The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 269 New Immortal Technique, Sky-Towering Sword Shadow, Ten Thousand Thunder God-Burning Arch

In just half a day, the three great immortal techniques were all completed.

[Qiandie Jianlang Jue (Perfection) and Ten Thousand Demons Destroying the World (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated into a new Immortal Art? 】

[It has been detected that the Heart-piercing Arrow Technique (Perfection) and the Nine Thunder Poison Flame Archery Technique (Perfection) have been detected. Are they integrated into a new Immortal Technique? 】

[It has been detected that the Tian Xing Zun Body Art (Perfection) and the Dragon God Golden Body Holy Body (Perfection) are merged into a new Immortal Art? 】

After the three great immortals were completed, the fusion prompt popped up again on the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to merge.

After fusion, a stronger immortal art will be born, and only fools would not fuse.

[Qiandie Sword Wave Jue (Perfect), Ten Thousand Demons Destroying the World (Perfect), the fusion begins... Fusion is in progress... The fusion is completed, you will get the New Immortal Jue Sword Shadow! 】

[The fusion of Ten Thousand Zhangs Pierced Heart Archery (Perfection) and Nine Thunder Poison Flame Archery (Perfection) has begun... Fusion is in progress... Fusion is completed, and you will obtain the New Immortal Jue Ten Thousand Thunder God-Burning Archery Technique]

[The fusion of the Heavenly Star Supreme Body Art (Perfection) and the Dragon God Golden Body Holy Body (Perfection) begins... Fusion is in progress... The fusion is completed, and you will get the New Immortal Art Dragon God Tianzun Holy Body! 】

"The sword shadow is monstrous to the sky? Thousands of thunder-burning god archery skills? The holy body of Dragon God Tianzun?"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied when he saw the three great immortal arts that had been fused.

I just don’t know how powerful it will be after reaching Consummation?

[The new Immortal Jue Sword Shadow is detected. Do you want to spend 7,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[The new Immortal Jue Ten Thousand Thunder God-Burning Archery Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 7,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

[The Holy Body of the New Immortal Dragon God Tianzun has been detected. Do you want to spend 7,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

The next moment, the panel prompted again.

After many times of fusion, the three great immortal arts have become more and more powerful, so the spiritual stones required for simplification have also increased.

However, Lin Changsheng would not be reluctant to part with the spirit stones. On the contrary, the more spirit stones he consumed, the happier he would be.

Because this also means that this Immortal Art is more powerful.


Lin Changsheng decisively clicked Simplify.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the sword shadow is beginning...simplification is in progress...the simplification is completed, the sword shadow is monstrous==watch a beautiful woman wielding a sword! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Ten Thousand Thunder God-Burning Archery Technique has begun...simplification is in progress...the simplification is completed, the Ten Thousand Thunder God-Burning Archery Technique == burning arrows! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of Dragon God Tianzun's Holy Body has begun... Simplification is in progress... The simplification is completed, Dragon God Tianzun's Holy Body == Coiling Dragon! 】

"Watching beautiful women dancing swords? Burning arrows? Coiling dragons?"

The difficulty of these three simplifications is a little more difficult than at the beginning, but it is not difficult.

Lin Changsheng immediately ordered Liao Bugui to find dozens of female disciples and then prepare some arrows.

Then he drew a dragon on the paper and started to coil it in his hand.

Dragon God Tianzun’s holy body experience value +!

Dragon God Tianzun’s holy body experience value +!

The proficiency of Dragon God Tianzun's holy body continues to increase crazily.

While Lin Changsheng was continuously cultivating the Holy Body of the Dragon God, the Shengxian Sect was exploding.

Because Lin Changsheng's request for Liao Bugui to find dozens of female disciples did not go smoothly, which made all the male disciples extremely angry.

"This Lin Changsheng is really nothing. He just took over our Liuyun Immortal Sect and changed its name to Shengxian Sect. Now he actually has to find dozens of female disciples to serve him? It's simply shameless!"

"That's right, you are all great monks of Nascent Soul, but you still can't quit these ordinary people's things. Even if you survive the tribulation in the future, you will definitely be struck to death by lightning!"

"Just him? Still want to survive the tribulation? The most he can do is remain a Nascent Soul Great Monk!"

"I really envy Lin Changsheng! He wants to have dozens of female disciples at once, and he's so unhappy!"

Many disciples in the Shengxian Sect cursed Lin Changsheng as a beast, but no one dared to trouble him.

After all, Lin Changsheng has a level of cultivation at the level of a Nascent Soul monk. Who is his opponent?

Even the ancestors of their sect were shocked and killed, and the sect leader fled.

Of course, there are also those who envy Lin Changsheng. If they had Lin Changsheng's level of cultivation, they would definitely have more fun than Lin Changsheng.

"Lin Changsheng, you are so lucky! I don't even get such a good treatment! Do you think you can handle playing with dozens of people at once?"

In the crowd, Cao De shook his belt and smiled evilly.

When he asked Lin Changsheng to go to Goulan to play, Lin Changsheng pretended to be a gentleman.

Now that I have some strength, my true colors are revealed.

Apart from pursuing immortality, men probably have only this hobby.

If you don't even have this hobby, what kind of man would you be?

So Cao De understood Lin Changsheng very well.

Most of the male disciples were angry, but the female disciples were different.

One by one, they signed up enthusiastically, as if they had found an opportunity to get close to Lin Changsheng.

Among them are even the sect's geniuses Xin Yun'er, Li Muyun, Ling Caiyin and others.

Not long after, dozens of female disciples were brought to the Hidden Immortal Pond by Liao Bugui, along with a lot of useless arrows.

"Thank you for your hard work, Master Liao. You can go down first!"

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied with Liao Bugui's attitude in doing things, and found everyone in a short time.

Each of these female disciples is as beautiful as a flower, and it is a pleasure to look at them.

"Yes! If Senior Lin has any other instructions, you can inform me at any time!"

Liao Bugui said respectfully.

If it weren't for Lin Changsheng, how could he have the chance to become the leader of a sect?

Even if Su Changkong ascends to the upper world, it will be Li Jiantang who controls Liuyun Immortal Sect, and it will not be his turn.

It was thanks to Lin Changsheng that he could become the leader of a sect.

Therefore, Liao Bugui was respectful to Lin Changsheng.

After the words fell, Liao Bugui planned to leave.


Just when Liao Bugui was about to leave, Lin Changsheng called out to him.

"Senior, do you have any other instructions?"

Liao Bugui turned around and said respectfully.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and took out a pill exuding bursts of spiritual energy from his storage bag.

The elixir pattern is wandering around on this elixir, which is not simple at first glance.

"This pill is called the Immaculate Nascent Soul Divine Pill. After taking it, it can not only improve your cultivation and powerful spiritual consciousness, but also cast the flawless Nascent Soul when you are promoted to Nascent Soul. It will be of great benefit to you!"

Lin Changsheng knocked out the elixir, and Liao Bugui was shocked when he heard the effect.

He immediately stretched out his hand to catch it, as if it were a treasure, and Dan cherished it extremely much.

"Can you cast a flawless Nascent Soul? Thank you so much, senior!"

Liao Bugui was so moved that he almost knelt down in front of Lin Changsheng.

The previous sect leader Su Changkong had never treated him so kindly.

In the future, he would not hesitate to go to hell for Lin Changsheng.

"Get down!"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand, and Liao Bugui immediately left respectfully.

He also did this after seeing that Liao Bugui had reached the late stage of Jindan and was about to be promoted to Nascent Soul.

There will be many places where Liao Bugui will be used in the future, so it is necessary to win people's hearts.

Moreover, Lin Changsheng had a total of eight of the Immaculate Nascent Soul Divine Pills in his hand. He had already created the Immaculate Nascent Soul Pill, so it was of little use to him.

The surrounding female disciples who saw this scene were immediately envious.

Lin Changsheng gave away the elixir that could condense the flawless Nascent Soul so easily?

Then wouldn't it be more beneficial for them to serve Lin Changsheng well? (End of chapter)

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