The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 265 The Tongtian Lingbao comes out, the unparalleled divine sword [Please subscribe! 】

Shengxian Sect.

At this time, Lin Changsheng was still practicing in seclusion at Piaomiao Peak. To put it bluntly, he was integrating magic weapons.

When Liao Bugui found all the magic weapons from Liuyun Immortal Sect, Lin Changsheng also poured out many magic weapons in his hand.

After counting all the magic weapons, there were a total of 1866 low-grade magic weapons, 463 medium-grade magic weapons, and 122 high-grade magic weapons.

Liuyun Sect alone may not be able to collect so many treasures.

However, Su Changkong destroyed the Heavenly Ghost Sect and the Corpse King Sect, and seized countless magic weapons and spiritual stones from the two sects, which was an advantage for Lin Changsheng.

Coupled with the previous trophies in Lin Changsheng's storage bag, he was able to collect so many magic weapons.

After many fusions, 82 low-grade spiritual treasures finally appeared.

Lin Changsheng already had several low-grade spiritual treasures in his hands.

Lin Changsheng counted a total of 8 items, among which they were seized from Nie Buping, Jiu Wushang, Ancestor Tiangui, Divine Master Tianyin, Beimu Immortal Emperor, Taoist Tianji and others.

[90 low-grade spiritual treasures were detected, are they merged into 45 medium-grade spiritual treasures? 】

The next moment, the panel prompts came out.


Lin Changsheng chose fusion without hesitation.

In the next moment, 90 low-grade spiritual treasures merged together with shining light.

When the light receded, 45 medium-grade spiritual treasures appeared.

[45 medium-grade spiritual treasures were detected. Are they fused into 9 high-grade spiritual treasures? 】

The panel prompted again.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose yes.

"Ten high-grade spiritual treasures should be enough to fuse into a more advanced magic weapon, right?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

After all, Corpse Puppet is just such a fusion mechanism.

To advance to a large realm, it would take ten times. Presumably the Lingbao would not deviate too much.

This time, 9 high-grade spiritual treasures were fused, plus a large high-grade spiritual treasure in Lin Changsheng's hand, making it exactly 10 pieces.

[10 high-grade spiritual treasures were detected. Are they fused into one heaven-reaching spiritual treasure? 】

The next moment, the panel prompted again.

Seeing this blood-red reminder, Lin Changsheng felt excited.

"Tongtian Lingbao?"

This is simply not cool.

It is definitely the land of immortal relics, the first heaven-reaching spiritual treasure that has come out.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose fusion again.

The next moment, 10 high-grade spiritual treasures that many monks coveted merged together, emitting an extremely dazzling light that made it difficult to open one's eyes.

After about three breaths, the light slowly dissipated.

[After the fusion is completed, please select the weapon category. The categories include knives, swords, sticks, and halberds——]


Before the prompts on the panel ended, Lin Changsheng decisively chose the knife.

[The type of Tongtian Lingbao is a knife. Please name this knife? 】

The panel immediately issued a prompt.

"The first heaven-reaching spiritual treasure that appears in the Immortal Relics Land is called the Unparalleled Divine Blade!"

Lin Changsheng named his Tongtian Lingbao.

[Named successfully, Wushuang Divine Blade is being synthesized! 】

The next moment, rays of light flickered away again, and after that, a green blade flashing with ancient patterns appeared in front of Lin Changsheng.

"Why is this knife blue?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the blade with some surprise, but when he lifted it up, he found that it was extremely heavy.

Without the use of mana, it would be a bit difficult to wield at all.

However, after the running mana is injected into it, it is very easy to swing and does not feel heavy at all.

"This sword actually has six levels of restrictions? But fortunately, it is made of fusion. It does not need to be refined layer by layer, and it can directly explode with the strongest power!"

Lin Changsheng saw six divine patterns on the blade of the sword, and running his divine sense detection, he found that the sword actually had six levels of restrictions, and he was a little surprised.

But this is normal. The more powerful the magic weapon is, the more restrictions it has.

Just like Taixu Temple, this treasure actually has 24 levels of restrictions.

Just refining it, I don’t know how many years it will take.

It is indeed a treasure on the list of immortals in the Immortal Realm.

"How about giving it a try?"

Lin Changsheng held the unparalleled divine blade in his hand and left the hall in one leap.

When he fell down, he was already a hundred miles away from Shengxian Sect.

There is a mountainous area here, rolling up and down, with no end in sight.

No matter how powerful the attack is, it will not harm innocent people.

Lin Changsheng circulated his magic power and injected it into the Wushuang Divine Blade. The powerful magic power immediately caused the Wushuang Divine Blade to shine brightly.

Following Lin Changsheng's swing, the Wushuang Divine Blade directly slashed out a ray of white light, piercing the sky.

For a moment, the space seemed to be torn apart by this sharp knife.


In an instant, the sharp sword light fell on the mountains in the distance, and a huge explosion broke out.

The rolling mountains suddenly collapsed thousands of feet away when Lin Changsheng killed them.

A bottomless ravine appeared on the ground.

The ravine cliffs are neat and smooth, showing how sharp the blade is.

If Lin Changsheng hadn't killed the huge abyss and ravine with his own sword.

Lin Changsheng didn't quite believe that such a vast and bottomless abyss could be cut out by a sword.

"It's faster and more powerful than before!"

Lin Changsheng said happily.

In the past, to slash out with one sword, you needed to gather a hundred feet of sword light, although the power was astonishing.

But the speed is not fast enough.

If it weren't for his spiritual suppression, monks of the same level could easily avoid it.

But it was different now. Lin Changsheng swung his blade, leaving only an imperceptible sharp blade in the sky.

The next kill came in an instant, faster and more powerful.

It’s easy to be caught off guard.

If he had this treasure in hand when fighting Master Ling Yun and Su Changkong, would Su Changkong have a chance to escape?

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

"Go and see if Su Changkong has left any immortal skills?"

After integrating the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure, Lin Changsheng plans for you to hunt for treasure in the Hidden Immortal Pond in Liuyun that only the sect master can enter now.

This realm can only be entered by the sect masters of the Liuyun Immortal Sect in the past.

There are many powerful immortal arts among them.

Lin Changsheng didn't intend to miss it.

After all, it can integrate Immortal Art, and the more Immortal Art it obtains, the more powerful it will be.

Lin Changsheng found Liao Bugui, and with his guidance, he arrived at the Hidden Immortal Pond easily.

Although Zangxian Pond has the word "chi", it does not mean that it is a pond.

Instead, the buildings here are like pools, with clouds and mist lingering all year round.

What is displayed inside are all the profound immortal arts that Liuyun Immortal Sect has specialized in for generations.

Generally speaking, Immortal Jue Lin Changsheng would still look down upon him.

Lin Changsheng also found the Qiandie Jianlangjue that Su Changkong had used. This magic spell was pretty good.

The sword energy that is cut out can be stronger than the wave after wave. When it is perfected, it can reach thousands of times, which shows how powerful it is.

If Su Changkong hadn't met Lin Changsheng, no one at the Nascent Soul level would have been able to defeat him.

However, Lin Changsheng was too strong, allowing this Taoist Immortal to display its terrifying power.

But if this Immortal Art breaks out from Lin Changsheng's hands, its power will be completely different. (End of chapter)

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