams undulated with each other.

After a while, the place became quiet again, except that there were some more bones on the ground.

"Why aren't you back yet?"

Above the abyss, Bu Tianzhi waited for a long time, but no one came up to report.

I immediately planned to go down in person.

However, when he reached the bottom, his eyes widened.

Ice jade bed? Female corpse? Bones?

He seemed to have seen this horrifying scene in ancient books.

He immediately ran away without looking back.

His knowledge is much wider than these disciples.

What is being warmed on the ice jade bed is not a corpse, but a soul.

There must be an extremely powerful soul hidden within the body of this female corpse.

This is not something he can afford to offend.

It is estimated that once the soul and body are integrated and cultivated, there will be a huge catastrophe in the entire Immortal Relic Land.

He must inform his master Ding Changhai about this as soon as possible.

Let them see what's going on? (End of chapter)

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